All articles - Water Resources

Number of articles: 5
  • In this article, the author focusses on such an important issue as the fertility of the land and its impact on social reality. The issues of land degradation in Central Asia are considered.

    Anvar Djuraev, Khabibullokh Mukhammadiev
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  • Қувурли қурилмаларда буғларни конденсациялаш жараёнини самарали ташкил этиш учун вақт ва қувурдаги конденсацияланиш юзаси бўйича оқимнинг ҳарорати, босими ва иссиқлик-физик хоссалари каби технологик параметрларни ҳисобга олиш керак бўлади. Ушбу технологик параметрларни конденсацияланиш жараёнига таъсирини ўрганиш саноатда ишлатиладиган конденсация қурилммаларини иссиқлик самарадорлиги юқори оптимал дизайнини ишлаб чиқишга ёрдам беради [1-4]

    A Khurmamatov, O Ismailov, R Yusupov, D Isamatova
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  • Inson o'zining butun mavjudligi davomida dunyo haqida to'liq tasavvurga ega bo'lmasdan va faqat bir lahzalik vazifalarni yaratishga intilgan , xoh u oziq-ovqat ishlab chiqarish, xoh atom elektr stantsiyasini qurish bo'lsin. Har safar yaratilish va rivojlanish vektori inson o'z ehtiyojlariga muvofiq foydalanadigan atrof-muhitga qaratilgan. Hozirgi vaqtda insoniyatning muammolari, resurslarning ortib borayotgan qismini ishlab chiqarishni rivojlantirishga emas, balki atrof-muhitni saqlashga sarflash kerakligi bilan keskinlashmoqda. Aks holda, uning ifloslanishi yalpi milliy mahsulotning o'sishini sekinlashtira boshlaydi va uni oshirishga investitsiyalar samaradorligi pasayadi. Biroq, hozirgacha faqat dunyodagi eng boy davlatlar atrof-muhitni saqlash bo'yicha keng ko'lamli dasturlarni amalga oshirishga qodir. Eng kambag'al davlatlar bunga qurbi yetmaydi.

    A Tokhirov, F Sodikova, D Nasriddinov
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  • The article discusses the impact of the environmental situation in the Aral Sea region on the health of the population. The data of the analysis of environmental factors are presented.

    Roza Askarova
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  • Back in the early 70s, while studying at a secondary school, at geography lessons, we, with bated breath, listened with admiration to a teacher who talked about the Aral Sea, which was famous for its richest natural reserves. The incomparable isolation and diversity of the Aral Sea did not leave anyone indifferent. Having entered the 21st century, the Republic of Uzbekistan, like other states, has faced the most serious problems in the field of the environment. Among them, one of the most global is the environmental problem. Life in the chemical world has become more comfortable for a person, but at the same time it has acquired additional elements of risk to his life and health. The whole planet has long been concerned about the problem of the Aral Sea, the restoration of the vital water resource of which is directed by the minds of scientists and practitioners around the world. The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world, and the Aral Sea zone was considered a prosperous and biologically rich natural environment.

    Roza Askarova, Z Jumaniyazova
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