All articles - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Number of articles: 28
  • Thanks to modern methods of studying cell biology, deepening the understanding of blood stem cells and connective tissue, knowledge of their origin and differentiation has been significantly enriched. However, despite this, they require systematization and understanding, taking into account theoretical provisions on histogenetic series, or cellular differons, and the development of modern criteria for differon [1, 3, 6].
    A Yuldashev , A Makhmurov, M Yuldasheva
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  • The pathogenesis of relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) cytokines play an essential role, since they regulate the development of local defense responses orga nism-lymph tissue with various types of blood cells, endothelium-hydrochloric connector and epithelial tissue. The study is based on clinical and laboratory evaluation and monitoring 96 sick children with relapsed B-cell lymphoma. Most children enrolled in state of moderate severity. The selected group of patients with relapsed NHL patients were naturally presented primarily IIIA and IIIB step.
    M Lipartiya
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  • Was to study and evaluate germination microorganisms in mesenteric lymph nodes (MDR), liver, spleen, lung, peripheral and portal blood, peritoneal exudate in experiment dynamics for evaluating the in-tensity of bacterial translocation (BT) at extreme acute obstruction thin (EAOSI) and colon (EAOC). It was found that the intensity of EAOSI and EAOC BT extraintestinal organs of animals in different stages of the experiment differed. WT intensity was most pronounced in MLN and liver, and spleen than in lung. The per-centage of germination of MLN organisms and liver are ecommended as an experimental evaluation of mi-crobiological criteria for BT intensity in the experiment.
    K Suvonov
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  • The result of molecular-genetic studies shows that An. artemievi inhabited Tashkent, Samarkand, Kashkadarya regions and Fergana valley. Samples of mosquitoes collected in Shakhrisabz area of Kashkadarya region, Kushkuprik and Khiva area of Khorezm region and Nukus, Kanlikul area of Republic of Karakalpakstan belong to An.martinius. Compared samples have specific structure in ITS2. Mainly obtained data testify significant differences between species by two genetic markers of Аn.martinius and Аn.artemievi
    Sh Jakhongirov, I Goryacheva, U Suvonkulov, A Fatullayeva, Sh Saifiyev
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  • The purpose of this study was to determine the acute toxicity and moderate lethal dose of tannins obtained from the roots and aerial parts of the R. confertus Willd plant. Determination of acute toxicity and the average lethal dose of the samples was carried out according to the method of Litchfield and Wilcoxon. As a result of the studies, the death of animals in the studied doses did not occur. The tested drugs belong to the IV class of low toxic compounds. LD50 ≥5000 mg / kg.
    Nadzhie Abrekova, Nuria Beknazarova, Farhod Atamuratov, Sardor Makhmudov, Tokhir Khudoyberdiev, Bahodir Sagdullaev
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  • Cholesterol and its derivatives are used in the production of liquid crystals, in pharmacology as a component of dosage forms and diagnostic tools, as a precursor to steroid drugs. Cholesterol in the composition of the cell plasma membrane plays the role of a bilayer modifier, giving it a certain stiffness due to an increase in the density of the "packing" of phospholipid molecules. In this work, an improvement is made in the technology for producing cholesterol from biological material
    Julia Oshchepkova, Bayat Abdullaev, Tokhir Khudoyberdiev, Zhamshid Zhabbarov
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  • A well-developed in vitro method of apical meristem often shoots in artificial microclonal propagation medium is used. Significant prospects for faster and healthier propagation of valuable ornamental plants and the production of high-quality planting material are opened by the in vitro method of microclonal propagation, which can reduce the time required for growing standard seedlings by 2-3 years depending on the type of plant
    Nodira Rakhmatova, Azadakhan Imamkhodjaeva, Khurshida Ubaydullaeva, Mukhtor Darmanov, Sardor Narmatov
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  • The article discusses the behavior of the selective marker gene npt II, providing resistance to kanamycin in the biotechnology population cotton variety Porloq-1 in connection with the experimenter is faced with when creating biotechnological plants
    Azadakhan Sabirova, Shahnoza Kadirovа
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  • It is known that structural-geometric changes take place in the vessel wall for a lifetime, as do other organs. The morphometric changes that develop in the aortic wall are caused by environmental and endogenous pathological factors that affect it. In the morphometric variation of aora wall layers, it occurs first in the endothelial layer and intima, then in the elastic fibers and muscle layer, which is little studied in scientific studies (Averkin N.S. et al., 2019; Strajesko I.D. et al., 2012). The studies were conducted mainly in experimental animals, in which morphological and morphometric effects were studied as a result of environmental influences. But there are almost no scientific studies devoted to the changes that develop in the walls of the aorta and large arteries under the influence of radiation. Therefore, in this research study, our main goal was to analyze the morphometric changes that develop under the influence of radiation in the aortic wall layers of experimental animals.
    Mavlyuda Abdullaeva
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  • The article discusses the need to modernize education in the digital economy on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the role of science as an objective link, where one of the priority directions of the development of the digital economy, including Uzbekistan, is the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process. Arguments are given about the dependence of competitive organizations, firms, industries and regions not only on the effective use of personnel, but also on the availability of human resources.The difference between the innovative economy and the traditional one is shown. The proposals on therole of the state in solving these issues are presented.
    Mavlyuda Abdullaeva
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  • At present, solar radiation, especially its short-wave ultraviolet part, is one of the most powerful environmental factors that determine the conditions for the development and existence of all life on the globe, including humans, and largely characterizes the climate
    M Baratova, N Rizaeva, N Aripova
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  • Surface-active substances find a wide application in all branches of the national economy [1,2]. Especially, the surfactants produced from environmentally -safe and reproducible initial materials attract the attention of specialists [3-4]. This paper is devoted to the obtainment of new representatives of such reagents and an investigation of their antimicrobial activity.

