Teaching speaking through thinking and enriching vocabulary

Пармонова, Н. (2022). Teaching speaking through thinking and enriching vocabulary . Современные инновационные исследования актуальные проблемы и развитие тенденции: решения и перспективы, 1(1), 598–601. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/zitdmrt/article/view/5361
Н Пармонова, Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan

Foreign languages Department, teacher



This thesis gives brief information about some instructions to teach speaking in a foreign language through thinking and expanding vocabulary in that language. Speaking and thinking are considered as dynamically related, and their relationship is viewed as a complex movement from the earliest indistinct emergence of a concept to its fulfillment in a verbal articulation. Thought is not expressed in the word, but it is completed by it. Every thought is in motion. It starts to take shape. As a transition from thought to word and word to thought, this flow of mind is realized as an interior movement via multiple layers.

Похожие статьи

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их решения, выходы из затруднительных ситуаций, его работоспособностью,
самодисциплиной. Методов, при помощи которых достигается активизация учебно-
познавательной деятельности достаточно много, но целесообразно использовать такие
методы, которые нацелены на формирование активной позиции студента в учебной
деятельности, а именно способность доказывать свою позицию, приводить в ее защиту
аргументы, использовать приобретенные знания (в качестве примера можно привести
«серую зону» между временами past simple и present perfect, когда студенту необходимо
выбрать правильный вариант); желание активно задавать вопросы преподавателю,
соседям по парте, пояснять для себя непонятное в сфере изучения той или иной темы,
углубляться с их помощью в процесс обучения;

Также важно стимулировать желание давать собственные рецензии на ответы других

студентов, оценивать их творческие задания, вносить необходимые коррективы,
советовать и советоваться; делиться своими навыками и умениями с товарищами; активно
оказывать помощь тем, кто затрудняется в выполнении того или иного задания.
Преподаватель должен всегда следить, чтобы все задания и проекты выполнялись по
максимуму. Кроме этого следует стимулировать осуществление на практике свободного
выбора упражнений, в основном поискового и творческого характера; создавать ситуации
самопроверки, самоанализа мыслительной деятельности. Все это требует от
преподавателя внесения разнообразия в учебный процесс, включения в него другие виды

Занимаясь активизацией мыслительной деятельности учеников, преподавателю

необходимо помнить, что он должен уже работать на более высоком уровне усвоения
знаний. Возраст поступления в вуз предполагает усвоение и активное использование
уровня стандартных операций, которые предполагают оперирование знаниями в
определенных, проверенных условиях (это образец, правило, указания, стандарты). В
основном все студенты в состоянии выполнить задания этого уровня, однако проблемы







«натренированность» ученика.

Более высокий уровень предполагает, что студент имеет навыки анализа, синтеза и

обобщения. Для выполнения таких заданий необходимо применение навыков логической
обработки материала (вычленения внутреннего содержимого изучаемого материала,
умения выделять главное, давать оценку, обладать сравнительными навыками, обобщать и
конкретизировать). Далее идет уже уровень творчества, т.е умение применять знания в
изменившихся обстоятельствах. Пожалуй, это одно из главных умений, которые должен
освоить любой студент, ведь активный в учебном процессе студент быстрее и гораздо
успешнее приобретает опыт социализации, улучшает свои коммуникативные
возможности, формирует взаимоотношения с окружающей действительностью.
Активизация мыслительной деятельности обеспечивает его многостороннее умственное
развитие. При успешном решении задач разного рода мотивация самого студента
повышается в разы, и ,в свою очередь, стимулирует мыслительную деятельность; а
ситуация успеха создает почву для дальнейшего развития студента как в
профессиональном, так и в личностном плане. Мотивация - это достаточно мобильная
система, при активном использовании различных методов и форм в образовательном
процессе можно корректировать и направлять мотивационные установки студентов и
формировать стойкий интерес к приобретению и использованию полученных знаний,
умений и навыков профессиональной деятельности.


Parmonova N.

Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan,

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Foreign languages Department, teacher


This thesis gives brief information about some instructions to teach speaking

in a foreign language through thinking and expanding vocabulary in that language. Speaking
and thinking are considered as dynamically related, and their relationship is viewed as a
complex movement from the earliest indistinct emergence of a concept to its fulfillment in a
verbal articulation. Thought is not expressed in the word, but it is completed by it. Every thought
is in motion. It starts to take shape. As a transition from thought to word and word to thought,
this flow of mind is realized as an interior movement via multiple layers.

Key words:

think and talk in English, ―comprehensible input‖, ―interesting facts‖,

―problem solving activities‖, low-anxiety environment, immediate correction.

We may encourage our students to think and talk in English by posing challenges that

challenge them, causing them to feel compelled to listen to, understand, and express their
thoughts and opinions in the language. This is a two-fold experience: the pupils are given
―comprehensible input‖ while also being forced to think in English.

