Social psychological characteristics of the formation of personal characteristics | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

Social psychological characteristics of the formation of personal characteristics

Suleymonova, T., & Khasanova, S. (2022). Social psychological characteristics of the formation of personal characteristics . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(04), 88–92. извлечено от
T Suleymonova, Andijan State University

Lecturer, Department of General Psychology

Saida Khasanova, Andijan State University

Department of General Psychology



This article describes the theoretical and scientific basis of socio-psychological factors in the formation of social, personal, professional and spiritual qualities of the student youth. Students' attitudes towards social factors, personality traits, worldviews, skills of applying theoretical knowledge in practice are covered. Particular attention is paid to radically improving the system of higher education, radically reconsidering the content of training, based on the priorities of socio-economic development of the country, creating the necessary conditions for training specialists with higher education in accordance with international standards

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


T.G.Suleymonova Ph.D. Lecturer, Department of General Psychology,

Andijan State University, Uzbekistan.

Saida Khasanova, Lecturer, Department of General Psychology, Andijan

State University, Uzbekistan





Abstract: This article describes the theoretical and scientific basis of

socio-psychological factors in the formation of social, personal, professional
and spiritual qualities of the student youth. Students' attitudes towards
social factors, personality traits, worldviews, skills of applying theoretical
knowledge in practice are covered. Particular attention is paid to radically
improving the system of higher education, radically reconsidering the
content of training, based on the priorities of socio-economic development
of the country, creating the necessary conditions for training specialists with
higher education in accordance with international standards.

Keywords: talent, socialization, psychological training, psychical

development, adaptation, cognitive needs, behavior and inclinations.

Young people as a social group are constantly in the spotlight of

research conducted by psychologists, as the social psychological
professional development of the student's personality and individuality
directly determines the opportunities for the development of society.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7,

2017 No. PF.4947 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic
of Uzbekistan", July 5, 2017 "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth
policy and support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan"
strengthens the economic and political space based on the rule of law. [1,2].

Particular attention is paid to radically improving the higher education

system, radically reconsidering the content of training based on the
priorities of socio-economic development of the country, creating the
necessary conditions for the training of highly educated specialists in
accordance with international standards.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11,

2019 No PF-5763 "On measures to reform governance in the field of higher
and secondary special education" implementation of a unified state policy
aimed at training highly qualified thinking personnel; [3].

The formation of a person's personality takes place throughout his life,

but it is in higher education that the basis of the personality of a specialist is

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Self-determination - social, personal, professional, spiritual and

practical development is one of the main tasks of the student age and is a
very important stage of personal self-awareness. At this age, man reaches
both biological and social maturity.

The society considers the student youth as a responsible subject of

socialization and production activity and evaluates the results of its activity
according to the “adult” norms.

At this important stage of ontogeny, the individual chooses the basic

tools to carry out his activities and life plans. [4] V.I. According to
Slobodchikov, youth is an important stage in the formation of personality:
self-awareness, understanding of individuality, appearance of life plans,
readiness to self-determination, conscious construction of personal life,
gradual growth in various spheres of life. [23]

Interpersonal relations play an important role in the formation of

social, personal, professional, spiritual personality traits in the personal
development of students, social and moral norms and criteria in higher
education institutions.

The leading activities for the student are vocational education and

research [9].

Psychologists (I. Kon, V.I. Slobodchikov, E. Erickson, etc.) emphasize

that the student should take the inner position of an adult, recognize
themselves as members of society, define themselves in the world, that is,
understand themselves and their abilities as the main result of self-
determination [9, 7].

K. Levin argues that youth is a socio-psychological phenomenon that

connects the mental development of a student’s personality with a change
in their social position. [21].

E. Erickson emphasizes that the specificity of youth is characterized by

the emergence of a sense of uniqueness, and believes that the development
of confidence, independence, initiative, skills in student youth creates a new
integrity of the individual.

Psychologists B.G. Anan'ev, N.V. Kuzimina, N.F. Talizina, V.Ya.Lyaudis,

I.S. Kon, V.T Lisoveskiy, A.A. Bodolev, A.V. Petrovskiy, M.G.Davletshin, I.I.
Ilg'yasov, A.V. Dimitreva, Z.F.Esarova, A.A.Verbitskiy, V.A. Tokareva, M. G.
Davletshin, E.G'.G'oziev Z.T Nishonova, S.X. According to the research of
Jalilova and others, education in higher education is difficult for students,
because during this period the complex qualities, traits, qualities of the
individual are at the stage of development.

Student age is characterized by a large variation in emotional reactions

and ways of expressing emotional states, as well as increased self-control.
Youth is a stage in the formation of self-awareness - a period of human

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


intimacy in which the values of friendship, love, emotional intimacy can
prevail. [10]

Students ’mental development is characterized by the stability of

attention, the development of voluntary imagination, the development of
memory and the ability to think logically.

The characteristics of vocational education of students directly affect

the formation of the system of values in them.

