Amonova S., student of 523-group, Department of Pediatrics and Medical
Biology, II-Pediatric Faculty
Supervisor: Rustamova J.T., Associate Professor of Department of
Psychiatry, Narcology, Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology,
Psychotherapy, TashPMI
According to literary data and conducted scientific research, COVID-19 not
only affects the respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems but also impacts the nervous
system and human psyche. It has been noted that psychological and neurological disorders can
occur both during the acute phase of COVID-19 and in the post-COVID period, including as
part of post-COVID syndrome. One of the most common manifestations is post- traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD).
Research Objective
: To study post-traumatic stress disorder in the post-COVID period
in patients who have recovered from coronavirus infection.
Materials and Methods:
26 patients aged 34 to 59 with post-traumatic stress disorder,
undergoing treatment at the Tashkent City Psychiatric Hospital and Tashkent City
Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 1, who had a history of coronavirus infection, were
examined. The examination was conducted using clinical-psychopathological and
clinicalfollow-up methods.
Among the examined patients, more than half were women - 65.4%, while men
accounted for 34.6%. Post-traumatic stress disorder more often occurred in patients with severe
COVID-19. 18 patients (69.2%) reported being hospitalized in intensive care units and being
connected to mechanical ventilation. Delirium developed in 11.5% of patients during the acute
phase of coronavirus infection. PTSD developed at different times during the postCOVID
syndrome: in 26.9% of patients after 4 weeks of recovery, after 6 weeks - in 23.1%, after 8-12
weeks - in 19.2%, after 16 weeks - in 15.4%, after 20 weeks - in 11.5%, and only in 3.9% of the
examined patients after 24 weeks. The clinical picture of PTSD in the post- COVID period in
the patients examined by us was characterized by symptoms such as sudden fear of death, feeling
of breathlessness, difficulty falling asleep, and nightmares. Painful memories or thoughts
associated with shortness of breath and nocturnal awakenings were quite common. Illusory and
psychosensory disorders, somato-vegetative symptoms with tachycardia or bradycardia,
feelings of suffocation, chest tightness, sweating, dizziness, accompanied by anxiety and
agitation, were sometimes observed. The severity and frequency of the development of the
specified symptoms decreased over time and directly correlated with the severity of the disease.
Patients experienced unpleasant memories of the past coronavirus infection and the period spent
in the hospital. During conversations, patients found it difficult to concentrate, experienced
distractibility and irritability, and quickly became fatigued. Subjectively, patients noted a
decrease in work capacity, productivity, an increase in emotional tension, and anxiety in conflict
and other stressful situations.
: Post-traumatic stress disorder is a fairly common occurrence in the post-
COVID period. Risk factors for the development of PTSD may include severe COVID-19 with
hospitalization in the intensive care unit, delirium, female gender, and the presence of
concomitant somatic and neurological diseases.
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