The feeling of patriotism is the highest value

Uzakov, A. (2022). The feeling of patriotism is the highest value . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(02), 206–208. извлечено от
Akram Uzakov, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Head of the Faculty of Military Education



Homeland is the ground where you breathe first, the ground where you witness your first step, the corner where you witness your first laugh. You can continue this, there is no limit to it. In fact, all this is missing about the homeland. The homeland is, in fact, the place where our umbilical cord blood was shed, the corner of our ancestors. The homeland is a concept that embodies the human psyche, lifestyle, consciousness and thinking, past, present and future. The homeland begins at the threshold, the place where he was born and raised. That is why it is necessary for a child to grow up in the house where he lives and breathes, to have eternal love and devotion to the motherland, which is a magnificent and powerful place. Everyone's love for the motherland is breast milk. the mother is absorbed in her body by the goddess and the love of the parents, the child who loves his parents, their ancestors, their traditions, customs, professions, loves others as well. He is proud of his nation, people, literature, art, religion and culture, inspired by the nature of the country where he grew up, and understands the value of its sacred land. That is why the love and devotion to the motherland, which is a magnificent and powerful place for a child to grow up in the house where he lives and breathes, is eternal

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Akram Uzakov, Head of the Faculty of Military Education of Tashkent State

Pedagogical University named after Nizami


A. Uzakov

Abstract: Homeland is the ground where you breathe first, the ground

where you witness your first step, the corner where you witness your first
laugh. You can continue this, there is no limit to it. In fact, all this is missing
about the homeland. The homeland is, in fact, the place where our umbilical
cord blood was shed, the corner of our ancestors. The homeland is a concept
that embodies the human psyche, lifestyle, consciousness and thinking, past,
present and future. The homeland begins at the threshold, the place where
he was born and raised. That is why it is necessary for a child to grow up in
the house where he lives and breathes, to have eternal love and devotion to
the motherland, which is a magnificent and powerful place. Everyone's love
for the motherland is breast milk. the mother is absorbed in her div by the
goddess and the love of the parents, the child who loves his parents, their
ancestors, their traditions, customs, professions, loves others as well. He is
proud of his nation, people, literature, art, religion and culture, inspired by
the nature of the country where he grew up, and understands the value of
its sacred land. That is why the love and devotion to the motherland, which
is a magnificent and powerful place for a child to grow up in the house where
he lives and breathes, is eternal.

Keywords: patriotism, homeland, ancestral heritage, Khorezmi,

Jaloliddin, protection, sacred place

Everyone's love for his homeland is instilled in him by mother's milk,

mother's goddess and parental love. He is proud of his nation, people,
literature, art, religion and culture, inspired by the nature of the country
where he grew up, and understands the value of its sacred land. Patriotism
is a concept that expresses people's love and devotion to their homeland.
The homeland is one of the universal human feelings and spiritual values
that are common to all people, nations and peoples. Historically, patriotism
is also a set of emotions that people have developed in the course of their
social development in connection with the destiny of their homeland, the
struggle of peoples for the inviolability and independence of the region in
which they live. It is manifested in pride in the past and present of the
homeland, in the protection of its interests. Patriotism is a high faith,
responsibility to the homeland and the nation, a high duty. content
collection. If we look at our long history, we will see that the sense of faith in
the motherland has long been respected by our people. We can learn about
the actions of famous people who grew up among our ancestors, their efforts

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


for the development of the country, the works that have come down to us,
as well as the oral tradition of the people. Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Ali ibn Sino,
Abu Rayhan Beruni, Umar Khayyam, Yusuf The lives of Khas Hajib, At-
Termizi, Ahmad Yassavi, Imam Bukhari, Bahauddin Naqshband, Amir
Temur, Mirzo Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi, Babur, Uvaysi, Nodirabegim, Abdulla
Avloni, Abdurauf Fitrat, Anbar Otin, Behbudi, Cholpon and others. His
creative activity, especially his ideas about patriotism, is very important for
the development of our new society today. If we look at the history of the
Uzbek people, who did not say that love for the motherland is faith, we can
see the image of true patriots among our ancestors. ramiz. For example,
Tomaris and Shirak, Muqanna, Spitamen, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Temur
Malik, Behbudi, Fitrat, Cholpon, Abdullah Qodiri, and many others who died
during the Second World War. Today, thanks to independence, we proudly
mention their names and appreciate the hard work of the Uzbek people for
freedom. Our ancestors, world-famous commanders and enlightened people
have protected our homeland, which we are beginning to appreciate today,
and fought for the honor and dignity of the nation. Therefore, it is not
surprising that their memorable names have gone down in history, passed
down by word of mouth and become legends. Poet Alisher Navoi introduced
the concept of homeland to the motherland, place, place of birth, place of
residence, address. used in the sense of. In his epic "Hayrat ul-abror" he
expressed his faith and love for the motherland. The poet describes his
homeland Khorasan as an unparalleled homeland:
The ravzai rizvan between the ornaments,

