Learning English idioms: traditional approach and modern online opportunities

Очилова, Н., & Каршиев, Ш. (2022). Learning English idioms: traditional approach and modern online opportunities. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 156–158. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/analysis-problem/article/view/12884
Ноиля Очилова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков


Шахбоз Каршиев, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

2 магистрант 1 курса



This article discusses the problem of teaching English idioms in a non-linguistic university. The imaginative and emotional potential of idiomatic expressions of professional vocabulary used to describe various topics makes it possible to attract these units of language to increase the educational motivation of students, to develop general cultural and linguistic competence

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Хулоса қилиб айтганда визуализация воситаларидан ( тасвир, графика, аудио, видео ва

анимация) ўқув жараёнида фойдаланиш талабаларга ўқув материаллаарини ички ва ташқи
хоссаларини ўрганиш билан бир қаторда масофадан таълим олиш имкониятини ҳам яратади.



Шаталов,В.Ф. Куда и как исчезли тройки. Из опыта работы школ Донецка / В. Ф. Шаталов;

Предисл. В. В. Давыдова. – М.: «Педагогика», 1980.

Ермолаева,Ж.Е., Герасимова,И.Н., Лапухова,О.В. Инфографика как способ визуализации учебной

информации // Концепт.–2014. –№ 11. [Электронный ресурс].–Режим доступа:http://e-

Пачатковае навучанне: сям’я, дзіцячы сад, школа №11/2015Университет педагогического






В.Л. Бройдо. Вычислительные системы, сети и телекоммуникации.- СПб.: Питер, 2005. -703с.


Н.В. Макарова и др. Информатика. /Под ред. Н.В. Макаровой. М.: Финансы и статистика, 2003. 768


KUSHBAKOVA, M., Zarina, R. U. Z. I. M. U. R. O. D. O. V. A., & Shahram, A. S. L. O. N. O. V. (2020).

Innovative Methods and Ways to Teach and Learn Foreign Language. ECLSS Online 2020a, 146.

Rasulov, S., Akhmedova, G., Rustamova, K., Turamkulov, S., & Nurullayeva, N. (2020). Grape Shinny

For Prevention And Nutritional Support Of Micronutrient Deficiency In Mothers And Children. European
Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(07), 2020.

Матьякубова, Ф. Э., Рустамова, Х. Х., & Муродова, У. Р. (2020). ПАТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ

образования, (17 (71)), 86-91.

Aslonov, S., & Ruzimurodova, Z. (2020). INGLIZ TILINI O ‘QITISHNING INNOVATSION

USULLARI. Студенческий вестник, (12-5), 72-74.

Ахмеджанова, Н., & Аслонов, Ш. (2020). Семантические типы предикатов и фазовая

членимость глагольного действия. Интернаука,(12-1), 27-29.



Ochilova Noila Farmanovna

Teacher, SamSIFL

Qarshiev Shakhboz, 2


year master degree student


: This article discusses the problem of teaching English idioms in a non-linguistic university.

The imaginative and emotional potential of idiomatic expressions of professional vocabulary used to
describe various topics makes it possible to attract these units of language to increase the educational
motivation of students, to develop general cultural and linguistic competence.


teaching methodology, non-linguistic university, idiomatic expression, idiom, motivation,

linguistic competence, educational problem, electronic resource.

The problem of expanding the vocabulary of students has always been in the focus of attention of

linguists and methodologists working in the field of teaching foreign languages. One of the ways to enrich
the dictionary is the study of figurative means of language, among which idiomatic expressions occupy a
special place.

There is an opinion that the study of idioms is unnecessarily time-consuming and does not justify the

effort due to their limited use in productive speech. However, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that
ignorance of idioms can significantly complicate the perception of authentic English speech in both audio
and text format. As a rule, students show great interest in idioms because of their expressiveness. And the
factor of interest as a way of motivation to learn a language is very valuable and must be used. Idioms can be
considered as an effective tool to increase motivation in the learning process for a number of reasons.

