Государственное управление | Перспективы развития международного коммерческого арбитража в Узбекистане

Все статьи - Государственное управление

Число статей: 198
  • Due to the large-scale reforms implemented in recent years in our country, the command-and-control system of management in the economy has been completely abandoned, and clear and purposeful work is being done to widely introduce the mechanisms of a free market economy. On February 7, 2017, the Decree "On the Actions Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was approved as a basic program to ensure the implementation of these reforms . The decree identifies activities in the field of "Priorities for further development and liberalization of the economy" as one of the five main areas. It was noted that one of the main tasks in this direction is the introduction of modern standards and methods of corporate governance, strengthening the role of shareholders in the strategic management of enterprises.
    Bekzod Umarov, Khamdambek Atajanov
    66   65
  • The Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) is the most common type of agreement in private international law to protect the rights and legitimate interests of investors. According to UNCTAD, more than 2,500 bilateral investment agreements have been signed between the two countries to date. The study found that 40 percent of them applied the “Umbrella clause” rule. The article examines the scientific and theoretical views of international economists and jurists, the analysis of existing contracts under the Umbrella clause, as well as international practice in this area, and defines the Umbrella clause rule. The analysis revealed the pros and cons of the "Umbrella Clause" rule, the advantages and disadvantages of law enforcement practice under this rule. The impact of the "Umbrella clause" rule on the outcome of bilateral investment disputes has been evaluated. At the same time, the lack of a uniform approach to the application of contract terms under the "Umbrella clause" rule in international arbitration has been described as a constant source of disagreement. The article discusses the prospects for the application of the “Umbrella clause” rule in bilateral investment agreements.
    Adkham Rajabov
    375   167
  • The article examines the expression of legal and technical norms in the legal system of developed foreign countries, their implementation in social life, the current role and importance of legal and technical norms. At the same time, emphasis was placed on legal norms that represent the relationship between "man and nature", as well as issues such as technical regulation, standardization and certification. The concluding part of the article focuses on the importance of legal and technical norms in ensuring human life and health, its safety.
    Anvar Yashnarbekov
    34   11
  • Migration is a multidimensional process, and different countries face different regulatory challenges with regard to migration. The legal policy of the state in the sphere of migration is established under the influence of one or more factors. Adoption of legal norms in legislation, such as the imposition of prohibitions or granting benefits for migrants, providing incentives or imposing limits for specific groups of people is to be noted in particular. The establishment of the regulatory framework in this area is based on state policy in the sphere of migration. The regulationof migration in Uzbekistan today differs significantly from that in the early days of our independence. The article analyses the implemented reforms in the field of migration by direction in the framework of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, identifies relevant problems and proposes solutions.
    Sakhipjamal Djoldasova
    64   17
  • This article examines one of the main directions of improving the public administration system in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of the adoption of the Conceptual document - Actions Strategy for 2017-2021. We substantiate the objective need for a scientific analysis of the ongoing processes of decentralization of economic systems in the Republic, first of all, from the point of view of their possible economic and legal consequences. We reveal certain risks of fiscal decentralization in line with organizational, legal and socio-political relationships between central government bodies and local government bodies.
    Bekzod Umarov
    31   26
  • In the XXI century, the improvement of governance in the world, the effective organization of the activities of public authorities are becoming increasingly important. As a result of effective and transparent governance in developed countries, we can see that budget funds are spent wisely, the level of corruption is low, bureaucratic barriers are reduced, and the relationship between citizens and government agencies is systematic. Crowdsourcing is a widely supported platform in the private sector and its security has been widely used in public administration for decades. Assist in overcoming efficiency and problems that can help people use crowdsourcing in other management.
    Azizhon Akhmedov , Muhammadali Yoqubov
    59   8
  • The article analyzes the concept of private property and methods of its protection by the author. Theoretical views of theorists in the field of property and private property were also addressed and compared. In addition, the article provides an analysis of legislation in the field and suggestions for their development.
