Uzbekistan is a country endowed with a variety of medicinal plants with strong potential
for therapeutic application, Ferula assefoetida l. is called ferula is one of the most
popular medicinal herbs. It is important active ingredient responsible for the biological
activity of ferula, through the major activity is anti-inflammatory. This analysis was
aimed to determine analysis compound of ferulic acids analysis using high performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC), LC-20 Prominence, Shimadzu, column C-18 250 х 4,6
mm, 5 mcm; acetonitrile: acetic acid: aqua bides as mobile phase, flow rate 1 ml/min
and detection at 320 nm. Thus the analytical method using HPLC for ferulic acid were
feasible for quantitative analysis. As a result of the research, the content of dry extract
was 0,01% of the content of ferulic acid.