All articles - Rehabilitation

Number of articles: 37
  • Hypospadias, as (he patient grows, especially with its high forms, have a negative impact on the overall development and formation of the patient's personality. The development of rational management tactics, timely and correct treatment is a prerequisite for achieving good results in the physiological and social rehabilitation of this severe category of patients.
    Zh Atakulov, Zh Shamsiev, Sh Yusupov, А Rakhimov
    102   143
  • Post-traumatic osteomyelitis is a very common complication of a fracture of the mandible: 10-12% of patients with fractures of the mandible develop tissue suppuration in the area of bone damage, accompanied by necrosis of the wound surfaces of the fragments with the formation of sequesters. To solve this problem, a significant number of methods and means are used, however, the number of infectious and inflammatory processes in the post-traumatic period continues to remain high, which significantly complicates the treatment of victims.
    Z Rakhimov, F Ne’matova
    55   12
  • Artificial ovulation of unwanted fertility (abortion) is one of the main medical and social factors that negatively affect women's reproductive health. The organization Butunjahon soeli saklash recognized abortion as a serious problem of female reproductive health saklash. All over the world, Har is one or more appeals to a troublemaker aimed at suppressing the abuse of freedom throughout the life of a woman of the same species. The annual number of abortions in the world is about 56 million, of which 25 million are unsafe, resulting in 22,000 women dying, and this accounts for 8% of all maternal deaths.
    L Agababyan, Z Nasirova, Z Gaybullaeva
    53   77
  • Despite the rapid development of minimally invasive endovideosurgical technologies in abdominal surgery, the number of surgical interventions using traditional laparotomic access remains high, after which postoperative ventral hernias (PVH) develop in 4-18% of cases, and in the general statistical structure of all ventral hernias POVH account for 20-26% [2, 4]. So in the USA every year there are at least 400-500 thousand patients with POVH, and at least 200 thousand of them are operated on. In the structure of all hernias of the abdomen, large incisional hernias (GPOVG) occupy a special place and account for from 3 to 14% [2, 12]. About 60% of patients with POVH are aged 21 to 60 years, i.e. are a significant part of the country's able-bodied population.
    S Davlatov
    96   16
  • Clinical efficacy of a complex of rehabilitation measures in patients with cervical cancer of reproductive age after operative treatment was evaluated. The study included 83 patients with cervical cancer Ia - IIa at the reproductive age. Restorative treatment included psychotherapy, phytotherapy, physical therapy. After the re- habilitation activities, the patients of the main group had a statistically significant decrease in the level of neu- rovegetative disorders, the level of anxiety, as well as an increase in the level of emotional and social function- ing, which is reflected in the increase in the coefficient of "labor rehabilitation"
    F Nabieva, Х Abdullaev
    39   6
  • In this article, the effects of therapeutic and gymnastic exercises on patients are studied and the results of the study are presented. 46 patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar department were examined. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The results of the study showed that the application of therapeutic physical training to patients with osteochondrosis, improves the condition of patients, improves the motor activity and the quality of life of the patient, increases efficiency, helps improve the patient's fitness.
    Yo Kamalova
    29   14
  • Perspective direction in rehabilitation of ischemic insult is restoration of disturbed motional and spuch functions and social readaptation of the patient, prophylaxy of postinsult complications. In patogencnetic mechanisms of formation of insult in the period of restoration important role plays disbalance between causative-inhibitory neurotransmitter systems rhat leads to the functional disin-hibition of nervous structures and formation of various syndromes.
    R Samibaev, A Samiyev, I Mamurova, A Sobirov
    97   9
  • Modern approaches in the treatment of various neurological diseases aim to influence the leading links of pathogenesis, activate sanogenetic reactions aimed at restoring impaired functioning the mental state of the leading systems of the body [1,3,5,6].