    Nodir Muhiddinov
    101   9
  • The article analyzes the legal aspects of the actions of the internal Affairs bodies to ensure the protection of public order during mass events.
    Аbdurashid Khudoyberdiev
    69   17
  • In this scientific article, international and national legislation on citizens decision-making processes has been investigated, to what extent is the importance of public control in the process of political decision-making, the implementation of citizens' participation in local government directly by itself or through elected representatives (political institutions). Also, practical proposals aimed at increasing the participation of public structures in decision-making were made.
    Makhsad Isabayev
    72   13
  • The reason for this review was to determine the fitting ideas, cycles and abilities supporting powerful correspondence that can be coordinated into the early impartial assessment measure. This review distinguished a few key correspondence ideas, cycles and abilities that are in compatibility with the act of dealing with the early impartial assessment meeting. The ramifications of this review demonstrate that comprehension of correspondence ideas, cycles and abilities permits the evaluator to convey viably and unmistakably to the gatherings, their lawyers and witnesses (especially about the value of the case). Likewise, the evaluator can adapt to complex circumstances by creating compelling correspondence systems. This review sets up the need to overcome any barrier among hypothetical and down to earth parts of dealing with the early impartial assessment meeting to guarantee that the early unbiased assessment meeting can be overseen as successfully as could really be expected and in understanding to sound correspondence speculations.
    K Zakiyy
    21   6
  • Intercultural communication as the most important aspect of intercultural interaction is a prerequisite for a successful dialogue of cultures across the globe. Under the leadership of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, along with the principles of interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in the internal life of the country, a good neighbourly policy is being pursued with neighbouring republics. This article highlights the achievements of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign policy in recent years and the establishment of good neighbourly relations between the peoples of Central Asia.
    Sardorbek Diyorov
    43   15
  • Platform employment is a dynamically developing flexible format that can play the role of both primary and secondary employment. Although the available statistics do not allow us to accurately estimate the size of this segment of the economy, we can talk about its large-scale growth, as well as the number of people involved and turnover. The platforms are intermediaries and assistants in the process of providing services. Without employers, they would now become an integral part of the labor market infrastructure. In fact, platforms perform the function of matching supply and demand, and in this sense, they do not hire employees, but serve them themselves and create a convenient platform for clients and clients to find work. In this context, when using platforms, platforms should be seen as partners offering services in the ecosystem they have created.
    Yusufjon Khujanazarov
    44   11
  • Public government's vital assignment and the main part of human civilization that prompts more noteworthy flourishing and progress of human civilization on the planet is to give security inside the nation and to manage the likely convergence of different governments to a region and its residents. The point of this examination was to research the parts of political improvement on the public safety of the Islamic Republic of Iran according to the viewpoint of strategy specialists. This examination utilized meeting to gather data and the populace comprised of educators and activists in legislative issues. 15 individuals were met as the example. The outcomes show that the impacts of the parts of political advancement on the public safety of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been removed in certain circles including military security, political security, government managed retirement, financial security and natural security. Moreover, techniques for the underlying advancement of the board, homegrown and unfamiliar responsibility, wanting to live in worldwide organizations, worldwide obligation, preparation for worldwide appraisals and progression of unfamiliar exchange have been given as endeavors to foster political and public safety of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Z Azali
    92   9
  • This article analyzes the activities and working methods of world parliaments during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as materials collected by the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The activities of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan during a pandemic with specific examples are disclosed. The article concludes relevant proposals for amending legislation to improve the activities of the chambers and structures of the Oliy Majlis during a pandemic
    Ikhtiyor Bekov
    102   104
  • The article analyzes the foreign experience in the creation and development of e-government
    Saidakhror Gulyamov, Abbas Shermukhamedov, Bokhodir Kholboev
    28   16
  • This article reflects on the path to the establishment of international and regional cooperation in solving global and regional problems, the concept of national and regional security, on increasing the threat to international and regional security today, on the existing Uzbekistan’s strategy among the Commonwealth countries
    Тахир Бурханов
    54   15
  • In the article, the authors analyze matrix models when strategic decisions making in the economy. The main factors, opportunities and problems in applying matrix models are considered and analyzed
    N Talipova, N Fayzibayeva
    49   8
  • This article is devoted to the study of the process of reforming public service in Uzbekistan, the place of selection of personnel in this area, the analysis of its achievements and shortcomings. The focus will be on the urgent problems of the formation of a modern model of public service in the country
    Sh Rasulov
    51   23
  • На рубеже веков в ведущих странах мира сформировался фундамент «новой» экономики, базирующейся на знаниях. Основой происходящих изменений является инновационная деятельность, ускорение темпов инвестирования в знания государством и частным сектором [2, c.15]. Практически во всех современных экономических теориях инновации признаны источником развития, так как инновационный потенциал является основным источником роста, обеспечивающим развитие не только одного хозяйствующего субъекта, но и всей системы.
