Ability and talent | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

Ability and talent

Masharipova, D. (2022). Ability and talent. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 124–127. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific-research-covid-19/article/view/7835
Dilfuza Masharipova, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical, University named after Nizami




Over the years, differences and similarities in abilities and talents have caused many problems and controversies. This article summarizes the differences

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in several

hadeeths that if a plague spreads somewhere, he should not go there, and if
it appears in the place where he is present, he should not run away from it.
The so-called "siege" of quarantine carried out by modern medical experts
today also reflects the content of this hadith.

After all, a virus of any epidemiological nature spreads very quickly, and

then dies very quickly. After the outbreak of the epidemic is over, over time,
the nature of the virus changes and people become less susceptible to it.

In conclusion, man is a great miracle of nature. Man can save nature and

longevity only if he takes care of his health. Therefore, it is obligatory and
obligatory for everyone to think about themselves, take care of their health
and self-esteem. In the words of our President, let's take care of our God-
given health. Because only a healthy person can be truly happy, because only
a healthy people, a healthy nation can do great things.

1. coronavirus.uz.
2. sof.uz.

Dilfuza Masharipova, Student of Termez branch of Tashkent State

Pedagogical, University named after Nizami,


D. Masharipova

Abstract: Over the years, differences and similarities in abilities and

talents have caused many problems and controversies. This article
summarizes the differences.







understanding, idea, elements, qualities, ability.

The formation of abilities and talents, the achievement of any success, is

more closely linked to human psychology. Many psychologists believe that a
person is capable of anything and achieves a lot if he is satisfied with his
mood and working conditions.

Well, now let's talk about this talent and ability, let's learn it with young

children. Nowadays, in the age of scientific and technological progress,
children have to store a lot of things and information in their memories. In
addition, modern demand requires it.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


In addition, parents want their children to be perfect and talented in

every way, and to do several things and activities at the same time.

Sometimes the psychology of young children is unable to withstand

such captivity and restraint, and in children it causes emotional depression.
As a result, it also destroys the talents and abilities that are being explored.

In many cases, psychologists advise children to be free and free to do

what they want, so that the talents that can emerge are revealed.

Today, many psychologists in our country and abroad are engaged in

the study of abilities, talents and skills. Among them is a well-known Soviet
scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences B. Teplov, as well as his well-known
student and employee local psychologist, Russian psychologist

V. Drujikin. Psychologists such as Matyushlin have studied this topic.
When I try to understand and explain why different people, living

conditions are created under approximately the same conditions and have
different successes, we turn to the concept of ability, believing that the
difference in success can be satisfactorily explained by them.

For example, two teachers and one subject. Both teachers can pass the

lesson satisfactorily. Both have the same level of knowledge, but in the
process we can see that they have the ability to explain the essence of the
lesson, and we can see the proof from the students. So can their ability be
assessed? So we can see the fact that talent is the ability to learn or teach
success, and how a person is in different situations and how he or she can
benefit from his or her talents and abilities. So what are skills?

Ability is an individual trait that has subjective conditions for the

successful implementation of a particular type of activity. In my opinion,
ability is a blessing bestowed on everyone by God, and this is a simple
example of what it is.

At this point, a person wants to create something for himself, to try to

prove something. In many cases, it is only in difficult situations that the
unopened aspects are revealed, but not everyone is fortunate enough to
understand this, and it is in this process that it is possible to learn.

Therefore, a person is constantly connected with his psyche. For

example, a pianist knows that he has a talent in this field by listening to
music and loving them and feeling it from within, or as an artist they become
more nature-loving and affectionate. they see beauties that no one else can
see, and they feel it in their hearts.

In his textbook on general psychology, AV Petrovsky gave the concept of

"ability" as follows.

"Ability is a psychological characteristic of a person, in which the

success of the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but it depends on the
availability of knowledge, skills and abilities" [1]

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


This scientist wants to say that knowledge depends on the availability

of skills, that is, on the ability to acquire knowledge and learn. All these
processes are related to human psychology.

