ISSN 2219-746X
N. J. Isaqulova
Institute of Raising Qualification & Improving Qualification of
Personnel for Senior Secondary Vocational Education,
The article is analyzed excursions on the nature with ecological containing is more
significant in the process of nature protecting education & upbringing. The development of the ecological
thinking in pupils will be embodied by means of analysis, comparing, syntheses of the collation,
abstraction, generalizing and drawing a conclusion. At conclusion decision gets out through stating or
ignoring something during discussion. It is necessary to generate and develop theoretical deduction and
socialization based theoretical and practical thinking in pupils while teaching subjects. Founding the said,
organizing excursions enables shaping ecological education. In organizing excursion it is necessary will
call attention in the following: in process of the excursions data must have interdisciplinary ecological
content, a contents collected interdisciplinary given the base of data didactic principle task and actuality
of ecological problems. Mastering of the problem is registered schematically, tabular, verbal and non-
verbal during excursion. The article is analyzed conclusion.
Key words:
ecological ethic, interdisciplinary ecological upbringing (education), excursion
The Goal of methodically correctly organized excursions on the productional & agricultural objects
& enter prices is the definition & analysis of coincidence of theoretical knowledges of students for
understanding of coincidence & interaction of nature & society in modern industrial condiiions.
Elaboration forms of organization & carrying out of excursions with ecological containing for students of
elementary school is the goal of this science work.
Excursions on the nature with ecological containing are more significant in the process of nature
protecting education & upbringing. It’s clear, that’s the main role in solving problems of ambient
surroundings belongs to education. Already from early age each human creature on the Earth should know
what can happen in the case of careless altitude to ambient surroundings.
Each should know about diseases caused by pollution of ambient surroundings, genetically
deviations, ruin of animals & plants, lack of pure water resources & other negative changings of ambient
It’s important not only to know, but also to feel personal responsibility for its condition.
The most insignificant everyday conditions like lorn off a rare flower, broken bottle on the beach,
poured out machine oil into the water reservoir cause big harm & often irreparable harm for the nature.
Industrial activities of people raise the risk of influent ion on the nature in hundreds & thousand
times. And each person of industrial process should oblige the line of behaviour which influents on the
ambient surroundings either beneficially or ruinously. That’s why in conscience of each man should be
given some kind of moral principles which don't permit to cause harm to ambient surroundings & stimulate
the eager to optimal interaction with nature.
To choose the correct ecological method & to act operatively in complicated situations & to gel rid
of undesirable consequences, each person should possess some definite knowledges.
That’s why it’s extremely important to begin the ecological education already in junior forms of
schools and even in kindergartens on the level of possibility for that age, because in the future it will
tightly connect with general & professional training.
In the process of assimilation of each subject, students should get full evidence about kind of role of
the subjects which possess an influence for ambient surroundings. Such kind of knowledges is the basis
for active conscious attitude to ambient surroundings. There is an opinion, that the problem of ecological
education can be solved by additional educational discipline. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get results
by such means. For effective ecological education should be done drastic changes of all the system of
education thus, ecological education of students foresee the methods of many kinds of subjects & learning
of natural history like compositive part of natural science.
Exactly, nature excursions with ecological containing permit to fulfill coherence with Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology & Geography & use the knowledges for more active understanding of essence of
ambient surroundings & strengthen know ledges using theoretical materials lor belter understanding of
nature phenomenon.
Providing of connection of different subjects in condition of globalization system of education is
important pedagogical method. This principle is particularly actual for educational enterprises which
specialized for preparation of leaching personnel on the basis of methods of elementary schools.
Ecological education & upbringing should be carried out on the account of succession & interrupt ability
between different sciences & disciplines, because only such kind of methods permit to reach ultimate &
intact imagination about material stipulation & common connection of ambient surroundings. Ecological
study & education of students on the basis of connection of different subjects permit to fulfill such
measures & decisions of separately taken didactical & methodical problems like this:
To widen the opportunities of usage of modern technologies
Witness of succession & uninteraptability between general subjects
Creation of conditions for improving the questions of ecological education for containing
teaching plans, schedules, textbooks etc.
In this aspect, excursions with intersubject ecological containing possess of huge potential. For
organizing & leading of such excursions it’s important to pay attention for such questions as:
Volume & containing of information should be in accordance of the level of knowledges, getting
by learning of common subjects.
Information connected with teaching problems should possess intcrsubjcct character.
All the information should serve for solving of common didactical problems & co insides with
the main principles.
Main demands for excursions should be lead on the most actual ecological problems etc. The
Goals of ecological education on the basis of interaction of different subjects present for such excursions
the next demands:
To secure interaction of leaching subjects of elementary schools with the goal of ecological
Reflection of interaction of scientific ecological questions in containing of excursions.
Providing of ecological directions of teaching subjects with the help of excursions.
Providing of interaction for solving of teaching, educational & developing functions of
After excursions should be lead summarizing conversations, disputes, discussions critical analysis,
discussion of the problems on the basis of elementary subjects etc.
Interaction of subjects in elementary schools realized by such land of diagram, with all of this,
In the total results of excursions with interaction of subjects rejects such processes as:
Analisys of natural facts & phenomena on the basis of theme of excursions.
Solving the problems with ecological containing.
Depicting of pictures with ecological containing.
Making the exercises with ecological containing.
ISSN 2219-746X
Analysis of the texts with ecological containing.
Such excursions serve like effective means for getting knowledges, skills.& abilities of protection of
the nature, explaining of necessity in taking care of the nature, wider know ledges for solving extreme
ecological problems & providing ecological education for younger generation.
In connection of total globalization all the world associations will be bound tighter together, than
anytime earlier. Population & economical development inevitably influents & cause huge harm for the
ecological system.
It’s necessary to carry out attempts to take amendments in definition of directions & changes of
evolution of ecological system & biosphere in widely long term perspectives. Because the new global &
local pressure is inevitable. For this reason, initiatives of a long term ecological investigations should
possess a high priority, because success & importance of its already proved. All those questions should
be carried out on the basis of regular education & gradually provide the unity of processes of ecological
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