Comparative evaluation of anesthetics and their use in the rural population

Мукимов, О., & Исанова, Д. (2019). Comparative evaluation of anesthetics and their use in the rural population. in Library, 19(2), 237–239. извлечено от
Одилжон Мукимов, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт


Диёра Исанова, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт




The success of modern dentistry is largely due to the development and implementation in practice of new tools and methods that allow painlessly carry out long and large — scale interventions in the oral cavity. The most effective and safe way of anesthesia on an outpatient dental reception is local anesthesia (M. G. Panin, 1969; A. F. Bizyaev, 1998; S. F. Gritsuk 1998; S. A. Rabinovich, 2000; R. S. Brown, 1994; S. Malamed, 1994, 1997; etc.). For the time being. The most effective of them are recognized drugs created on the basis of articaine, due to the peculiarities of its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (H. Lemay, 1984; R. Rahn, 1996, S. Malamed, 1997; A. J. Petrikas, 1997; L. A. Grigoryants, A. P. Shafransky, 1999; E. V. Zoryan, E. N. Anisimova, 2002; S. A. Rabinovich et al., 2005, 2006; E. V. Zoryan, S. A. Rabinovich, 2005; S. A. Rabinovich, E. V. Zoryan, 2006; etc.).The articaine containing products produced by various foreign companies and is known for its proprietary trade names: al-fakin (Densply, France), Articaine of INIBSA (Inibsa, Spain), Prilocain (Russia), Primaquin (France), Septanest (Septodont, France), Ubistesin (ZM ESPE, Germany), Ultracain (Sanofi-Aventis, Germany), Cytokeratin (Italy). The main component of all these drugs is a local anesthetic — articaine, which determines, on the one hand, the General features of the action of all these drugs, and on the other-their distinctive features in comparison with drugs created on the basis of lidocaine or mepivacaine. Articaine, lidocaine and mepivacaine are international nonproprietary names (INN), which are indicated along with trade names (E. V. Zoryan, S. A. Rabinovich)

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2. Большакова, Е. Е. Прогнозирование перинатальных исходов и акушерская тактика при переношенной бере-

менности — М., 1998. — 31 с.

3. Савельева Г. М. Акушерство: учебник / Г. М. Савельева, Р. И. Шалина, Л. Г. Сичинава, О. Б. Панина,

М. А. Курцер. — М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2015. — с. 320–327

4. Стрижаков А. Н. Физиология и патология плода / А. Н. Стрижаков, А. И. Давыдов, Л. Д. Белоцерковцева,

И. В. Игнатко — М.: Медицина, 2004.

5. Чернуха Е. А. Переношенная и пролонгированная беременность. — М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. — 208 с.

Comparative evaluation of anesthetics and their use

in the rural population

Mukimov Odiljon Ahmadjonovich, assistant;

Isanova Diyora-Rovshanbekovna, student

Tashkent State Dental Institute (Uzbekistan)

The success of modern dentistry is largely due to the development and implementation in practice of new tools and

methods that allow painlessly carry out long and large — scale interventions in the oral cavity. The most effective
and safe way of anesthesia on an outpatient dental reception is local anesthesia (M. G. Panin, 1969; A. F. Bizyaev,
1998; S. F. Gritsuk 1998; S. A. Rabinovich, 2000; R. S. Brown, 1994; S. Malamed, 1994, 1997; etc.). For the time
being. The most effective of them are recognized drugs created on the basis of articaine, due to the peculiarities of its
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (H. Lemay, 1984; R. Rahn, 1996, S. Malamed, 1997; A. J. Petrikas, 1997;
L. A. Grigoryants, A. P. Shafransky, 1999; E. V. Zoryan, E. N. Anisimova, 2002; S. A. Rabinovich et al., 2005, 2006;
E. V. Zoryan, S. A. Rabinovich, 2005; S. A. Rabinovich, E. V. Zoryan, 2006; etc.).

The articaine containing products produced by various foreign companies and is known for its proprietary trade

names: al-fakin (Densply, France), Articaine of INIBSA (Inibsa, Spain), Prilocain (Russia), Primaquin (France),
Septanest (Septodont, France), Ubistesin (ZM ESPE, Germany), Ultracain (Sanofi-Aventis, Germany), Cytokeratin
(Italy). The main component of all these drugs is a local anesthetic — articaine, which determines, on the one hand,
the General features of the action of all these drugs, and on the other-their distinctive features in comparison with drugs
created on the basis of lidocaine or mepivacaine. Articaine, lidocaine and mepivacaine are international nonproprietary
names (INN), which are indicated along with trade names (E. V. Zoryan, S. A. Rabinovich)

Key words:

anesthetics, rural population, articaine.


ocal anesthetics are substances that, when interacting
with nerve fibers and their endings, can reversibly

inhibit the formation and conduction of nerve impulses on
them. The effect of local anesthesia depends not only on the
properties and concentration of the drug, but also on the
thickness of the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber that prevents
the penetration of the anesthetic through the cell membrane.
Search and improvement of methods of local anesthesia is
one of the most important tasks of modern dentistry. The
main task of local anesthesia is to achieve anesthesia of the
necessary tissue area, and all other effects of its action are
considered as side effects. To do this, we need to know the
objective assessment of the anesthetic.