Firstly, they reflect the national culture, the peculiarities of everyday life, customs and traditions of the

country of the studied language, are part of the linguistic picture of the world and include students in the
practice of intercultural communication. Familiarity with the etymology of idioms often generates vivid
associative connections, which makes it easier to remember them. For example, the idiom to bury the hatchet
means 'to reconcile, to restore friendly relations'. The idiom has historical roots. During the Indian Wars, in

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order to conclude peace, the belligerents had to literally bury, bury their axes. Another idiom - nuclear option

means 'last resort, last resort'. The appearance of this idiom is associated with the sad facts of the tragedy of

the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The idiom baptism of fire means 'the first difficult
experience' and refers us to the Christian religious tradition of Baptism. Thus, the mastery of phraseological
units goes in parallel with the study of history, expanding the horizons of students, enriching their cultural

Secondly, the study of idioms is necessary, as it develops the linguistic competence of students,

arouses interest in the expressive means of language. The neutral phrase very quickly is much less expressive
than the corresponding idiom before you can say knife. In addition to emotional content, students get used to
catching connotative shades of meaning. For example, the Chair Force idiom means 'office workers' and
expresses a somewhat derogatory emotional and evaluative attitude adopted in the US Air Force to those
who do not fly. The consonance of the words air-chair also works to create the desired effect. The phonetic

similarity of the components of an idiom often works to create a certain stylistic effect. For example, the
idiom full battle rattle means 'full combat gear'. It usually includes a bulletproof vest, helmet, night vision
device, weapons, ammunition, sleeping bag, food rations, water. In motion, all this equipment creates a
certain noise (rattle).

Knowledge of idioms allows you to use different stable expressions to convey one thought without

losing emotional potential. Thus, the ability to apply linguistic synonymy develops. For example, the idiom
in the trenches, which means 'on the most difficult site, on the front line, in the trenches', has a synonym on
the frontlines. The idiom back on the block, which means 'on the citizen', has a synonym in civvy street.

Thus, all of the above proves that idiomatic expressions have characteristics that arouse genuine

interest of the trainees. They have a positive effect on the level of motivation when mastering English. The
world of idioms is fascinating, informative, motivates students to learn the language, but it is very difficult.

Analyzing the difficulties that arise when studying idioms, it should be noted that those idioms that

attract trainees are at the same time a source of many problems in the educational process.

As noted above, the difficulty of learning idioms is associated with a great dependence of the

successful mastery of an idiom on the background knowledge of the trainees. The broader the horizons, the
easier it is to understand the origin of the idiom, the connection of its verbal components with the image that
is fixed for them. In many cases, an etymological analysis of the idiom is necessary. On the one hand, the
history of origin is always interesting, on the other hand, it requires more educational efforts, referring to
more sources. For example, the idiom to bite the bullet means 'bravely endure the test'. In the old days, when
it was not possible to do anesthesia, doctors asked the wounded man to bite the bullet to distract from the
pain. Another example is the idiom birth-control glasses, meaning 'contraceptives', will be incomprehensible
if you do not know that the glasses issued to US military personnel are so ugly that they can perform the
function of "contraceptives". Thus, etymological analysis generates vivid associative connections, but
requires a lot of research work.

Given the difficulties faced by trainees and their teachers, the approach to mastering idiomatic

expressions should be multifaceted. It is advisable to continue using traditional ways of learning idioms and
supplement them with new techniques available thanks to the development of online technologies in

The traditional approach involves working on the awareness of the meaning of the idiom, on

memorizing its form and activating the idiom in speech. There are special tutorials for learning idioms, to
check the level of mastery of idioms. In addition, almost all authentic training courses include sections on the
study of idioms, starting from the Pre-intermediate, Intermediate level. As a rule, idioms are grouped into
blocks either by communicative topics or by keywords. Presentation of a new idiom is carried out in context,
with the help of definitions, pictures. Many aspects of the study of idioms have received coverage in

At the stage of presentation, the task of the teacher is to carefully select an idiom, to think over the

method of acquaintance with it, to choose the most optimal way to work on its meaning. Having understood
the meaning, students perform a set of exercises to work out the form of the idiom, to successfully memorize
and use it in speech. Here are some exercises that have proved effective in the course of our work:


Complete the idiom.


Match an idiom to a picture.


Match words from two boxes to form idioms.


Correct mistakes in the idioms in the text.


Paraphrase the sentence using an idiom.


Express the opposite meaning to the sentence below. Use an idiom.


Make your own sentences using idioms.

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Translate the sentences using an idiom.


Read the text and give an idiom which communicates its main idea.


Complete the dialogue /the text with a suitable idiom.


Describe the situations in the pictures using idioms.


Write/tell a short story to illustrate the idiom.


Role play: One cadet summarizes a film or a book using an idiom. The others have to guess what

the title of the film/book is.


Make up a list of idioms to describe a character of the film/book.


Do a test on idioms.

The traditional approach to the study of idioms has undoubtedly proved its effectiveness. However, if

there is an opportunity to diversify the educational process, make it more exciting and attractive for modern
young people of generation Z, then this opportunity should be used as much as possible.

