Analysis of national and universal spiritual values

Burkhanov, T. (2022). Analysis of national and universal spiritual values . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(04), 169–175. извлечено от
Takhir Burkhanov, The Academy of Armed Forces

Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities



This article is devoted to the analysis of the national and universal spiritual values

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Takhir Burkhanov, The Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of

Uzbekistan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities


T. Burkhanov

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the national and

universal spiritual values.

Keywords: Values, national values, universal values, religion tolerance,

conscience, faith, ideology.

Analysis of national and universal spiritual values

Universal human values are not separate aspects of spiritual and social

development of humanity. Universal human values are a generalized
reflection of national and regional values. Universal human values are built
and developed on the basis of the values typical to humanity, and they also
serve to bring together and develop all national values.

The word “value” should refer to the set of phenomena came from the

blessings of nature and society, which serves the interests and goals of
nations, folks and social groups that are important to human beings and
humanity, which are therefore appreciated and valued by them.

For everyone, for every family and community, for every nation and

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nationality, the term “value” is viewed as the precious and adorable, holy
and sainted ideas and principles, heritages and wealth, attitudes and
blessings. These are called values. We view the definition of the word “value”
as the traditions and customs that have been accumulated throughout the
millenniums, which have been strongly embedded in the life and in the heart
of the people, even though they have not been documented in any of the
official documents.

In short, as long as human beings exist, as long as nations exist, their

“symptoms” and characteristics that have had a sacred status for centuries
andthat reflect these nations always live with them.

In one of the definitions given for the term “values”, it is defined as “a set

of people having reputation, respect, dignity, prestige, importance among
men in the community, and of views, attitudes, material things and spiritual
treasures”. Giving such a definition for the term “values” reflects the essence
of this word quite clear, but it also differs from other definitions with its
scientific rigor. So the society that becomes the most common community of
humankind is the creator and keeper of universal values.

Loyalty to humanistic ideas, striving to ensure democracy and social

justice in everywhere, prevention of human rights violations, protection of
all nations struggles for national independence, encouraging people to be
friends, to cooperate and to sympathize with each other, trying to bring
peace and tranquility in every corner of the world, preservation of the
environment is the most important aspect of universal values today.

These values also include the latest trends in the development of

science, technology, culture, social production, and achievements in
ensuring democracy, law and justice, and their rational use serves to
transform our country into one of the world`s most developed nations.
Allowing any retreat, national narrow-mindedness, and arrogance on this
way can lead to huge losses. Universal human values bring results only when
they are associated with local conditions, opportunities, and historical

Regional values are also closely linked to universal values.
This type of values is found in countries and nations who have lived and

worked in close proximity to each other and whose history is close to each
other. These values are also of great importance today.

For thousands of years, Central Asian nations have closely linked

economic and political relations with each other. Their lifestyle, language,
culture, religion, and traditions are very similar to each other and this led to
emergence of many values common to this region. Although these values
vary a bit from one place to another, they are similar in essence.

Hospitality, love for children, close relations with neighbors, respect for

adults, respect for the young, close relationships with relatives, generosity,

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knowing what is halal and haram are the moral qualities of all the nations of
Central Asia. Even though hospitality traditions are widespread throughout
the region, they are different in different places in some way.

Respecting the elderly, the parents are distinctive high moral values that

are specific to the nations of Central Asia.

Older people are the ones who have a huge life experience, who are able

to give advice on everything with their wisdom and healthy mind, and they
can have a great influence on young people. Respect for the elderly, learning
from them, learning their life experiences are the quest for new
opportunities to reach to spiritual maturity. Respect for the parents,
listening to their words and admonitions are also a great spiritual value.
Parents never wish anything bad for their children. Because they have
experienced a lot of ups and downs in their lives, they are more likely to
worry about the prospect of their children. Sometimes, edification of parents
seems to be a huge burden for disobedient children. It is a consequence of
ignorance of life, a lack of understanding of various ups and downs of life.
Children will be able to understand the value of parents only after they
become parents. But by that time, they will have lost many opportunities for
spiritual maturity. Therefore, we should not forget the tradition of








Respect for parents is found in all nations around the world. But in our
region, this value is in higher esteem than everywhere else.

Helping by “

hashar”(collective gathering of voluntary people to do a

large-scale job such as digging a water channel or planting a big garden) to
build or repair a house, supporting orphans, helpless widows and the poor
and protecting their relatives and ensuring there prosperity are also the
values specific toall of the nations of our region.

