№2 | 2020
УДК 616.716-08:615.322
Usmon Bobonazarovich Gafforov,
Davron Dastamovich Ibragimov,
Shukurova Zilola Sanatovna.
Samarqand Davlat Tibbiyot Instituti,
yuz- jag’ jarrohligi kafedrasi, Samarqand, O’zbekiston.
Uhbu tadqiqotning maqsadi yuz-jag’ jarrohligi sohsi amaliyotida uchraydigan odontogen flegmonalarni kompleks davosida
efir moyi preparatini qo’llashning samaradorligini sitologik yo’l bilan baholashdan iborat edi. Ushbu tadqiqotda 2019 yil davomida
Samarqand shahridagi shahar tibbiyot birlashmasi yuz-jag’ jarrohligi bo’limida odontogen flegmonalar bilan davolangan yoshi 19
dan 56 gacha bo’lgan 37 bemorlar va 16 ta analogik yoshdagi sag’lom insonlar ularda olib borilgan instrumental va qo’shimcha
tekshiruv natijalari, klinik tashxis asosida o’tkazilgan operatsiyalar tahlil qilindi. Bemorlar 2 ta guruhga bo’lindi. Birinchi guruh
bemorlarda ananaviy davolash olib borildi. Ikkinchi guruh bemorlarini ananaviy davolashiga efir moyini operasiyadan so’ng
jarohatga mahalliy qollash bilan qoshilib olib borildi. Yuz – jag’ sohasidagi yiringli yalliglanishlarida efir moyini mahalliy tarzda
qollash organizmni hujayraviy immunitetni fogositar va sorbsion xususiyatini oshirishi sitologik usul bilan isbotlangan.
Kalit so'zlar
: odontogen flegmonalar, efir moyi, sitologik tekshiruv.
Гаффоров Усмон Бобоназарович,
Ибрагимов Даврон Дастамович,
Шукурова Зилола Санатовна.
Кафедра челюстно-лицевой хирургии, Самаркандский
государственный медицинский институт, Самарканд, Узбекистан.
настоящей работы является оценка эффективности применения эфирного масла аниса при лечении флегмон
челюстно-лицевой области у больных по данным цитологических показателей. К исследованию было привлечено 37
больных в возрасте от 19 до 56 лет с флегмонами челюстно-лицевой области, находившихся на стационарном лечении в
отделении челюстно-лицевой хирургии городского медицинского объединения города Самарканда, и 16 здоровых людей
аналогичного возраста, на период от 2019 года. Больные разделены на 2 группы: 1 группа включала в себя больных
получавших традиционное комплексное лечение. 2 группе больных, помимо традиционного лечения, после операции
вскрытия флегмоны челюстно-лицевой области, рану промывали антисептическими растворами и вводили в рану наряду
с трубчатыми дренажами, марлевые турунды, пропитанные 1 % раствором эфирного масла Аниса. Доказано, что местное
применение эфирного масла аниса для обработки гнойных ран повышает активность фагоцитов и сорбционную
способность клеток раневой области, снижает содержание воспалительного клеточного экссудата.
Ключевые слова:
одонтогенные флегмоны, эфирное масло, цитологическое исследование.
Usmon Bobonazarovich Gafforov,
Davron Dastamovich Ibragimov,
Shukurova Zilola Sattarovna.
Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
№2 | 2020
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of anise essential oil application in the treatment of phlegmon of the
maxillofacial region in patients according to cytological data. The study involved 37 patients aged 19 to 56 years with phlegmons of
the maxillofacial region, who were in hospital treatment at the department of maxillofacial surgery of the Samarkand city medical
association, and 16 healthy people of the same age for the period from 2019. The patients are divided into two groups: Group 1
included patients who received traditional complex treatment. The 2nd group of patients, in addition to the traditional treatment, after
the operation of opening the phlegmon of the maxillofacial area, the wound was washed with antiseptic solutions and injected with
tubular drainage and gauze turundas, soaked with 1% solution of Anis essential oil. It is proved that the local use of anise essential
oil for the treatment of purulent wounds increases the activity of phagocytes and the sorption capacity of wound cells, reduces the
content of inflammatory cellular exudate.
Key words:
odontogenic phlegmon, essential oil, cytological examination.