    Мавлюда Абдуллаева
    77   39
  • Сегодня, в Республике Узбекистан, реализуются комплексные меры по активному развитию цифровой экономики, а также широкому внедрению современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий в абсолютно всех отраслях государственного управления, социальной сфере, а также в сфере частного сектора.
    Сурайё Рахмонова
    99   26
  • Амалдаги қонунчилигимизда судга келиб тушган жиноят иши бўйича терговда йўл қўйилган хато ва камчиликларни суд тергови бошлангунга қадар аниқлаш ҳамда бартараф этишнинг самарали механизмлари назарда тутилмаганди. Натижада кўплаб жиноят ишлари судда бир неча ой кўрилганидан кейин дастлабки терговдаги камчиликларни бартараф этиш учун прокурорга қайтариларди.
    Сурайё Рахмонова
    53   132
  • За прошедшие годы национальное уголовно-процессуальное законодательство претерпело значительные изменения, направленные на совершенствование его норм, имплементацию передовых международных стандартов и зарубежных практик с целью безусловного обеспечения прав и свобод граждан, привлекаемых к участию в уголовном процессе. Прорывным этапом реформирования судебно-правовой системы в целом стало принятие Стратегии действий по пяти приоритетным направлениям развития Республики Узбекистан в 2017 – 2021 годах, определившей важнейшие направления государственной политики в сфере обеспечения верховенства закона.
    Сурайё Рахмонова
    138   25
  • Мурожаатномада алоҳида урғу берилган муҳим масалалардан бири бу – жиноят ишлари юритувига дастлабки эшитув институтининг жорий этилишидир.Давлатимиз раҳбари таъкидлаганидек, “келгуси йилдан суд муҳокамасига қадар судда ишларни дастлабки эшитув амалиёти янги тартиб сифатида жорий этилади. Бунда ишни тўхтатиш ёки тугатишга асос етарли бўлса, суд ишни аввалгидай тергов ёки прокурорга қайтармасдан, ўзининг якуний қарорини қабул қилади”.
    Сурайё Рахмонова
    57   35
  • Жаҳоннинг глобаллашуви ва халқаро ижтимоий­иқтисодий, ма­даний алоқаларнинг шиддат билан интеграциялашуви барча йўна­ лишларда янги, инновацион шаклларни татбиқ этиш заруратини тақоза этади. Шу нуқтаи назардан, кадрлар тайёрлаш ва улар­ нинг малакасини ошириш тизимида масофавий таълимнинг ўрни ва аҳамияти ниҳоятда катта.
    Сурайё Рахмонова
    46   25
  • В теории уголовно-процессуального права методологическую основу проведения допроса в ходе судебного следствия составляют сведения о лицах, имеющиеся в материалах уголовного дела, которые владеют той или иной информацией относительно обстоятельств, подлежащих установлению по делу, а также гарантии соблюдения судом процессуальных прав и обязанностей всех привлеченных участников судопроизводства, находящихся в процессуальных отношениях.
    Жасур Неъматов
    69   20
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