Learning english verbs

Мусаева, Г. (2022). Learning english verbs. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 319–320. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/analysis-problem/article/view/13006
Гавхар Мусаева, Ташкентский фармацевтический институт

Старший преподаватель кафедры узбекского языка и литературы



This article discusses the problems of using the "Zoom" program during the Pandemic to learn English. Currently, there are many methods of teaching English, but still teachers a language of high quality and interesting for distance learning. Also, several modern methods of teaching the language on the "Zoom" platform were considered

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Musaeva Gavhar Islomovna

Senior teacher of the Department of Uzbek language and literature

Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute


. This article discusses the problems of using the "Zoom" program during the Pandemic to

learn English. Currently, there are many methods of teaching English, but still teachers a language of high
quality and interesting for distance learning. Also, several modern methods of teaching the language on the
"Zoom" platform were considered.


distancelearning, form, Zoomprogram, methods, Internet

In the modern world, everything is changing rapidly, especially now in time COVID-19. The Methods

of teaching English are also demand to change simultaneously. As a result, in the context of the pandemic,

many educational organizations have switched to online education. At present, the use of information and

communication technologies in teaching English is one of the priorities of education, on the basis of which it

is possible to form vocabulary and grammar skills of students continuously. The most common are types of

distance learning based on interactive television; computer telecommunication networks (regional, global),

with various didactic capabilities depending on the configurations used (text files, multimedia technologies,

video conferencing); a combination of technology and the Internet (through the Zoom program or Telegram).

One of the most advanced methods of learning a foreign language is the method of language

immersion through the Zoom platform. “The rudiments of the idea of the method of language immersion

were used by the German teacher Berlitz, who specifically avoided using his native language in teaching” [1,

p. 112.] In his classes, he insisted that students talk more specifically in the language they are learning, and
thus learn vocabulary and grammar without learning the rules and words. In accordance with the technique
of "immersion", English should be the only means of communication between the teacher and students, with
distance learning this is relevant and interesting for students.

The characteristic features of the immersion method are the following features:


focus on mastering and the concept of a new topic (in our case, give an idea of the role of the verb in

the sentence);


creating an atmosphere of immersion in the atmosphere (the use of visual aids such as tables or



activation of the personality’s reserve capabilities (during the conference, through “Zoom” to

separate the functions of students according to their capabilities) [2, p.207.]. Thus, when using the “Zoom”
platform, the student has the ability to conduct dialogues and independent work skills. The basis of the
immersion method is the use of vocabulary and the perception of speech by ear - this is the main barrier to
the Zoom program in distance learning. Therefore, it is necessary to apply various techniques that help create
a comfortable environment during self-isolation.

It should be noted that on the Zoom platform, you can use various teaching methods, as mentioned

above, for example, a presentation or a communicative method:


Presentation through the Zoom program: presentation of verbs will then be correct when they are

initially presented with a preposition in a connecting function. If the meaning of the verb with the preposition
varies, then you need to be guided when presenting them to the level of knowledge of students. At the basic
stage of mastering the language, learning and practicing the use of the

to look

verb in combination with

several prepositions is impossible at once. It will be more appropriate to limit ourselves to the meaning of


look at

, and then, as lexical skills are formed, other combinations of the same verb can be considered. If we

are talking about level 2 and 3 of mastering the language, then it is recommended to give a verb in several

To remind of/ to remind about/ to remind to do smth

Remind someone, something / remind about

someone, about something / remind to do something;


The communicative method through the program The communicative method is configured to

overcome the problem of the language barrier, as it combines translation and grammar exercises with speech
exercises, films, film clips, recordings of radio and television broadcasts, etc. They can introduce students to
the history and culture of the country of the language being studied, help to visualize and comprehend the
phenomena of nature and public life.

Thus, this situation greatly affects the condition of a person, his mood, performance, self-confidence,

creative generation of ideas. To create a comfortable environment for communication, it is necessary to use
various teaching methods on the Zoom platform. “When using this program, new principles for selecting and
organizing speech and language material should be applied, of which the leading ones are activity,

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personality-role, situational and thematic principles” [3, p. 98.]. In order to apply their knowledge in practice,
students should train a lot, gradually overcoming the excitement that prevents them from concentrating and
this can be done on the basis of the “Zoom” conference, and it is also necessary to apply the communicative
method, which ensures the active participation of each student, stimulates speech communication, promotes
the formation of interest and desire to learn a foreign language.



Belkova M.M. Information-computer technologies in English lessons // English in school.2008


Use of computer game programs for teaching English in elementary schools // English language, “The first

of September” 2009


Azarov V.N. Quality.Innovation. Education // Moscow: European Center for Quality. 2009


Ilmiy rahbar: Sirojiddinova Sh.S.

