Methods of teaching mathematics in an interactive way, using pedagogical technologies (on the basis of practical analysis) | Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19)

Methods of teaching mathematics in an interactive way, using pedagogical technologies (on the basis of practical analysis)

Tulakova, Z., & Shokirov, A. (2022). Methods of teaching mathematics in an interactive way, using pedagogical technologies (on the basis of practical analysis) . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(06), 154–156. извлечено от
Ziyodaxon Tulakova, Ferghana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences

Asrorjon Shokirov, Ferghana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies

Assistant of the Department of Natural Sciences



This article describes the interactive methods used in the teaching of mathematics and the state of formation of mathematical skills in students using them on the basis of practical analysis

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Tulakova Ziyodaxon Rivojidinovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of

Natural Sciences, TUIT FF

Shokirov Asrorjon Murodjonovich , Assistant of the Department of Natural

Sciences, TUIT FF



Z. Tulakova, A. Shokirov

Abstract: This article describes the interactive methods used in the

teaching of mathematics and the state of formation of mathematical skills in
students using them on the basis of practical analysis.

Keywords: distance learning, interactive methods, pedagogical skills,

modern mathematics, axioms, brainstorming, problem-based learning

The science and mathematics of stellar judgment

is the best product of the sciences.

Abu Rayhan Beruniy

One of the most important requirements for the organization of modern

education is to achieve high results in a short time without spending too
much mental and physical effort. Delivering certain theoretical knowledge
to students in a short period of time, developing in them the skills and
competencies for a particular activity, as well as monitoring student
activities, assessing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by
them requires high pedagogical skills and requires a new approach to the
educational process.

One of the most important and urgent tasks in the field of training today

is to cultivate a strong, well-educated, independent-minded person. It is
important to organize the independent work of students. In today's fast-
paced world of information flow and knowledge, it is difficult to get all the
information to students in the classroom alone. Therefore, professors
should pay special attention to the organization of independent work of

Compared to other disciplines, mathematics is characterized by the

highest dimension and accuracy of abstraction. The extreme logic of
mathematical knowledge shows that the human mind lacks a basic mind.
Mathematical proof is the most reliable method of determining the validity
of properties and assertions. Achieving the highest level of accuracy for
modern mathematics of the XX-XXI centuries is a complete generalization of
this problem. If proof is not required for the initial problem under
consideration (axiom), then a proof can be given by generalization.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Today, one of the most innovative ways to organize the teaching of

mathematics is distance learning. Distance learning tools include a
dedicated screen and projector, an Internet browser, and online video that
can be used to remotely teach a pre-selected topic, either through video
conferencing or zoom.

To date, many pedagogical technologies have been developed, and

pedagogical scholars classify it differently. Russian scientist GK Selevko,
who made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of
pedagogical technologies, distinguishes among educational technologies
educational technologies based on the growth and intensification of
cognitive activity of students. This category includes the following
educational technologies:

1. Game technologies;
2. Problem-based learning technology;
3. Project method technology;
4. Interactive technologies;
Interactive technologies mean education that ensures active interaction

between the learner and the teacher in the pedagogical process. In the
process of teaching based on interactive technology, the main task of the
teacher is to direct and facilitate this process of information exchange.

To do this, the teacher must do the following:
-determines the fact, the different attitudes to the event, the ideas;
- The personal experience of the participants activates the knowledge

and imagination previously formed in them;

- uses methods and forms that ensure their activity;
-connects theory and practice;
-forms pedagogical situations that encourage participants to share


- Ensures that participants understand each other;
- Encourages creativity in participants;
New pedagogical approaches need to be taught to the student using a

variety of methods. For example:

“Brainstorming” is the main goal at this stage of the method is to create

as many ideas as possible (in which case no idea is accepted without denial,
even if they are absolutely wrong or unreal).

"Problem-based learning" - in which the student is given a certain level

of problem and his solution is approached differently (the problem can be
real or unreal).

"Categorical interpretation" - this method helps to organize and

understand the ideas formed in students during the mental attack.

"Insert" - this method helps students to study the information

independently in depth, and during reading it is required to put certain

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


symbols on the edge of the book page, which reflect the process of receiving
the student's information.

“Venn diagram” - it develops students ’analysis and generalization skills.
“Syncway” is a non-rhyming poem consisting of five lines. This method

is used at the stage of learning (understanding) more new information.

Today, professionals trained in educational institutions are able to think

independently, solve problems through the use of modern technologies,
provide independent education, continuously improve their skills, quickly
find the information necessary for effective work and use them. must be able
to apply, innovate, work collaboratively with colleagues, feel responsible for
their actions, have management skills.

Primary classes are taught using many methods. At the same time, it

teaches students to count as well as possible, to be orderly, to take an
interest in science. First of all, all teachers teach students how to teach in the
same way, to teach, to qualify economic knowledge, we will consider the
question of how to conduct educational work in order to acquire skills,
mental activity and abilities. First in the primary grades, the teacher should
study the student and explain the school concept in simple and
straightforward language. The child was taught to count through more
pictures and to answer the concept of quantity, ie "how many", and then the
concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication (multiplication), division
were given a simple explanation. When mathematics is taught in the primary
grades in an integral way with other disciplines, the student learns not only
mathematics but also the essence of other disciplines in relation to each

Pedagogical technologies will be based on the exchange of knowledge

between the student and the teacher, to what extent they have mastered it.
Therefore, the development of science and technology, reforms in the
economy, changes in the social sphere, have led to changes in the
requirements for specialists. The training of such specialists requires the
implementation of large-scale reforms in the education system, and the
introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process
of educational institutions is one of the most important issues.

1. Harmoniously developed generation is the foundation of the Republic

of Uzbekistan. T. "Sharq". 2010.

2. M.Uralova, G.Davlyatova "Use of interactive methods in lessons".

Fergana. 2008.

3. Jumayev. M. E. "Methods of teaching mathematics" (Handbook for

professional colleges). T. "Science". 2003.

4. Tadjiyev .Z.G '. "Organization of optional lessons in primary school"


Библиографические ссылки

Harmoniously developed generation is the foundation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. T. "Sharq". 2010.

M.Uralova, G.Davlyatova "Use of interactive methods in lessons". Fergana. 2008.

Jumayev. M. E. "Methods of teaching mathematics" (Handbook for professional colleges). T. "Science". 2003.

Tadjiyev .Z.G '. "Organization of optional lessons in primary school" .T.2005-y.

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