Krashen describes ―problem solving activities‖ as: ―The primary characteristic of these

sorts of activities is that the students' attention is focused on finding a correct answer to a
question, a problem or a situation. Language is used to present the problem and solve it. These
sorts of activities are only successful if the students find them interesting, either because they are
useful in some way or simply because they are an enjoyable activity‖ [1].

We can choose a large number of exercises that motivate students to grasp what we're

talking about and then to engage orally in class by providing their ideas, asking questions,
suggesting possible responses, and being highly active in class to improve their speaking skills.

This type of practice, according to Ricardo San Martn Vadillo, aims to promote fluency

and purports to activate students‘ linguistic skills through natural and spontaneous usage of

The approach is as follows [2]:
1) Outside of the classroom, the teacher creates a set of issues based on mathematical

questions, geometry, or logic reasoning that will be presented to the pupils. This content will
serve as the foundation for the information that students will hear in class. It is critical that the
challenges we develop or seek are not too complex to convey in English. They should also
provide pupils with a problem that they feel compelled to address.

2) The teacher offers children with ―comprehensible input‖ through these creative

activities by using structures and terminology of the kind ―i+l‖ data that is a little beyond their
current interlanguage level. Not only will oral language be used to communicate, but gestures,
mime, and drawings will also be used to deliver and understand information.

3)The exercise must be engaging for the students so that they will be driven to pay

attention to what the teacher is saying and, as a result, will be willing to speak in English, asking
questions, expressing their ideas, and so on. ―Every teacher knows that intriguing information
may engage and stimulate pupils‘ learning‖, says Chang Yi.

4) Each student will be able to share their thoughts and connect with the rest of the class by

making comments on probable responses. The teacher‘s job is to provide input, assist pupils with
their expressive requirements, and create a low-anxiety environment. Because of the huge
amount of mistakes that students may make in this type of exercise, the teacher must avoid
immediate correction in order to develop students‘ self-confidence. A mental or written note can
be made, and a time set aside, perhaps at the conclusion of class, to address those errors as a
group exercise, developing a sense of correctness.

The instructor must be a dynamic force in the classroom; he must be able to instill in his

students a desire to learn new things, to seek out viable solutions, and to present them. The
instructor is the one who motivates his students to speak English by inspiring them, stimulating
their curiosity, and raising their interest.

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Cook explains ―The final form of actual material I‘ll discuss is what I‘ll refer to as

―interesting facts‖. This includes any real-world information that the pupils could find
interesting. These ―interesting facts‖ are drawn from areas that are assumed to be of interest to
the learner, rather than from any topic area. In the English class, pupils are once again learning
real information. If students feel they have learned something in the session that isn‘t just
―English‖, something they can talk about or apply for themselves later, it is a measure of

From the point of view of Slobin, we can think without language, but when we are going to

express our thoughts we need language. To speak in a foreign language we think about its
features. So, it‘s the kind of thinking that goes on when we‘re preparing our ideas for expression
in a linguistic expression - which, has to be shaped by what the language provides. The language
provides us some options and in some cases we‘ll have no options at all. For instance if we want
to refer to a table in German, we have to know that it‘s masculine and if we want to refer to it in
Spanish we have to know that it‘s feminine[4].

The ability to listen and speak is known as oral language. Oral language development is

intertwined with thinking and reading abilities. Reading a language that is still unintelligible to
the ear is incredibly tough. As a result, learners are demanded to broaden their lexicon.

Getting Started with Vocabulary[5]:
1. Include a nonlinguistic representation alongside a description, explanation, or example

of the new word. Determine what pupils currently know or believe they know about the topic,
then incorporate direct experiences, stories, photographs, or computer graphics to create pictures
about it.

2. Request that students rephrase the description, explanation, or example in their own


Allow kids to collaborate with their classmates to come up with effective strategies to

recall the term. It is possible that they will be able to use their native tongue for this.

3. Have students draw illustrations, diagrams, or graphs to represent the new term or


Pictures have a lot of power. Students are pushed to think in non-linguistic ways and find

connections to things they are familiar with when they are asked to produce a picture or symbol.
Provide examples and help until the concept gains traction. Ideas can also be found on the
internet. The use of groups is encouraged.

4. Create activities that require students to update their notebooks or vocabulary cards with

new terms.

Students may benefit by highlighting prefixes, suffixes, or root words, as well as

synonyms, antonyms, related words, illustrations, and translations into the heritage language.
When kids are working in their notebooks, circulate to catch and fix mistakes as they happen.
Collect and inspect notebooks on a regular basis.

5. Encourage students to talk about the terminology amongst themselves.
Interacting with others broadens one's awareness. Think-pair-share exercises can be

beneficial, especially when working with people who speak the same language as you.
Encourage pupils to double-check their understandings with one another. Check for
misconceptions during review exercises and games.

6. Encourage students to participate in learning activities and games that require them to

use the new terms.

