Theoretical aspects of studying the theme “trigonometric transformations” in class 9 | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

Theoretical aspects of studying the theme “trigonometric transformations” in class 9

Barlikbaeva, S. (2022). Theoretical aspects of studying the theme “trigonometric transformations” in class 9 . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(02), 176–179. извлечено от
Saera Barlikbaeva, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named Azhiniyaz



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The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical aspects of studying the subject of "trigonometric transformations"in grade 9

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Saera Barlikbaeva Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named Azhiniyaz,




S. Barlikbaeva

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical aspects

of studying the subject of "trigonometric transformations" in grade 9.

Keywords: aspect, trigonometry, study, method, tasks.

At present, our education system is more and more focused on the

humanization of the learning process in schools. Humanization in the field
of teaching mathematics is understood as the focus of the entire educational
process on the development of a comprehensively developed personality of
the student. In this regard, in the new educational system, the means and
methods of teaching are organized in such a way thatstudents are given the
opportunity to show wit, resourcefulness, and the originality of their
thinking to the subject material. One of the effective didactic tools that
provide such an orientation of learning is differentiation, which is
understood as a way of organizing the educational process, which takes into
account the individual psychological characteristics of each student [1].

An orientation toward building a comprehensively developed

personality in teaching mathematics requires the improvement of teaching
methods and changes in the methodology, using the results of the latest
achievements of mathematics, pedagogy and psychology.

The reorganization of the structure of school educational system makes

it possible not only to monitor the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of
students, but also to shift the emphasis from narrow-subject knowledge to
meta-subject knowledge, contributing to the development of new methods
for studying mathematics at school. The consequences of the transition to a
new education system entail not only the emergence of additional subjects
of study in high school, but also a change in the methods and methods for
studying already established subjects, in particular mathematics. At this
point in time, the main task of the learning system is to develop new teaching
methods at school, to implement the concept of specialized education at the
secondary level of general education. The use of the fundamental ideas of
the concept on practical application in school raises the question of the
incomplete preparation of methodological knowledge for teaching specific
mathematics topics in the education system, including in the section
“Trigonometric transformations” in a secondary school in 9th grade [2].

It should be noted that the initial trigonometric knowledge of students

is often presented abruptly, fragmentarily. The attitude of modern students

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to trigonometry is due to a lack of understanding of its role and significance.
In the old days, until 1966, trigonometry was shown to schoolchildren as a
clear and understandable example of improving mathematical science. The
place of trigonometry in school education was rated very highly, in the ninth
and tenth it was studied as an independent discipline "Trigonometry",
allocating two hours a week for this lesson. Since 1966, the attitude towards
trigonometry has changed dramatically and has changed dramatically over
time. The reform of school mathematical education, the so-called “reform of
A.N. Kolmogorov. " First of all, this was manifested in the fact that the
program goals of studying "Trigonometry" in schools have changed. This
branch of mathematics has lost its “significance” as a teaching tool used to
develop thinking, stage-by-stage and directed familiarization of the child
with the foundations of the scientific fundamental world through mastering
the elementary practice of constructing this fundamental one. Summing up,
the trigonometric material began to gradually “disappear” not only from the
main school, but also from the course of the senior level of education at

The course of trigonometry of the basic school continues to have

considerable weight in practical application, which involves the assimilation
of basic concepts, the ability to transform various kinds of expressions, study
the function and graphing students. Studying the concepts of trigonometry
is not limited to the framework of one school subject, since they reflect a
fairly wide area of human life, causal relationships, emdiving the ideas of
actual and potential infinity, continuity, etc. Schoolchildren must have
strong knowledge of trigonometry, because they are part of a huge chain of
concepts and are of great importance in the implementation of intersubject
communications. Studying the elements of trigonometry in high school is
associated with a number of difficulties: a high level of abstraction of
concepts, a complex logical structure of their definitions, insufficient study
time to comprehend the complexity of questions and other issues [3].

Currently, trigonometric material is losing its general educational value.

In connection with the growing need of students for a good organization of
training in this section, it becomes necessary to consider the issue of the
applied orientation of trigonometry as one of the branches of mathematics.

Studying trigonometry in the 9th grade plays a significant role in the

school system, since the universality of mathematical methods allows us to
reflect in the formal concepts of algebra, geometry and mathematical
analysis at the level of a general scientific methodology the connection of
theoretical material from various fields of knowledge with practice.
Therefore, practice-transforming activity determines the importance of
trigonometry in preparing students for continuing education in the process
of professional development.

