The study examined integrated didactic strategies, integrated educational activities, and the integrative nature of learning. The native languages of the learners are also taken into consideration by this approach, especially when those languages are explicitly taught. /Is a result, it is possible to "track" two (or possibly three or four) languages at once. Today’s national education evolution is characterized by a wide range of innovative schools. One of the elements of studentcentered learning, along with individualized instruction and flexible process organization, is the design of a learning process on an integrated basis. The benefits of using an integrated approach while teaching foreign languages are examined in this article. In a sense, this also opens the door for differentiated language instruction and better approaches to meeting the needs of the students. Nevertheless, it can be recommended that future studies go into additional specifics regarding the variety of situations and the effect that English instructors' training and/or experience has on how they teach in a post-method age. Students are able to establish more solid linguistic foundations for quicker and more effective language learning thanks to English language instruction and the integration of ICT technology into the curriculum. The purpose of the current paper is to clarify the theoretical foundation for ICT integration into English teaching strategies. The advantages, characteristics, and instructional design of an integrated approach to language teaching are also highlighted.
This article delves into the most significant challenges that non-native speakers encounter while deign foreign languages. Drawing upon scholarly research and empirical evidence, I looked for five key areas of difficulty: language ability, cultural competence, self-esteem and building trust, anxiety, and teaching delicate matters. The article implies that thorough analysis of the problems mentioned can be the pre-condition to be able to improve the efficiency of second language instruction. This article, through acknowledging the challenges that characterize the teaching of foreign languages to a non-speaker and the potential mitigation techniques, provides a pivotal insight for language teachers, researchers and language-teaching practitioners who want to improve language teaching outcomes. The fact that foreign language teaching teachers might be the first to experience the challenges of learning a foreign language increases the risks for both teachers and learners. This piece tries discuss multifarious problems of NNE students. These problems start from linguistic and cultural but ends with learner expectation Tackling those challenges is one of the main policy objectives that the course will focus on, where cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and ongoing professional development are of the highest priority. Hence, through solving these problems, educators can strengthen the quality of language aid service and create an atmosphere that is compatible to all.
Teaching foreign languages as a non-native is a growing trend in today’s globalized world. In addition, it requires proper strategies and methods from teachers. This article delves into particular difficulties. By doing this, there are a number of challenges that teachers and students may encounter when teaching and learning foreign languages as non-native. These challenges can be divided into three main categories: linguistic challenges, non-linguistic challenges, and methodological challenges. Linguistic challenges include pronunciation difficulties, grammar difficulties, and vocabulary difficulties. Non-linguistic challenges include cultural differences and a lack of motivation. Methodological challenges include the use of ineffective teaching methods and a lack of opportunities for practice. Teaching a foreign language is a complex task that requires not only linguistic proficiency but also cultural understanding and pedagogical skills. While many language teachers are native speakers of the language they teach, there is a growing number of non-native speakers who are taking on the role of language instructors.
Политика реформирования медицинской сферы образования в Узбекистане оказывает огромное влияние на преподавание иностранного языка как дисциплины в рамках общегуманитарных наук. Преподавание английского языка постепенно начинает отходить на второй план, что в ближайшем будущем грозит «выпасть» из реестра дисциплин медицинских вузов. Иностранный язык, в частности английский как общеобразовательный предмет, опущен почти на последнее место. Слабая методическая база дисциплины «Медицинский английский», сменившая в последние годы «общий английский» в направлении ESP, а также модернизация профессионального медицинского образования в целом, создает ряд проблем в процессе изучения английского языка. преподавание языка. Одним из наиболее актуальных направлений высшего медицинского образования стал процесс преподавания специальных предметов на английском языке, что также ставит ряд актуальных вопросов для решения. Возможности совершенствования механизма обучения иностранному языку и эффективные меры по организации деятельности в этом направлении определяют превосходство за медицинскими высшими учебными заведениями. В связи с этим важным фактором достижения высоких результатов в это направление.
This article presents scientific opinions on methodological aspects of teaching topics, teaching methods and stages in the process of language learning and mastery. The experiences and methods of Uzbek and foreign specialists in teaching a foreign language are studied and analyzed in detail.