Theoretical basics of comperative literature studies and contrastive linguistics using english phraseological combinations with the structure of literary knowledge

Абдукаххарова, М. (2022). Theoretical basics of comperative literature studies and contrastive linguistics using english phraseological combinations with the structure of literary knowledge. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 379–380. извлечено от
Мухлиса Абдукаххарова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

 Master’s student



This article deals with the issue of usage of phraseological units with the structure of literary knowledge. Phraseology of each language makes a significant contribution to the formation of figurative pictures of the world. They are special language means in which the originality and uniqueness of any language is concentrated.

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Abduqaxxarova Muxlisa Azim qizi

Uzbekistan State World Languages University Master’s student

This article deals with the issue of usage of phraseological units with the

structure of literary knowledge.

Phraseology of each language makes a

significant contribution to the formation of figurative pictures of the world.

They are special

language means in which the originality and uniqueness of

any language is concentrated.

Knowing the phraseology allows

– a deeper understanding

of the history

and character of the people. Phraseologisms exist in close connection with

vocabulary. Their study helps to better understand the structure of vocabulary,

and the use of lexical units in speech.

When we talk about this term

our tongue instantly curves into another notion that

signifies above concept.

This is the term phraseological units (PU). They are special

language means in

which the originality and uniqueness of any language is concentrated.

Phraseological combinations

– expressing ideas in short but coloured

meaningful way. Besides that these are expressing the identity, way of life, material
and spiritual values, history, culture and customs of the peoples of the world in their
own language is incomparable.

Phraseological units of literary knowledge has also enriched English

phraseology by original images. Names and family names, even nicknames of
personages of novels, poems, fairy tales are used in phraseological units to
characterize people with similar personal qualities. The work of the great English
writer William Shakespeare undoubtedly enriched English phraseology with its
unique images and phrases: come out-Herod Herod

– to surpass Herod in cruelty;

play the jack (or Jack) with somediv

– to cheat, deceive someone; Hamlet with

Hamlet left out

– something devoid of its essence; Hamlet without the Prince of


– something devoid of its essence; king‘s (Queen's) English – literary

English; Cordelia’s gift – a soft, gentle female voice; A Daniel come to judgment – an
honest, righteous judge (in modern language used ironically): Shakespeareanism
includes the following expressions for men and women: men in buckram

– fictional

people (for the sake of bragging); dance barefoot

– stay an old maid; curled darlings

– rich suitors, rich idlers; the faithful Adam – a faithful, old servant (named after a
character in the Comedy of W. Shakes

peare “As you like it”); better a witty fool than

a foolish wit

– better a witty fool than a stupid wit; it's in his buttons – he’s lucky, he'll

be a success.

However, in modern English phraseology, such units may experience some

changes associated with the constant development of the language system:
chartered libertine

– a person who is allowed to do whatever he wants. The genius

and talent of Shakespeare is confirmed by the fact that the images, names, situations
and sayings created by him entered not only his native English, but also other
languages of the world.

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From the novel by Charles Dickens

“Oliver Twist” in English phraseology

appeared a unit with the nickname of the pickpocket John Dawkins:

– an Artful Dodger – a scoundrel. Another phraseological unit is associated with

the hero of the novel “David Copperfield”: King Charles’s head – an idea, the subject of
insanity. In the novel “Little Dorrit”, Charles Dickens calls the bureaucratic institution the
Circumlocution Office. And the famous phraseological unit man Friday (the faithful
servant) carries an etymology from the novel “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. That
was the name of Crusoe’s loyal assistant. In modern phraseology, man Friday means a
dedicated assistant in all matters. By analogy, the phraseologisms girl Friday was created
– a loyal assistant (usually about a girl secretary). Not only English and American literature
has enriched English phraseology with its bright and unique images; it also includes the
names of Eastern fairy-tale char

acters: Aladdin’s lamp – Aladdin's magic lamp (a talisman

that fulfills all the wishes of its owner). This expression is taken from an Eastern fairy tale
“One thousand and one nights”. The fairy-tale character Aladdin rubbed his lamp, after
which a good Genie appeared in front of him, ready to fulfil all his wishes.

Sometimes phraseological units created by writers denoted a single entity,

phenomenon, or person. Thus, the phraseology Swan of Avon

– Swan from the

banks of the Avon, created by Ben Jonson, was used in relation to W. Shakespeare,
who was born and buried in Stradford

– on-Avon. The phraseology the Great Cham

of Literature

– “the Great Khan of literature” is the nickname of the English writer

C. Johnson.

As using phraseologies in literature is very expressive way and literature is a

part of culture. That’s why, in most cases phraseological units express the evaluative
attitude of the human to the world. In other words, phraseology is regarded as a set
of valuable data about culture and the mentality of the people, their customs and
traditions, myths, rituals, habits, behaviour, etc. So, phraseological units constitute
an important culture relevant and evaluative layer of the conceptual world picture.

It should be noted that not all phraseological units of literary etymology were

created by the writers themselves, but they became popular precisely because of
their invaluable creativity. Above-mentioned examples show that phraseological
combinations in literature contributes to be it bright, colourful and it avoids repeating
one word again and again.


1.Amosova N.N. The basic of English Phraseology. The University of

Leningrad, 2000.

– Рage 207.

2.Ikramov T.T. Phraseological units with fixed verb component in the

imperative in Modern English: Abstract of Diss.Cand. Philol. Of science.



– Рage 22.

3.Kuchesheva I.L. Lexical-semantic analysis of human and English

phraseology: linguoculturological approach // Foreign languages at school., 2008.

№ 5. – PP. 81–84.

4.Maslova V.A. Linguoculturology: text. Manual for undergraduate students teacher,

institutions/ V.A. Maslova.

– M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 208 pages.


Библиографические ссылки

Amosova N.N. The basic of English Phraseology. The University of Leningrad, 2000. - Page 207.

lkramov T.T. Phraseological units with fixed verb component in the imperative in Modern English: Abstract of Diss.Cand. Philol. Of science. Moscow, 1999.-Page 22.

Kuchesheva I.L. Lexical-semantic analysis of human and English phraseology: linguoculturological approach // Foreign languages at school., 2008. -№ 5.-PP. 81-84.

Maslova V.A. Linguoculturology: text. Manual for undergraduate students teacher, institutions/ V.A. Maslova. - M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. - 208 pages.


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