Transport terminologiyasida logistik atamalar klassifikatsiyasi

Нарзуллаева, Н. (2022). Transport terminologiyasida logistik atamalar klassifikatsiyasi . Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 248–251. извлечено от
Нигина Нарзуллаева, O‘zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti

1-kurs magistr talabasi,Tarjimonlik fakulteti 



Doimiy rivojlanayotgan dunyo va insoniyat o‘zaro bir-biriga ta’sir ko‘rsatadi va buning natijasi o‘laroq inson atrofidagi haqiqatni faol ravishda o‘zgartiradi.Inson va idrok qilinadigan dunyo o‘rtasidagi vositachi – bu yaqin til bo‘lib, u tartibga solish vazifasini bajaradi va dunyoning lingvistik rasmini yaratish uchun xotirada ko‘p bilimlarni tizimlashtirish imkoniyati sifatida ishlaydi.

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Narzullayeva Nigina

1-kurs magistr talabasi, Tarjimonlik fakulteti,

O‘zbekiston davlat jahon

tillari universiteti

Doimiy rivojlanayotgan dunyo va insoniyat

o‘zaro bir-biriga ta’sir ko‘rsatadi va

buning natijasi o‘laroq inson atrofidagi haqiqatni faol ravishda o‘zgartiradi.Inson va

idrok qilinadigan dunyo o‘rtasidagi vositachi – bu yaqin til bo‘lib, u tartibga solish
vazifasini bajaradi va dunyoning lingvistik

rasmini yaratish uchun xotirada ko‘p

bilimlarni tizimlashtirish imkoniyati sifatida ishlaydi. Prezident I.A. Karimov

tashabbusi va rahnamoligida “Xorijiy tillarni o‘rganish tizimini kuchaytirish chora-

tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi qaror qabul qilindi va ingliz tilini o‘rganish barcha soha

vakillarining asosiy ko‘nikmasiga aylanmoqda.Quyidagi ushbu maqolada ingliz

tilidagi logistika atamalari tizimining umumiy ko‘rinishi,o‘zlashtirma so‘zlarning turli
tasniflari,atamalarning shakllanish usuli, atamaning rasmiy

tuzilishiga ko‘ra

foydalanish chastotasi bo‘yicha berilgan.Ushbu mavzu bo‘yicha turli xil materiallarni

o‘rganish asosida logistika atamalari olingan yoki o‘xshash ma’noga ega va kundalik
hayotda yuqori ixtisoslashgan muhitda ishlatiladigan bilim sohalarining maksimal
soni terminologiyasi bilan yozilgan degan xulosaga kelishimiz mumkin.Logistikada

terminlar klassifikatsiyasini 2 guruhga bo‘lishimiz mumkin: umumiy tilshunoslik va
qisman tilshunoslik.

A.K. Kuptsovoy va A.N. Sterlingovoyning ingliz tilida logistika terminlarining

quyidagicha foiz hisobida tahlil qilishdi.

Unga ko‘ra terminlar umumiy leksikaning

30%i,texnik leksikaning 20%i, qo‘shma bilimlar leksikasining 50%ini tashkil qildi. Eng

ko‘p atamalar transport va boshqaruv sohasidagi so‘zlardan tashkil topgan
guruhlardir.Ushbu ikki jarayon logistikaning asosinini tashkil qiladi.Ingliz tilida
atamalarning eng keng tarqalgan usuli morfologikdir.Logistikada atamalarning

morfologik shakllanishining quyidagi usullarini ajratib ko‘rsatishimiz mumkin:

siya, suffiksatsiya, perfiksatsiya, o‘zakni qisqartirish,qisqartmalar. Keling,

ularning har birini misol bilan ko‘rib chiqaylik. Konversiya.Ingliz tilida eng keng

tarqalgan konversiya turi otlardan fe’l yasashdir: a plan- to plan, a work – to work, a

– to place. Suffiks usuli. Logistika atamalarini morfologik shakllantirishning bu

usuli ingliz tilida keng tarqalgan:

market + ing = marketing, buy +er= buyer, agree

+ ment=agreement.

Prefiks. Prefiks yordamida kamroq miqdordagi atamalar hosil

bo‘ladi va asosan olingan prefikslar qo‘llaniladi:

un + limited = unlimited, ir

+regular=irregular, under+pay=underpay, en+large = enlarge.

O‘zakni qisqartirish faqat ingliz tiliga xosdir,ammo shuni ta’kidlash

kerakki, bu tarzda shakllanadigan atamalar juda oz va quy

idagi so‘zlarni misol

qilib keltirishimiz mumkin: multipack

– pack, telephone – phone, automobile –

auto. Qisqartmalar. Terminlarning qisqartmasi bir, ikki, uch yoki to‘rt

komponentdan iborat bo‘lishi mumkin. Ham bir komponentli, ham ko‘p
komponentli shartlarni qisqartirish mumkin:


– Bill of Landing, DSD – Direct

Store Delivery, FMCG

– Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Shuni ham ta’kidlash

kerakki, logistikada bir qator atamalar ingliz tilida ma’noning metaforik

ko‘chirilishi va ixtisoslashuvi yordamida paydo bo‘lgan.

