All articles - Development Studies

Number of articles: 76
  • The current state of the procedure for the use of natural resources is analyzed. It has been established that the regulatory legal acts regulating these relations do not fully reflect the capabilities of modern approaches and technologies. Foreign models in this area, the influence of theoretical concepts on legislation are evaluated. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence in the use of natural resources was predicted. Among the global trends in the development of environmental law, the processes of globalization and the stages of penetration of information and communication technologies stand out. Issues of further improvement of the mechanisms for the use of some natural resources that are part of public services and increasing the interest of state bodies in this area were discussed. Proposals for the development of new normative legal acts or for the introduction of amendments and additions to them were put forward and classified according to their nature.
    Durbek Makhkamov
    27   10
  • In the article discusses the work done on the implementation of modern digital technologies in courts, electronic document flow in courts during a pandemic, the activities of electronic sites, statistics on the electronicization of the judicial system, problems in practice, legislation, domestic and foreign experience, improvement of legislation.
    Dadakhon Khudoynazarov
    54   15
  • In this article, the process that is one of the main trends in the socio-economic development of the country - the entry of digital banks into Uzbekistan in the conditions of the transition of the economy to the digital stage, the differences between digital and ordinary systems in banking services and their future development prospects will be discussed.
    Kumush Tilabova
    10   13
  • In the article, the situation worsened in the first years of Soviet power, malaria, whooping cough, rickets, diarrhea and constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, measles, tetanus increased in children and posed a great threat to the lives of children, measures were taken. taken to eliminate these diseases, the sick children of Chimyeon were sent to a sanatorium. Some achievements of pediatric medicine between the war and post-war periods, problems and measures and measures to eliminate diseases are described.

    Mamarazak Tagaev, Koklanboy Dosimmatov
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  • The article reveals the role of the Lean Management Concept, One of the modern concepts of the organization of Management in agricultural enterprises, in the effective management of its resources in Industrial enterprises, as well as offers for its introduction. The theory and views on”Lean management " were analyzed and its elements were fully covered.

    Sardor Mamatov
    12   2
  • Maqolada globallashuv sharoitida aholining keng qatlamlarida, ayniqsa yoshlarda milliy gʼoyaga sodiqlik, vatanparvarlik tuygʼularini, yuksak maʼnaviy-axloqiy qarashlarni tarbiyalashning, ularda mafkuraviy-maʼnaviy immunitetni shakllantirishning dolzarbligi ifodalangan.

    Olim Artykov
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  • A new technique for compression arthrodesis of the subtalar joint to correct and stabilize the deformity of the hindfoot in conditions with distortion and shortening of the axis of the foot bone, especially with a wide scar change with the concave side of the curve. is being offered.
    Eldor Hamdamov
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  • In this article, the energy efficiency of existing multi-storey residential buildings roof structures in the specific context of the city of Nukus, Republic of Uzbekistan is studied. The study evaluates the thermal performance and energy consumption of high-rise residential buildings, focusing on the challenges associated with the region's extreme climate. Through a comprehensive methodology that includes data collection, thermal analysis and energy consumption assessment, the research reveals key findings highlighting the shortcomings of insulation, solar heat gain, and the potential of materials with high thermal mass. In addition, the article provides recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of high-rise residential buildings, including the adoption of roofing materials that reflect improved thermal insulation and green roof technologies, with data on their energy consumption.
    Nusiratjon Norov, Tursinbek Genjebayev
    5   1
  • This article describes the event held by Abdullayeva Gulrukh, psychologist of school 320, Shaikhontohur district, Tashkent, in January 2024. Sexual violence against children is a worrying issue that requires a lot of attention from teachers and psychologists. In order to effectively deal with this problem, it is necessary to implement preventive measures at various levels. This article explores the critical role of educators and psychologists in preventing child sexual abuse and emphasizes the importance of their joint efforts.
    Gulrux Abdullayeva
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  • The article examines innovative Dеvеlоpment prосеsses in the economy. The features and specifics of the Dеvеlоpment of innovation prосеsses in Uzbekistan are considered. An analysis of the scientific approaches of leading economists on the Dеvеlоpment of innovative prосеsses, factors contributing to the innovative Dеvеlоpment of the economy, are scientific and technological progress, government support and entrepreneurial activity.
