Specific peculiarities of the language of medicine in the english and the uzbek languages

Батирова, Х. (2022). Specific peculiarities of the language of medicine in the english and the uzbek languages . Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 100–102. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/translation_studies/article/view/6013
Хуршида Батирова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

2nd year master student, Department of English Translation Theory, Faculty of Translation



The language of medicine is complex. It consists of general medical, general scientific, highly specialized terms, professionalisms, slang terms that express medical information, participate in the process of cognition, consolidation and transfer of knowledge.

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Batirova Khurshida Egamberdiyevna

2nd year master student, Department of English Translation Theory, Faculty of

Translation, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

The language of medicine is complex. It consists of general medical, general

scientific, highly specialized terms, professionalisms, slang terms that express
medical information, participate in the process of cognition, consolidation and transfer
of knowledge.

The peculiarity of the language of medicine, as shown by the studies of

V.F. Novodranova, E.V. Bekisheva, is as follows:

internationality (the basis of modern medical English, German, Russian and

other languages is the vocabulary of Greek-Latin origin; for example, virus

– Virus –

virus [uzb]);

use of terms of other sciences (biology

– biologiya, chemistry – kimyo,


– fizika, etc.) or medicine (genetics – genetika, psychology – psixologiya,


– psixiatriya, etc.), which confirms the idea of the complexity of the

language of medicine in terms of concepts and content [2007].

A characteristic feature of the language of medicine is the change in the

meaning of medical terms, the emergence of new terminological units due to the
change of one conceptual scheme to another (pneumonia

– atypical pneumonia –

pnevmoniya- atipik pnevmoniya; influenza

– bird flu, swine flu – gripp – parranda

grippi, ch

o‘chqa grippi; virus – human immunodeficiency virus – virus – inson

immunitet tanqisligi virusi). Consequently, the meaning of medical terms is
determined by the entire context of medical knowledge and is transformed with a
change in this context under the influence of practice.

The specificity of medicine as a field of knowledge and activity lies in the fact

that its concepts are described by sets of terms, words of common language that
reflect phenomena, processes associated with the treatment and prevention of
diseases. Some of the terms used in the first set pass into it from common vocabulary

– to‘piq, pen – shprits ruchkasi, infection – infeksiya), other terms are created in

the scientific field, including borrowed lexical units, and can be used in parallel

“diabetes” along with “diabetes mellitus” [ uzb. “diabet” = “qandli diabet”]), and the

presence of some of these synonyms depends on the requirements of deontology

– kanser – neoplasm).

Medical terminology is characterized by an orientation towards the Latin

language. The path of the formation of medical terminology based on the Latin language
is unique: having ceased to exist as a living language, the Latin language continued
another artificial life in a new professional field. Since ancient times, peculiar connections
began to take shape between the language of classical Latin, on the one hand, and the
language of a special field of knowledge

– medical, on the other.

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Thus, the continuous development of the language of medicine is due to

several factors: 1) the status of the Latin language as the generally accepted
language of science and education in antiquity and the Middle Ages; 2) deontological
principles, the doctor's desire to hide the real state of things from the patient behind
incomprehensible words; 3) the possibility of saving language resources, for
example, the term diabetes expresses the conceptual content

– a violation of

carbohydrate metabolism, in which there is no oxidation of sugar due to insufficient
secretion of the hormone insulin by the pancreas.

The specificity of the language of medicine is due to the following factors: it is

one of the oldest and at the same time rapidly developing terminological systems;
many author

’s terms function in it, which is a fertile material for studying the influence

of extra-linguistic factors, associative links and emotive intentions of the author in the
process of term creation; the intensive progress of scientific medical knowledge
provides ample opportunities to explore the potential abilities of terms.

The next feature of medical terminology, as noted in the previous paragraph,

is its openness. In recent decades, hundreds of Anglicism terms created on the basis
of Greek-Latin term elements have joined the Uzbek medical terminology system
through the Russian one, for example,

insulin, insulin pompasi, podiatrist, skrining,


, etc. This feature of medical terminology is associated with its other

essential feature

– the mobility of the vocabulary. This determines such processes in

terminology as the emergence of neologisms, ambiguous terms, the displacement of
obsolete terms, semantic shifts within certain terms, etc. [

Бекишева, 2007, с. 49].

The analysis of medical terminology also revealed the problem of determining

the status of such language units for special purposes as professionalisms. In the
history of terminology, attempts have been repeatedly made to typify it (S.V. Grinev,
V.M. Leichik, V.A. Tatarinov, A.V. Superanskaya, S.D. Shelov) [2] [3] [4] [5]. Since
professionalisms are understood as variant units of generally accepted terms, and
they, like terms, refer to special scientific concepts, it would be legitimate to attribute
them to a special stylistic layer of the vocabulary of a language for special purposes,
which should be studied, according to V.M. Leichik (2012), within the framework of
general and particular terminology. Observation of the functioning of
professionalisms in the language provides rich material illustrating the features of the
development of the language system. In oral medical discourse, terms and
professionalisms are interchangeable, and their use is subject to the pragmatic goals
of optimal adequate mutual understanding [2012].

The deepening of medical knowledge occurs through the formation and

clarification of terms, which are a reflection and external expression of the mobility of
concepts. This implies the need to analyze medical terminology, bringing it to
uniformity in line with the new level of science and technology. Without this
systematic work, the terminology of medicine will lag behind the changed concepts,
so the standardization and unification of terminology should be considered as one of
the urgent tasks of modern society.

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Бекишева Е.В. Категориальные основы номинации болезней и

проблем, связанных со здоровьем: монография / Е.В. Бекишева / под ред.
проф. В.Ф. Новодрановой. – Самара: ООО «ИПК «Содружество» ГОУ ВПО
«СамГМУ», 2007. – С. 250.


Гринев С.В.





С.В. Гринев. – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1986. – С. 50.


Лейчик В.М. Терминоведение: Предмет, методы, структура /

В.М. Лейчик. – М.: Либроком, 2012. – С. 264.


Татаринов В.А. Теория терминоведения: в 3 т. / В.А. Татаринов. – М.:

Московский лицей, 1996. – Т. 1: Теория термина. – 311с.


Шелов С.Д., Лейчик В.М. Соизмеримость научных теорий и анализ

терминологических определений / С.Д. Шелов, В.М. Лейчик // Научно-
техническая информация. Сер. 2., 1991. – № 8. – С. 9–15.

Библиографические ссылки

Бекишева Е.В. Категориальные основы номинации болезней и проблем, связанных со здоровьем: монография / Е.В. Бекишева / под ред. проф. В.Ф. Новодрановой. - Самара: ООО «ИПК «Содружество» ГОУ ВПО «СамГМУ», 2007. - С. 250.

Гринев С.В. Введение в терминологическую лексикографию/ С.В. Гринев. - М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1986. - С. 50.

Лейчик В.М. Терминоведение: Предмет, методы, структура / В.М. Лейчик. - М.: Либроком, 2012. - С. 264.

Татаринов В.А. Теория терминоведения: в 3 т. / В.А. Татаринов. - М.: Московский лицей, 1996. - Т. 1: Теория термина. - 311с.

Шелов С.Д., Лейчик В.М. Соизмеримость научных теорий и анализ терминологических определений / С.Д. Шелов, В.М. Лейчик И Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 2., 1991. - № 8. - С. 9-15.

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