The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

Publisher: The USA Journals
Years of coverage since 2019
Online ISSN: 2689-100X
Source Type: Journal
Orientation: Scientific article;
Google Scholar
in Citate: 1.391
Citations: 662
h index: 0
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About the Journal

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations is an open platform, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published within USA. The major objective of TAJSSEI is to give an intellectual platform intended for the international scholars. TAJSSEI aims to support interdisciplinary studies within Social Science and Education and develop into the leading journal within Social Science and Education Innovations in the world.

The journal publishes research papers within the grounds of humanities and social science similar to as anthropology, communication studies, business studies, criminology, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, development studies, demography, ethics, economics, education, geography, industrial relations, history, international relations, information science, law, linguistics, library science, media studies, philosophy, political science, methodology, public administration, population Studies, psychology, linguistics, sociology, social welfare, paralegal, literature, presenting arts (music, theatre & dance), religious studies, visual arts, women studies and many other.

The journal is published inside online versions.

TAJSSEI publishes original papers, conceptual framework, review papers, analytical and simulation, case studies models, technical notes, empirical research, as well as book reviews. Special Issues committed to vital topics in Social Science and Education will intermittently be published.

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