The necessity of systematization of normative documents on the prevention of crime

Khujakulov, S. (2022). The necessity of systematization of normative documents on the prevention of crime. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(06), 85–89. извлечено от
Siyovush Khujakulov, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

PhD in Law, associate professor, doctoral student of the faculty of postgraduate education



The article substantiates the need to systematize normative documents on the prevention of offenses, based on the results of the analysis of scientific views of legal scientists, the practice of prevention of offenses and normative documents. Scientific conclusions and proposals for improving national legislation aimed at developing scientific and theoretical approaches to these issues have been developed. Scientific conclusions were made about the importance of systematization (codification) of normative legal acts on the prevention of offenses

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


When using cholesterol as a component of some diagnostic kits, the

absence of phospholipid impurities in the preparation plays an important
role. In the proposed method, the purity of the cholesterol obtained is
achieved by treating cholesterol with aluminum oxide, which irreversibly
sorb all anionic impurities.

Bull brains were ground in a blender in the presence of ethanol in a ratio

of 1: 2.5 and filtered. The resulting pasty mass was distributed in a thin layer
on a plastic film and dried for several days. The dry product was pulverized
and repeatedly (4-5 times) was extracted with acetone. The collected and
combined extracts were evaporated to 500 ml and stored in a cold place. The
precipitate formed was filtered off, suspended in a 5% solution of sodium
hydroxide in alcohol and refluxed. The resulting precipitate was washed
with 80% alcohol and dissolved in 2-3 volumes of acetone.

The resulting mixture was applied onto an alumina column, eluting with

acetone, periodically checking the effluent for the presence of cholesterol by
thin layer chromatography (TLC).

Fractions containing cholesterol were combined and evaporated. The

solution was stored in a refrigerator at ‒ 40°C to form a precipitate
containing cholesterol, the next day it was filtered off and dried in air. The
resulting product was checked by TLC in the presence of a standard sample
in the hexane-ethyl acetate system (3:1). Melting point - 148°C.

It is determined that the improvement of the extraction technology

preserves the qualitative characteristics of the obtained material, which can
be used as a component for the production of dosage forms and diagnostic

Khujakulov Siyovush, PhD in Law, associate professor, doctoral student of

the faculty of postgraduate education of the Academy of the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Khujakulov S. В.

Abstract: the article substantiates the need to systematize normative

documents on the prevention of offenses, based on the results of the analysis of
scientific views of legal scientists, the practice of prevention of offenses and
normative documents. Scientific conclusions and proposals for improving
national legislation aimed at developing scientific and theoretical approaches
to these issues have been developed. Scientific conclusions were made about

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


the importance of systematization (codification) of normative legal acts on the
prevention of offenses.

Keywords: crime prevention (warning), early prevention of offences,

prevention of offences, special prevention of offences, individual diagnostics,
systematization, codification.

The development trend observed in the legislative system in recent

years, in the legal sphere as a whole, requires the restructuring of previously
known social relations in the light of modern realities. At the same time, it is
necessary to regulate social relations by social norms, which were ignored
by the legislature, as well as relations that arose as a result of the formation
of globalization processes. This indicates the need to streamline existing and
adopted legislation in order to improve the effectiveness of legislation. This
streamlining of legislation is carried out by direct systematization. And
thanks to this, you can create a system that ensures the integrity of
regulatory documents and improves the quality of legislation.

Systematization of legislation does not mean the technical development

of a unified system of laws, such an approach, according to A.S. Pigolkin,
leads to an error because “the system of legal documents is not a simple
mechanical conglomerate (set) of legal documents, but consists of
interconnected and interdependent parts and represents a single regulatory
mechanism” [3].

Systematization as a universal tool helps to determine the necessary

legal provisions, which, in turn, helps to identify and eliminate
inconsistencies, contradictions and deficiencies in the legal framework
between the rules of law [1; 2].

According to D.I.Safarov, “in any legal system, when legislation reaches

a certain point of development, and the number of laws and other regulatory
legal acts increases significantly, they must be systematized” [5].

Indeed, crime prevention legislation has also reached a similar stage of

development. The time has come to summarize and streamline regulatory
documents in this area. Of course, opportunities for systematization in
improving existing legislation, as well as all existing areas of law, can be used
to further simplify crime prevention legislation and strengthen its practical

It should be noted that the systematization of crime prevention

legislation requires an inextricable link between legislation in this area and
their norms.

In law-making practice, systematization of legislation is usually carried

out through forms of unification, incorporation, consolidation and

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


In this regard, N.K. Skripnikov notes that in the legislative process,

“incorporation” and “consolidation”, which are often considered relatively
convenient and simple forms of systematization, are rejected [6]. A striking
example of this is the adoption of the Law on the Approval of the Electoral
Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 25, 2019, which combined
26 provisions of the law governing electoral relations into a single system
and turned them into a single code.

In addition, in addition to systematization, the concept of “classification

of legislation” is widely used in our national legislation, however,
“classification of legislation”, according to D.I.Safarov, appears as a form of
systematization, and sometimes it can be equated with incorporation. To
date, state authorities have adopted about 10 laws and more than 10 by-
laws governing relations in the field of crime prevention, the adoption of
which coincides with various periods of reform in the field of crime
prevention. Some of the norms in some of them are outdated, and some are
mutually incompatible, most of the rules are repeated, and in some there are
gaps in the legislation. This adversely affects the effectiveness of activities,
causes problems and deficiencies in the application and application of the
provisions of this law. As a result, there is a need to systematize crime
prevention legislation.

Several forms of systematization have been cited in the scientific

References: [4]. In particular, D.Kh.Safarov identifies accounting,
incorporation, consolidation and codification as four forms of
systematization of legislation [5].