The value system reflects the fact that a student’s personality is not only

a reflection of their lifestyle in higher education, but also a reflection of their
behavioral attitudes and activity motivations.

In the imagination of young people, the importance of labor is often

determined by their achievements in economic well-being, and it is
emphasized that success in life is not related to talent, knowledge and hard
work, but to entrepreneurship and money [10,12].

The predominance of economic factors affects the entire value

orientation system of young people.

When it comes to family values, young people put independence and

career above all else, they plan for a family in the long run, and attitudes
toward relatives become increasingly egocentric; "necessary" relationships
with reputable people play an important role [21.]

Some of the students are constantly looking for new knowledge in their

chosen specialty. The difficulties that arise further strengthen their
willpower. They strive for the goal they have set. In other categories of
students, these difficulties try to find the cause of failures from external
factors. Psychologists find this situation to depend on the individual
psychological characteristics of the students.

According to the research conducted by AA Abdurazkov and E. Nazirov,

in the first and second years there is a strong interest in the tasks given in
the classroom. In the senior courses, however, there is a growing interest in
in-depth study of subjects related to extracurricular activities and
specialization. Therefore, it is advisable to take into account these features
of students in the planning of educational activities [18]

Inadequate formation of interests in the chosen specialty may lead to an

increase in anxiety levels in students. Anxiety in a person can cause a person
to experience a variety of emotional experiences, which can seriously affect
a student's personal development.

The first impressions students get in high school, the experience they

gain, have a strong impact on their minds, leaving a certain mark on all their
activities during the period of higher education. Therefore, it is expedient to
organize the educational process in the form of a dialogue based on mutual
cooperation, studying the social, individual psychological characteristics,
professional interests, value systems of students.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


1. P.F.4947 "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the

Republic of Uzbekistan" Tashkent February 7, 2017

2. Decree "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth policy and

support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan" Tashkent July 5,
2017 3. No. PF-5763 "On measures to reform management in the field of
higher and secondary special education" Tashkent July 11, 2019

4. Ananev B.G. К psychophysiologii studencheskogo vozrasta /

Sovremennye psychologo-pedagogicheskie problemy vыsshey shkolы / Pod
red. B.G. Ananeva, N.V. Kuzminoy. - Vyp. 2. - L .: LGU, 1974. - С. 3-15.

5. Astapov, V.M. / Functional approach to the study of the state of


6. Borozdina, L.V., Molchanova O.N. Samootsenka in the first maturity //
7. Bojovich, L.I. Problems of personality formation. - M .: Izd-vo

«Institute of Practical Psychology», Voronezh: NPO «MODEK», 1995.- 352 p.

8. Vygotskiy L.S. Sobr. hair. v 6 t. / Pod red. A.M. Matyushkina. - M .:

Pedagogy, 1982—1984. - T. 3. - S. 673.

9. Zinko, E.V. Sootnoshenie characteristic samootsenki and urovnya

prityazaniy. Chast 1. Samootsenka and its parameters // sixologicheskiy
journal.- 2006.- T. 27, № 3.- S. 18 – 30

10. Kitaev, N.S., Smyk, L.A. Psychology of stress. - M .: Nauka, 2003.-


Kerkegor, S. Strax and trembling // Trevoga and trevonost. - SPb .: Peter,

2001.-S. 7 - 17 s.

11. Kalmykova Z.I. Psixologicheskie printsipy razvivayushchego

obucheniya - M .: Znanie, 1979. - С. 48.

12. Molchanova, O.N. Self-esteem: Stability or changeability? //

Psychology. Journal of the High School of Economics. 2006.- T. 3, №2.- С. 23
- 51.

13. May, R. A short statement on the synthesis of the theory of trevonosti

// Trevoga i trevojnost. - SPb .: Peter, 2001.-S. 215 - 223

14. Leytes N.S. Vozrastnaya odarennost shkolnikov: uchebnoe posobie

dlya studentov pedagogicheskix uchebnyx zavedeniy. - M .: Akademiya,
2000. - С. 318

15. Nishanova ZT PS Ergashev Higher school psychology tashkent 2012
16. Noveyshiy psychologicheskiy slovar / V.B.Shapar, V.E.Rossoxa;

under obshch. ed. V.B.Shaparya. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix. 2006.-S. 808

17. Nikitin V.A. Nachalo sotsialnoy pedagogiki: uch. pos. - M .: Flinta,

1999. - p. 72.

18. Ilin V.S. О povыshenii sistemnosti v pedagogicheskoy podgotovke









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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


obshcheobrazovatelnoy shkoly i problemy podgotovki pedagogicheskix
kadrov: Sb. nauch. tr. APN USSR NII general pedagogy. - M., 1978. - p. 24-36.

19. Prixojan, A.M. Prichiny, prophylaxis and overcoming anxiety. //

Psixologicheskaya nauka i profilaktika.- 1998.- №2.- S.11-17.