Leave Ravza, his property is Khurasan ul.
Historical experience shows that every poet and scientist glorified his

homeland and praised it in his works. He is proud of his wealth and beauty.
The homeland has long been a sacred place of worship for all Muslim
nations. Therefore, in order to form a sense of patriotism in students, it is
important to gradually teach them the creativity of great figures, step by
step. building faith in one's homeland is a long and complicated process.
Belief in the motherland, the concept of patriotism can be formed only by
conveying to the minds of students a unique interpretation of the past
history of our people and the universal work they are doing today, taking
into account the characteristics of their mastery. The role of the values that
form the basis of the spirituality of our people in the formation of such
concepts is invaluable. After the independence of our country, the main
focus was on instilling in the younger generation respect for ancient values.
A deeper understanding and expression of values is deciding. Today,
scientists are working on a wide range of universal and national values, their
essence, interrelation, the role of values in human life, their educational
impact and the comprehensive development of the student's personality

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


through them in the educational process. In Uzbekistan, universal
democratic values that meet the requirements of modern civilization have
begun to enter the way of life of our people. These include respect for human
rights, freedom of enterprise, and freedom of the press. "Speaking of the
importance of these democratic values for our society, we would like to
emphasize again and again that these values do not historically contradict
the specifics of our people."


1 I.A.. Karimov Highly qualified specialists are a factor of development.

- Tashke nt: Uzbekistan, 1995. - 24 p.

2. I. A. Karimov Our youth is the trust and support of our people. –

Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2006. - 96 p.

3. I. A . Karimov. High spirituality is an invincible force. - Tashkent:

Manaviyat, 2008. - 173 b.

4 I.A. Karimov. Only a healthy nation, a healthy nation will be able to do

great things. Xalq so'zi. - Tashkent: 2004 (8.12.2004).

5. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education". Harmoniously

developed generation The foundation of Uzbekistan's development. -
Tashkent: Sharq, 1997. – 64 b.

6. National training program. Harmoniously developed generation - the

development of Uzbekistan foundations. - Tashkent: Sharq, 1997. – 64 b.

7. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Uzbekistan,

2003. – 36

Nazokat Juraeva, SeniorLecturer, DepartmentofUzbek and Russian

Languages, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies


N. Juraeva

Abstract: This article examines the byte and its peculiarities, the poetic

requirements to the byte and the degree of their preservation and
development in the historical development of our classical poetry. There is
also an observation on the methods of determining the royal byte in the
composition of the gazelle.

Key words - ghazal, royal byte, genre, type, tazkiranavis, lyrical masnavi,

poetic thought, composition, translator, aphoristic bytes.

In order to study the byte and its colorful properties in classical poetry,

it is necessary to make a clear, true scientific classification of this poetic unit.
Because the correct classification allows us to convincingly determine the
nature and essence of any complex phenomenon. The term byte is derived

Библиографические ссылки

LA.. Karimov Highly qualified specialists are a factor of development. - Tashke nt: Uzbekistan, 1995. - 24 p.

1. A. Karimov Our youth is the trust and support of our people. -Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2006. - 96 p.

1. A . Karimov. High spirituality is an invincible force. - Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2008. - 173 b.

LA. Karimov. Only a healthy nation, a healthy nation will be able to do great things. Xalq so'zi. - Tashkent: 2004 (8.12.2004).

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education". Harmoniously developed generation The foundation of Uzbekistan's development. -Tashkent: Sharq, 1997. - 64 b.

National training program. Harmoniously developed generation - the development of Uzbekistan foundations. - Tashkent: Sharq, 1997. - 64 b.

Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2003.-36

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