Methods Usage of Moving Games to Develop Physical Skills and Abilities of Preschool Children

Нуриддинова, М. (2019). Methods Usage of Moving Games to Develop Physical Skills and Abilities of Preschool Children. in Library, 19(2), 48–49. извлечено от
Муяссар Нуриддинова, Узбекский государственный университет физического воспитания и спорта




The methodology of conducting mobility games among pre-school children and the content of the mobility games used in the physical trainings are highlighted in this article.

Похожие статьи

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International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)

ISSN: 2000-004X

Vol. 3 Issue 4, April – 2019, Pages: 48-49


Methods Usage of Moving Games to Develop Physical Skills and

Abilities of Preschool Children

Nuriddinova Muyassar Mukhiddinovna

Lecturer, Uzbek state university of Physical education and sport, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

E-mail address:


The methodology of conducting mobility games among pre-school children and the content of the mobility games used in

the physical trainings are highlighted in this article.


pre-school children period, the physical development of child, skills and qualifications, mobility games.




The Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of

Uzbekistan "On Education" states that "Pre-school education
aims to shape a child's personality in a healthy and mature
state till attending the school. Pre-school education is
provided in kindergartens and other educational institutions
irrespective of the type of property from the age of six to
seven years. "A number of decrees and resolutions have been
assigned in our country on the importance of pre-school
education to the level of public policy and the development
of the system's activities, raising the pre-school education
process to world standards, and the development of physical,
intellectual potential of children from pre-school age.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of

Uzbekistan from December 29, 2016 "About measures on
further improvement of system of preschool education for
2017-2021" № 2707 "About organization of the Ministry of
preschool education of the Republic of Uzbekistan" from
September 30, 2017 serve as a basis for further reforming
and a completely different appearance. Also, the Decree of
the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5368 of
March 5, 2018 "On measures to radically improve the system
of public administration in the field of physical education
and sport" identifies the priorities of educational institutions
in the development of mass sports and selection of talented
youth, in it physical fitness and physical fitness through
physical exercises and physical exercises by trainers in
primary gymnastics and mobility games as well as the
formation of interest in sports, education and sports ability of
young generation has been assigned. Resolution of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 29,
2017, № 2707 "On measures to further improve the system
of preschool education for 2017-2021", Resolution of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 3261 of September
9, 2017 "On measures to radically reform the system of
preschool education"; 3305 of September 30, 2017 and
Decree No. 5198 of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan of 30 September 2017 "On measures to radically
improve the system of preschool education", further
reforming the system of preschool education and has

acquired completely different appearance. As you know, the
development and growth of the child is an ongoing process.
During this period, we can observe the development of his
personality, the first occurrence of events and objects, the
desire to find meaning in it, the interests and emotions. The
appropriate requirements for the physical training of
children, the healthy and harmonious development of the
baby from the first years are the main requirements of the
time. Providing the children with the physical development
laws and their initial activities, the scientific approach to the
development of the content and methods of the educational
process, the systematic hygiene, the training of the skills
needed to stamina, endurance; solve some of the most
important issues in different occupations and activities, such
as independent thinking, upbringing, and physical training.
Monitoring existing scientific research and teaching and
learning tools can be seen in the fact that the technique of
using mobility exercises in physical education and skill
development in pre-school age have not been studied as a
separate research object yet. Each stage of life has its
specific stages in terms of developmental characteristics and
needs. When the child grows up, physical activities, the
order of basic movements plays an important role in this
process, and it will contribute to physical development of the
child's personality, if these processes are organized
systematically with the help of appropriate, mobility games.




A number of scientific studies have been conducted on the
methods and methods of physical training in pre-school
institutions of the Republic and in abroad. In particular,
scholars working at higher and secondary specialized
educational institutions such as T. Usmonhodjaev, D.
Sharipova, G.Tulenova, M. Masharipova, G. Salimov
focused on various aspects of the problem of physical
education of children. Other aspects of the topic are also
striking on the basis of scientific researches of scientists of
independent countries commonwealth such as A.Akieva,










(National and mobility games); K.Makhkamjonov (Nation’s

background image

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)

ISSN: 2000-004X

Vol. 3 Issue 4, April – 2019, Pages: 48-49


mobility games for youngsters); F.Khodjaev (1001 active
games); G. Salimov (Efficiency of development of physical
qualities of pupils aged 7-10 on the basis of mobility games),
O.Safarov (Uzbek national children's games), F.Kerimov
(Mobility games with elements of single wrestling),
K.Rahimkulov (National games), R.Yuldasheva ( The
educational and didactical significance of the Uzbek
national mobility games),Litvinova M.F. (Russian national
mobility games), Frolov V.G., Yurko G.P. (Physical training
in the open air with children), Mendjeritskaya D.V.,
Glazyrina L.D.(Physical trainingwith pre-school children),
Lendret G.L. (Generalized and expanded physical training
variational program for pre-school education institutions),
Penzullaeva L.I. (Physical trainings for 5-6 year-old
children) as well as scientific literatures and research works
are priceless.




The methodology for the usage of mobility games

in the development of physical abilities and skills in pre-
school children has been developed and put into practice.
According to this, the department of pre-school education
and preschool evidence were formed. Based on the
experience of physical skills and abilities of pre-school age
children: A calendar plan and methodical manual with




recommendations in pedagogical (preschool, methodologist,
educator, music director, physical training teacher) of
summer health care: A complex of summer, national and
mobility games for preschool children; A set of documents
for physical education for pre-school education providers;
Department of physical development of the upbringing child

A methodology for the development of physical

abilities and skills for 3-7 years old children pre-school have
been developed and introduced.

The scientific and practical significance of the

research is that the results of pedagogical questionnaire,
surveys, current research, results of anthropometric
indicators and pedagogical experience increase the physical
skills and abilities of younger children by means of mobility
games, resulting in physical skills and capabilities (large,
small and sensomotorics) the method of mobility games was




Determining the physical development criteria for
pre-school children will help to choose the exercises
and mobility games that should be performed in the

Anthropometric control of pre-school children
according to their age can be helpful while
increasing physical training skills and experiences,
also while holding mobility games.

By permanently using the method acquired as a
result of researches one can achieve the

development of child's physical skills and

4.Conducting and carrying out the seminars and

methodological assemblances on putting the methods of
developing child's physical training abilities and experiences
into practice serve as a tool of spreading and implementing
them into practical usage.





Government equirements for primary and pre-school age
shildren`s development. Tashkent: 2018..


Improved “Child Care Program”. Tashkent: 2016.


The first step curriculum. Tashkent 2018.


M.Nuriddinova. A complex for physical training trainers
in pre-school establishments. Tashkent: 2013.

Библиографические ссылки

Government equirements for primary and pre-school age shildren's development. Tashkent: 2018..

Improved “Child Care Program”. Tashkent: 2016.

The first step curriculum. Tashkent 2018.

M.Nuriddinova. A complex for physical training trainers in pre-school establishments. Tashkent: 2013.

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