Translation of contemporary english technical terminology

Хужамова, З. (2022). Translation of contemporary english technical terminology. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 167–169. извлечено от
Зарина Хужамова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Master student, Comparative Linguistics



When you stop and think about it, everything in life is translation. We translate our feelings into actions. When we put anything into words, we translate our thoughts. Every physical action is a translation from one state to another. Translating from one language into another is only the most obvious form of an activity which is perhaps the most common of all human activities. This maybe the reason people usually take translation for granted, as something that does not require any special effort, and at the same time, why translation is so challenging and full of possibilities.

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Xujamova Zarina Anvarjonovna

Master student, Comparative Linguistics,

Uzbekistan State World Languages University

When you stop and think about it, everything in life is translation. We translate

our feelings into actions. When we put anything into words, we translate our thoughts.
Every physical action is a translation from one state to another. Translating from one
language into another is only the most obvious form of an activity which is perhaps
the most common of all human activities. This maybe the reason people usually take
translation for granted, as something that does not require any special effort, and at
the same time, why translation is so challenging and full of possibilities.

There is nothing easy or simple about translation, even as there is nothing easy

or simple about any human activity. It only looks easy because you are used to doing
it. Anyone who is good at a certain activity can make it appear easy, even though,
when we pause to think, we realize there is nothing easy about it.

Translation in the formal sense deals with human language, the most common

yet the most complex and hallowed of human functions. Language is what makes us
who we are. Language can work miracles. Language can kill, and language can heal.
Transmitting meaning from one language to another brings people together, helps
them share each

other’s culture, benefit from each other’s experience, and makes

them aware of how much they all have in common.

Modern linguistics manifests an increased interest to the study of particular

sublanguages serving specific fields of professional activity. The attention of linguists
to languages for special purposes is primarily due to the growing number of terms in
various sciences. The spread of terminological vocabulary in everyday speech outside
communicative situations related to professional activities is a distinguishing feature of
our time. In current conditions, the use of terms is no longer the prerogative of
specialists in a specific field. This trend is also valid in relation to the vocabulary of
technical discourse, since technical terminology is regularly used in a variety of
contexts and it is continuously developing in the conditions of modern technical
progress. The article considers the structural and semantic features of the English
terminology used in technical texts and ways of translation English terminology into
Russian. The study of terminology peculiarities is based on the material of technical
literature due to its extensive use in modern life and production. Furthermore, the
growth of production, science and technology is an important source of new terms, not
yet recorded in the dictionaries. New terms appear to create significant difficulties if
you need to translate them into another language.

The relevance of the issue under consideration is related to the rapid

development of various areas of scientific and technical knowledge, which is
accompanied by new notions formation, followed by their naming and coining the so-
called term. Today, there are many dictionaries in specific fields of science and

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technology, containing tens of thousands of words, but none of them is able to provide
a translation of all the terminological units existing and newly coined within this branch.

Modern Internet resources allow you to perform a fairly complex translation by

means of empirical identification, i.e. by searching for matching pairs of terms in
different languages. For example, one can search for matching of German and
English versions of a certain term with corresponding notion thus formulating the
corresponding Russian equivalent, by means of perceiving the meaning of the term
through pictures found in various search bases. These translation operations are
usually carried out at the end of the first viewing of the text, take a long time and do
not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, again and again, the translator has
to turn to the study of the peculiarities of term translation which existed earlier or have
appeared recently in connection with new lexical units coining.

Before proceeding to the study of term translation issues in scientific and

technical texts, we are to consider the definition and linguistic nature of the term.
According to O.S. Akhmanova, the term is a word or a word combination of a specific
language, coined (accepted, borrowed, etc.) for the exact expression of specific
notions and denotation of specific objects [1. P. 474]. S.V. Grinev gives a similar
definition. According to the researcher, the term is a nominative specific lexical unit
(a word or a phrase) belonging to a specific language and giving an exact specific
concept name [2. P. 33]. The aforementioned definitions indicate that the terms are
to be unambiguously identified and understood in the context.

According to this requirement, there are two types of terms: 1) general scientific

and general technical terms, 2) specific (nomenclature) terms. The former ones serve
to denote the general concepts of science and technology, while the latter are part of
a certain terminology. As explained by T.M. Dementieva, terminology representing a
set of terms is an autonomous part of any national language that is closely related to
professional activity. Terms in any branch of science, technology and production form
their own systems that have conceptual connections with professional knowledge
and express these connections by means of the language [3. P. 61]. If in a common
language (beyond the terminology) a word can be multivalent, then, getting into a
certain terminology, it acquires unambiguity [6, p. 208].