    Umida Bazarbaeva
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  • The article examines the impact of changes occurring in the conditions of innovative development of tourism on the potential of tourism, assessment issues based on the quality of service, as well as the mechanism for assessing tourism activities in tourism. In the context of economic modernization, attention is paid to the optimal development of tourism based on the innovative characteristics of the tourism industry
    Ibrokhim Juraboyev, Zarnigor Tairova
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  • Ushbu maqolada raqamli iqtisodiyotning har mamlakat uchun strategik ahamiyatga ega bo‘lgan dunyoning rivojlangan mamlakatlarida raqamli iqtisodiyotga o‘tish darajasi tahlil qilingan.
    Gulchehra Yusupkhodjaeva , Ziuar Akimkulova
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  • The article examines the South Korean model of smart industry in a country with an innovative economy within the context of the integration of advanced technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics into manufacturing and production processes. The study's relevance lies in the Republic of Korea's exemplary success in the economy, attaining a leading position in international trade through robust and practical policies. This success is attributed to four factors: 1) creating a favourable business environment by maintaining the lowest tax burden among OECD countries; 2) implementing targeted policies since the 1960s to promote exports; 3) actively participating in negotiations to conclude free trade agreements (FTAs) with developed and developing countries, recognising exports as a key growth factor; and 4) diversifying its presence in global markets. Furthermore, the shift of the world economic centre from the traditional West to the East, specifically the Asia-Pacific region, underscores the Republic of Korea's sustained economic development through pragmatic relations with countries in the region. Overall, the smart industry model in an innovative economy aims to drive continuous improvement and growth through the strategic adoption of cutting-edge technologies and practices.
    Zarnigor Tairova
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  • Ushbu maqolada hozirgi jamiyatda raqamli iqtisodiyotning rivojlanish tendentsiyalari, iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirishda innovatsion texnologiyalarga talabni rivojlantirish tahlil qilingan, “Innovatsiya” tushunchasi yangilik sifatida va iktisodiy kategoriya sifatida ochib berilgan, rakamlashtirish innovatsion rivojlanishga yunaltirilgan iktisodiy jarayonlarni xarakatlantiruvchi sharoitlarda innovatsiyalarni joriy etish xususiyatlari kurib chikilgan
    D.Sh. Khikmatova
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  • The development of the higher education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the growth of higher education services in the volume of gross services and gross domestic product, its dynamics are analyzed and forecasts are developed on its basic, inertial and mobilization perspectives.
    Akhmetjon Mamatov, Mamajan Mamatov, Doston Turgunov
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  • This article discusses entrepreneurship and the current position of management organizations. In addition, the main directions of regulation of the activities of financial and legal entrepreneurship were analysed, as well as a conclusion and recommendations were given.
    Nargiza Bababekova, Aziza Mirzaraakhimova , Adolat Tukhtamuratova
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  • Zamonaviy bozor iqtisodiyoti sharoitida moliyaviy resurslarni boshqarishda (menejmentida) buxgalteriya (moliyaviy) hisobotning ahamiyati o'rganildi va ko'rib chiqildi. Moliyaviy resurslarni boshqarish (menejment) kompaniyaning moliyaviy -iqtisodiy faoliyatini zamonaviy talablarga asoslangan samarali usullar bilan boshqarishdir. Maqolada kompaniyaning samarali faoliyatini tashkil etishda va hozirgi bosqichda moliyaviy boshqaruvda moliyaviy hisobotlardan foydalanishning ko'p qirrali xususiyatlari ko'rib chiqildi.
    Sherzod Maxmudov
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  • Maqolada raqamli iqtisodiyotining amaliy ahamiyati, jihatlari va xorij tajribasi haqida so‘z yuritiladi. Bugungi shiddat bilan rivojlanayotgan global iqtisodiyot sharoitida raqamli iqtisodiyot o‘z rivojlanishining boshlang‘ich davrida bo‘lib, birinchi navbatda insonlarning turmush darajasini sezilarli darajada oshira olishi va bu uning asosiy foydasi ekanligi yoritib berilgan.
