Problems faced by teachers in teaching english language

Насруллаева, М., Санакулова, Н., & Муртазаева, М. (2022). Problems faced by teachers in teaching english language. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 343–345. извлечено от
Мохигуль Насруллаева, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков


Нозима Санакулова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

студентка 2 курса

Маржона Муртазаева, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

студентка 2 курса



This article aims to discuss all the problems faced by teachers in teaching English language. That what are the problems that the English teachers faced in teaching the English language. The students belong to different countries where the English language is not a native language, they learn the English language as a second language

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basic human right for a child. Also secondary education is the stage of education following primary
education. Except in countries where only primary or basic education includes the final stage of compulsory
education, and in many countries it is entirely compulsory. Secondary education is characterized by
transition from primary education for minors to tertiary, “post-secondary”, or “higher” education for adults.
Depending on the system, schools for this period or a part of it may be called secondary schools. Secondary
Education in Russia is compulsory for all children and is provided at the place of residence at schools,
lyceums and gymnasiums.The secondary education system consists of three stages, corresponding to the age
of children and their learning opportunities:-Elementary school includes grades 1-4 where children enter
after kindergarten. At this stage, the generated classes study different subjects with the same teacher; much
attention is paid not only to the study of disciplines, but also to the comprehensive development of students.
Many visual aids and methods \ of presenting information are used during the lessons, game elements or
Arthur’s methodologies may also take place.

-Grades 5 to 9 are the final stage of the school education compulsory part. The curriculum

substantially expands the list of subjects, and they are read by different teachers, each specializes in one
discipline. After grade 9, a student can enter a college or a technical school for vocational education;

-Russian high school includes grades 10 and 11 and is a preparatory stage for a university. On this

stage scholars decide on the future profession and focus on the subjects necessary for the exams.

Eleven – year secondary education in Russian is compulsory, the eleven-year school term is split


-Elementary – grades 1-4
-Middle – grades 5-9
-Senior – grades 10-11 classes
Secondary Education includes Basic General Secondary School.
Duration: 5 year
Age level: 10 to 15
Secondary education in USA is for students aged 12 to is and is often divided into three years of

middle school and four years of high school Secondary school students in USA must take certain ‘core’
curriculum courses for a prescribed number of years or terms, as determined by each state. These generally
include English, math’s, general science, health, physical education and social studies or social sciences
(which may include American history and government, geography world history and social problems). In
addition to mandatory subjects, students choose “electives” (optional subjects), which supplement their
future education and career plans.

Secondary English education students complete general education requirements and substantial study

in English in the areas of writing, language and literature as majors in the College of Education and Human
Sciences. Also, there are 3.458 secondary schools in England.

In conclusion, education makes you a better person and taches you various skills. It enhances your

intellect and the ability to make rational decisions. It enhance the individual growth of a person. Also
secondary education occupied an important place in our education system. It helps in national development,
encourage our cultural life and technical advancement. This education trains these young man and women
who are capable to developing our country socially, economically, politically and culturally.



James Jacob, S. Lehner EQUIP 2 State of the Art knowledge in Education Secondary Education”. p3-4.

EGAT/ED/BE, USAID Washington, 2011.


Pasi Sahberg “Secondary education in OECD countries’. p2-4,2007 Brasilia, Brazil, European Training
Foundation, 2007


Internet resources. Wikipedia


Scientific supervisor: Nasrullaeva Mokhigul Sukhrobovna

SamSIFL, teacher

Sanakulova Nozima Akhrorovna 2



SamSIFL, student

Murtazaeva Marjona Farmonovna 2



SamSIFL, student

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: This article aims to discuss all the problems faced by teachers in teaching English

language. That what are the problems that the English teachers faced in teaching the English language. The
students belong to different countries where the English language is not a native language, they learn the
English language as a second language.

Key words:

non-English speakers, learning process, digital devices, native, terms, non-sense


Nowadays learning the English language is very important for the students. They join different

institutes for learning the English language. Where the English teachers teach the English language to them.
Teaching the English language to non-English speakers is not an easy job for the teachers. The quality of a
good teacher is to recognize the problems and facilitate the best ever environments for the students and
encourage them to learn. Now I am going to discuss all the problems faced by teachers in teaching the
English language.