The aim of our study was

: to Study the features-

actions* of modern domestic articaine-containing anesthetic
«Supercain» to improve the efficiency and safety of local
anesthesia by introducing into dental practice. Experimentally
and clinically justify the advantages and disadvantages of
anesthetics. Find the optimal use of local anesthetics in the
rural population.

Materials and methods of research:

1. Clinical examination of patients.
2. Statistical methods of processing the results of the study.
3. Laboratory research methods.
For the study were taking 30 patients, which we divided

into 3 groups. In group I the anesthetic Articaine was used.
In the second group used the drug superchain Forte. In group
III, was used in the preparation supercam.all these drugs are
generic drug Ubistesin. Ubistesin combined preparation
for local anesthesia in dentistry. Part of it, the articaine is
a local anesthetic of the amide type titanovoe group. Due to
the low content of epinephrine in the drug, its effect on the
cardiovascular system is expressed little: there is almost no
increase in blood pressure and an increase in the heart rate.
Articaine with submucosal administration in the oral cavity
has a high diffuse ability. Active substances to a minimum
extent penetrate the placental barrier, practically do not
stand out with breast milk.

The results of the study:

there Were several criteria by which

the patient’s condition and the action of the anesthetic were

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№ 22 (260)


Май 2019 г.



evaluated. The fi rst criterion: the time of anesthesia. In group
I patients, the anesthetic action began after administration
after 2±1min. In group II and III patients, the duration of the
anesthetic began as well as in group I after 2±1 min.

The second criterion: the duration of the anesthetic. From

I and III group of patients the duration of action of anesthetic
is at least 45min. Have II group of patients the duration of
action of anesthetic is at least 75 minutes.

Third criterion: the connection with the blood supply

and toxicity. The degree of binding to plasma proteins
determines the half-life of the drug, the duration of its
presence in the div. The higher this fi gure, the less toxic
the anesthetic has, since it can be absorbed into the blood
only in free form, and the longer the anesthetic eff ect.
All groups of compounds with blood proteins is 95 %, it
gives us a full right to say that the toxicity of these drugs is
reduced to a minimum.

The fourth criterion: dissociation constant (CD)

characterizes the degree of hydrolysis and ionization of the

anesthetic and depends on its chemical structure, solubility
and pH of tissues at the injection site.

At physiological pH (7.4), the lower the anesthetic CD,

the less molecules dissociate in the extracellular environment
and the more — inside the cells. For example: CD lidocaine
and mepivacaine is 7.7, which means that 65 % of the
anesthetic is ionized in the extracellular environment, and
35 % reach the cytoplasm, where the anesthetic eff ect is
realized (the rate of anesthesia — 2–4 minutes).As it is
told in the summary of preparations at all groups of tested
anesthetics it is revealed that CD is equal to 7,8.

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#22 (260)


May 2019




: the results of our studies showed that

all three groups of drugs are similar to their qualities and
parameters. Thanks to this, the state dental clinics, which
form the basis of the system of outpatient treatment of

dental diseases in the population, could switch to the use of
advanced anesthesia technology. Therefore, we can use all
three types of anesthetic in the rural population.


1. Anisimova E. N. Clinical rationale for the choice of funds for local anesthesia in outpatient dental interventions. —

Autoref.. kand.honey.sciences’. M.: 1998. — 24 p.

2. Anisimova E. N., Zoryan E. V., Shugaylov I. A. the Action of local anesthetics and their combinations with

vasoconstrictors. //Dentistry. 1998. — Vol. 77. — № 2. — P. 19–22.

3. Bazhanov N. N. Experience the use of adrenaline in dentistry. //Health Care In Belarus. 1963. — № 4. — p. 81–83.
4. Bazhanov N. N., Ganina S. S. Anesthesia in polyclinic dental practice. — M.: Medicine, 1979. 192 p.
5. Bizyaev A. F. Local anesthesia. //In kN.: Handbook of dentistry (edited by V. M. Bezrukov), section.2. M.