Under the form of accounting refers to activities related to the

accounting of regulatory legal acts adopted by state bodies with certain
powers or committed in the company with amendments and additions [5].
Incorporation is a method of collecting existing laws or organizing legal acts
into a complex in chronological, alphabetical or special order (for example,
in the field of law), which has both formal and informal forms [8].
Consolidation provides for the integration of several regulatory legal acts
regulating social relations related to one sphere into a single regulatory legal
act without significant changes in their content [1].

Codification is a process that leads to the unity of regulatory legal acts

through their processing, during which the obsolete part of legal norms is
deleted, part of regulatory legal acts is divided and linked into chapters, and
codified acts form their own specialized semantic structure [8].

Some of these forms of systematization are used in the systematization

of regulatory acts on crime prevention. For example, at present, electronic
legal information retrieval systems, such as Norma, Pravo,, Yurida,
monitor crime prevention regulatory documents. In order to create
favorable conditions for studying and applying in practice, the Academy of

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is
preparing and publishing collections of regulatory legal acts on the
prevention of offenses. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 12, 2017 No. 151
“On approval of the Instructions on the organization of activities of the units
for the prevention of offenses of the internal affairs bodies” are combined as
a single regulatory act without a significant change in the content of 5
departmental regulatory legal acts on crime prevention.

At the same time, the gradual development of legislation on crime

prevention over the past period, the adoption of regulations in this area
corresponds to different periods of reforms in the field of crime prevention,
some norms are outdated in content, and some of them are contradictory,
many norms are duplicate, in some, legal gaps are observed, which leads to
problems and deficiencies in the application and use of the provisions of this
law, negatively affects the effectiveness of activities. This indicates the need
for codification of regulatory documents on crime prevention.

The need for codification of crime prevention legislation is expressed in

the presence of the following factors:

firstly, there is a requirement for mutual coordination of procedures

established by various laws on the prevention of offenses;

secondly, it is necessary to limit the regulation of certain issues of crime

prevention to various legislative acts, to ensure their integration into a
single regulatory document;

thirdly, the lack of full implementation in practice of certain preventive

procedures established by legislative acts;

fourthly, the issues of coordination of crime prevention are regulated by

various regulatory documents, and the existing procedures are duplicated
in them;

fifthly, observation of repetitions (taftalogy) in the competence of

interdepartmental commissions;

sixth, the presence of legal gaps and contradictions in the Law "On the

prevention of offenses".

From the content of the above factors it is clear that, based on the

essence of the forms of systematization, there is a need for a codification
form of systematization in the systematization of regulatory legal acts on the
prevention of offenses.

In conclusion, we can say that the systematization of normative legal

acts on crime prevention, including codification, is one of the normative acts
in this area,

firstly, to ensure interconnectedness and integrity; secondly, to

identify and eliminate existing contradictions, gaps and inconsistencies
between legal norms;

thirdly, to increase the efficiency of practical


fourthly, to identify and abandon procedures that are outdated

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


in some respects; fifthly, it serves to create a unified legal framework
governing the prevention of offenses, which is carried out in a systematic,
multi-level, logical and organic sequence with a specific goal as an
independent area of activity.


Apg L.F. Legal definitions of legislation // Legislative technique. under. ed.

Yu.A.Tekhamirova. ‒ M., 2000, - P. 89.


Kazmin I.F., Mitskevich A.V., Rachmanina T.N. Codification and

systematization of legislation at the present stage / Soviet legislation: ways of
restructuring. ‒ M., 1989, ‒ Р. 120.


The general theory of law. Under. ed. A.S. Pigilkina. ‒ M. 1996. ‒ Р. 219.


Odilqoriev X.X. Legislative system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. ‒ T.:

TDYuI, 2008. ‒ Р. 119.


Safarov D.I. The system of legislation in the field of ecology and their

codification. Diss. doct. scien. - T., 2007. ‒ P. 354.


Skripnikov N.K. The concept of development of legislation on

environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. ‒ Tashkent,
2009. ‒ P. 21.


Chukhvichev D.V. Legislative Technique 2nd ed. ‒ M.: Law and Law,

Unity, 2012 . ‒ P. 310-311.


Legal encyclopedia / Edited by Doctor of Law, professor

U.Tadjikhanov. ‒ T.: «Sharq», 2001. - 189 p.

Z. M. Safarova Senior Lecturer of Department of Teaching Language

Methods of Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public

Education Workers in Surkhandarya Region


Z. Safarova

Abstract: This article describes the current problems of digitalization of

education, considers the possibilities of digital technologies in the
educational process. The characteristics of the digital educational
environment are given.

Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, virtual reality, artificial

intelligence, web-quest technologies, blockchain technology, mobile
learning, digital literacy.

Библиографические ссылки

Apg LF. Legal definitions of legislation // Legislative technique, under, ed. YuATekhamirova. - M., 2000, - P. 89.

Kazmin I.F, Mitskevich AV., Rachmanina T.N. Codification and systematization of legislation at the present stage / Soviet legislation: ways of restructuring. - M., 1989, - P. 120.

The general theory of law. Under, ed. AS. Pigilkina. - M. 1996. - P. 219.

Odilqoriev X.X. Legislative system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T.: TDYul, 2008.-P. 119.

Safarov D.L The system of legislation in the field of ecology and their codification. Diss. doct. seien. - T., 2007. - P. 354.

Skripnikov N.K. The concept of development of legislation on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. - Tashkent, 2009.-P. 21.

Chukhvichev D.V. Legislative Technique 2nd ed. - M.: Law and Law, Unity, 2012.-P. 310-311.

Legal encyclopedia / Edited by Doctor of Law, professor U.Tadjikhanov. - T.: «Sharq», 2001. - 189 p.

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