Peculiarities of translation of financial terms in simultaneous interpretation

Юсупова, С. (2022). Peculiarities of translation of financial terms in simultaneous interpretation. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 260–261. извлечено от
Ситора Юсупова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

1 st  year Master student



Business integration and globalization processes, expansion of international cooperation, the dynamic development of economic relations make the sublanguage economy is the object of close attention of researchers. Interest for linguists presents as a study of the development of financial, economic, managerial terminology of a particular language, and the study of the problems of its translation

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Yusupova Sitora Qayum qizi



year Master student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

About the work of a translator:

Business integration and globalization

processes, expansion of international cooperation, the dynamic development of
economic relations make the sublanguage economy is the object of close attention
of researchers. Interest for linguists presents as a study of the development of
financial, economic, managerial terminology of a particular language, and the study
of the problems of its translation. At present, during close ties with almost all major
industrialized countries to the fore comes cooperation in economic plan. Important
composite part any international business process is an economic translation. risen
relevance economic transfers in our country has recently been associated with the
strengthening of Uzbekistan’s status in the international economic community. No
establishment economic relations, the existence and development of business is
impossible. Right now in era of globalization, there is a constant need to cooperate
with foreign partners from different countries, which is accompanied by the
maintenance of financial and economic documents. High-quality translation of
economic texts plays huge role. It allows foreign companies to assess
professionalism management of the organization and, accordingly, the degree of
reliability of cooperation in in general.

So, what about difficulties in translation of financial terminology?

Economic translation presupposes knowledge of the subject of translation, possession
economic terminology, the specifics of the economic style of presentation and the
ability to accurately convey the content of the document. Translation translator texts
economic content, should know principles building official economic documents both
in the country of origin and in the country the language of which the translation is being
made, to possess scrupulousness and increased attention to the smallest detail, a high
level of knowledge of the language and impeccable command terminology. In practice,
the task of clarifying foreign financial terms is closely intertwined with another problem
– the search and selection of adequate Russian-language terms denoting the
phenomena of economic life. objective the complexity of this process, which have
arisen recently, is due to globalization financial markets, which leads to the fact that
the time gap between

“invention” of new financial instruments in developed markets

and attempts to use them in Uzbek conditions is becoming shorter. Thanks to the
media and translated literature, the names of new financial instruments begin to
independent life in Uzbekistan. Basic for financial transfer is to identify methods of
introduction to the sphere of modern business and translation borrowing words, in
result whom come to light main intralinguistic and extralinguistic factors that determine
this process.

Economic translation includes the translation of documents such as various

agreements and contracts, marketing research and presentations, economic
justifications and business plans, insurance documentation and approvals for project

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financing, audit reports and opinions, financial reports, balance sheets, income
statements and other documents used in international economic activity. When
translating the above texts, the following basic rules must be strictly adhered to: strive
to achieve maximum clarity and accuracy of presentation; use exclusively generally
accepted constructions and expressions; avoid ambiguous expressions and
grammatical constructions; carefully adapt each term and expression to the language
translation. In this regard, economists and linguists who translate economic texts, are
engaged permanent study special economic terminology and standards, improving
their skills.

It also helps unify economic translation and ensure its equivalence and

accuracy at a higher level. Achieving the equivalence and adequacy of the translation
is a top priority and sign overcoming linguo-ethnic barrier. So, at imprisonment
foreign economic agreements (contracts), the linguo-ethnic barrier acquires new

– the legal context. Therefore, the task of the translator lies not only in the

accurate transmission of facts, but also in their adaptation to the language and
sociocultural norms of the recipient. Translation of special industry terminology,
including economic, carried out in various ways, namely with the help of such
interlingual transformations: lexical, lexical-semantic and lexical-grammatical. The
main task of the translator is the correct choice of one or another technique in the
course of translation process to accurately convey the meaning of each term.


1. Fundamental aspects of interpreter education: curriculum and assessment

(David Sawyer)

– 2004 – Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2. Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia Electronic version.

Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода DOC Раздел: Языки и

языкознание Перевод и переводоведение СПб.: Изд-во «Союз», 2001.


Латышев Л.К. Курс перевода: Эквивалентность перевода и способыее

достижения. М., 1981.

5. http://

Библиографические ссылки

Fundamental aspects of interpreter education: curriculum and assessment (David Sawyer) - 2004 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia Electronic version.

Казакова T.A. Практические основы перевода DOC Раздел: Языки и языкознание Перевод и переводоведение СПб.: Изд-во «Союз», 2001.

Латышев Л.К. Курс перевода: Эквивалентность перевода и способыее достижения. М., 1981.


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