    Z Mavlyanova, F Khamedova, S Igamova
    50   5
  • The article presents the results of a comprehensive approach to medical rehabilitation of patients with polyneuropathy in age from 8 to 14 years. All the observed children were divided into two groups matched for sex and age. The first group consisted of 23 patients who along with conventional treatment were included in the scheme pharmacopuncture and acupuncture. The second group consisted of 20 patients with polyneuropathy children who received standard treatment. To evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy conducted a study of the functional state of the peripheral neuromotor apparatus by pacing electroneuromy-ography using motor, sensory stimulation and standard electrodes.
    Z Mavlyanova, Sh Niyozov, Sh Isanova
    49   5
  • The article presents the results of clinical and neurological researches of 88 patients with dyscirculator yencephalopathy with hypertension who were divided into two groups according to treatment: basic and con-trol. In the study group patients during combined use of reflexology and aromatherapy revealed a marked improvement of clinical indicators than in the control group of patients.
    Z Mavlyanova, A Velilyaeva, K Shmyrina, A Bazarova
    54   7
  • Undoubtedly correction of depressive disorders is essential in the outcomes of stroke in patients with depression. We should notice that patient with stroke is usually the elderly person burdened with various somatic diseases, with a reduced rate of metabolism of drugs and receives at least three types of medication a day. The lesions of different localization in the depressions with various psychopathological pictures are distributed alm ost evenly. Implementation of Stimuloton combined with non-drug measures is effective in the vast number of stroke patients for controlling the depressive disorders, for improving psychosocial adaptation, and thus for enhance the quality of life.
    D Ahmedova, D Buriev, J Mardonov, S Khakimova, A Jurabekova
    55   4
  • This article has extensively studied the Phillips curve and its modifications, which describe the interdependence between inflation and unemployment. The historical role of the Phillips curve theory is also substantiated as a fundamental basis for the formation of the theory of rational expectations in the paradigms of economic civilization.
    Xayrilla Kurbonov, Nodbrbek Karimov, Azizjon Anarqulov
    88   12
  • This article discusses the theoretical aspects of capital formation and their use in joint stock companies, explores the problems associated with the optimal composition of capital. Depending on the level of development of the capital market in the national economy, the choice of combined financing options, the choice of alternative financing options by joint-stock companies, the level of assets, the ratio of equity to borrowed capital, which reflects the effectiveness of investing in assets.
    Raya Karlibaeva
    35   9
  • Во все периоды ожоговой болезни на первый план выходят значительные обменные расстройства, которые характеризуются резко выраженным гиперметаболизмом. Синдром гиперметаболизма - это неспецифическая системная ответная реакция организма на повреждения различной этиологии, характеризующиеся дисрегуляторными изменениями в системе «анаболизм-катаболизм», резким увеличением потребности в донаторах энергии и пластического материала, росте реальной энергопотребности и параллельным развитием патологической толерантност и тканей организма к «обычным» нутриентам. Синдром гиперметаболизма - неотъемлемая составляющая критических состояний. Результатом формирования синдрома является развитие резистентной к стандартной нутритивной терапии тяжелой белково-энергетической недостаточности вследствие постоянного преобладания катаболического типа реакций преобразования основных питательных веществ.
    E Khakimov, B Shakirov, M Pulatova, M Ashurova, R Nuralieva, Kh Turaev
    17   9
  • In the process of reconstruction of the detects in the branch of lower jaw through metatarsal autogenous transplant method, studied of changes hi supportive system after the removal of metatarsal bone, the foot were based on the results of thorough examination of computer podometrics before the autogenous transplant was taken. This way was achieved to decrease the symptoms and development of flat-foot, the length of stay of patients in the hospital, the symptoms of quick tiredness, the pain in thigh, fibula and the pain in foot after a long walk after the surgery of autotransplant removal.
    A Jilonov , V Karitnquiov, Sh Yusupov
    18   27
  • Актуальность. Вопросы медицинской и социально-трудовой реабилитации больных и инвалидов, вследствие дегенеративно-дистрофических заболеваний тазобедренного сустава, относятся к числу наиболее сложных медико-социальных проблем (1,2,3,4).
