All articles - Mathematics

Number of articles: 20
  • The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical aspects of studying the subject of "trigonometric transformations"in grade 9
    Saera Barlikbaeva
    16   4
  • This article provides information about the stages of development of mathematical science ancient times and the work being done today to develop the field of mathematics
    Muhtarama Saidova
    24   4
  • Solving nonlinear equations is more complicated and is a perfectly unresolved problem in computational mathematics. This iterative algorithm is called the Steffensen method in numerical methods. The Steffensen method has a quadratic approximation. This method requires calculating the value of the function twice in each iteration, in which case the Steffensen method is less efficient than the cutters method
    Omonjon Hoydarov
    22   14
  • This article deals with the solution of simple differential equations using the Maple mathematical package using analytical methods, demonstration of this process in specific practical problems, the creation of algorithms and programs for solving the problem
    Nafisa Salimova
    35   8
  • The concept of a system of nonlinear equations, the stages of solving the problem, the geometric interpretation of the solution of the equation and the concept of iterative processes are given and their application is shown in the examples. The problem of numerical solution of a number of practical problems consisting of a system of nonlinear equations is considered. There are a number of approximate computational methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations, including Newton's method. Using these methods, a number of specific practical problems were solved, a computational algorithm and a block diagram were developed. An approximate method of finding the true roots of a system of nonlinear equations is given, based on examples, graphs are used in the form of results, and appropriate conclusions are drawn
    Sh Mengliyev, A Xamrayev
    44   9
  • This article explains how to reduce the order of the main integration method for all types of high-order equations or to bring this equation into a low-order equation by substituting variables into it
    Ziyodaxon Tulakova, Asrorjon Shokirov
    88   4
  • This article provides information about the stages of development of mathematical science ancient times and the work being done today to develop the field of mathematics
    Muhtarama Saidova
    17   7
  • The regular solvability is investigated of the problem for a third-order equation with multiple characteristics. The existence and uniqueness theorems for regular solutions are proved by the method of regularization and energy integrals
    Odiljon Kurbanov , Shamsuddin Settiev
    15   2
  • In the given article author describes the ordinary differentiated nonlinear super singular point where presented integrals through two arbitrary constants and researched the problem Koshi types
    Nigmatillo Dehkonboyev , Sayyora Xudoykulova
    19   7
  • Понятие компакта Дугунджи, введенное А.Пелчинским [1], оказалось весьма плодотворным и привело к созданию важных новых методов в общей топологии. Отвечая на вопрос Пелчинского, Р. Хэйдон показал [2], что всякий компакт Дугунджи диадичен [3] те. непрерывный образ обобщенного канторова дисконтиниума DT. С другой стороны компакты Дугунджи - это в точности компакты класса AE(G) . Теория АЕ(фТ) компактов была распространена А.Н. Дранишниковым [4] па абсолютные экстензоры в размерности и. Так же в этой работе определены некомпактные аналогии пространства Дугунджи и пространства Милютина. Изучены их топологические свойства и геометрические свойство с применением некоторых ковариантных функторов. Терминология и обозначение, нс разъясняемые ниже, такие же, как в книгах [1,3,5].

    E Zhumaev
    2   1
  • Это великое событие в истории человечества произошло примерно десять тысяч лет тому назад, когда ледяной покров в Европе и Азии начал таять и уступать место лесам и пустыням. Постепенно прекращались кочевые странствия в поисках пищи. Рыболовы и охотники больше вытеснялись первобытными земледельцами. Такие земледельцы, оставаясь на одном месте, пока почва сохраняла плодородие, строили жилища, рассчитанные на более долгие сроки. Стали возникать деревни для защиты от непогоды от врагов-хищников. Немало таких неолитических поселений раскопано. По их остаткам видно, как постепенно развивались такие простейшие ремесла, как гончарное, ткацкое и плотничье. Существовали житницы, так что население могло, производя излишки, запасать продукты на зиму и на случай неурожая.

    Gulnora Javlieva
    3   0
  • Наша главная задача обеспечить формирования высокой общей и профессиональной культуры учителя, его готовности к педагогическому творчеству. Об этом свидетельствует практика преподавания в высшей школе, освещенная в научно методической литературе не хватает разноуровневое, мобильности, гибкости, непрерывности, преемственности, вариативности.До сих нор остается неразрешенной проблема установления оптимального соотношения учебных форм работы, по-прежнему просматривается диспропорция между лекционными, семинарскими, лабораторнопрактическими занятиями и практикой в школе. Вербализм является доминирующим принципом всей подготовки. По-прежнему не преодолен разрыв между теоретической и практической подготовкой студентов. Многие курсы, которые ведутся по специальным дисциплинам, читаются в отрыве от школьной практики. Вопросы по математике: аксиоматический метод; математические доказательства; элементы, множества, отношения, отображения, числа; комбинаторика; конечные и бесконечные множества; основные идеи математического анализа; математика случайного; элементы теории вероятностей; роль математики в гуманитарных науках.

