Лечение задержки плаценты у коров | in Library

Лечение задержки плаценты у коров

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Балиев, Ш., & Очилов, Ж. (2023). Лечение задержки плаценты у коров. in Library, 1(1), 15–19. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/33760
Шавкат Балиев, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт

Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт, директор лаборатории болезней птицы, кроликов, рыб и пчел, доктор философских наук по ветеринарным наукам, старший научный сотрудник

Жамшид Очилов, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт
Independent researcher junior researcher


В данной статье описаны методы лечения плаценты сельскохозяйственных животных, в частности коров.

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Global Scientific Review

A Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International journal


Volume 11, January 2023

ISSN (E): 2795-4951

Treatment of Retained Placenta in Cows

Shavkat Baliev

Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science.

Jamshid Ochilov

Independent researcher junior researcher at the Veterinary

Research Institute.


This article describes the effectiveness of uterotonic, oxytocin, and iodopen drugs

in the treatment of infertility caused by placental retention and shortening the service period
in productive cows cared for on farms today.


Cow, placenta, endometritis, involution, diet, oxytocin, yodapen, uteraton,


One of the causes of infertility is diseases of the genital organs, and frequent retention

of the placenta can be the cause of postpartum diseases, especially endometritis, which leads
to a sharp decrease in productivity, infertility, and early loss of animals.
The detention of the latter is one of the most common disorders affecting the reproduction of
dairy cattle. World science and practice have achieved certain successes in solving the
problem of the detention of the latter in cows. Many aspects of the etiology and pathogenesis
of this pathology have been studied, and new methods and means of its treatment and early
prevention are developed and implemented.

Despite the available achievements, many issues regarding therapy and prevention are

not resolved in the problem of detention. A high percentage of complications of this pathology
with endometritis remains the outcome of which is a decrease in the productivity and
reproductive function of animals, and a decrease in the duration of their economic use.
Significant damage in this pathology is caused by the marriage of milk, which is associated
with contamination by antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents. With the obvious
advantages of the operational compartment of the PLO, it can cause damage to the uterine
mucosa, complications of this pathology by metrite, and infertility. In this regard, it is
necessary to further improve methods and the development of new means for conservative
treatment of highly productive dairy cows during the detention of the last.

Celebrating the role of a decrease in chemotaxis and phagocytic activity of leukocytes

in the pathogenesis of the placenta makes further study of the preventive and therapeutic
efficiency of immunomodulators with the predominant influence on the phagocytic link of
The establishment of the relationship between the detention of the past and fetoplacental
insufficiency shows the need to study the effectiveness of the preventive use of means that
correct the function of the fetoplacental complex. In this regard, the study of environmentally
friendly drugs of natural origin containing a complex of biologically active substances,
including polyunsaturated fatty acids, is promising.

An important task is also to study the main risk factors for the detention of the latter

in highly productive cows associated with feeding, and the improvement of methods for their
control, which will allow a directed correction of such violations. The foregoing served as the
basis for setting the goal and the formation of the tasks of this work.



ntific R




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Global Scientific Review


A Peer Reviewed, Open Access, international Journal


Volume 11, January 2023


ISSN (E): 2795-4951

We observed the calving process of Holstein cows (for 3 years) at the Besh-bola farm

in Pastdargom district of Samarkand region. Some of the cows and heifers on this farm are
kept in stables with heat and bedding, and in good weather, they are grazed in closed areas -
in the playgrounds. The rest of the animals are kept free in nonremovablebeds. Corn silage -
25 kg, alfalfa hay - 4 kg, straw (wheat groats) - 6 kg, and oat groats - 3 kg are included in the
Placental retention was observed in 6-7% of the number of young and old cows that were kept
permanently connected during the calving period.

Cows with retained placenta were treated with uterotone, and oxytocin, and after

removing the hanging part of the placenta, an iodopen pill was placed into the uterus.


The animals were taken to the treatment facility. Oxytocin 40-50 ME and 10 ml of

Uteraton drug were injected subcutaneously into the neck region 6-8 hours after the delivery
of the cow, whose placenta was retained.

The uterus was thoroughly washed with Furatcelin solution in a ratio of 1:500, and the

hanging part of the placenta was cut and removed. Two iodopen tablets were placed in the
uterine cavity after cleaning the hand.

On the second day, two Yoda pen tablets were again inserted into the uterine cavity.

Then, every 2-3 days, the uterus was massaged through the rectum until it returned to its
position. Aqueous disinfectant solutions were not used to wash the uterus during treatment.
In 12 treated cows, the placenta was separated naturally, of which 8 cows were separated in
4-5 hours, 4 cows were separated in 6-9 hours, and 5 cows were surgically separated after 48
hours. After natural descent and operative separation of the placenta. During the first 2-3 days,
the cow was observed to have purulent blood-mixed liquid discharge from her vagina. In the
following days, the color of the secreted liquid started to clear and the healing process of the
cows accelerated.

