The role of a teacher in communicative activities | Психология и педагогика: Проблемы и решения

The role of a teacher in communicative activities

Мамутова, Ю., & Пирназарова, Ш. (2021). The role of a teacher in communicative activities. Психология и педагогика: Проблемы и решения, 1(1), 3–6. извлечено от
Юлдуз Мамутова, Каракалпакский государственный университет

старший преподаватель

Шахноза Пирназарова, Каракалпакский государственный университет

студентка 3 курса



The present article investigates teachers’ role, providing useful ideas to make the speaking lesson in EFL classroom as effective as possible. The responsibilities of establishing situations that teachers are charged with to promote communication in the target language are analyzed as well.

background image

“Психология ва педагогика: муаммо ва ечимлар”

Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 8 сентябрь 2021 й.)







Yulduz Mamutova,

Senior Teacher at Karakalpak State University

Shakhnoza Pirnazarova,

3rd year student at Karakalpak State University


: The present article investigates teachers’ role, providing useful ideas

to make the speaking lesson in EFL classroom as effective as possible. The
responsibilities of establishing situations that teachers are charged with to promote
communication in the target language are analyzed as well.

Key words:

teacher, communicative language teaching (CLT), classroom activity,

language, learner, facilitator.

EFL teachers play a great role in organizing communicative activities. The main

role of the teacher is to be facilitator of his or her students’ learning. The teacher is the
manager of classroom activities. Teachers are charged with the responsibility of
establishing situations likely to promote communication. The students are
communicators, and they learn to communicate by speaking. In CLT, learning
activities are selected according to the interests of the learner.

The goal of any language teaching course is, by and large, to enable students to

use the language they learn in real-life situations. As stated in Freeman and Anderson,
for teachers to succeed in this mission they must introduce authentic language in
classroom; language functions together with the different structures through which
they can be conveyed depending on different situations; and use the role-play technique
where students are ascribed different social roles which they have to play in real-life

It is clear that, with such principles, CLT methodology has marked a paradigm

shift in the roles of both the learner and the teacher. Learners now have to work
cooperatively and learn from their peers instead of individual learning, or from the
teacher as highlighted in traditional approaches. They are now engaged in designing
classroom activities and encouraged to develop a sense of “autonomous and life-long

Секция №2. Педагогика фанлари/ Pedagogical sciences /Педагогические науки

background image

“Психология ва педагогика: муаммо ва ечимлар”

Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 8 сентябрь 2021 й.)


Breen and Candlin summarized the roles of learners as follows:
“The role of learner as negotiator – between the self, the learning process, and the

project of learning – emerges from and interacts with the role of joint negotiator within
the group and within the classroom procedures and activities which the group
undertakes. The implication for the learners is that they should contribute as much as
they gain, and thereby learn in an interdependent way”.

Teachers, on the other hand, are now expected to act as facilitators, advisors and

monitors during classroom activities. In other words, the teacher now is seen as “a
guide on the side”; he intervenes only when students are facing some difficulties with
either the content or the design of classroom activities. Instead of being the correct
model of the target language and having a negative attitude towards learner’s erroneous
output, the teacher now has to develop a positive tendency towards errors. They are
considered an indication of learner’s language development. The teacher can rely on
these errors to determine the learners’ level and design appropriate communicative
activities accordingly. For these activities to be meaningful they must be based on real-
life situations; they must also include communicative features namely: information
gaps (i.e., activities where students seek to get a piece of information which they do
not know), choice (i.e., activities where students have to choose the appropriate way to
express themselves depending on the situation) and feedback (i.e., activities where
students get feedback on their output). During classroom activities, teachers can also
act as an independent communicator and be a member of the whole group.

Richards and Rodgers identified three main roles ascribed to the teacher within

the CLT framework. The teacher is seen as a need analyst, a counselor and a group
process manager. First, he is a need analyst in that he is required to determine and
respond to learners’ language needs. This can be done either by individual
conversations with students or by administering needs assessments. Second, the
teacher acts as a counselor and a facilitator who is expected to exemplify the
communicative process through the use of confirmation and feedback. Third, the
teacher is expected to act as a group manager. CLT guidelines suggest that during
communicative activities the teacher monitors, manages and advises students but never
intervenes to correct or supply information gaps; this is done later when the focus is on

Breen and Candlin summarized the roles of the teacher within CLT as follows:
The teacher has two main roles: the first role is to facilitate the communication

process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and
the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent participant
within the learning-teaching group. The latter role is closely related to the objectives
of the first role and arises from it.

Widdowson observes that the “natural” way of acquiring a language is slow and

inefficient and the purpose of language teaching is to make this process fast and simple.
He suggests that language teachers need to assist learners by providing them with
frameworks, patterns and rules to develop their communicative language skills. He
recommends the use of lexical phrases in language teaching, as they are pragmatic and
functional and have a clearly defined role, so they guide students in the flow of
conversation and assist them in conveying meaning.

Секция №2. Педагогика фанлари/ Pedagogical sciences /Педагогические науки

background image

“Психология ва педагогика: муаммо ва ечимлар”

Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 8 сентябрь 2021 й.)