The Internet offers a large set of special sites designed for learning English in general and idioms in

particular. First of all, it is necessary to mention electronic dictionaries that allow you to instantly find an
idiom, its definition, translation into your native language, an example of use in speech and, if necessary, a
grammatical comment. Currently, all publishing houses of the largest universities that produce dictionaries in
print also present their electronic counterparts, which are much faster and more convenient to use, for
example, www.dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-russian/idiom.

With all the variety of online materials, some of which we actively used in our work, I would like to

say that most of the resources devoted to the study of idioms only explain their meanings and illustrate their
use in speech. This is very important, but not enough. As for exercises for memorizing the form of idioms
and exercises for using them in speech by students themselves, there is incomparably less such material. But
what is available, it is necessary to use it, because the educational material presented in modern electronic
"packaging" arouses the keen interest of students and provides great help and support to the teacher.

Based on the review, we are inclined to conclude that at this stage of the development of online

learning materials, they can rather be used as a very interesting, but still an auxiliary tool in the traditional
approach to learning idioms. Traditional methods have passed the test of time and proved their effectiveness.
The didactic potential of electronic resources in teaching English has yet to be revealed. It is necessary to
supplement existing sites or create new ones with a large variety of training tasks. The analysis of this work
can be the object of promising research in this field.



Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. Дубна: Феникс+, 2005.


Виноградов В.В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке. Избранные труды.

Лексикология и лексикография. Москва: Наука, 1977: 140 - 161.

Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Под редакцией В.Н. Ярцевой. Москва:

Советскаяэнциклопедия, 1990.

O'Dell F., McCarthy M. English idioms in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2010.


O'Dell F., McCarthy M. English Collocations in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2008.


McCarthy M., O'Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2002.


Wyatt R. Check your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and idioms. London: A&C Black, 2006.


Pitts W. iELTS Test English idioms You Need. IELTS TestPracticePublishers, 2019.


KUSHBAKOVA, M., Zarina, R. U. Z. I. M. U. R. O. D. O. V. A., & Shahram, A. S. L. O. N. O. V. (2020).
Innovative Methods and Ways to Teach and Learn Foreign Language. ECLSS Online 2020a, 146.


Rasulov, S., Akhmedova, G., Rustamova, K., Turamkulov, S., & Nurullayeva, N. (2020). Grape Shinny For

Prevention And Nutritional Support Of Micronutrient Deficiency In Mothers And Children. European Journal
of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(07), 2020.


Матьякубова, Ф. Э., Рустамова, Х. Х., & Муродова, У. Р. (2020). ПАТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ

образования, (17 (71)), 86-91.


Aslonov, S., & Ruzimurodova, Z. (2020). INGLIZ TILINI O ‘QITISHNING INNOVATSION

USULLARI. Студенческий вестник, (12-5), 72-74.

Библиографические ссылки

Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. Дубна: Феникс+, 2005.

Виноградов В.В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке. Избранные труды. Лексикология и лексикография. Москва: Наука, 1977: 140 - 161.

Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Под редакцией В.Н. Ярцевой. Москва: Советскаяэнциклопедия, 1990.

O'Dell F., McCarthy М. English idioms in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2010.

O'Dell F., McCarthy M. English Collocations in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2008.

McCarthy M., O'Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: CUP, 2002.

Wyatt R. Check your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and idioms. London: A&C Black, 2006.

Pitts W. iELTS Test English idioms You Need. IELTS TestPracticePublishers, 2019.

KUSHBAKOVA, M., Zarina, R. U. Z. I. M. U. R. O. D. О. V. A., & Shahram, A. S. L. O. N. О. V. (2020). Innovative Methods and Ways to Teach and Learn Foreign Language. ECLSS Online 2020a, 146.

Rasulov, S., Akhmedova, G., Rustamova, K., Turamkulov, S., & Nurullayeva, N. (2020). Grape Shinny For Prevention And Nutritional Support Of Micronutrient Deficiency In Mothers And Children. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(07), 2020.

Матьякубова, Ф. Э., Рустамова, X. X., & Муродова, У. Р. (2020). ПАТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ТЕРАПИИ ХРОНИЧЕСКОГО ВИРУСНОГО ГЕПАТИТА В. Достижения науки и образования, (17 (71)), 86-91.

Aslonov, S., & Ruzimurodova, Z. (2020). INGLIZ T1LINI О ‘QITISHNING INNOVATSION USULLARI. Студенческий вестник, (12-5), 72-74.

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