Another important regional value of social and educational significance

is public opinion. Public opinion is a reflection of mutual brotherhood and
mutual respect of people, and this is the value we can widely enjoy in our

Another the most important types of values are national values.

National values exist in harmony with universal and regional values.
Common human and regional values include many aspects of national
values. National values could develop and improve effectively under the
influence of universal and regional values. The continuing dialectical
relationship between them is one of the most important factors in the
development of world civilization.

Emergence and development of national values is associated with the

specific history, language, culture, moral and psychological traits of every
nation, its living conditions, lifestyles and production activity. Every form of
national values can only be properly understood by profound study of the

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peculiarities of the long historical development of that nation.

As long as a nation exists, importance of national values is never

diminished. Increasingly becoming close of nations to each other in terms of
spirituality does not reduce or limit the opportunities for development and
pursuit of national values. In general, national values are one of the key
criteria for determining the essence of each nation, its specific independent
social-ethnic union.

Of course, the changes in the social structure of the nation and

improvement of relations between different nations contribute to the
growth and wide propagation of national values. But they always develop
under new circumstances and on the basis of new requirements and needs.
The values that are being emerged in new situations will have the
opportunity to be absorbed into life more widely and faster, only if they
absorb nationality features into themselves.

The sense of national consciousness and national solidarity play an

important role in the development and survival of national values of each
nation. Only those who are deprived of national spirit and spirituality may
look view their language, history and traditions with a nihilistic approach. If
such an approach develops under the influence of certain politics, the unity
and growth of the nation will be under danger.

Despite powerful long-term ideological pressure, the people of

Uzbekistan have managed to preserve their historical and cultural values
and unique traditions that have passed from generation to generation.

Of course, every nation should not limit itself by its national values.

When it chooses this way, the progress of growth of nation will be decreased.

National limitation and national arrogance have never been a factor of

spiritual or social growth and development. Studying the values of other
nations has always been one of the factors of progress.

No matter how different national values get closer to one another and

influence to each other, the main means and basis of spiritual maturity for
each nation are always national values. The good traditions, customs and
ceremonies of a nation will be able to deeply engage in the life of another
nation only when it corresponds to the spirit of that nation, its national
spiritual needs and requirements.

National values are not an unalterable and unchangeable phenomenon.

With the advancement of social, economic, spiritual life linked to the
development of the nation, changing the living conditions and working
conditions, there will be new conditions for the emergence of new national

Besides universal human values, regional and national values, there are

religious values as well.

Religious values are also emerged with the demands and needs of

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society in certain historical periods and circumstances.

Religious values are not something more separate than universal human

values and regional values, and they not the strictly distinct from other

It is well known that not any religion was emerged separately from

society demands, living conditions and needs. The origination of all religions
was caused by the social, political, ideological conditions in certain historical
era and the needs associated with these conditions. The reasons for the
emergence of religions should be sought from social life itself. When real life
events, real life needs are divinized, the essence, the causes of which are
connected only to the will of the divine powers, they become religious.

International community recognizes and acknowledges that our ancient

and wonderful country is one of the cradles not only of the East, but of the
world civilization. The great people, the scholars, the politicians and the
commanders came from this blessed land, and the role of secular and
religious sciences, especially the religion of Islam, of this land is remarkable
in world civilization and culture. On this matter President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan ShavkatMirziyoev says: “

It is our noble duty to honor and

appreciate our sacred religion, which embraces our ancient values and
moral merits. Islam is to understand the truth; it encourages humanity to do
good deeds, encourages everyone to goodness and peace, it teaches us to be
a good person. We strongly condemn those who seek to exploit the religion
of Islam for violence and forbearing, and we will never compromise with
them. We always protect our sacred religion”. That is why we are proud of
the fact that the knowledge of the Islamic religion and spiritual values in the
history developed in the highest level thanks to the service of great thinkers
who have been born and raised in our country.

In the emerging period of the Islamic religion, the prophet Muhammad

(s.a.v.) transformed many traditions, ceremonies, moral and legal norms
widespread among Arab tribes and made them an integral part of the new
religion. Many of the Arab values of behavior, morality, morality, ethics,
family and tribal relationships have become part of the Islamic religion.