    M Dzhumaev, Masuda Eshonkulova
    3   0
  • Ushbu maqolada brayl matn tasvir sifatini oshirish usullari haqida so‘z boradi. Haqiqiy hayotda brayl alifbosidagi hujjatlarning koʻp tasvirlari sifatsiz boʻlgani uchun, bu maqolada koʻrib chiqish lozim: interpolyatsiya, shovqinni filtrlash, morfologik operatsiyalar kabi turli xil dastlabki ishlov berish algoritmlari va global konturlar haqida ma’lumot berilgan.

    Erali Mustafoyev, Javlon Kholmatov
    2   0
  • In this paper, importance of preprocessing and techniques in this field such as data cleaning, dimensionality reduction, smoothing, normalization are illustrated. During the research we mentioned some details of techniques above. However, our research includes only theoretical aspect of data preprocessing. The data preprocessing phase while arduous and time-intensive stands as the cornerstone of data science, possessing paramount significance. Neglecting the meticulous cleansing and structuring of data has the potential to undermine the integrity and efficacy of subsequent modeling endeavors.

    Nodir Raximov , Dilmurod Khasanov
    12   2
  • Tiklovchi yadro usulini qo‘llab sfera sirti bo‘yicha kubatur formula qurishni va algebraik aniqlik darajasi uncha kata bo‘lmagan kubatur formulalar qurish va ulaming tugunlari sfera ichiga chizilgan muntazam ko‘pyoqlik (simpleks, giperoktaedr) ning uchlari, koeffitsentlari o'zaro teng bo‘lib chiqdi, ya’ni invariant kubator formula singari bo'ldi.

    R Mirzakabilov, N Mirzakabilov
    2   0
  • Ushbu ishda burish soni p − irratsional bo`lgan yo‘nalishni saqlovchi T aylana gomeomorfizmi qaralgan. T gomeomorfizmning burish sonlari

    Saidaxmat Abdukhakimov
    2   0
  • Ushbu ishda turli sohadagi masalalarni chiziqli tenglamalar sistemasi orqali yechib, soha vakillarining fikrlashlarini rivojlantirishdan iborat.

    Aziza Bakhriddinova, Feruza Safarova , Ezoza Nurmanova , Gafur Togayev
    4   1
  • Mexanika, fizika, biologiya, iqtisod va boshqa fanlar masalalari nochiziqli tenglamalarga yoki ularning sistemalariga keltiriladi. Bunday tenglamalarni yechimlari regulyar va singulyar yechimlarga bo‘linadi. Regulyar yechim yaqinida oshkormas funksiya haqidagi teorema yoki uning analogi qo‘llaniladi, u boshqa barcha yaqin yechimlarning tavfsifini beradi. Singulyar yechim yaqinida oshkormas funksiya haqidagi teoremani qo‘llab bo‘lmaydi. Ushbu ishda Darajali gometriyaning asosiy konsepsiyasi unga kiruvchi monom darajalari ko‘rsatkichlari bo‘yicha tenglamalar yechimlari xossalarini o‘rganish hisoblanadi.

    Bakhtiyar Polatov, Javahir Ibrohimov, Dilmurod Kholjigitov, Salahiddin Alimov
    0   0
  • XXI asr - texnologiyalar asri hisoblanadi. Shunday ekan o‘quv jarayonida turli zamonaviy axborot vositalaridan o‘rinli foydalanish, kompyuterli ta’lim jarayonida darslarni o‘quvchi-talaba va kompyuter orasidagi munosabatlarga ko‘ra tashkil etish, boshqarish, nazorat qilish bugungi kunda dolzarb masalalardandir.Tabiiy fanlar hamda texnika fanlarida uchraydigan ko‘pgina masalalar differensial tenglamalarga keltiriladi,ya’ni ularning analitik yechimini topish nihoyatda murakkab masala,shu sababli taqribiy yechish usullaridan foydalanish ko‘proq samara beradi.Bunday muammolarni hal qilish uchun esa matematik paketlar mavjud bo‘lib,ushbu maqolada differensial tenglamalarni Maple dasturida yechish haqida gap boradi.Ya’ni, birinchi tartibli chiziqli oddiy differensial tenglamani Maple dasturida analitik yechimini topish dasturi tuzilib natija olingan.

    Pakhlovon Movlonov , Otadavlat Nasriddinov
    2   0
  • The aim of investigation in the perfection of the methodical system of the development of the technical style of thinking at the pupils of academic lyccums of the technical directions by means of profile differentiation of the mathematic training.
    The object of investigation is the process of differential mathematic training in academic lyccums of technical direction.
    The methods of investigation. This is critical analysis of the native and foreign pedagogical experiments, working out teaching and methodic materials for teachers- experimenters and the model- practical controf of their efficiency, and also mathematic- static treatment of receiving results.
    The receiving results and their novelty arc contained to the carrying out of the criteria of selection of the content of the mathematic education, of the variant of content and methods of mathematic training in the academic lyceums taking into consideration methodic peculiarities, connected with technical directions of the education.
    The practical significance is contained in the possibility of using the formulated criteria of selection of the content of mathematic education for the preparation of the training programmers and training- methodical appliances by mathematic.
    The degree of introduction and economic significance. Not only in the technical but also in the natural- scientific directions can be guidebook in the working out of training - methodic complex by educational profiles.
    The field of application: academic lyccums of the technical direction of Ministry of Higher and Secondary-Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Ismoil Ibragimov
    0   0
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