    Ilhama Zarbaliyeva , Amina Alimova , Hajar Nabiyeva , Rasul Abilhasanli
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  • Все физиологические и агрономические исследования имеют конечной целью познание сложнейших механизмов и законов роста и развития растений с тем, чтобы на основе этих знаний уметь создавать наиболее благоприятные условия роста, развития и продукционного процесса растений. Анализ современного состояния теории и практики применения различных регуляторов роста позволяет отметить широкое их применение в сельском хозяйстве. Всё больше внимание уделяется получению регуляторов роста растений, ключевым компонентом в которых является салициловая кислота, оказывающее значительное влияние на иммунитет растений. Считается, что салициловая кислота является мощное сигнальное соединение, участвующая в защитных механизмах, регулируя физиологические и биохимические реакциях в растениях, и оказывая влияние на толерантность к биотическим и абиотическим стрессовым факторам (Young; Kalachova and et al., 2016; Karima Boulahia and et al., 2023). Hannes Lefevere and et al., 2020, также считают, что салициловая кислота является важным активатором и оказывает опосредованное действие хозяина- растения запускает механизм против микроорганизма патогена.

    L Mamasalieva, R Kim, O Myachina, A Ibragimov
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  • Hozirgi vaqtda suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz global uglevodorod bozorida tobora muhim rol o'ynamoqda. Suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz iste'molining ko'payishi nafaqat ayrim mamlakatlar va mintaqalarda o'z energiya resurslarining yetishmasligi, balki, avvalambor, suyultirilgan tabiiy gazning boshqa energiya manbalariga nisbatan sezilarli afzalliklari bilan bog'liq. Birinchidan, suyultirilgan tabiiy gazni etkazib berish uchun gaz quvurlari tizimini, shu jumladan borish qiyin bo'lgan joylarda qurish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatishning hojati yo'q. Suyultirilgan tabiiy gazning asosiy afzalligi uni dengiz orqali uzoq masofalarga tashish, okeanlararo etkazib berishni amalga oshirish va eng past narxlarda bozorlarda sotish qobiliyatidir. Bu ayniqsa, energiya xavfsizligini mustahkamlash va gaz eksportini diversifikatsiya qilishga intilayotgan O'zbekiston uchun to'g'ri keladi. Ikkinchidan, suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz quvur liniyasiga nisbatan yuqori sifat bilan tavsiflanadi. Buning sababi shundaki, suyultirish jarayonida gaz zararli aralashmalar va oltingugurt birikmalaridan tozalanadi, shuning uchun chiqishda metan miqdori yuqori bo'lgan deyarli toza gaz olinadi. Bundan tashqari, suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz uglevodorod elektr energiyasi olishda ekologik toza manba hisoblanadi.

