The role rational nutrition in prevention of dental diseases | in Library

The role rational nutrition in prevention of dental diseases



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Исанова, Д., & Ракхматуллаева, Д. (2018). The role rational nutrition in prevention of dental diseases. in Library, 18(1), 151–152. извлечено от
Д Исанова, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Кафедра профилактики стоматологических заболеваний

Д Ракхматуллаева, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Кафедра профилактики стоматологических заболеваний



Ancient  Greek  philosopher  Thales  of  Miletus  wrote  that  he  is  happy,  who  is healthy in body, receptive to soul  and submissive to education. The  Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the highest level of health as one of the basic human rights. The human right is closely related to its responsibility. The entire way  of  life  of  a  person,  and  especially  a  medical  student  and  a  doctor,  should constantly remind him  of the responsibility for his health and the health  of others. The  way  of  life  is  a  culture  of  nutrition,  movement,  profession,  use  of  free  time, creativity.  The  health  of  modern  man  is  60%  dependent  on  lifestyle.  At  the  same time,  a  healthy  lifestyle  determines  not  only  the  absence  of  disease,  but  also  the optimal functioning of all organs and systems, including the oral cavity. The way of life influences spiritual and physical health, strengthening or destroying it, prolonging or shortening  life. Consequently,  the right way  of  life  is a factor of  health, and an unhealthy lifestyle is a risk factor.

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Isanova D.R., Raxmatullaeva D.U.

TSDI, Chair of Preventive Maintenance of Stomatologic Diseases

Ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus wrote that he is happy, who is

healthy in div, receptive to soul and submissive to education. The Charter of the
World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the highest level of health as one of the
basic human rights. The human right is closely related to its responsibility. The entire
way of life of a person, and especially a medical student and a doctor, should
constantly remind him of the responsibility for his health and the health of others.
The way of life is a culture of nutrition, movement, profession, use of free time,
creativity. The health of modern man is 60% dependent on lifestyle. At the same
time, a healthy lifestyle determines not only the absence of disease, but also the
optimal functioning of all organs and systems, including the oral cavity. The way of
life influences spiritual and physical health, strengthening or destroying it, prolonging
or shortening life. Consequently, the right way of life is a factor of health, and an
unhealthy lifestyle is a risk factor.

The purpose of our study was

: studying the relationship between rational

nutrition and oral health in children

Materials and methods of research

: For the study, questionnaires were

compiled, including 16 questions about assessing one's own health and the main risk
factors in dentistry. Anonymous questioning was conducted among children. To
process the data obtained, a mathematical-statistical method was used to package the
standard EXCEL programs.

Results and discussion

: The topic of prevention of dental diseases is very

relevant, as the results of numerous studies show that the intensity of the main dental
diseases among our population is quite high. Thus, in three-year-old children, the
intensity of caries of temporary teeth is on average 3.7, that is, for every three-year-
old child almost 4 teeth are affected by caries. Later, with age, there is a significant
increase in caries activity.

The cause of tooth decay is bacteria. But the nature of nutrition is very

important. In the recommendations on rational nutrition, one should not forget about
the role of food as a factor in self-cleaning of the oral cavity, the natural process of
liberation from food debris and soft plaque. If there is a lack of nutrients during the
development of the child, due to illness of the child, the mother during pregnancy or
lactation, these substances can be introduced into the div with the help of
medications.To measures of effective primary prevention of dental diseases include
rational nutrition, as one of the components of a healthy lifestyle, directly affecting
the health of the oral cavity. The tissues of the oral cavity are target organs highly
sensitive to a lack of nutrients in the div. Thus, protein deficiency in children during
the development of teeth leads to a decrease in their size and mass, a violation of the
structure of the enamel, degeneration of the connective tissue of the gum and
periodontal ligament, delay healing of wounds and atrophy of the epithelium of the
tongue. Excess intake of carbohydrates, especially simple, leads to increased

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susceptibility of teeth to caries. One of the main defects in the nutrition of a modern
child is the consumption of excess amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates, which
have a negative impact not only on the teeth, but also on the div as a whole. They
lead to rapid saturation with calories and prevent the intake of essential amino acids,
vitamins, trace elements, etc.


: From the above it follows that rational nutrition contributes to the

formation of resistant organs and tissues of the oral cavity, to reduce the cariogenic
effect of digestible carbohydrates, in addition, it helps self-purification of the oral
cavity and strengthening the chewing apparatus. The laying of the teeth and the
development of the entire chewing apparatus take place in the intrauterine period (6-7
weeks), which justifies the beginning of individual prevention of dental diseases from
the antenatal period of the child's development.



Кадиров У.М., Сайфуллаев Ш.Б.

ТДСИ, хирургия ва ҳарбий дала жаррохлиги кафедраси

Тадкикот максади:

. Бош мия жароҳатлари (БМЖ) интенсив терапияcида

бош мия ичи гиперензиясини олдини олиш ва церебрал перфузион босимни
(ЦПБ)ни таъминлаш мақсадида оптимал нейровегитация учун препаратларни
танлаб олиш.

Материал ва усуллар:

. ТМА 2 ва 3-клиникасида 2016-2017 йилларда 30та

БМЖ бўлган беморларда оптимал нейровегитацияловчи препаратларни куллаш
орқали мияда қон айланиши, БМИБ ва ЦПБ узгаришларини урганилди.
Беморларнинг уртача ёши 29 ± 3.7 ёшни ташкил этди. Беморлар 2 гурухга
булинди. Биринчи гурухга стандарт базис даволаш фонида нейровегетация
учун midozalami+ketamini (n=15) кулланилди. Иккинчи гурухга эса
нейровегетация учун droperidoli+phentanyli (n=15) танланди.

Натижа ва тахлил:

Биринчи гурухдаги беморлардан 8та бемор (53,3%)

енгил неврологик етишмовчиликлар билан, 3та бемор (20%) моно- еки
парапарезлар еки плегиялар билан, 3та бемор(20%) огир неврологик
етишмовчилик билан шифохонадан чикарилди, 1та беморда (6,7%) улим холати
кузатилди. Иккинчи гурухдаги беморларнинг 9 (60%) тасида енгил неврологик
етишмовчилик колди, 4та бемор (26,7%) %) моно- еки парапарезлар еки
плегиялар билан, 1та беморда (6,7%) огир неврологик етишмовчилик билан
шифохонадан чикарилди. Улим холати бу гурухда кузатилмади. 1-гурух
беморларда курсаткичлар куйидаича булди:УАБ-80±5.БМИБ-19±5.СПБ-
89±10.КИ-14±2. 2-гурух беморларда эса курсаткичлар куйидаича булди:УАБ-
112±10. БМИБ-11±5.СПБ-89±10.КИ10±5.


1. Стандарт базис даво тугри олиб борилганда нейровегетатив

блокада максадида кетамин ва мидозалам кулланилганда БМИБнинг
кутарилишига олиб келди ва уз навбатида ЦПБ камайиб, иккиламчи асоратлар
эхтимоли ошди.

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