The theme of nature in the works of russian poets | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

The theme of nature in the works of russian poets

Ruzieva, D. (2022). The theme of nature in the works of russian poets. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 163–165. извлечено от
Dilfuza Ruzieva, Bukhara branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers

Department of languages


Ключевые слова:


One of the most important themes in the works of Russian poets is the theme of nature, which is closely related to the theme of the Motherland. "Love for native nature is one of the most important signs of love for your country..." These are the words of the writer K. G. Paustovsky, an unsurpassed master of describing the Russian landscape, a writer whose heart was filled with tenderness and love for native nature

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


5.Sodiqova SH. "Preschool pedagogy" - T. Science and Technology, 2017
6. The concept of preschool education - T, 2011
7. DR Babayeva "Theory and methods of speech development" T, 2018
8. Internet data 2020

Dilfuza Ruzieva, assistant of the Department of languages of the Bukhara

branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization

engineers, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


D. Ruzieva

Abstract: One of the most important themes in the works of Russian

poets is the theme of nature, which is closely related to the theme of the
Motherland. "Love for native nature is one of the most important signs of
love for your country..." These are the words of the writer K. G. Paustovsky,
an unsurpassed master of describing the Russian landscape, a writer whose
heart was filled with tenderness and love for native nature.

Keywords: nature, poet, theme, agriculture.

"Love for native nature is one of the most important signs of love for

your country..." These are the words of the writer K. G. Paustovsky, an
unsurpassed master of describing the Russian landscape, a writer whose
heart was filled with tenderness and love for native nature.

Who can disagree with him? You can't love your Homeland if you don't

live with the life of your beloved birch tree. You can't love the whole world
if you don't have a homeland. These ideas are considered in the poems of
such great poets as A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, A. A. FET, F. I. Tyutchev
and many others.

As a true artist, Pushkin did not choose special "poetic subjects", the

source of his inspiration was life in all its manifestations. As a Russian man,
Pushkin could not help but care about everything connected with the
Motherland. He loved and understood his native nature. In each season of
the year the poet found a special charm, but most of all he loved autumn and
devoted many lines to it. The poet's landscape is not an insensitive image, it
is active, has its own symbolic meaning, its own meaning.

Speaking of another great Russian poet, M. Y. Lermontov, we should

note that in the images of nature the poet sought and found first of all
correspondences to his spiritual experiences. Infinitely loving the Russian
people, his Homeland, the author subtly felt the uniqueness of his native

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


land. Nature in his poetry is a free romantic element. It is in it that the poet
finds the harmony and beauty of the surrounding world, the highest
measure of justice and happiness.

For example, in the poem "Motherland" Lermontov reflects on his

"strange love" for Russia, for nature. It consists in a love of fields, forests,
simple landscapes, a couple of "bleaching birches". In the poem "When the
yellowing field is agitated..." it is shown that the native expanses, nature, as
it were, heal the poet, he feels his unity with God.

Poets of the second half of the XIX century also often turned to images

of nature. The poet philosopher A. A. FET is also known as the"singer of
nature". Indeed, nature in his poems is captured subtly, the poet notices the
slightest changes in its state.

So, true poems about the Motherland, about the nature of the native

country always cause a sense of pride. They are always modern, because
they are illuminated by the unfading light of true humanity, a great love for
it, for all life on Earth.

We can say that some of the most beautiful poems are those that touch

on a subject that excites us, and, in addition, the landscape is an integral part
of all the lyrical works of Russian poets. Nature has always had a special
place in literature. Writers of the 20th century did not avoid this topic. But
if earlier nature was praised and admired, then in the works of
contemporary writers there is a clear call to save what we are losing. The
20th century with its moral and environmental problems was reflected in
the works of Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Viktor Astafiev and many
other writers.

Quite often I have to meet the image of nature in literature. After all, it

almost always acts as the basis on which the described events occur. Thanks
to it, we feel the mood and dynamics of the development of the image. It
helps to develop and approve the characters of the characters depicted, to
form their worldview.

And how lyrically nature appears in poetry. It is full of bright and

interesting characteristics. It awakens the world, gives hope for a good
future, gives us its light and warmth.

It is important to note that the study of images of nature in the works of

Russian poets allows us to understand not only the features of the author's
perception, worldview, national identity of literature, but also the features
of its historical development. Nature itself has remained unchanged for
centuries, but the nature of its display and singing in poetry is significantly
transformed, each new generation of artists of the word sees in it something
new, unseen, undiscovered earlier. The main achievement of poets in the
image of natural images was their high individualization, the natural images

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


themselves became an integral part of the individual author's style of the
most prominent representatives of the studied period.

1. Complete collection of poems by Alexander Pushkin / Lit. RES. 2008
2. M. Yu. Lermontov Collection, Poems and poems/ Profizdat, 2008
3. K. Paustovsky Favorites. Publisher/ "Knihoven" in 2019.
4. A. a. FET : "A pinch of timid breath" / Lit. RES 2016
5. Nikolsky, V. A. / Nature and man in Russian literature of the XIX

century (5060-e) / V. A. Nikolsky.- Kalinin: Kalinin state University.
University, 1973year

Khayitova, Feruza Abdikhalikovna. "Innovative techniques of teaching

vocabulary at the intermediate level." Евразийский научный журнал 4
(2017): 387-388.

Dilfuza Uktamjonova, Teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages

University, Tashkent Uzbekistan



D. Uktamjonova

Abstract:: The term "innovation technology", as stated in the scientific

literature of the etymology, means "innovation" (English innovation -
innovation, invention, science, technology, innovation), while technology
"as a linguistic concept. , a set of rational methods for organizing the
scientific effort to ensure the achievement of the educational objectives,
efforts, and resources. ”

The use of Cinquain, Brainstorming, Case, Zigzag, Cluster, Project,

Method, Mind Mapping as specific methods of innovative technology in
traditional pedagogy has yielded great results.

Below we talk about emerging new pedagogies.
Artificial intelligence in education. The term Artificial Intelligence (SA)

is used to describe computer systems. The systems of artificial intelligence
are rapidly penetrating schools, colleges and universities.

Although many people think of artificial intelligence as robot

instructors, it does have some benefits. Student-based applications include
a smart learning system, a dialogue-based learning system, a research-based
learning environment, automatic writing assessment, and chat agents.

Библиографические ссылки

Complete collection of poems by Alexander Pushkin I Lit. RES. 2008

M. Yu. Lermontov Collection, Poems and poems/ Profizdat, 2008

K. Paustovsky Favorites. Publisher/ "Knihoven" in 2019.

A. a. FET: "A pinch of timid breath" / Lit. RES 2016

Nikolsky, V. A. / Nature and man in Russian literature of the XIX century (5060-е) / V. A. Nikolsky.- Kalinin: Kalinin state University. University, 1973year

Khayitova, Feruza Abdikhalikovna. "Innovative techniques of teaching vocabulary at the intermediate level." Евразийский научный журнал 4 (2017): 387-388.

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