Microbiocenosis Of Open Cavities Of The Body

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Ziyaeva E.R., . (2021). Microbiocenosis Of Open Cavities Of The Body. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(7), 1–45. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/tajmspr/article/view/7449


The article is devoted to a review of the topical problem of our time “Microbiocenosis of open cavities of the body and its role in the occurrence of many diseases of the human body ”. It has now been proven that the normal microflora of the human body plays a huge role in the normal course of life processes. The slightest violation of the composition of microorganisms leads to various irreversible defects in the normal course of human life, which are associated with the functions of the microbiocenosis and which no medicine can replace. The concept of microbiocenosis appeared in the 70s of the last century, although the first stone in this direction was put by Louis Pasteur, who proved the role of a microorganism in the process of fermentation and digestion. Many scientists contributed to the leap forward development of this science, which was forced due to errors in the use of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs. Yes, indeed, the path of development of the science of biocenoses is closely related to the misuse of drugs, which often leads to dysbiosis. In addition, environmental pollution due to the uncontrollable development of urbanization plays a huge role in the development of dysbiotic processes.Therefore, with the aim of acquainting readers with the concept of biocenoses, certain pathways of pathogenetic links in the development of various diseases in violation of the composition of the normal microflora of the human body, we set ourselves the task of conducting a partial review of the achievement of the science of biocenoses of open cavities of the body.

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