Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change <p>Материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции 05 сентября 2021 г.</p> in Science ru-RU Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития Проблема бедности и ее особенности https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3683 В статье рассматриваются понятие бедности, проблема бедности и ее особенности. Мухаммаджон Ганиев Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 3 6 Хорижий давлатлар ёшлар ташкилотларида ходимларни бошқаришнинг замонавий ёндошувлари https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3686 Жаҳон мамлакатларида ходимларни бошқариш жараёни барча давлат ва нодавлат корхоналари қатори ёшлар ташкилотларида ҳам долзарб аҳамият касб этмоқда. Чунки малакали ходимларга муносиб ҳақ тўламаслик ва мотивация қилмаслик натижасида ташкилотда ушлаб туриш имконияти йўқолади. Шу сабабли бугунги кунда ходимларни бошқарув жараёнига менежерлар томонидан алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Хорижий давлатлар ёшлар ташкилотларида ходимларни бошқариш жараёнини тадқиқ қилишда АҚШ, Япония, Франция, Япония, Буюк Британия ва Германия Федератив Республикаларининг ўзига хос тажрибаларини ўрганиш мақсадга мувофиқ деб ҳисоблаймиз. Адхамжон Усманов Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 12 15 Concepts and models of small business development https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3690 In economic thought, it is possible to distinguish various concepts that form and develop the theory of entrepreneurship. Although the surge of researchers ' interest in small business occurred in the 1970s, nevertheless, in earlier works, scientists outlined the features of the structural sectors of entrepreneurship. The study of the literature devoted to this problem allows us to identify six major areas of its research. Мария Алексеева Шахризода Мухсинова Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 19 23 Quality of services as a result of the sophistication of the catering team https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3684 The purpose of research – analysis of service quality, which depends on the professionalism of catering staff. The article presents the characteristics of the five typologies of service in a modern restaurant practice, depending on the technique of personnel and communications. It highlighted the relevance of the work with the customer reviews to improve loyalty and credibility to the company. Хабибулло Зиявитдинов Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 6 12 Янги Ўзбекистон шароитида аёллар тадбиркорлигини ривожлантириш масалалари ва унинг мамлакат тараққиётидаги ўрни https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3688 Маълумки, тарихий тараққиёт давомида Ўзбекистон жаҳоннинг ривожланган давлатлари қатори ўз миллий қиёфасида, яъни ижтимоий ҳаётнинг барча соҳаларида халқимизнинг миллий менталитетига хос бўлган ижобий анъаналар ва қадриятларни сақлаб қолган ҳолда майдонга чиқди. Бу давр жамиятимизда аёлларни улуғлаш, давлат томонидан уларни сиёсий, иқтисодий, ҳуқуқий ва маънавий манфаатларини ҳимоя қилишнинг негизи сифатида тарих зарварақларида ёрқин из қолдирди. Дильбар Ахмедова Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 15 18 Some features of the development of a business plan for small businesses https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_of_economic_change/article/view/3692 In modern market relations, competent planning of the economic activity of entrepreneurial organizations is an important prerequisite for their development, ensuring the effective distribution and consumption of production resources. Business planning, performs a number of important functions in the system of entrepreneurial activity, among which the following are of the greatest importance: 1. Initiation – activation, stimulation and motivation of planned actions, projects and transactions. 2. Forecasting is the foresight and justification of the desired state of the company in the process of analyzing and taking into account a set of factors. 3. Optimization – ensuring the choice of an acceptable and best option for the development of an enterprise in a specific socio-economic environment. 4. Coordination and integration- taking into account the interrelation and interdependence of all structural divisions of companies with their orientation to a single overall result. 5. Management security- providing information about possible risks for the timely adoption of proactive measures to reduce or prevent negative consequences. 6. Ordering - creating a single general order for successful work and responsibility. 7. Control - the ability to quickly track the implementation of the plan, identify errors and possible adjustments to it. 8. Education and training – the favorable impact of samples of rationally planned actions on the behavior of employees and the possibility of teaching them, including on mistakes. 9. Documentation - presentation of actions in a documentary form, which can be proof of successful or erroneous actions of the company's managers. Асылгуль Оспанова Шахризода Мухсинова Copyright (c) 2022 Региональные проблемы экономических изменений и перспектива развития 2021-09-26 2021-09-26 1 1 23 26