The teacher also has the duty of structuring classrooms in a manner that motivates

students. He or she should focus on both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Discussing
topics of genuine interest for learners is a useful tool for maintaining and increasing
learner motivation. It is important that learners discuss topics of genuine interest to
them while learning and practicing in English. The teacher is also charged with the
responsibility of creating a conductive classroom environment. Learners’
communicative skills can be developed if they are motivated and provided an
opportunity to express their identity and relate their feelings to the people around them.
They should feel secure and valuable as individuals in their learning atmosphere
because a secure learning atmosphere fosters growth of interpersonal relationships
between learners themselves and between the learner and the teacher thereby making
the class atmosphere safe, encouraging, and accommodating.

Hendrickson believes that CLT should include activities that are interesting to the

learners and challenge their linguistic abilities while at the same time, capturing their
imagination and motivating them to continue to acquire and use foreign language
beyond the textbook and classroom. Language teachers should provide diverse,
interesting and abundant communicative activities. Language teachers assist learners
in developing their communicative ability and help them to express themselves and
understand others in social settings.

It is observed that the communicative approach puts emphasis on listening, which

implies an active will to try to understand others. In summary, the role of the teacher
as one of listener rather than speaker comes out in CLT. The teacher should be a patient
listener, and it is the basic requirement. Since teachers talk less and listens more, they
become active facilitators of their students’ learning. The teacher sets up the exercise,
but because the students‟ performance is the goal, the teacher must step back and
observe, sometimes acting as referee or monitor. A classroom during a communicative
activity is far from quiet. The students do most of the speaking, and frequently the
scene of a classroom during a communicative exercise is active.

Because of the increased responsibility to participate, students may find they gain

confidence in using the target language in general. Students are more responsible
managers of their own learning. CLT enhances listening and speaking through
interactive tasks such as role-play, public speaking, dictation, debates, among others.
These activities imply learner-centered lessons where the learners perform most of the
tasks leaving the teacher as a facilitator.


To sum up, teachers take an important part in developing students’ language skills

through organizing communicative activities. They may act as facilitators, monitors,
analyst, manager, motivator, and guide not fully controlling the activities, but giving
directions when learners face difficulties.

Секция №2. Педагогика фанлари/ Pedagogical sciences /Педагогические науки

background image

“Психология ва педагогика: муаммо ва ечимлар”

Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 8 сентябрь 2021 й.)




DOFF, Adrian. Teaching English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

1989, 286p., ISBN: 0-521-348641


Freeman, D. (Ed.). (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching



ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press



Richards, J. C & Rodgers, T. S. (Ed.). (2001). Approaches and Methods in

Language Teaching (2


ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Richards, J. C. (2006).

Communicative Language Teaching Today


Cambridge University Press. 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473,


Shumin, K. (1997). Factors to consider: Developing adult EFL students’

speaking abilities. English Teaching Forum. 35 (3), 8.


Widdowson. H. (1987). Aspects of syllabus design. In M. Tickoo (ed).

Language Syllabuses: State of the Art. Singapore: Regional Language Centre.




Nazarov Jamshid Xoliyorovich,

Surxondaryo viloyati, Muzrabot tumani

kasb-hunar maktabi,

yoshlar bilan ishlash bo‘yicha

direktor o‘rinbosari


Hozirgi kunda o‘quvchi-yoshlar harbiy ta’lim sirlari hamda

ajdodlar tomonidan to‘plangan saboqlar, urf-odat, milliy-ma’naviy qadriyatlar va
hayotiy tajriba asosida jamiyatda o‘zining munosib o‘rnini egallashi, bilim salohiyati
va dunyoqarashining shakllanishida chaqiriqqacha harbiy ta’lim o‘qituvchisi, uning

kompetentligini shakllantirish

muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.

Tayanch tushuncha va iboralar:

chaqiriqqacha harbiy taʼlim oʻqituvchilarda

kompenentlilik, kompetensiya, metodik, kompetentlik turlari, kasbiy tarbiyalanganlik,
pedagog kadr, ta’lim jarayoni, kasbiy faoliyat.

Pedagogikada “kompetentlik” – bu talabaningshaxsiy va ijtimoiy ahamiyatga ega

kasbiy faoliyatni amalga oshirilishi uchun zarur bo‘lgan bilim, ko‘nikma va
malakalaming egallanishi hamda ularning kasbiy faoliyatda qo‘llay olishi bilan
ifodalanadi. Pedagogika oliy ta’lim muassasalarida ta’limning har bir bosqichi uchun
ta’lim bloklari va o‘quv fanlari darajasida tayanch kompetentlik aniqlanadi [1-3].

Tayanch kompetentlik tartibini belgilashda kasbiy pedagogik ta’limning asosiy

maqsadlariga muvofiq ijtimoiy hamda shaxsiy tajribaning mohiyati,ijtimoiy jamiyatda
kasbiy faoliyatni tashkil etish jarayonida hayotiy kasb etadi. Ushbu nuqtai nazardan

Секция №2. Педагогика фанлари/ Pedagogical sciences /Педагогические науки

Библиографические ссылки

DOFF. Adrian. Teaching English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989. 286p.. ISBN: 0-521-348641

Freeman. D. (Ed ). (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Richards. J. C & Rodgers. T. S. (Ed ). (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richards. J. C. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press. 32 Avenue of the Americas. New York. NY 10013-2473. USA

Shumin. K. (1997). Factors to consider: Developing adult EFL students' speaking abilities. English Teaching Forum. 35 (3), 8.

Widdowson. H. (1987). Aspects of syllabus design. In M. Tickoo (ed). Language Syllabuses: State of the Art. Singapore: Regional Language Centre.

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