Give students occasional quizzes to evaluate their understanding, and link them with

individuals who speak the same language so they may self-correct and get rapid feedback and
clarification if needed. Encourage pupils to make graphs or other visual representations of the
terms they have learned.

All in all, the teacher must be a dynamic force in the class; he must be able to transmit to

his students the wish to discover new things, to find possible answers and to put them forward.

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The teacher is the one who inspires his students, stimulates their curiosity, raises their interest
and encourages them to speak in English.



Krashen, S. T.D, Terrell. The Natural approach. Language acquisition in the classroom.

London: Prentice Hall International, 1988, http://sdkrashen.com;


Ricardo San Martín Vadillo, ―Make them think and speak in English‖, Encuentro.

Revista de Investigación e Innovación en el aula de idiomas, 9, 1997, https://dialnet.unirioja.es;


Cook, V.J. 1983. ―What should language teaching be about?‖. ELT Journal, 37/3:229-



―Thinking for speaking‖, interview of Dan Slobin in Qualia, 2005;


Colorincolorado, selecting vocabulary words to teach English Language Learners.




M.M.Juraev, The theoretical bases of activities in the English language interactive

method: the history of activities


M.M.Juraev, The Problems of Working at a System of Exercises for Teaching



M.M.Juraev, The using of interactive methods at school classes and some ideas for

interactive teaching.



Qosimova N.

Mirzo Ulugʻbek nomidagi Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetining

Jizzax filiali stajyor – oʻqituvchisi

Eshbekova L.

Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetining Jizzax filiali ―Psixologiya‖

fakulteti ―Filologiya va tillarni o`qitish‖ yo`nalishi talabasi


Ushbu maqolada chet tilini o`qitishda innovatsion madaniyatni

shakllantirish masalalari ko'rilgan bo'lib bunda mamlakatimiz mustaqillikka erishganidan so‘ng,
chet tillarini òrgatishga va òrganishga bo‘lgan qiziqishi oshdi, yosh avlod uchun ko‘plab
imkoniyatlar yaratib berilganligi yoritilgan.

Kalit soʻzlar:

chet tili, integratsiya, darslik, texnologiya, qobiliyat, internet, muloqot,

madaniyatlararo kompetentsiya, kommunikativ qobiliyat.

Hozirgi vaqtda aloqa, interaktivlik, muloqotning haqiqiyligi, madaniy sharoitda tilni

o'rganish, ta'limning avtonomligi va insonparvarligi masalalariga ustuvor ahamiyat berilmoqda.
Ushbu tamoyillar madaniyatlararo kompetentsiyani kommunikativ qobiliyatning tarkibiy qismi
sifatida rivojlantirishga imkon beradi. Chet tillarni o'qitishning yakuniy maqsadi chet tilidagi
muhitda erkin yo'nalishni va turli vaziyatlarda etarli darajada javob berish qobiliyatini
o'rgatishdir, ya'ni. aloqa. Bugungi kunda Internet resurslaridan foydalangan holda yangi usullar
an'anaviy chet tillarini o'qitishga qarshi. Chet tilida muloqotni o'rgatish uchun siz materialni
o'rganishni rag'batlantiradigan va etarli xulq-atvorni rivojlantiradigan haqiqiy, haqiqiy hayotiy
vaziyatlarni yaratishingiz kerak (ya'ni aloqa haqiqiyligi printsipi deb ataladi). Yangi
texnologiyalar, xususan Internet ushbu xatoni tuzatishga harakat qilmoqda. Kommunikativ
yondashuv - bu materialni ongli ravishda anglashga va u bilan ishlash usullariga, muloqotga
psixologik va lingvistik tayyorgarlikni yaratishga qaratilgan muloqotni simulyatsiya qiluvchi
strategiya. Foydalanuvchi uchun Internetda kommunikativ yondashuvni amalga oshirish ayniqsa
qiyin emas. Kommunikativ vazifa talabalarga muammo yoki savolni muhokama qilish uchun
taklif qilishi kerak, talabalar nafaqat ma'lumot almashadilar, balki ularni baholaydilar. Ushbu

Библиографические ссылки

Krashen, S. T.D, Terrell. The Natural approach. Language acquisition in the classroom. London: Prentice Hall International, 1988, http://sdkrashen.com;

Ricardo San Martin Vadillo, “Make them think and speak in English”, Encuentro. Revista de Investigation e Innovation en el aula de idiomas, 9, 1997, https://dialnet.unirioja.es;

Cook, V.J. 1983. “What should language teaching be about?”. ELT Journal, 37/3:229-34;

“Thinking for speaking”, interview of Dan Slobin in Qualia, 2005;

Colorincolorado, selecting vocabulary words to teach English Language Learners. http://www.colorincolorado.org/content/vocab.php.

M.M.Juraev, The theoretical bases of activities in the English language interactive method: the history of activities

M.M.Juraev, The Problems of Working at a System of Exercises for Teaching Vocabulary

M.M.Juraev, The using of interactive methods at school classes and some ideas for interactive teaching.

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