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Unfortunately, at present many students, not trying to understand the

essence of the topic, are trying to memorize it, thereby creating an ellusion
of mastery of the material. That's why, in 1905, people could read in William
James's book Psychology his reasoning about “why cramming represents
such a bad way of learning?” [4]

“The knowledge acquired through simple cramming is almost inevitably

forgotten completely without a trace. On the contrary, the mental material
gradually recruited by the memory, day after day, in connection with various
contexts, associated associatively with other external events and repeatedly
discussed, forms such a system, enters into such a relationship with the rest
of our intellect, is easily renewed in memory by a mass of external reasons
that remains a long-term solid acquisition. ”

More than a hundred years have passed since then, and these words are

strikingly relevant today. You are convinced of the reliability of his words
every day, studying with schoolchildren of our time. Mass gaps in knowledge
are so large that it can be argued: a school course in mathematics in didactic
and psychological relations is not a system, but a device that encourages
short-term memory and does not care at all about long-term memory.

To know the school course of mathematics means to own the material

of each of the areas of mathematics, to be able to update any of them at any
time. To achieve this, you need to systematically address each of them, which
is sometimes not always possible due to the heavy workload in the lesson.

There is another way of long-term memorization of facts and formulas -

these are reference signals. Trigonometry is one of the large sections of
school mathematics, studied in the course of geometry of the 8th, 9th grades
and in the course of algebra of the 9th grade, algebra and the beginnings of
analysis in the 10th grade.The largest volume of the studied material on
trigonometry is in the 9th grade. Most of this material from trigonometry
can be studied and remembered on the trigonometric circle .

These are the following concepts of trigonometry:

definitions of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of an angle;











scope and range of trigonometric functions;


values of trigonometric functions for some values of a numerical and

angular argument;

periodicity of trigonometric functions;

evenness and oddness of trigonometric functions;

increase and decrease of trigonometric functions;

reduction formulas;

values of inverse trigonometric functions;

solution of the simplest trigonometric equations;

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


solution of the simplest inequalities;

basic formulas of trigonometry.

Understanding is a way that has a positive effect on the development of

students' logic and thinking. A technique based on the principle of
“understanding” is considered the most effective and contributes to the
strong assimilation of knowledge, both in the mathematics section of
trigonometry and in other disciplines. In addition, in order for the student
to understand the proposed material, he needs to pass this material
“through himself”, i.e. to study this material independently, thereby
increasing the level of the student’s own activity [5].

1. Sarantsev G.I. The humanization of mathematical education as a

global phenomenon: traditions and prospects. Monograph. Orekhova-
Zueva: –MGOGI, 2014

2. Al-Momani E.A. The humanization of modern education in the Middle

East. Abstract of dissertation for the participation of students Cand. ice
science. Stavropol, 1996

3. Vilenkin N.Ya. Algebra and mathematical analysis. 10 cl .: Textbook

for the school. And cl. with deep Learn Mathematics. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012

4. James W. Psychology - S.P .: K.L. Ricker, 1905
5. Andronov I.K., Okunev A.K. Trigonometry course, developed on the

basis of real tasks. - M.: Education, 2012

Madinakhan Khajieva, Student of Berdakh Karakalpak StateUniversity,

Philology and journalismfaculty



M. Khajieva

Abstract: This article provides information about the appearance of the

reporting genre in Internet journalism and the peculiarities of the reporting

Keywords: reportage, genre, reporter, photo, report, journalism.

In journalism, genres are divided into two large groups, and in some

sources into three groups. The most common of the mare: informational,
analytical, artistic publicism. Each work has its own compositional
structure. At the same time, each genre has its own requirements, goals and
objectives. An essential side which a journalist should pay attention to is
reality. There are various forms and methods of information transmission.
The concept of genre has developed as a result of people's interest in

Библиографические ссылки

Sarantsev G.I. The humanization of mathematical education as a global phenomenon: traditions and prospects. Monograph. Orekhova-Zueva: -MGOGI, 2014

Al-Momani E.A. The humanization of modern education in the Middle East. Abstract of dissertation for the participation of students Gand, ice science. Stavropol, 1996

Vilenkin N.Ya. Algebra and mathematical analysis. 10 cl .: Textbook for the school. And cl. with deep Learn Mathematics. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012

James W. Psychology - S.P.: K.L. Ricker, 1905

Andronov I.K., Okunev A.K. Trigonometry course, developed on the basis of real tasks. - M.: Education, 2012

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