Environment matter most in learning and teaching the English language. Mostly the English teachers

faced environmental problems in teaching the English language.The disturbing environment of the classroom
distracts the teachers and affects the teaching of the English language. A suitable and comfortable
environment is the basic need of teaching the English language. If the environment is not suitable and
comfortable for the teachers then it ruins all the teaching and learning process of the English language. A
positive and comfortable learning environment is very essential for teaching the English language. Mostly
the teachers faced such kind of disturbing environment in teaching the English language. Not only the
English language, Teaching anything mostly depends on the resources. Mostly the teachers faced this kind of
problem, the resources which are essential for delivering the lectures of the English language to the students
for effective learning are not provided to them. It became very difficult for the teachers to teach without the
resources essential for the lectures. The resources include speakers, mike, projectors, computer systems and
other kinds of digital devices. [1]It makes the overall lecture and environment interesting and effective for
the students and helps them in learning the English language. A large number of students in the classroom
produce a lot of disturbance and stress for the teachers because teaching a large number of students the
teachers have to do more effort and hardworking.
The problems caused by a large number of students are given below:


Disturbed the teacher by making noises.


Difficult to manage the class students.


Engaging crowded students in learning is very difficult.


The learning resources are not available for all the students. [2]

The syllabus is a kind of content that the teachers follow to teach to the students. The syllabus plays a

very important role in teaching the English language and also in other subjects. The syllabus helps the
teachers to prepare the important factors of the course and organized the overall course to teach to the
students step by step. Mostly the teachers faced this problem in teaching the English language. The wrong
syllabus is given to them to teach the students the English language. The teachers teach the wrong syllabus
will make negative impressions on the students, and by this, the students cannot learn and speak the English
language. Time is the most important thing in learning the English language. It takes time for the teachers to
observe their students and teach them at their level. The time of the class is very little for the teachers to
teach the English language. This one of the most difficult tasks for the teachers to teach in less time. This is
probably not possible for the teachers to complete the topics of their lectures in less time, which is not
enough. Students hijack the lessons. Mostly the students are not interested in learning the English language.
They hijack the lessons and do other kinds of activities and the English learning process is defeated. The
English language teachers always count the students because they cannot go further in the course if the
students are missing. Sometimes the students get bored and try to do other activities during the lectures
which disturbed the teachers during teaching the English language. They try to speak to the other students
during the lectures which disturbed the teachers a lot. Some students come late for the lecture. They enter the
class during the lecture it disturbed the teacher. The disturbance is the biggest problem mostly the teachers
faced in teaching the English language. It defeated all the learning process of learning the English language.

Speaking other languages or speaking in the native language is the most noticeable issue faced by

English teachers. For the students, it’s very easy to speak in their native language or other languages which
they can speak easily instead of the English language. It’s very frustrating for the students trying to speak the
language and think the words and sentences to speak which they didn’t know. It’s very easy for them to
communicate in their native language or the language they already have experience with. This is the most
common and big problem faced by the English teachers in teaching the English language to the students in

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which the English language is not their native language. Another noticeable problem faced by the teachers is
the students completely depend on the teachers. They didn’t try to learn and speak themselves.

Those students every time look to the teachers for helping them in learning and giving them the

correct answers. They didn’t try to make words and correct sentences in speaking the English language. By
this problem, the students didn’t learn the technical terms and conditions of how to use different kinds of
tenses and words of the English language in speaking. Students getting bored and not interest in learning the
English language is also a problem faced by teachers. Sometimes the students are not interested in learning
and attending the lectures on the English language. [4] Then they try to do other activities. Sometimes They
disturbed the teachers by talking to the others and doing other non-sense activities during the lecture.

Teachers should make the rules and timetable of the classrooms, the students must have to follow

them. Rules and discipline play a very important role in learning the English language. The students have to
switch off their mobiles, not to speak with their fellow ones, come on time to the class for lectures and do
their homework on time, and submit to the teacher. If students break one of the rules in it then fined him/her.
Or contact their parents. In every field, students need the motivation to achieve their goals and step forward
toward their success. Sometimes the students distract from their goals to achieve. Then motivational
speeches and other motivational activities help them back to track. The teachers have to arrange motivational
sessions for the students once a month to keep them on track to learn the English language.



Brenner, G. Spoken English for Dummies / G. Brenner: Per. from Spanish M.A.


Sidorenko. - M.: Williams, 20XX. - 304 p. 8. Volegova, O.A. English for Bachelors of Management:

Textbook / O.A. Volegov. - Рн/

D: Phoenix, 20XX. - 430 p. 9. Zinovieva, L.A. Copywriting: English

4.L.A. Zinoviev. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 20XX. - 48 s. 10. Ivyanskaya, I.S. English Architects: A LANGUAGE for
a Study Guide, I.S. Ivyanskaya.- M.: COURSE, SIC INFRA-M, 20XX. -400 s.