Uterine involution (return of the uterus to its position) in these animals was 3031 days.

It was observed that the service period was 55-60 days. Purulent catarrhal endometritis was
observed in 4 cows. They recovered after an average of 45-47 days and fertilized after 86-91

In the same way, the treatment of cows with retained placenta was carried out at the

farm "Imomata". In this farm, Holstein cows with an average obesity level of 36 years and
high milk productivity were treated in cows that give 5000 liters of milk and more in one
lactation period.
In dependent cows, there is little movement (mansion) and the feed given to cows after giving
birth was 11-12 feed units.

Natural separation of the placenta was observed in 21 cows out of 28 treated cows. Of

these, we observed that the fetus separated from the placenta naturally in 15 cows after 4-6
hours and in 6 cows after 6-9 hours of treatment. 36-48 hours after giving birth to 7 cows, the
placenta was surgically separated by veterinary obstetric care.

It was observed that after giving birth, fluid continued to flow from the vagina for 16-

17 days, and the return of the uterus to its position (involution) was 25-26 days.

Holstein cows were observed to come into heat 39-40 days from the day of birth, and

insemination was carried out on 62-63 days. 4 cows with catarrhal and purulent- catarrhal
endometritis were surgically removed and treated with conservative


Scientific Rev


background image

Global Scientific Review


A Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International Journal


Volume 11,

January 2023

ISSN (E): 2795-4951

methods in 3 cows. These cows recovered in 27-28 days, and after 76-78 days they came to
rest and insemination was carried out.

Therefore, with the combined use of uterotone, oxytocin, and iodopen, high efficiency

was achieved in the prevention of postpartum diseases in 75% of Holstein cows, as healthy
separation of the placenta was observed 4-9 hours after the treatment.

It was observed in our experiments that the discharge of liquids from the vagina of

dependently fed cows was observed for 21-22 days, the return of the uterus of cows to its
original position (involution) was 30-31 days, and the service period was extended to 110



Obstetric gynecological diseases are one of the causes of infertility. Placental retention,

this disease is kept in one place in cows during estrus and after giving birth, and lack of
nutrition was considered as one of the main factors.

Cows with retained placenta were treated with uterotonics, and oxytocin, and after removal

of the hanging part of the placenta, it was found that iodopen tablets are effective when they
are placed into the uterus.

Furatcelin solution in 1:500 ratio, the uterus was thoroughly washed and cleaned, the

hanging part of the placenta was cut and removed, and two tablets of iodopen were placed in
the uterine cavity after cleaning the hand.

It was found that the involution of the uterus (return of the uterus to its position) in cows

was 30-31 days, and the service period was 55-60 days.

In 4 cows infected with purulent catarrhal endometritis, they recovered after an average of

45-47 days and inseminated after 86-91 days.

It was found out in our scientific studies that the discharge of liquids from the vagina of

dependently fed cows was observed for 21-22 days, and the return of the cows' uterus to its
position (involution) was 30-31 days, and the service period was extended to 105-110 days.



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A Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International Journal


Volume 11, January 2023

ISSN (E): 2795-4951


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Scientific Rev


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Global Scientific Review

A Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International Journal




January 2023

ISSN (E): 2795-4951

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Scientific Rev


Библиографические ссылки

Шкуратова И.А. Ряпосова M.B. гинекологическая патология у коров в племенных хозяйствах с привязной и беспривязной технологией содержания // Ветеринария Кубани. - 2011.

Ческидова Л.В. Экспериментальная и клиническая фармакология пенных терапевтических аэрозолей для лечения воспалительных заболеваний половых органов у коров и свинматок. Автореф. дисс... докт. вет. наук. Санкт-Петербург - 2018.

Епанчинцева О.С. Симптоматическое бесплодие у коров в послеродовом периоде: диагностика, лечение и профилактика. Автореф. дисс... докт. вет. наук. Краснодар 2013.

Борисов И.А. Профилактика акушерско-гинекологических заболеваний коров путём коррекции иммунобиохимических процессов. Дисс... канд. вет. наук. Нижний Новгород 2017.

Дерменова А.Г. Применение антиплацентарной крови и препарата "нитамин” прилечении и профилактике акушерско-гинекологических заболеваний коров. // Автореф. дисс... докт. вет. наук. Казань - 2018.

Стукова А.Н. Задержание последа у высокопродуктивных коров и методы его профилактики и лечения. Автореф. дисс... канд. наук. Воронеж 2012.

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