All articles - Environmental Sciences and Ecology

Number of articles: 17
  • Бугунги кунда ахоли ичимлик суви сифатида фойдаланадиган ер ости ва очик сув манбалари таркибидаги минерал моддалар (кальций, магний тузлари, каттиклиги, курук чукма моддалари) микдори белгиланган санитария меъёрларидан юкоридир. Ушбу муаммоларни бартараф этиш долзарблигича колмокда
    Z Zhumaeva, I Manasova, U Khasanov
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  • Проблема выделения и внедрения в практику новых высокоактивных штаммов микроорганизмов-продуцентов целлюлозолитических ферментов весьма актуальна. Одной из основных сфер практического применения целлюлозолитических ферментов является кормопроизводство. Силос из отходов растениеводства с использованием ферментной массы ,позволяет получить полноценный корм, содержащий в достаточном количестве белки, витамины, аминокислоты. Имеющиеся в литературе данные показывают, что наиболее активные продуценты целлюлозолитических ферментов встречаются среди грибов.
    S Khamidova, F Mustafaeva, Sh Yakubov, B Ibodov, S Mirakhmedova
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  • Architectural studies on the creation of a reserve museum allow for the simultaneous preservation of historical and cultural heritage and the development of tourism by placing the appropriate infrastructure for the fruitful work of archaeological scientists and active tourists visiting the archaeological site
    Kamol Rakhimov, Sanjar Valiev
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  • This research paper presents the results of research on the development of technology for obtaining water-soluble bioorganomineral fertilizers necessary for the cultivation of agricultural products by drip irrigation and hydroponics based on earthworm biohumus, as shown that the product has high profitability, high added value and agrochemical efficiency.
    G Kadyrova, I Shamshidinov, R Nazhmiddinov
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  • In the work shown technological process of production of calcium-containing phosphorus fertilizers using indigenous carbonate raw material (stranding). Is established that the use of this method leads to the production of raw material chalk-like attraction of to get calcium phosphorus fertilizers.
    I Shamshidinov, B Mamurov, G Kadyrova
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  • In this article the results the processes of obtaining calcium and magnesium phosphate fertilizers with using dolomite deposits of Shursu, have been given. The study of this method of obtaining ordinary phosphate fertilizers, found, that neutralization of extraction phosphoric acid by dolomite to carry out of intensification of the process and improving the quality of final product.
    B Ma'murov, I Shamshidinov, G Kadyrova
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  • I will not be mistaken if I say that nature is the basis of our life. Man can never live without nature, because he is an integral part of nature. The world in which we live and surrounds us is as kind and lively as our mother. In every particle of the sun, in every body of the soil, we feel the loving touch of nature as a mother to us. It embodies thousands of elements necessary for man in every aspect. What is the state of our beautiful nature today? Who is responsible for this? How can this be “UCHINCHI RENESSANS:MUAMMO VA YECHIMLARI” 16 II-to‘plam prevented? These questions are becoming a hot topic today. Unfortunately, humans have an unprecedented impact on nature. It cannot be compared to anything that can be influenced by human intelligence and work. To be more specific, creatures use nature as it is and have an imperceptible effect on it.

    M Tajibayeva, Makhmud Jiemuratov
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  • Ҳозирги вақтда атроф –муҳитни энг кўп ифлослантирадиган моддалар бу канцероген полицикиклик ароматик моддалар ҳисобланади. Шуни эътироф этиш лозимки, XXI асрга келиб, дунёдаги ўлимлар бўйича саратон касалликлари эгаллайди. 2015 йилга келиб 10 млн нафар одамда саратон касаллигининг янги турлари аниқланган ва шундан 6 млн онкологик касаллликлар туфайли одамлар дунёдан кўз юмган. Овқатлар таркибида канцероген моддаларини пайдо бўлиши, ҳавони, сувни, ерни канцероген моддалар билан ифлосланиши ва бошқа сабаблар муҳим роль ўйнайди.

    Yulduz Ismatova, M Odilova
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  • Из публикуемых Управлением статистики Республики Каракалпакстан итоговых данных 2020 года в регионе зарегистрировано 9,2 тысячи смертей, из которых больше половины (58,7%) зафиксированы с основной причиной –заболевания органов кровообращения. Сейчас известно, что на развитие сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний особое влияние оказывают и экологические факторы. 

    M Kaipbergenov, M Fayzieva
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  • The article presents the results of an experiment to study the effect of surfactant concentration and type on foam formation in clay suspensions. As a result of the study, it was found that the addition of surfactants to the system leads to an increase in the volume of foam, and the most significant effect is observed when using surfactants of the type OP-10. With an increase in the concentration of surfactants to a specific value (0.3%), a sharp increase in the height of the foam is observed; however, a further increase in the concentration does not have a significant effect on the
    amount of the formed foam. The study also showed that the height of the foam in the system with surfactant type OP-10 is higher than in the system with surfactant type GKJ-11, which indicates greater foam adsorption at the liquid-air interface. The study of the surface tension of surfactant solutions showed that the surfactant type OP-10 has more significant properties of the surfactant than the surfactant type GKJ-11. These results may be useful to improve the foaming in slurry drilling fluids using various types and concentrations of surfactants.