    Nigora Atametova
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  • Maqolada iqtisodiyotida raqobatbardoshlik, raqobat muhiti, Jahon Bankining mam-lakatimizga oid ma’lumotlari va iqtisodiyotda klasterlash jarayonlarining mohiyati va ahamiyati xaqida so‘z boradi
    Xamrakul Urdushev, Majid Mavlyanov, Sirojiddin Eshankulov
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  • Maqola tarkibida ekologiya va uning inson salomatligiga ko`rsatadigan ta`siri, ayni vaqtdagi yomon ahvoldagi shaharlar, insonlarning tabiatga bo`lgan munosabati, hozirda global bo`lib turgan muammolardan yana biri yuzaga kelgan judayam ko`p hajmdagi chiqindilar va ularni qayta ishlash bilan bog`liq masalalar, rivojlangan davlatlarning bu borada olib borayotgan ishlari, rivojlanayotgan davlatlardan tabiiy gaz masalalarini yaxshilashga qaratilgan va bu borada bir qancha takliflardan iborat
    Jasurbek Fazliddinov, Bakhtiyor Sharipov, Shokhistakhon Mamasodikova
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  • In the article, the impact of the changes taking place in the conditions of the innovative development of tourism on the potential of tourism, the issues of assessment based on quality service, and the mechanism of assessment of tourist activity in tourism were studied. In the conditions of modernization of the economy, attention is paid to the optimal development of tourism based on the innovative characteristics of the tourism industry.
    Ibrahimjon Joraboev, Bakhtiyar Sharipov
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  • In our article, information is provided about the methods of analyzing the financial condition of companies and its importance. Information is also given about the possible outcomes of this analysis for financial management and administration. The implementation of financial analysis based on accounting reports, the utilization of this analysis for various purposes, and the evaluation of information are discussed.
    Elbek Fattoyev
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  • This article explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market and provides insights into strategies for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to adapt to the evolving landscape of work. It delves into the dynamics of job market transitions, examining industries and occupations that are most susceptible to AI disruption and highlighting emerging job roles and hybrid positions that combine AI expertise with domain knowledge. The article emphasizes the importance of human-AI collaboration models and showcases successful examples where AI systems enhance human productivity and decision-making. It also addresses the ethical considerations associated with AI adoption, such as bias and transparency, emphasizing the need for responsible AI practices. Additionally, the article discusses the effects of AI on job satisfaction and well-being, as well as the strategies individuals and organizations can employ to thrive in the AI era, including continuous learning, networking, and upskilling. The global implications of AI on the workforce are analyzed, along with the role of entrepreneurship in creating new job opportunities. Furthermore, the article explores the future outlook of AI, including emerging technologies and potential challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Overall, it aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of AI on the job market and offer actionable insights for individuals and stakeholders to navigate the future of work successfully.
    Giyosjon Jumaev
    61   18
  • Xalqaro miqyosda chuqurlashib borayotgan iqtisodiy inqiroz iqtisodiyotning barcha tarmoqlariga ta’sir ko‘rsatmoqda. Bunday sharoitda aholining barqaror o‘sishi, iqtisodiyotning barqaror rivojlanishiga erishish, aholi farovonligini ta’minlash, doimiy ish o‘rinlari yaratish kabi masalalar kun tartibidan o‘rin olgan. O‘z navbatida, mamlakatimizda buxgalteriya hisobi va hisobot tizimini xalqaro moliyaviy hisobot standartlari talablariga moslashtirish iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishning asosiy omillaridan biridir. Yuqoridagi talablarga muvofiq, ushbu maqolada men milliy va xalqaro moliyaviy hisobot standartlariga muvofiq moliyaviy vositalarni hisobga olishdagi farqlarni ko‘rib chiqdik.
    Xaydarqul Berdaliyev
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  • In our article, information is provided about the methods of analyzing the financial condition of companies and its importance. Information is also given about the possible outcomes of this analysis for financial management and administration. The implementation of financial analysis based on accounting reports, the utilization of this analysis for various purposes, and the evaluation of information are discussed.
    Elbek Fattoyev
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