According to statistics, the number of
patients with severe forms of inflammatory processes of the
maxillofacial region is increasing significantly and it often leads
to the development of various complications. Nowadays, a clear
tactic has been developed in the treatment of patients with acute
purulent and inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region,
in which the leading role is played by active surgery with
subsequent rational complex treatment, aimed at optimizing its
healing, taking into account the phases of the wound process and
rational antibioterial therapy.
The solution of these issues is particularly important in
situations when it concerns patients with deep fibrous spaces in
the maxillofacial area. The successful outcome of treatment of
patients with purulent processes largely depends on local
treatment. The use of antiseptic agents for the treatment of
purulent wounds in patients with deep cellular spaces of the
maxillofacial region without determining the sensitivity of
pathogens, which takes at least 3 days, is clearly not rational and
may further cause the development of immunodeficiency status
with all the ensuing adverse consequences. In recent years, for
the treatment of patients with inflammatory processes of the
maxillofacial region of various etiologies and localizations are
increasingly widespread herbal products, which have a wide
range of therapeutic effects. From these positions, we found it
relevant to study the effectiveness of anise essential oil. Results
of treatment showed that anise essential oil has anti-
inflammatory, antibacterial and antipyretic properties, also acts
as a diuretic. In the available literature we have not found
scientific researches devoted to the application of anise essential
oil in the complex treatment of phlegmon of the maxillofacial
area in patients with deep cellular spaces.
Objective of the study is
evaluation the efficacy of
anise essential oil application in the treatment of deep phlegmons
of the maxillofacial region in patients according to cytological
Materials and methods:
The study involved 37
patients aged 19 to 56 years with phlegmons of the maxillofacial
region, who were in hospital treatment at the department of
maxillofacial surgery of the Samarkand city medical association,
and 16 healthy people of the same age for the period from 2019.
The patients are divided into two groups: Group 1
included patients who received traditional complex treatment.
The 2nd group of patients, in addition to the traditional treatment,
after the operation of opening the phlegmon of the maxillofacial
area, the wound was washed with antiseptic solutions and
injected with tubular drainage and gauze turundas, soaked with
1% solution of Anis essential oil.
After clinical diagnosis and preoperative
preparation, opening of the patient's purulent focus was
performed under anesthesia. After incision the phlegmons of
maxillary cellular spaces, the wound was washed with antiseptic
(furacillin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide) solutions, and
injected with tubular drainage and gauze turundas, soaked with
1% solution of Anis essential oil. Dressings were performed
according to indications twice per a day. Local treatment of the
purulent wound is carried out before it is cleared of exudate. For
the cytological examination, scrapings were taken from the
wound on a slide glass on 1, 3, 5 days after the opening of the
purulent focus.
Inflammatory changes in the wound decreased after
local use of anise essential oil, which is evidenced by a
statistically significant decrease in neutrophil leukocytes on the
2nd and 4th days, a decrease in percentage of the phagocytic and
neutrophil leukocytes on the 5th day from the beginning of
This is convenient and hygienic in use, prevents the
development of side effects, and has a pronounced prolonged
therapeutic effect with high clinical efficiency, namely anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, anesthetic, regenerating and
antioxidant. During the first 3 days aforementioned method
promotes the shortening of the first phase of the purulent process
for 2 ± 0.02 days. Pustular cavity was purified for 3-4 days;
patients were discharged on average for 5±1 days, which were
2±1 days earlier than in the control group. All discharged
patients of the main group treated by the proposed method had a
gentle, smooth scar. There was a favorable effect on the course
of wound healing process in the tissues of maxillofacial area,
quick elimination inflammation and festering, the disappearance
of unpleasant sensations began after the first session of
Thus, the local application of anise essential oil for the
treatment of purulent wounds increases the activity of
phagocytes and the sorption capacity of cells in the wound
area, reduces the content inflammatory cellular exudate.
Local application of gauze drainage with anise essential oil
after operation of phlegmons of maxillofacial area, duration
of the period of edema and infiltration in a wound decreased
on the average by 2,0±0,5 days and clearing of a wound
from purulent-necrotic tissue - by 2,0±0,5 days.
Epithelization of the wound accelerated - by 3.0±0.5 days,
as a result we can see reduction of duration of stationary
treatment by 2±1 days.
№2 | 2020
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