Our local scientist B.M.Teplov makes a great contribution to the

development of the theory of general ability. He singled out "three signs of
ability that form the basis of farifs, which are often used by experts":

1) ability - these are individual psychological characteristics that

distinguish one person from another;

2) features related only to the success of the folate or several foils; 3)

abilities are not reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities already
formed in people ... "[2]

According to VN Druzkhini, the more developed a person's abilities, the

faster and more successfully he performed some actions, and the more
subjectively difficult the learning process and the field in which he lacked
abilities [3].

According to Teplov, abilities cannot be in the process of continuous

development. Undeveloped, in practice, the ability to stop human use
disappears over time. Only due to regular training in the complex study of
complex forms of human activity, such as music, technical and artistic
creation, mathematics, sports, etc., we retain the appropriate cones. [4]

In his book "On the System of Psychology" KK Platnov describes the

concept of "ability" as follows.

“Abilities are a set of unique characteristics of an individual that are

already included in its four main components but are only necessary for the
development, implementation and improvement of a particular activity.

Ability is the degree to which a particular person meets the

requirements of a particular activity, the structure of a particular person and
the structure of the requirements for a particular type of activity, the degree
to which certain personal characteristics are compensated by others. "[5]

When we talk about a person’s abilities, we mean his or her abilities in

one way or another. These opportunities lead to great success in lowering
folate and high wage rates.

Under equal conditions (level of training, knowledge, skills, abilities,

time, mental and physical abilities), a gifted person also achieves maximum
results compared to gifted, and the high achievements of a gifted person are
the result of a combination of noropsic characteristics and activity

In his works, BM Teplov refers to certain conditions for the formation of

abilities. Ability alone cannot be innate. According to the scientist, the
tendency can only be congenital. Under the models, he understood some
anatomical and physiological features. Slopes are based on the development
of skills, and skills are the result of development.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


If the ability itself is not congenital, then it is formed throughout life (it

should be noted that Teplov distinguished between the terms "congenital"
and "hereditary"; "congenital" - from birth originated from and formed
under the influence of both hereditary and environmental factors,
"hereditary" - is formed under the influence of hereditary factors and
manifests itself at birth and at any time in human life .

Skills are formed in activities. Teplov writes that “... ability cannot arise

outside the scope of a specific objective activity to which it corresponds” [6].
Thus, what arises in the activity corresponding to it can be associated with
ability. Affects product performance and the success of that activity.

According to BM Teplov, ability arises only from activity, which does not

appear before the corresponding activity is carried out. In addition, abilities
are not only manifested in activities, but also appear in them [7].

Talent is the level of development of any human ability, related to their

development, but independent of them. This concept was first developed in
the mid-nineteenth century by the English psychologist Francis Galton.
Talent is usually divided into “artistic” and “practical”.

The early appearance of any ability in a child speaks volumes about his

ability. BM Teplov described talent as "a qualitatively unique combination of
abilities", which depends on more or less success in this or that activity.

Speaking of abilities, it should be noted that they are different for

everyone. Each person has a unique combination of abilities, and its success
is determined by the presence of one or another combination of abilities.

1. Petrovskiy A.V., Yaroshevskiy M.G. Psychology: A textbook for

university students. textbook institutions. - 3rd edition, stereotype. - M .:
"Academy" publishing house,

2. Drujinin V.N., Psychology of General Abilities. 3rd edition - St.

Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

3. Platonov K.K. "On the System of Psychology", - M., "Thoughts", 1972,
4. Teplov B. M. Ability and ability. // Psychology of personal differences.

Texts. M .: Moscow Publishing House. Univ., 1982,

Библиографические ссылки

Petrovskiy A.V., Yaroshevskiy M.G. Psychology: A textbook for university students, textbook institutions. - 3rd edition, stereotype. - M .: "Academy" publishing house,

Drujinin V.N., Psychology of General Abilities. 3rd edition - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

Platonov K.K. "On the System of Psychology", - M., "Thoughts", 1972,

Teplov В. M. Ability and ability. // Psychology of personal differences. Texts. M .: Moscow Publishing House. Univ., 1982,

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