Khalikova Nargiza Uktamovna

Ushbu maqola" Special holidays around the world "deb nomlanadi. Bu o'zbek tilida "Dunyo

mamlakatlarining maxsus bayramlari"deb tarjima qilinadi.Ushbu metodik qo'llanmada barcha ingliz tili
o'qituvchilari uchun foydalana oladigan interfaol usuldagi metodlardan foydalansa bo'ladi.

G'ayrioddiy ammo qiziqarli bayramlar ixtiro qilingan turli mamlakatlar odamlar hayotini yorqin

ranglar bilan rang -barang qilish uchun dunyoning ko'pgina davlatlarida uchraydi. Ular milliy an'analarni
unutmaslikka imkon beradi va asosan xalqlarni birlashtiradi.

Eng qiziqarli bayramlar haqida sizlar bilan o'rtoqlashaman, masalan Breda(Niderlandiya) shahrida

o'tkaziladigan ajoyib flesh-mob haqida gapirmaslik mumkin emas, g'ayrioddiy bayramlar qatoriga kiradi.

Olov festivali,Shotlandiyada nishonlanadi.Odamlar o'z mamlakati tarixini unutmasliklari uchun

ko'plab noodatiy tadbirlar o'tkazishadi.Yanvar oyi oxirida Shotlandiyada o'tkazilgan olov festivali ushbu
toifaga kiradi.Ko'p yillardan buyon shotlandlar o'z ajdodlari xotirasini hurmat qilish uchun har yili
Edinburggaoqib kelishadi.Ular qadimgi skandinaviyaliklar ko'p asrlar oldin ko'z-ko'z qilgan kiyimlarga
o'xshash jingalak kiyimlarda kiyinadilar.Shuningdek odamlar vikinglarga tegishli bo'lgan kemani
tasvirlaydigan kema modelini yaratadilar.Ajablanarlisi shundaki,uning uzunligi an'anaviy ravishda taxminan
o'n meterni tashkil qiladi.Belgilangan soatda kema bilan tantanali yurish o'tkaziladi,yurish minglab
mash'alalar olovi bilan yoritiladi.Yana huddi shunday bayramlardan biri bu Pomidor jangi,Ispaniyada
nishonlanadi va bu bayram "Tomatino"deb nomlanadi.Ispaniyada noodatiy bayramlar ham juda mashhur.Bu
bayram avgust oyining oxirida ushbu mamlakatga tashrif buyurishga muvaffaq bo'lgan sayyohlarni omadli
deb atash mumkin.Aynan o'sha paytda Ispaniyaning Bunol shahrida juda o'ziga xos bayrami bo'lib
o'tadi.Bayramning asosiy voqeasi markaziy shahar maydonida bo'lib o'tadi.Festivalga tashrif buyuruvchilar
bir-birlariga ezilgan pamidorlarni tashlashadi,ular oldindan tayyorlab qo'yishadi.Bu tomosha haqiqatan
e'tiborga loyiqdir,chunki minglab odamlar pomidor janglarida qatnashadilar.Kolumbiya Respublikasida ham
g'ayrioddiy va qiziqarli bayramlar mavjud. DANGASALIK kuni shulardan biridir.Bu Kolumbiyaning Itagul
shahrida nishonlanadi,uning aholisi to'g'ri dam olishning yetishmasligi qanchalik nosog'lom ekanligini
yaxshi bilishadi.Surunkali charchoq sindromi rivojlanishining oldini olish uchun ular 30 yildan ortiq vaqt
davomida ushbu bayramni nishonlab kelishadi.Dangasalik kuni -barcha kolumbiyaliklar uzoq kutilgan

Библиографические ссылки

Brenner, G. Spoken English for Dummies / G. Brenner: Per. from Spanish M.A.

Sidorenko. - M.: Williams, 20XX. - 304 p. 8. Volegova, O.A. English for Bachelors of Management:

Textbook / O.A. Volegov. - Рн/

D: Phoenix, 20XX. - 430 p. 9. Zinovieva, L.A. Copywriting: English

L.A. Zinoviev. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 20XX. -48 s. 10. Ivyanskaya, I.S. English Architects: A LANGUAGE for a Study Guide, I.S. Ivyanskaya.- M.: COURSE, SIC INFRA-M, 20XX. -400 s.

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