Improvement of the method of dental replantation | in Library

Improvement of the method of dental replantation



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Адашов, Ф., Курбанов, С., Усманова, Д., Омонов, Р., & Фозилов, М. (2021). Improvement of the method of dental replantation. in Library, 21(1), 4–5. извлечено от


Relevance of the topic. According to statistics, 50% of the total number of injuries of hard tissues of the maxillofacial region are injuries of the dental-alveolar sphere[1].Of  these,  injuries  observed  during  teething  occurred  in  0.9%  to 3.9%[2].Complete dislocation of permanent teeth accounts for about 3% of the total number of injuries in children[3-4].The work of a dentist is aimed at preserving the tooth as an organ.A variety of tooth-preserving operations is tooth replantation [5].  Further development of replantation technologies makes it possible to solve many problems of restoration of dentition and manufacture of full-fledged dentures at a higher scientific and practical level [6-7]. Accordingly, currently one of the urgent problems  facing  dentists  is  the  improvement  of  the  method-replantation-preservation of the tooth as an organ.

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Adashov F.S., Kurbanov S.A., Usmanova D.R., Omonov R.A., Fozilov M.M.

Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Relevance of the topic

. According to statistics, 50% of the total number of

injuries of hard tissues of the maxillofacial region are injuries of the dental-alveolar
sphere[1].Of these, injuries observed during teething occurred in 0.9% to
3.9%[2].Complete dislocation of permanent teeth accounts for about 3% of the total
number of injuries in children[3-4].The work of a dentist is aimed at preserving the
tooth as an organ.A variety of tooth-preserving operations is tooth replantation [5].
Further development of replantation technologies makes it possible to solve many
problems of restoration of dentition and manufacture of full-fledged dentures at a
higher scientific and practical level [6-7]. Accordingly, currently one of the urgent
problems facing dentists is the improvement of the method-replantation-
preservation of the tooth as an organ.

The purpose of the study: Improvement of the root treatment before the

replantation of teeth.

Objectives of the study

: 1. Analysis of fixation and complications of teeth

that are replanted by the traditional method.

2. Analysis of fixation and complications of teeth caused by replantation in

the proposed method.

Materials and methods:

Generalization of studies using an improved

replantation method for a study in 10 patients.

1. Methods of clinical research.
2. X-ray methods of research.
3. Statistical data analysis.
We observed 10 people with complete dislocation of the central incisors of

the upper jaw within 24 hours after the injury. The age of patients was 18-40 years.
The main causes of injury were falls, accidents and sports injuries.

Treatment of a complete dislocation of the tooth consists of the following

stages::1) trepanation of the tooth, amputation, extirpation of the pulp, filling of the
canal. 2) Treatment of the root part in preparation for dental replantation (fissure
forming when forming a thread). 3) preservation in sterile saline solution with
antibiotics for 60 minutes . 4) tooth replantation – the return of the tooth to its own
hole. 5) fixation of the replanted tooth for 4 weeks. 6) mechanical sparing
diet.Examination of the patient included:examination, palpation, EDI of adjacent
teeth, detailed general analysis of blood-X-ray studies:panoramic, dental
images.Before replantation, it was necessary to evaluate the tooth hole: on the X-ray
with a complete dislocation of the tooth, the hole is empty with clear contours, if the
hole of the dislocated tooth is destroyed, then the boundaries of the hole were
partially undefined or did not look clear, in these cases, recommend the use of
osteoplastic material (kolapol etc.)The injured tooth was removed from occlusion
(from contact) with the antagonist teeth by selective grinding. Fixation of the
replanted tooth was carried out with a smooth splint bracket made of aluminum wire
and fixed to the teeth with a thin bronze-aluminum ligature.In the postoperative

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period, both groups received the same treatment methods in the form of antibiotics
(lincomycin), painkillers and UHF physiotherapy No. 5,mouthwash with antiseptic
solutions. After 4 weeks after the operation of tooth replantation, all patients
underwent X-ray examination: panoramic and dental images.X-ray examination
after 12 weeks showed the sprouting of bone tissue on the formed fissure in the form
of a thread.Due to this, a better fixation of the tooth in the hole was achieved.

The results of treatment

were evaluated based on the study of subjective and

objective data no pain, tooth mobility, the condition of the mucous covers which in
circumference replanting of the tooth results isoenergetical studies (periodontal
health), the degree of mobility of the tooth.


Thus, the clinical testing of the proposed method of dental

replantation showed its effectiveness. The advantage of the proposed method is the
simplicity of replantation, the disappearance of swelling of the gingival mucosa in
the circumference in a short time, the low cost of the described treatment procedure,
low trauma and restoration of the functions of the replanted tooth.

The described method of replantation of permanent teeth with complete

dislocations can be recommended for its wide application in the practice of
outpatient surgical dentistry.


1. Efimenko V. P. Characteristics of mechanical damage to hard tissues of the

maxillofacial region in children//Proceedings of the VIII International Conference of
Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists. - SPb.: 2003. - p. 68.

2. Gevorkyan A. A. Substantiation of criteria for assessing the degree of harm

to health in isolated dental injuries: Author's abstract of the dissertation of the
Candidate of Medical Sciences-M., 2001. - 19 p.

3.Andreasen J.O., Andersson L. Avulsions. Textbook and color atlas of

traumatic injuries to the teeth. 4th edn. – Ox-ford, UK: Blackwell Munksgaard,
2007. – P. 444-88.

4. Ritwik P., Massey C., Hagan J. Epidemiology and outcomes of dental

trauma cases from an urban pediatric emer-gency department // Dent Traumatol. –
2015. Vol. 31. – P. 97-102.

5. Andreasen JO. Atlas of replantation and transplantation of teeth.

Philadelphia:Saunders; 1992; 303.

6. Malanin I. V. A new method of posttraumatic autoreplantation of teeth / I.

V. Malanin, M. A. Glushchenko / / Modern science-intensive technologies. - 2004. -
No. 4. - pp. 41-43.



Juraev H.A.

Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The tactics of treating inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial

region in patients with concomitant pathology are one of the urgent problems of

Библиографические ссылки

Efimenko V. P. Characteristics of mechanical damage to hard tissues of the maxillofacial region in children/ZProceedings of the VIII International Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentists. - SPb.: 2003. - p. 68.

Gevorkyan A. A. Substantiation of criteria for assessing the degree of harm to health in isolated dental injuries: Author's abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences-M., 2001. - 19 p.

Andreasen J.O., Andersson L. Avulsions. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. 4th edn. - Ox-ford, UK: Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007.- P. 444-88.

Ritwik P., Massey C., Hagan J. Epidemiology and outcomes of dental trauma cases from an urban pediatric cmcr-gcncy department // Dent Traumatol. -2015. Vol. 31,-P. 97-102.

Andreasen JO. Atlas of replantation and transplantation of teeth. Philadelphia:Saunders; 1992; 303.

Malanin I. V. A new method of posttraumatic autoreplantation of teeth /1. V. Malanin, M. A. Glushchenko / / Modem science-intensive technologies. - 2004. -No. 4. - pp. 41-43.

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