Scientific article | The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations

All articles - Scientific article

Number of articles: 15149
  • The article analyzes issues related to constitutional and legal guarantees of the activities of public associations. The legal status of public associations, their role in society and the state are studied. The goals, tasks and forms of public associations are reviewed.
    Shakhzod Saydullayev
    310   46
  • The article analyzes the condition of development of the institute of regulatory impact assessment in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the main trends in this area. The article also developed specific proposals for the integrated implementation of the institute of regulatory impact assessment.

    Dj Safarov, A Ruziev
    220   30
  • This article analyzes the experience of developed countries in the methodology of evaluating the activities of local executive bodies, as well as the scientific research of scientists who have conducted research in this area. Theoretical and practical aspects of the evaluation methodology are studied. Based on the study and analysis, proposals and recommendations on the methodology for evaluating the activities of local executive bodieswere developed.
    Q Umidullaev
    236   40
  • This article describes the development trends and analysis of the problems of the Institute for the Treatment of Citizens. It also discloses methods and aspects of the practical application of laws and regulations adopted in this area, as well as urgent problems of considering appeals of individuals and legal entities in our national legislation.

    A Isabaev
    292   25
  • This article shows the need to evaluate the activities of civil servants, analyzes the experience of foreign countries. Based on the results of the study, appropriate criteria for the effective organization of evaluation of civil servants ' activities have been developed.

    A Eranov
    238   28
  • The article analyzes a number of structures responsible for the activities of the sector, including the activities of internal affairs bodies to improve it, and gives practical, scientifically based proposals and recommendations.
    T Altmishev
    278   30
  • In this article, the author examines the concept of tax audit, types and forms of tax audits, classification of tax audits, and analysis of legislative norms for conducting tax audits.
    B Normatov
    138   32
  • This article discusses the concept of non- governmental non-profit organizations in Uzbekistan, specific features, characteristics of non-profit organizations in developed foreign countries, development trends and prospects for improving the organizational and legal foundations of NGOs.
    B Narimanov
    296   53
  • Within the framework of this article, new fundamental, conceptual and basic principles of judicial reform are substantiated and proposed - digitalization and virtualization of economic legal proceedings, which will significantly provide access to justice for individuals and legal entities, ensure its maximum openness and transparency. In practical terms, this concept implements the principle of independence and objectivity in judicial decisions, will serve as an anticorruption mechanism and will help to prevent unlawful interference in the affairs of a judge and pressure on him by the prosecutor's office or other authorities, which will be a conceptual approach for reviewing not only arbitration, but and civil, criminal, administrative processes and will give a significant impetus to the further development of the judicial system of any country.

    S Gulyamov, А Sidikov
    181   43
  • This research paper analyzes the features of piracy in the field of intellectual property as a system of offenses. The specifics of manifestation of piracy as an infringement of exclusive, property, personal rights of right owners to various intellectual property objects are revealed. Special attention is paid to the qualifying characteristics of illegal acts of pirates in the field of industrial property, copyright, the right to means of individualization. The need for a systematic and comprehensive fight against the use of the entire arsenal of legal means against piracy in the segment of national law is argued for.
    O Okyulov
    190   24
  • This article substantiates the proposals to equate all laws and regulations in force in our country that regulate mandatory state insurance relations with international insurance standards.
    D Mahmudov
    165   40
  • This article analyzes the concept, tariffs, the legal nature of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies, the experience of foreign countries in this area. There are also proposals to improve the national legal system and legislation, taking into account the specifics of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as an object of civil law and foreign trade relations.
    A Yakubov
    80   34
  • This article provide a thorough investigation of management issues in partnerships, existing in national and foreign legislations based on the scientific views of scientists and a comparative-legal analysis of legal systems of the United Kingdom and the USA, Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Furthermore, this article enumerates the actual problems existing in national legislation related to the management and conduct of business in legal entities, such as the absence of risk sharing mechanism and professional managers, which, subsequently, adversely influences on the decision making of investors. Additionally, this article provides suggestions for the elimination of the enumerated problems and the improvement of management issues in partnerships.