«Medicine»., 1998. — P. 24–48.

Характеристика микрофлоры ротоглотки при различных острых респираторно-

вирусных инфекциях у людей, имеющих хронический тонзиллит

Палтиева Гюзеля Азимжановна, резидент;

Рамазанова Азиза Канатовна, резидент

Казахский медицинский университет непрерывного образования (г. Алматы)

Научный руководитель: Утаганов Бакыт Кустаевич, врач-инфекционист, зав. отделением

Городская клиническая инфекционная больница имени И. с. Жакеновой (г. Алматы, Казахстан)



Видовой состав микрофлоры слизистых

оболочек ротоглотки является индивидуальным микро-

биоценозом каждого человека. Большинство микроорга-
низмов колонизирующие на слизистых нашего организма —
сапрофиты-комменсалы, которых относят к «нормальной
микрофлоре». Однако, четкое деление на патогенов и са-
профитов невозможно. В связи с высокой частотой паци-
ентов с данными за инфекционные заболевания верхних
дыхательных путей, актуально изучить микробиоценоз ро-
тоглотки. Устойчивые изменения состава и свойств микро-
флоры, обусловленные снижением общего иммунитета на
фоне стресса, недосыпания, нарушения режима питания,
а также внешних факторов (вирусы, переохлаждение, попа-
дание патогенной микрофлоры извне и т. д.) приводят к воз-
никновению различных заболеваний в ротоглотке.

Цель исследования:

Исследовать характерные свой-

ства микрофлоры зева при различных инфекционно-вос-
палительных заболеваниях ротоглотки среди паци-
ентов ГКИБ им. И.Жакеновой и больных направленных
в ЦГКЛ из городских медицинских учреждений.


Изучить особенности бактериальной под-

тверждаемости мазков из зева среди пациентов, обратив-
шихся за медицинской помощью в ГКИБ им. Жакеновой
в период с 2016 по 2018 гг. с различными инфекцион-
но-воспалительными заболеваниями ротоглотки.

Ключевые слова:

микрофлора, staphylococcus,

streptococcus, тонзиллиты, ОРВИ.



структуре инфекционной заболеваемости

у взрослых ведущее место занимают респираторные ин-
фекции. Характер воспалительного процесса в ротоглотке
во многом зависит от реактивности иммунной системы,
факторов местной защиты, в том числе микробиоценоза
слизистой ротоглотки. Течение инфекционного процесса
в ротоглотке могут обусловить различные микроорга-
низмы, в том числе и условно-патогенные. Вместе с тем
состояние микробиоты ротоглотки изучено еще недоста-
точно. Отсутствуют однозначные представления о нормо-
биозе и значимости выделения различных видов микробов.

Объект и метод исследования:

На базе ГЦБЛ в пе-

риод с 2016 по 2018гг в ходе ретроспективного исследо-
вания изучено 5484 микробиологических мазков из зева
у пациентов с различными инфекционно-воспалитель-
ными заболеваниями ротоглотки, обратившихся за меди-
цинской помощью в ГКИБ им. Жакеновой.

Результаты исследования и обсуждения:

Всего изучено

5484 бактериологических мазков из ротоглотки. На первом
месте среди заболеваний, с воспалительными процессами
в ротоглотке явилась лакунарная ангина (3230)-58,9 %; на
втором месте ОРВИ (1850)-33,7 %; также при хрониче-
ском тонзиллите (277)-5,05 %; при гнойно-некротической
ангине (110)-2 %; при герпетической ангине (17)-0,3 %.

Микрофлора ротоглотки была представлена услов-

но-патогенными и патогенными штаммами стафило-
кокка (St. saprophyticus; St. aureus; St. epidermidis; St.

Библиографические ссылки

Anisimova E. N. Clinical rationale for the choice of funds for local anesthesia in outpatient dental interventions. — Autoref.. kand.honey.sciences’. M.: 1998. — 24 p.

Anisimova E. N., Zoryan E. V., Shugaylov 1. A. the Action of local anesthetics and their combinations with vasoconstrictors.//Dentistry. 1998. — Vol. 77. — №2. — P. 19-22.

Bazhanov N. N. Experience the use of adrenaline in dentistry. //Health Care In Belarus. 1963. — №4. — p. 81 —83.

Bazhanov N. N., Ganina S. S. Anesthesia in polyclinic dental practice. — M.: Medicine, 1979. 192 p.

Bizyaev A. F. Local anesthesia, //in kN.: Handbook of dentistry (edited by V. M. Bezrukov), section.2. M. «Medicine»., 1998. — P. 24-48.

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