Many of the moral and legal values are found in Quran and hadiths. It is

certain that the moral norms stated in the hadiths have a positive effect on
humanity. The Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.v.) many moral qualities, his
attitude towards his family, his children, and his friends, have been reflected
in the hadiths and become educational values. All ethical and legal values
that have been stated in the hadiths can be widely used as an educative

Uzbekistan's achievement of independence, the elimination of the

ideological domination of the totalitarian order system, has given an
opportunity to regard religious values with a new approach. Many religious

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rites have been restored, and citizens have begun to do rituals and traditions
that are related to their religious beliefs without any obstacles. At the same
time, patriotism for Uzbekistan has begun to be emerged in our citizens of
different nationalities.

Patriotism is not only a fight for the motherland with arms on the hand.

It is also patriotism to acquire scientific, cultural, practical skills, and make
the motherlandknownto the world. Many of our great compatriots have
acquired the skills of science, culture, and applied art, and made the glory of
their homeland known to the world.

Independent Uzbekistan needs a genuinely patriot, dedicated youth.

There are a lot of our national values that can be used to bring up such young
people. Widespread use ofthem is of great importance.

Independence-related patriotism is not merely a deep understanding of

historical past. In this case, it is necessary to know the current tasks facing
our country and the possibilities for their fulfillment, to demonstrate
examples of devotion and self-sacrifice. Transition to market relations has
intensified personal aspirations and economic interests in the people. The
number of people with the idea of “

Die for the sake of yourself, poor

orphan”is growing. No matter how the attitude of personal economic
interest intensifies at this time, the issues of the Homeland and the
Independence cannot be neglected. Only when the motherland freely
develops and evolves to the highest levels of world development, human
beings can quickly carry out their own affairs related to their interests.

The role of national education traditions for personal development is

extremely important in the building ecological culture. In Uzbek families,
children are taught to sweep streets, to clean yards, to sprinkle water, to
plant trees and to care for them. Not to pollute the water and not to
throwwasteeverywhere has become a huge national value. In today's
environment, where the ecological situation in the country is much worse,
these values can also be a great educational factor.

We also have great historical traditions of raising Uzbek girls in the

spirit of hard work and humbleness. The tradition of shyness, faith, and
chastity is a great national value.

The role of the values in philosophical doctrines is also significantdue to

these aspects.

The Uzbek people have a unique historical background in the

educational system, because of which our young people are distinct from
other ethnic groups. For example, the father or mother is ashamed of the
shameful behavior of his child and says, “You have disgraced me, my son.
How can I look at the face of people of our community and I need to leave
this place”. The basis of these words is the sacred concept - shame, which is
aimed at maintaining his/her reputation and family reputation. Shyness and

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shame are also important values.

Takhir Burkhanov, The Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of

Uzbekistan Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities



T. Burkhanov

Abstract: This article reflects on the path to the establishment of

international and regional cooperation in solving global and regional
problems, the concept of national and regional security, on increasing the
threat to international and regional security today, on the existing
Uzbekistan’s strategy among the Commonwealth countries.

Keywords: Globalization, genesis, economic, geopolitical, moral,

cultural, environmental, linguistic, communication, socio-military relations,
threat-strategy-security, retrospective, military-administrative sectors.

“Our such increasing cooperation today is becoming an important factor

in ensuring regional security and stability, peace in our common Central
Asian home”, underscored President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in
his greeting message on the 28th anniversary of the Armed Forces and the
Day of Homeland Defenders[1].

Indeed, enhanced collaboration among all states in the region of Central

Asia is a fundamental basis of shared security that guarantees predictable
sustainability – a key condition for progressive economic development, for
which every nation in Central Asia is desperate for without an exception.

Under current realities of increased interconnectivity between states no

country can afford a luxurious condition to stay aside from common
processes of increasing political, diplomatic, trade and economic ties with
their immediate neighbors and countries further beyond. Even such a
devastating pandemic as COVID-19, which has paralyzed the civil physical
global communication, has not been strong enough to halt back the trade
relations, the basis of globalization. However, it remains a good topic for
further discussion as a separate issue.

Going to the roots of the globalization, most researchers studying the

historical genesis of the globalization process identify the beginnings of
globalization starting from the ancient world with the first efforts of
powerful states to conquer more lands and ultimately the world using
initially “military, but gradually turning in the course of civilization,

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