20. Stolyarenko L.D. Basics of psychology. - R / naD .: Phoenix, 1997. - p.


21. B.M.Prakticheskoe myshlenie: chrestomatiya po obshchey

psychologii myshleniya. - M .: Pedagogika, 1981. - С. 177.

22. Trevoga i trevojnost / V.M.Astapov. - SPb .: Peter, 2001.- 156p.
23. Goziev EG “Psychology of higher education2Tashkent Publisher


Abrar Turaev, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Jizzakh State

Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan



A. Turaev

Abstract: The article discusses the approaches of the US ideology of

neoconservatism to national interests, the attitude of neoconservative
theorists to international relations and world politics, the neoconservative
interpretation of the harmony of foreign policy and national interests, and
the conflict with international law.

Keywords: neoconservatism, foreign policy, international relations,

national interest, international law, political ideology, USA, security

In the current era of globalization, the democratization of society and

governance and the building of civil society are becoming increasingly
important. Modern ideological processes affect all spheres of social life and
reflect the nature of the domestic and foreign policies of states that are on
the path of development, their attitude to international legal norms. It is well
known that today the norms of international law take precedence over the
national legal approaches of states, and this system is considered a reliable
factor in the stability of world politics and international relations. At the
same time, domestic and foreign policy, formed under the influence of
modern political ideologies, sometimes contradicts the norms of
international law. In particular, the radical ideas and hegemonic approaches
of the neoconservatism ideology formed in the United States do not conform
much to the rules of international institutions.

Библиографические ссылки

P.F.4947 "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Tashkent February 7, 2017

Decree "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth policy and support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan" Tashkent July 5, 2017 3. No. PF-5763 "On measures to reform management in the field of higher and secondary special education" Tashkent July 11, 2019

Ananev B.G. К psychophysiologii studencheskogo vozrasta / Sovremennye psychologo-pedagogicheskie problemy vbisshey shkolbi I Pod red. B.G. Ananeva, N.V. Kuzminoy. - Vyp. 2. - L.: LGU, 1974. - C. 3-15.

Astapov, V.M. / Functional approach to the study of the state of anxiety

Borozdina, L.V., Molchanova O.N. Samootsenka in the first maturity //

Bojovich, L.l. Problems of personality formation. - M .: Izd-vo «Institute of Practical Psychology», Voronezh: NPO «MODEK», 1995.- 352 p.

Vygotskiy L.S. Sobr. hair, v 6 t. / Pod red. A.M. Matyushkina. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982—1984. - T. 3. - S. 673.

Zinko, E.V. Sootnoshenie characteristic samootsenki and urovnya prityazaniy. Chast 1. Samootsenka and its parameters // sixologicheskiy journal.- 2006,- T. 27, № 3,- S. 18-30

Kitaev, N.S., Smyk, L.A. Psychology of stress. - M .: Nauka, 2003.-346p.

Kerkegor, S. Strax and trembling // Trevoga and trevonost. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.-S.7- 17 s.

Kalmykova Z.I. Psixologicheskie printsipy razvivayushchego obucheniya - M .: Znanie, 1979. - C. 48.

Molchanova, O.N. Self-esteem: Stability or changeability? // Psychology. Journal of the High School of Economics. 2006,- T. 3, №2.- C. 23 -51.

May, R. A short statement on the synthesis of the theory of trevonosti // Trevoga i trevojnost. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.-S. 215 - 223

Leytes N.S. Vozrastnaya odarennost Shkolnikov: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov pedagogicheskix uchebnyx zavedeniy. - M .: Akademiya, 2000.-C. 318

Nishanova ZT PS Ergashev Higher school psychology tashkent 2012

Noveyshiy psychologicheskiy slovar / V.B.Shapar, V.E.Rossoxa; under obshch. ed. V.B.Shaparya. - Rostov n / D.: Phoenix. 2006.-S. 808

Nikitin V.A. Nachalo sotsialnoy pedagogiki: uch. pos. - M .: Flinta, 1999.-p. 72.

Ilin V.S. О povbishenii sistemnosti v pedagogicheskoy podgotovke studentov к rabote v shkole / Sovremennue zadachiobshcheobrazovatelnoy shkoly i problemy podgotovki pedagogicheskix kadrov: Sb. nauch. tr. APN USSR N11 general pedagogy. - M., 1978. - p. 24-36.

Prixojan, A.M. Prichiny, prophylaxis and overcoming anxiety. // Psixologicheskaya nauka i profilaktika.-1998.- №2,- S.11-17.

Stolyarenko L.D. Basics of psychology. - R / naD.: Phoenix, 1997. - p. 736.

B.M.Prakticheskoe myshlenie: chrestomatiya po obshchey psychologii myshleniya. - M .: Pedagogika, 1981. - C. 177.

Trevoga i trevojnost / V.M.Astapov. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.- 156p.

Goziev EG "Psychology of higher education2Tashkent Publisher 2010

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