Talaba:Boboqulova Sh.


Ushbu maqolada chet tilida lug`at asnosida mazmun va mohiyatni o`qitishning leksik

tamoyillari va xususiyatlari borasida ma`lumotlar ko`rsatilgan. Leksik birliklarning chet tili o`rganishdagi
kompetentivlik jihatlari va ularning qo`llanilish jihatlari ochib berilgan.

Kalit so`zlar:

leksik mahorat,birlik, kompetensiya,nutq faoliyati,lug`at birliklari

Chet tilini o'rganish doirasida leksik malakani shakllantirish masalasi o'rta maktabda til o'qitishning

eng muhim muammolaridan biridir. Chet tilining til tizimining leksik tarkibini bilish va amaliy foydalanish
talabaning ikkinchi darajali lingvistik shaxsining og'zaki-semantik darajasini rivojlantirishga imkon beradi,
ya'ni. bu til darajasi, busiz chet tilini o'rganish va umuman olganda, chet tilining kommunikativ
kompetentsiyasiga erishish mumkin emas.

Leksik mahorat ostida leksik birlikni uning ma'nosi va tilning boshqa leksik birliklari bilan

birikmasidan kelib chiqqan holda tanlashning sintezlangan jarayonini tushunish odatiy holdir. Bundan

tashqari, leksik ko'nikmalarning asosini so'z va iboralar shaklida harakat qiladigan leksik dinamik

bog'lanishlar tashkil qiladi. Lug'at nutqning asosiy qurilish materiali bo'lganligi sababli, ya'ni. uning mazmun

tomoni, keyin chet tilining lug'atini o'zlashtirish barcha nutq qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishning asosiy shartidir.

Bundan kelib chiqadiki, leksik malakani o'rganish yakuniy maqsad emas, balki nutq faoliyatining

barcha turlarini o'rgatish vositasidir. Chet tilini o'zlashtirish doirasidagi leksik mahorat muammosini ko'plab

tadqiqotchilar ushbu malakaning murakkabligi va tuzilishini ko'rsatadilar. Tadqiqotchi I.N. Dmitrusenko

leksik malakaning uchta asosiy komponentini belgilaydi:


leksik birlikni xotiradan esga tushirish;


leksik birlikning oldingi va keyingi birliklar bilan birikmasi;


leksik birlikni tanlashning kontekstga muvofiqligini aniqlash [1].

Leksik mahoratning alohida komponentlarini hisobga olish katta ahamiyatga ega, chunki ular

o'qitishning optimal usullarini tanlashda, shuningdek, chet tilini o'rganish doirasida leksik ko'nikmani
shakllantirishga mo'ljallangan leksik birliklarni tanlashda namoyon bo'ladi.

Leksik malakalar odatda ikki guruhga bo'linadi:

mahsuldor leksik malakalar, ya'ni. Nutq va yozishda so'zlarni tanlash va ishlatish ko'nikmalari;


retseptiv leksik qobiliyatlar, ya'ni. o'qish va tinglashda so'zlarni tanib olish va tushunish

ko'nikmalari [1].

Leksik malaka shakl va ma’no bog‘lanishiga asoslanadi va uning mohiyati shundan iboratki,

o‘quvchilar ongida idrok etilayotgan so‘z yoki uning shakli bir zumda o‘z ma’nosini keltirib chiqaradi.
Aksincha, kerakli qiymat mos keladigan shaklni chaqiradi. Shu munosabat bilan leksik mahoratni
rivojlantirish doirasida lug'atning semantik komponentini hisobga olish katta ahamiyatga ega. Lug'atning
semantik tarkibiy qismlari "uning tuzilishini tashkil etuvchi qiymatlardan ko'ra ko'proq kasr birliklari" deb
tushuniladi - ular ushbu standartlarning tashuvchilari [aks etilgan haqiqatda ma'lum jihatlar bilan ajralib
turadigan ideal o'lchov standartlari] va muvofiqlik. aks ettirilgan ob'ektning voqelik belgilarining mavjudligi
ushbu ob'ektni so'z bilan ifodalashga imkon beradi" [2, 38].

Leksik mahorat faol va passiv leksik minimum yoki lug'at tushunchalari bilan chambarchas bog'liq.

Faol lug'at o'quvchilar tomonidan nutq va yozishda fikrlarni ifodalash uchun ko'pincha ishlatiladigan 18

Библиографические ссылки

Belkova M.M. Information-computer technologies in English lessons // English in school.2008

Use of computer game programs for teaching English in elementary schools И English language, “The first of September” 2009

Azarov V.N. Quality.Innovation. Education // Moscow: European Center for Quality. 2009

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