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B.N. Golovin tomonidan taklif qilingan tasnifga muvofiq, ingliz tili logistik

terminologiyasida morfologik-sintaktik tuzilishiga asoslanib, atamalar odatda

ikki guruhga bo‘linadi. Birichi guruhga oddiy atamalar, ikkinchi guruhga esa
murakkab atamalar kiradi:

cargo (yuk), production (mahsulot), booking (buyurtma

qilish), carrier (tashuvchi), delivery (yetkazib berish), adjustment (sozlash), barcode

kod), breakage (yo‘q qilingan tovarlar)


Yana bir tasnif mavjud, unga ko‘ra ingliz tilining logistik atamalari quyidagicha


bo‘lishi mumkin:

1) tuzilma hosil qiluvchi atamalar;
2) oqim shartlari;
3) operatsion shartlar.
Logistika tuzilmasini shakllantiruvchi atamalarga logistika aloqasi, logistika

zanjiri, logistika kanali, logistika,tarmoq, logistika tizimi, mikrologistika tizimi,
makrologistika tizimi kabi atamalar kiradi.Logistika faoliyatining asosiy ob



Logistikaning operatsion shartlari logistika operatsiyasi, logistika funktsiyasi,

logistika kabi terminologik

birliklarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Ingliz tilida logistika atamalarini

termindan foydalanish chastotasi bo‘yicha tasniflash baholashda sezilarli ahamiyatga
ega. Ushbu tasnifga asoslanib, qaysi biri fan uchun eng muhim va yordamchi degan
xulosaga kelish mumkin.

Xulosa o‘rnida ingliz tilida logistika terminologik tizimiga oid fikrlar quyidagicha

shakllanadi.Birinchidan, logistikaning terminologik tizimi terminologiyaning uzoq vaqt
davomida shakllangan ushbu bilim sohasi nazariyasini jamlash, foydalanish va turli
fanlar tushunchalarini (iqtisodiy, texnik, matematik, huquqiy) ushbu tushunchalarning

mazmunini sezilarli darajada o‘zgartirmasdan o‘zgarishi natijasida shakllangan. Ingliz
tilidagi logistika atamalari tizimini standartlashtirish, tizimlashtirish ishlarini davom
ettirish zarur.

Ikkinchidan, ingliz tilining logistik terminologiyasida tegishli bilim sohalaridan

juda ko‘p miqdordagi o‘zlashtirma so‘zlar mavjud. Logistika atamalar tizimini

shakllantirish jarayoniga globallashuvning ta’siri keng.Bu jarayon ijobiy ta’sir

ko‘rsatadi, chunki u pirovardida atamalarni birlashtirish va standartlashtirishga olib
keladi, bu ularni tushunish va foydalanishni osonlashtiradi, ayniqsa xalqaro transport
logistikasi sohasida.







terminologiyasida tizimni shakllantirish jarayoni davom etmoqda. Natijada, bugungi

kunda tilshunoslardan ko‘proq logistik lug‘atlar va lug‘atlar talab qilinadi.



1. Grubin Ilya Valentinovich, Dmitrieva

Elizaveta Igorevna “An overview of the

formation and classification of logistics.

2. Kuptsova A.K., Sterligova A.N. Logistika terminologiyasini rivojlantirishning

zamonaviy masalalari. // Logistika va ta’minot zanjirini boshqarish. № 2-3. M., 2004.

– B. 113–121.

3. Smirnitskiy A.I. Ingliz tilining leksikologiyasi.

– M.: Moskva davlat

universiteti, 1998.

– B. 260.

4. Ekspeditorlik va tijorat qisqartmalarining inglizcha-

ruscha lug‘ati FIATA

atamalari va iboralari

– FIATA QISTQARMALAR KODLARI [Elektron manba]. URL: (kirish sanasi: 02/01/2017).

5. Grinev-Grinevich S.V. Terminologiya. M., 2008.

– B. 304.

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Abdullaeva Gulnoza Mirolim qizi

1st year Master Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

The given publication work aims at revealing the notion of anticipation, its

features and its types in the process of interpretation. According to some scholars
Anticipation, no matter whether as a strategy or a phenomenon, plays a crucial role
in field simultaneous interpretation and has drawn considerable attention of scholars.
However, the study on anticipation is far from being systematic and thorough, and
agreements are hard to achieve on some issues related to anticipation among
different scholars. We are eager to deal with some basic issues of anticipation in
simultaneous interpretation such as the definition, classification and features of
anticipation, in hope that this paper can cast some light on the understanding of
anticipation in simultaneous interpretation and can invite more attention and studies
to anticipation in simultaneous interpretation.