    Sh Erkabaeva
    254   27
  • This article highlights the issues of invalidity of transactions committed with a purpose that is obviously contrary to the foundations of the rule of law or morality, theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, as well as issues of judicial practice.
    Q Musaev
    181   33
  • This article analyzes the issues of responsibility for the murder of a newborn child by a mother. A legal analysis of the composition of the crime was conducted and foreign experience was considered. In conclusion, a new version of article 99 of the criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is presented.
    H Abzalova
    171   21
  • The article analyzes the concept of prosecutorial supervision over the execution of legislation in the field of ecology and environmental protection considering its special features and objectives.

    R Gafurov
    152   26
  • The article analyzes the norms of criminal and criminal procedure legislation regulating the prevention of offenses, identifies existing problems and shortcomings. Proposals and recommendations for improving this legislation were also developed.
    S Khojakulov
    122   23
  • The article analyzes the concepts of "youth", "unorganized youth" and gives an author's definition of the concept of "unorganized youth" based on the study of le- gal literature and law. The necessity of including this definition in the legislation is justified.
    Sh Gofurov
    198   32
  • The article examines the issues of ensuring the admissibility of evidence obtained as a result of demonstration for recognition, examines a number of legal literature, opinions of experts in this field, and provides an in-depth analysis of these issues with problematic examples from the practice of judicial investigation. Based on the results of the analysis and research, advanced foreign experience was demonstrated on the admissibility of evi- dence obtained as a result of demonstration for recognition, and proposals and recommendations were developed on their further application in the criminal procedure legis- lation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    M Ummatov
    205   34
  • This article provides a concise explanation of the notion of dispute resolution in cyberspace. It reviews some of the recent studies on the use of online dispute resolution, especially the use of e-negotiation, e-mediation and e-arbitration, considers the issues concerning the intricacies of settling and resolving disputes in cyberspace and concludes that online and offline dispute resolution methods will be more widely used in the near future.

    I Rustambekov
    123   49
  • The article analyzes the scientific and theoretical aspects of improving the legal status of individuals in private international law.
    Q Sadullayev
    248   47
  • The Tribunal has the ability to choose its own power, which is the council's far-acquired power. Distin- guishableness regulation and compеtence-skill precept are very notable ideas in universal arbitrаtion. The two proposition are expected to maintain a strategic distance from some other sort of legal impedance that may create disarray inside the arbitrаtion framework. The Glоbal Cаvity of Cоmmerce provided the Arbitral Court with a chair of arbitration to discuss the problems posed within the system of internatiоnal arbitrаtion. The guidelines of distinguishableness and fitness are customary apparatus that have been precept in global business mediation practices to peer that the interests and consistent quest for its key gamers are cultivated.
    M Bahramova
    217   29
  • The article examines general issues of the international division of labor, the formation and development of a system of regulation of the international division of labor, taking into account the development of interna- tional trade.

    Sh Ishmetova
    103   24
  • The article examines some issues of the application of foreign law and the definition of the norms of foreign legislation in private international law. In particular, the article analyzes the norms, doctrine and judicial practice of foreign countries in this area.
    Sh Joldasova
    146   27
  • We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution. We are seeing technology shift its identity: where it was previously used by us as a blunt instrument, it now replaces us, simply waiting for the correct instructions. This is why we hear about “disruptive” tech. When artificial intelligence has the power to perform relatively sophisticated lawyerly skills, we know it will become pervasive, but we think it’s time to put to bed those conspira- cy theories about “robo-lawyers”; Artificial intelligence is the reality to be embraced – the only future. Accordingly, this article will try to argue about the pre- sent potential use of artificial intelligence, namely in International Arbitration and will examine pros and cons that the arbitration community might get from implementing artificial intelligence in their day to day course of work. The article will also question the challenges that the arbitration community might face due to such innovative approach and equally the benefits it could achieve from it.

    A Isakulov
    142   55
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