Using proverbs in teaching vocabulary

Tajieva, M. (2022). Using proverbs in teaching vocabulary. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(03), 109–112. извлечено от


This paper deals with using proverbs in teaching and learning English and the way teachers can make use of proverbs to keep the students interested in learning English. Proverbs reflect human experience across cultures and languages. In language teaching, proverbs can be used to teach vocabulary. Introducing a foreign culture and values can be carried out through the use of proverbs. Teachers can use different vocabulary activities through proverbs in teaching process

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Mastura Tajieva, Termez state university, Termez, Uzbekistan



Abstract: This paper deals with using proverbs in teaching and learning

English and the way teachers can make use of proverbs to keep the students
interested in learning English. Proverbs reflect human experience across
cultures and languages. In language teaching, proverbs can be used to teach
vocabulary. Introducing a foreign culture and values can be carried out
through the use of proverbs. Teachers can use different vocabulary activities
through proverbs in teaching process.

Keywords: proverbs, vocabulary activity, English teaching
Teaching vocabulary is one of the most important parts of teaching

English. Vocabulary can be defined as '' words we must know to
communicate effectively; words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and
words in listening (receptive vocabulary)'' [2].

When the teaching and learning process takes place, teachers may have

problems of how to teach students to gain satisfying results. The teacher

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should find out the appropriate and acceptable techniques to implement in
classes. A good teacher can prepare various and up-to-date techniques.
Teachers need to be able to find the materials and make them interested and
happy in the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Teaching vocabulary through using proverbs can be an effective

technique. Webster defines a proverb as a short, traditional saying that
expresses some obvious truth or similar experiences. Proverbs have been
used as teaching tools for centuries to teach moral values and social skills.
Proverbs are concise, easy to remember and useful in every situation in life
due to their content of everyday experiences. It is a short, generally known
sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional
views in fixed, metaphorical, and retainable forms which are handed down
from generation to generation [1].

Writers and poets use proverbs in their works, which gives them

impressive power. If we carefully study the works of Yusuf Khos Khojib,
Ahmad Yassawi, Lutfi, Alisher Navoi, Bobur, Nodira, Furkat, Chulpan,
Abdullah Kodiriy, Gafur Gulam and many others, we can feel the
attractiveness of the proverbs. Proverbs are often used in fiction, poetry,
poems, stories, and novels.

A proverb is usually recognized by the fixed, often short form and

contains frequently used vocabulary, and therefore is quite easy to
memorize. That`s why, English proverbs are expected to improve learners’
vocabulary learning. In this research, the use of proverbs to present
vocabulary is introduced. When we look back on our lives, it’s often the
things we enjoyed doing most that come to mind first. It is important to
motivate our students by making vocabulary learning and new word
acquisition , fun and enjoyable.

As proverbs are the sentences which contain vocabulary with meaning,

form and function, they are considered one of the most effective materials
to teach vocabulary. Here are some techniques of teaching vocabulary
through proverbs. We took some commonly used proverbs as an example to
implement in these techniques.

1. First you should provide students with a number of proverbs.
For example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (meaning: Eating

an apple a day will keep you healthy.) Keep your mouth shut and your eyes
open. (meaning:Speak only when necessary and remain alert and observant
at all times.)

2. Then ask students to read the given proverbs and find all the nouns

in them.

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3. Ask students to classify these items in groups, e.g. human / non-

human; animate / inanimate; positive / negative /neutral or whatever they

An apple , a day, mouth, eyes – non-human, the doctor - human . or an

apple – a fruit, a day- a time word, the doctor – a person, mouth and eyes are
human div parts

4. Variation: you can do the same with verbs or adjectives (adverbs are

rarer and more difficult).

1.In this activity you may write a proverb in the paper and show one of

the students, for instance;

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. (meaning: People are

never satisfied with their own situation; they always think others have it


1. A pupil who has been shown the proverb draws a picture which

represents or gives the meaning of a phrase or word in the proverb.

2. The other pupils need to guess which learned proverb it is. The

"artist" cannot use words in the picture and can only answer yes or no to

1. Write all the items you want to review scattered on the board. They

should be taken from proverbs. For example

: hand, worth, a bird, in, the, is,

two, bush, the, in.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (meaning: Things we already

have are more valuable than what we hope to get.)

2. Then tell students to ‘photograph’ them in their minds (they aren’t

allowed to write them down) and try to memorize them.

3. Erase or hide the items.
4. Give students time to write down as many as they can remember on

their own.

5. Then get students to find out the proverbs which the words are taken

from and tell them to share with classmates.

6. Finally show the proverbs on the board.


Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. (meaning: Don’t make

plans based on future events that may not happen at all.)

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.(meaning: What may seem to

be junk to one person maybe valuable to another.)

A drowning man will clutch at a straw. (meaning: When someone is in a

difficult situation, s/he will take any available opportunity to improve it.)

1. Prepare a proverb with some new vocabulary in it.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


2. Tell students to read the proverb and copy onto a separate piece of

paper those words they don’t understand.

3. Next to each item they have copied, students write more or less the

‘sort of thing’ they think the item means (they can do this in L1).

4. Only when students have finished writing their guesses may they go

to the dictionary and check out the answers.

5. Verify the answers they have found in full class, and compare these

with their guesses.

6. Show them how their guesses narrowed down the possibilities when

they were looking up the word, thus speeding up the looking-up process and
making it more likely that they would find the right word.

In conclusion we may say that proverbs are the basic textbooks and

rules of the school of life. This should not be forgotten and should be used in
practice. Every child should keep proverbs not only in his mind, but also in
his heart. That is why it is important for us to remember proverbs and
explain their essence. Using proverbs in teaching English can be one of the
effective ways especially in teaching vocabulary as a proverb is usually
recognized by the fixed, often short form and contains frequently used
vocabulary, and therefore is quite easy to memorize.

1. Mieder, W. (1985). Popular views of the proverb. Proverbium, 2, 109-


2. Neuman, S. B., & Dwyer, J. (2009).Missing in action: Vocabulary

instruction in pre-k. The Reading Teacher, 62(5), 384-392.

Mastura Tadjiyeva, a head teacher

Maftuna Turayeva, Student, Termez State University, Foreign Languages




M. Tadjiyeva, M. Turayeva

Abstract: This article deals with the typological category of

causativization in the material of languages of different systems and
different genealogical families. In the Uzbek language grammars and in some
scientific works the verbs with the forms of causativization such as
“o`qitmoq” – «make/let someone read», “yozdirmoq” – «make/let someone
write» are considered to be one of the forms of the category of voice
(causative voice). In the English language this linguistic phenomenon is

Библиографические ссылки

Mieder, W. (1985). Popular views of the proverb. Proverbium, 2,109-143

Neuman, S. B., & Dwyer, J. (2009).Missing in action: Vocabulary instruction in pre-к. The Reading Teacher, 62(5), 384-392.

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