Thus, the term does not need a context, as an ordinary word, so it 1) is part of

a specific terminology that serves as context, 2) can be used in isolation, for example,
in the texts of registries or orders in engineering, 3) for this reason it should to be
monosemantic not in the language in general, but within the limits of the terminology.
Summarizing the available research data, we have identified the following properties
inherent to the terms: monosemy, specific meaning; belonging to a certain
terminological system; lack of expression.

In lexicological studies, the branch terminological subsystems development

issues are of key importance. In the 30s of the twentieth century, terminology studies,
a new applied science discipline, the research object of which are terms and
terminological systems, emerged from linguistics [4. P. 17]. Everything connected
with the notion

“term” brings linguistics nearer not only to different fields of scientific

knowledge, but also to different fields of professional work. Terminology vocabulary
is growing extremely quickly. The significance and proportion of this lexical layer in
the general vocabulary are increasing all the time. The terms of specific
terminosystems are unified not according to linguistic features, but features external

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to the language. They represent not a simple family of words, but a system of words
or phrases organized in a certain way [5. P. 28].

The most important problem in achieving translation equivalence of scientific

and technical texts is the reproduction of the original content of the text using the
terminological system of the target language. The difference in the terminological
systems of the source language and target language is the cause of the greatest
difficulties in translating scientific and technical texts. Hence there is need to study
the term systems and find ways to translate partially equivalent and non-equivalent
vocabulary. The problem of exploring terminology is one of the key issues in the study
of scientific and technical texts. A term or a phrase denotes a concept of a special
field of knowledge or activity. Identification of differences in the concept system
expressed by the terms of the source language and the target language is an
important step on the way of term system interlanguage harmonization, providing a
solution to the problems of term translation in the fields of their functioning [1. P. 8].

So, terms are units of linguistic and professional knowledge that ensure the

intercultural communication effectiveness. For this reason, equivalent translation of
terminology is of great significance in the translation of scientific and technical texts
[6. P. 138].

Without a specific understanding of the term it is impossible to understand the

message of the idea described by the author of the text. However, if a term and its
specific semantic meaning are more common for the Russian language, then the
term in the English technical literature can have a rather multifaceted value: from the
specific translation to the translation, requiring scientific literacy of the interpreter.
Thus, the best technical translation of the English text into Russian is mainly
determined by the general polytechnic training of the interpreter, the knowledge of
the interpreter

’s area of expertise. First and foremost, one needs to remember that

the translated technical terminology in a specialized text is full of various difficulties
we mentioned above. In conclusion it should be noted that for the adequate
translation of the authentic scientific and technical texts, containing a large number
of special terminology requires accuracy and unambiguous understanding that can
provide interpreters with the high level of linguistic and professional skills.


1. Ahmanova OS 2004 Slovar

’ lingvisticheskih terminov. Dictionary of

Linguistic Terms (Moscow: Editorial).

2. Bauer L., Nation I.S. 1993 Word families. International Journal of

Lexicography, 6 (4) 253-279.

3. Chung T.M., Nation I.S. Identifying Technical Vocabulary.
4. Horace B., Ava Champney 1958 A Comprehensive Dictionary of

Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms (New York: Longmans, Green and Co.).

5. Grinev S V 1991 Terminology and Scientific Cognition (

Мoscow) 1 15-27.

6. Goode J.P. Russi

a’s leaders are happy about Brexit, but it won’t help the

regime much at home [Electronic resource].



Библиографические ссылки

AhmanovaOS 2004 Slovar’ lingvisticheskih terminov. Dictionary of Linguistic Terms (Moscow: Editorial).

Bauer L., Nation I.S. 1993 Word families. International Journal of Lexicography, 6 (4) 253-279.

Chung T.M., Nation LS. Identifying Technical Vocabulary.

Horace B., Ava Champney 1958 A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms (New York: Longmans, Green and Co.).

Grinev S V 1991 Terminology and Scientific Cognition (Moscow) 1 15-27.

Goode J.P. Russia’s leaders are happy about Brexit, but it won’t help the regime much at home [Electronic resource].

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