    F Khudoyberdiyev, M Sobirov
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  • Sholini tozalashda maydalangan donidan glyukoza olish va uni biotexnologik yo‘l bilan ferentatsiyalab O‘zbekistonda kamyob mahsulotni turini ko‘paytirish dolzar muammolardan biri hisoblanadi.

    S Xabibullayeva , I Bobaev , A Normatov , N Yusupov
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  • С развитием современного производства, с его масштабностью и темпами роста все большую актуальность приобретают проблемы разработки и внедрения безотходных технологий. Скорейшее их решение в Республике Узбекистан и в ряде развитых стран рассматривается как стратегическое направление рационального использования природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды.

    Shodiyahon Azimova, Shukhrat Rasulov
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  • Поскольку почвенная экологическая среда сложна, внесение удобрений, и дальнейшее их быстрое растворение, а также распространение в пахотном слое может привести к изменениям в устойчивых почвенных микроценозах.

    O Myachina, L Mamasalieva, R Kim, B Pulatov, A Rakhmonov, O Narzullaev
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  • Rhaponticum integrifolium C. Winkl is a plant species in the family Asteraceae that is widely used in traditional medicine in Central Asia. R. integrifolium is now of economic importance and some have been introduced into cultivation as medicinal plants. Species of practical interest include Rhaponticum integrifolium [1, 2].

    N Alieva, I Bobaev , Z Usmonova
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  • Melissa (L) turkumi birinchi marta 1753-yilda K. Linney tomonidan aniqlanib fanga kiritilgan [1]. Melissa officinalis L 2000-yildan ortiq vaqt davomida dunyoning koʻplab mamlakatlarida xalq va ilmiy tabobatda muvaffaqiyatli qoʻllanilgan. Birinchi marta dorivor limonoʻt buyuk olim Teofrastning “Historia plantarium” asarida tavsiflangan.

    Dilfuza Berdibaeva
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  • The health benefits and healing properties of herbal products have been known since ancient times. A number of epidemiological and laboratory studies conducted abroad revealed the biological effects and medicinal properties of shambala. In recent years, research on shambala has revealed a number of health benefits and physiological properties in both experimental animals and human clinical trials. In this research, we reviewed the available scientific literature on shambala.

    D Berdybaeva, D Aytimbetova
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  • Ushbu maqolada qandli diabet bilan og‘rigan bemorlarni prabiotiklar faoliyati orqali organizmdagi qand miqdorini pasaytirish haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.

    Sayyora Muradova, Firangiz Hamroyeva
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  • 10% of chokeberry is sugar, i.e. glucose and fructose, alcohol sorbitol. It gives a sweet taste to food and has the property of significantly reducing the amount of sugar in people with diabetes. Plant fruits are rich in P vitamins. The average amount of antacid pigments in the fruit is 6.4%. Aronia fruit is completely different from other plants due to the fact that its content is rich in trace elements. Its fruit contains boron, fluorine, iodine compounds, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum compounds. The total alkalinity of its fruit is 1.3% lower than that of an apple. In addition, the aronia fruit contains pectin and flavoring agents, as well as glycoside amegdalin. Aronia fruit is the most antioxidant rich fruit among medicinal plants. With this feature, it belongs to the ranks of anti-aging products. The abundance of mineral substances, vitamins and biologically active substances in the aronia fruit is the cause of great interest in the study of its biochemical composition.

    Sayyora Murodova , Firangiz Hamroyeva, Bobur Anvarov
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  • статья раскрывает возможности использования перспективных стимуляторов роста растений в современных биотехнологических процессах, обосновывается опыт применения ростостимулирующих препаратов нового поколения в конкретных климатических и территориальных условиях.

    Pavel Medvedev, Kirill Duplensky
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  • This article presents the results of a study of the main hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of a microbubble apparatus on model systems aimed at elucidating the possibility of using microbubble processes to conduct mass transfer processes between biogas and liquid.

    A Abdulazizov, U Tojiboyev
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  • В процессе исследований по выявлению микробного разнообразия почв загрязненных территорий, расположенных в зонах разной степени удаленности от станции аэрации Бозсу в г.Ташкенте выделен штамм № 51, образующий синий пигмент, который окрашивает питательную среду на темно синий цвет.

    Nigora Bekmuhamedova
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