Anticipation, no matter as an unconscious psychological activity or an effective

subsidiary device in the process of interpretation, calls for more exploration. Besides,
anticipation is an integrated prediction concerning psychological, linguistic, and even
cultural aspects, which is up to the prospect of interpreting studies. Important as
anticipation in simultaneous interpretation (SI) is, works specific to it in the past
decades were precious and rare and they were mostly the display of technical rules
or general theories with no specific focus on certain languages. Actually anticipation
is language-specific, which will be illustrated later in this paper.

Many interpreting theorists have explicitly or implicitly classified anticipation

into several kinds according to their respective criteria. Relevant classifications in the
overall research in anticipation are as follows:


describes two types of anticipation in her famous article “Simultaneous

Interpretation: Units of Meaning and Other Features”. She holds that apart from the
pure, observable kind of anticipation, namely, the interpreter produces a constituent in
the target language before the speaker has uttered the corresponding constituent in
the source language (Lederer, 2002: 138-148), there exists another type she considers
more common. The type called by Lederer as freewheeling anticipation is that the
interpreter produces a constituent in the target language after the corresponding

constituent has been uttered in the source language, “but so soon afterwards and at
so correct a place in his own language that there is no doubt the interpreter summons
it before hearing t

he original” (ibid, 139).

According to the objects interpreter predicts in the process of interpreting,

Roderick Jones divides anticipation into three kinds. The first one is the anticipation of
the broad structure and sometimes the general thrust of a speech. This anticipation can
be possible from the context of a meeting. If there is a discussion or a negotiation where

delegations’ positions or arguments will become known, they will return to points they
have already made, or react to points made by other participants. Such anticipation will
be enhanced if the interpreter can also bring to bear other cognitive knowledge available
to them. The second kind is the anticipation of speech patterns and rhetorical structures.

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For instance, those working from English should know that an Englishman or woman

who begins his/her speech with, “This is a fantastic idea” and so on is very possible to

be followed with, “but…”. The third kind is the anticipation of specific words or phrases
in individual sentences. This type of anticipation is actually possible because it is simply
so obvious how the sentence is going to end. For most authors, according to the
information that interpreters use to predict what speakers intend to say, anticipation can
fall into two kinds: linguistic and extra-lingustic.

Besides, according to Wilss, linguistic anticipation is triggered by certain

linguistic units (e.g. words or word combinations) which serve as cues. These cues
are of two types--co-textual cues and extra-linguistic cues.

It has become more evident over the years that anticipation is enabled by

several factors. Interpreters can be helped by linguistic factors, that is to say their
knowledge of the source language

– mastering expressions, set phrases or being

able to quickly locate important key words is fundamental for anticipation. But there
are also the so-called extra-

linguistic factors. These refer to the text’s or the speaker’s

particular background. Any information about them is really helpful for anticipation.
Hence preparation before interpreting events is essential! Also prosody (that is to say

verbal communication, such as the speaker’s tone, intonation, rhythm and div-

language) plays an important role. However, it is not always possible to see the
speaker. Moreover, the intonation does not necessarily have the same meaning
depending on the language. For instance, studies showed English intonations can
sound aggressive to German-speaking people, while German intonations are
monotonous and boring to an English-speaking audience.

All in all, when interpreting between two languages which do not have the same

natural word order, a very in-depth knowledge of the source language is required, even
if it is considered to be one of your passive languages (that is to say, if you only interpret
from that language). It also highlights the importance of training for an interpreter,
because only in this manner will interpreting students learn how to anticipate properly.

To conclude, the widely-accepted classification of anticipation includes

linguistic anticipation and extra-linguistic anticipation. According to above mentioned
facts we can say that anticipation has a great role in the process of interpretation as
it is the important element during interpretation.


1. Newmark, P. Approaches to Translation [M]. Oxford: Pergamon. 1981.
2. Newmark P.A Textbook of Translation [M]. New York: Prentice Hall

International, 1988.

3. Newmark P. (2006). About Translation [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language

Teaching and Research.

4. Nord C.A. Functional Typology of Translation [M]. Amsterdam, 1997.
5. Shoabdurahmonov Sh, Askarova M., Hojiev A., Rasulov I., Doniyorov X.

Modern Uzbek literary language.

– T.: Teacher, 1980. – PP. 137–146.

6. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

7. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

Библиографические ссылки

Newmark, P. Approaches to Translation [М]. Oxford: Pergamon. 1981.

Newmark P.A Textbook of Translation [М]. New York: Prentice Hall International, 1988.

Newmark P. (2006). About Translation [М]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research.

Nord C.A. Functional Typology of Translation [М]. Amsterdam, 1997.

Shoabdurahmonov Sh, Askarova M., HojievA., Rasulov I., Doniyorov X. Modern Uzbek literary language. -T.: Teacher, 1980. - PP. 137-146.

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations

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