    Maksetbay Kalilayev, Shukhrat Bukharov, Aziza Abdikamalova, Izzat Eshmetov, Sadokat Ochilova
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  • С развитием современного производства, с его масштабностью и темпами роста все большую актуальность приобретают проблемы разработки и внедрения безотходных технологий. Скорейшее их решение в Республике Узбекистан и в ряде развитых стран рассматривается как стратегическое направление рационального использования природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды.

    Shodiyahon Azimova, Shukhrat Rasulov
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  • In modern realities, environmental threats are not uncommon, our task is to use natural resources rationally and comprehensively respond to climate change. Green innovations will undoubtedly help in solving the problems that we face. Uzbekistan is considered one of the leaders in the implementation of such practices. As the President of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev noted, innovation is the future. We are obliged to build a great future based on innovative ideas. The transition to innovative development and the digital economy is inevitable. A document on the innovative development of Uzbekistan and the transition to a digital economy has been adopted. The world is gradually switching to green energy. This leads to the fact that cars run on batteries, and houses use more environmentally friendly options, such as solar and renewable energy. People are aware of their carbon footprints and waste. Minimizing or turning them into renewable energy sources is even more useful.

    M Umarova , Z Pulatova , Kh Pulatov
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  • Ҳозирги кунда хеч кимга сир эмаски юртимиз жамоли кун сайин юксалиб бормокда. Айникса кснг равон кўчалар шахарларимиз кўркига кўрк қўшиб, бунда харакатланастган, узоғимизни якин қилаётган автоуловлврнинг сони хам кун сайин кўпаймокда. Шундай экан бу автоуловларнинг асосий таянч кисми хисобланган автошиналар ҳам тинимсиз харакатланади ва эскириб, ишдан чиқади. Лскин уларнинг кейинги тақдиридан кўпчилигимиз бсхабар сўнгги йилларга кслиб дунённиг кўпгина давлатларида ишлаб чиқариш ва истсъмол чиқиндиларини қайта ишлаш муаммоларига катта эътибор бсрилмоқда, шу жумладан эскирган сдирилган шиналарга хам.

    D Yuldashev, K Yuldoshev, H Umarov, L Baijumanova
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  • This article is devoted to the anthropogenic impact on the environment in the process of globalization and its negative consequences, the analysis of the main directions of the systematic organization of nature protection.

    Nasiba Abdullayeva
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  • Бугунги кунда замой талаби асосида ёшларга экологик ҳуқуқий таълим-тарбия беришда янги инновация ва ахборот технологияларни қўллаш айниқса, оила, мактаб ва маҳалла ҳамкорлигининг мустаҳкамлаш келажакда экологик муаммоларни ижобий ҳал этилишига ёрдам беради.

    Aigul Kholmominova
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  • The advantages, methods and techniques of using visual technologies in teaching preschoolers are described, including the method of observation, the method of illustration, the method of demonstration (audio, video, text, graphics and animation effects).

    Mavluda Kubayeva
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  • Mualliflarning ushbu monografiya yozishlaridan asosiy maqsad:
    Zarafshon to‘qay biotoplarida o‘suvchi yovvoyi o‘simliklar nematodafaunasining taksonomik va ekologik tarqalish qonuniyatlarini o‘rganishdan iborat.
    Qishloq xo‘jalik ekinlariga zarar keltiruvchi nematodalarning ko‘pchiligi avvalo yovvoyi o‘simliklarda yashab, keyin madaniy o‘simliklarga o‘tadilar. Shularning o‘zi ko‘rsatib turibtiki, O‘zbekiston mintaqalaridagi madaniy va shifobaxsh yovvoyi xolda o‘suvchi o‘simliklarining zararkunandalardan bir guruhi bo‘lgan fitogelmintlarni o‘rganish, ularga qarshi kurashish choralarini o‘z vaqtida qo‘llash
    O‘zbekiston Respublikasini o‘simlik dunyosini asrash va uning ekologik ahvolini yaxshilashga qo‘shilgan amaliy xissa bo‘ladi. Shuningdek, maxsus kasallik qo‘zg‘atuvchi turlarining tabiiy manbalarini topish va ularning madaniy landshaflariga o‘tishini oldini olish kabi muammolar yechilgan.
    Ushbu monografiya universitetlarning biologiya, ekologiya fakulteti bakalavr, magistr yo‘nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalar hamda qishloq xo‘jaligi soxalarida o‘qiyotgan mutaxassislar uchun mo‘ljallangan va o‘simliklarning parazit nematodalardan himoya qiluvchi mutaxassislarga asos bo‘la oladi.

    Komil Boltaev, Arzu Mamedov, Davron Khojakulov , Nafisa Mamarasulova
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