    M Azizov, D Ruzibaev
    27   4
  • Актуальность. Количество повреждений и заболеваний тазобедренного сустава составляет 8,1% среди всех патологии опорно-двигательной системы, поэтому проблема восстановления полноценной функции суставов является достаточно актуальной в современной ортопедии. В настоящее время наиболее эффективным среди оперативных методов лечения заболеваний тазобедренного сустава является эндопротезирование (6,7,9,11).
    D Ruzibaev
    38   2
  • Врожденные расщелины верхней губы и неба занимают стойко 2–3-е место среди всех видов врожденной патологии. Они нередко сочетаются с другими видами врожденных пороков развития (сердечно-сосудистой, ЦНС и др.).
    S Sharopov, A Inoyatov, Sh Yakubov, M Akramova, S Davletova
    60   5
  • Глобализация экономических процессов, захватившая цивилизованный мир, не прошла мимо такого отрицательного фактора развития человечества, каким является травматизм. По данным различных авторов 30-60 % от общего травматизма приходится на особо тяжелые формы травм – черепно-мозговые травмы. Щедеркин Р.И. с соавт. (2007) отмечает, что практическое выздоровление или стойкая компенсация наблюдается приблизительно у 30 % лиц, перенесших ЧМТ. Сложный патогенез травматической болезни головного мозга определяется тем, что отдаленный период ЧМТ является периодом «покоя», и представляет динамический процесс, приводящий при неблагоприятных условиях к наступлению декомпенсации состояния больных (1, 3, 5).
    A Jurabekova, S Karaboev
    31   5
  • Ожоговая травма сопровождается полиморфными нервно-психическими расстройствами. как преходящими, так и длительно протекающими и в последующем определяющими качество жизни пострадавших в период ранней и поздней реконвалесценции
    B Shakirov, S Yuldashev, D Rahmatova, M Ashurova, D Ibadova, N Ziganshina
    35   5
  • The aim of this study was to improve the postoperative care of patients with external deformity of the nose after rhinoplasty. The study showed that the intranasal use of Actovegin gel in the postoperative period in patients after surgical treatment of external nasal deformity contributes to a more rapid regression of postoperative inflammation, accelerates the reparative process and epithelialization.
    Nodir Ibatov, Jahongir Shamsiev
  • The aim of the review was to identify the features of the clinical course of the disease in children who have undergone coronavirus infection. The review showed that coronavirus disease in children is frequent and severe, which requires individual care and careful diagnosis.
    Turdikul Bobomuratov, Dilnoza Sharipova, Nafisa Sultanova
  • Morphological and immunohistochemical assessment of reparative processes in the jaw and its surrounding soft tissues under conditions of an experimental rabbit fracture showed the effectiveness of fixing the fragments of the lower jaw with miniplates and miniscrews made of nanostructured titanium Grade-4.
    Aleksandr Matchin, Aleksandr Stadnikov, Yevgeniy Nosov, Gennadiy Klevtsov
  • Операция гастрэктомия - полное удаление желудка с обоими сальниками, регионарными лимфатическими узлами, заканчивающаяся формированием эзофагоеюноанастомоза. Это серьезная и продолжительная травма для организма, однако, пациент должен понимать, что она обусловлена задачами сохранения его жизни, и поэтому необходимо оценить
    последствия операции и подготовиться к правильной адаптации организма к новым условиям переработки пищи /1,3/

    S Xudayerov
    22   1
  • The article provides an analysis of the literature on the process of post-stroke rehabilitation, timing and types. Neurorehabilitation is a process aimed at restoring lost or reduced function in patients with stroke. Early initiation of neurorehabilitation leads to the achievement of the necessary level of selfcare of the patient, his social, psychological, physical adaptation and finally restoration of ability to work in the post-stroke period, as well as reduction of post-stroke disability in society and improvement of patients' quality of life

    Yakuthon Majidova, Khurshida Maksudova, Alisher Davlatbaev, Gavharoy Turgunova
    20   3
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