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Employment of graduates of higher education institutions:
problems, factors and opportunities
Tashkent State University of Economics
Article history:
Received December 2023
Received in revised form
15 December 2023
Accepted 20 January 2024
Available online
25 February 2024
The article studies the problems of employment of university
graduates in their specialty as well as makes proposals to
improve the system of graduates` employment by identifying
the reasons for their occurrence and deterrents to the
employment of graduates.
2024 in Science LLC.
This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)
young professionals,
labor market,
joylashtirish: muammolar, omillar va imkoniyatlar
Kalit so‘zlar:
yosh mutaxassislar,
mehnat bozori,
ish joyi
bitiruvchilarini o‘z
mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha ishga joylashtirish muammolari
o‘rganilib, ularning paydo bo‘lish
sabablari va bitiruvchilarni
ishga joylashtirishga to‘sqinlik qiluvchi omillarni aniqlash orqali
bitiruvchilarni ish bilan ta’minlash tizimini takomillashtirish
bo‘yicha takliflar berilgan.
Associate Professor, Human Resources Management Department, Tashkent State University of Economics.
E-mail: i.bakiyeva@tsue.uz
Basic Doctoral Student, Assistant, Human Resources Management Department, Tashkent State University of
Economics. E-mail: d.iskandarova@tsue.uz
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
Трудоустройство выпускников вузов: проблемы,
факторы и возможности
Ключевые слова:
молодые специалисты,
рынок труда,
рабочее место.
В статье рассматриваются проблемы трудоустройства
выпускников вузов по специальности. Авторы предлагают
пути улучшения системы трудоустройства, основываясь на
анализе причин этих проблем и факторов, затрудняющих
процесс трудоустройства выпускников.
Innovative development processes carried out in the economy of the republic
affect the situation in the labor market, especially the employment of young people who
enter it for the first time in their professions or their interests. In Uzbekistan, more than
600,000 young people enter the labor market every year, making it an increasingly
urgent task to support employment, create new jobs, and train professional and highly
educated personnel based on international standards.
In the development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022
2026 and the state program
for its implementation in 2022
"The year of human dignity and active neighborhood",
the issues of human capital development and fair social policy are defined as priority
tasks. In particular, the development of the education sector is emphasized in the main
goals set in the fourth priority task of the development strategy [1]. In this regard, in the
development of the higher education sector, the assessment of the quality of education in
our country should be adapted to international standards, the process of training highly
qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities, who
think independently will be raised to a new level in terms of quality, and the creation of
effective mechanisms for the implementation of innovative scientific achievements.
implementation of comprehensive work on increasing the scientific potential of
educational institutions has been started. In particular, the adoption of the new version
of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the approval of the Decree of
the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 8, 2019 "On approval of the
concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan
until 2030" No. PF-5847 is a clear proof of this.
Despite the large-scale reforms carried out, the majority of young people who have
graduated from secondary and special educational organizations try to continue their
studies in higher educational institutions, regardless of the professional field they will
occupy in the future. As a result, there is a lack of jobs for young professionals in their
professions, their proposed salary, and several reasons, such as dissatisfaction with
working conditions, incompatibility of professional training with the requirements set by
employers, make the problem of employment of highly educated young professionals in
the labor market extremely urgent.
The research within the scope of the studied topic covers the issues of ensuring the
employment of young people who graduate from higher education institutions in the
labor market, and the main opportunities and obstacles in the employment of young
professionals are studied.
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
The theoretical foundations of employment provision are sufficiently reflected in
the works of famous representatives of economics, D. Keynes, A. Marshall, D. Mill,
D. Ricardo, A. Smith, M. Friedman, and F. Hayek.
However, today, not the theoretical foundations of employment, but certain
problems of ensuring the employment of young professionals remain one of the tasks
that are required to be solved in the conditions of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the
problems of ensuring the employment of graduates with higher education, effective
employment, and increasing the competitiveness of young people in the labor market
K.Kh. Abdurahmonov
Z.Ya. Khudoyberdiev
N.Q. Zokirova
G.Q. Abdurakhmonova [5], D.A. Nasimov [6], Z.M. Zikriyaev [7], S.B. Goyibnazarov [8],
L.M. Ashurzoda [9] and others.
According to K.Kh.Abdurahmanov [2], the socio-economic tasks of young people
are determined by their role in the formation of the labor potential of the country. The
number of young people entering the labor market and applying to employment
assistance centers depends on the number of vacancies. That is, the number of young
people working in this field will increase if there is more unemployment in the field.
As an important way to regulate the level of unemployment among young people,
it is emphasized that it can be achieved by increasing the number of people who receive
education in the absence of production, and by improving social assistance to their
families about young women with children of small and preschool age [2]. During the
conducted research, it was shown that vocational training of young people, whether or
not they are separated from work, does not reduce their desire to be engaged in work
and to have a permanent labor income. In this regard, the issues of ensuring youth
employment, increasing youth competitiveness, and creating decent jobs to reduce
unemployment are also reflected in the work of a group of other scientists [4].
Economists D.Nasimov and Z.Zikriyaev [6] consider the labor market category of
specialists and point out that there is little attention paid to young professionals, that is,
young people who have graduated from a higher education institution, have professional
knowledge, but cannot compete in the labor market. In their research, they pay special
attention to the category of higher education graduates
young professionals. Because,
on the one hand, graduates of higher educational institutions form the labor market of
experts, on the other hand, young people form the basis of the labor market and are
naturally influenced by their traditions.
Given the lack of sufficient skills for entrepreneurship and employment among
young people, Z.Ya. Khudoyberdiev together with a group of authors published a training
manual entitled "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Employment Technology".
According to the authors, the low level of behavioral skills negatively affects the
employment of young future specialists in the labor market, and in turn, the
unemployment rate of young people increases [3].
Thus, today many scientists and experts study the issue of employment of
graduates, the main purpose of their study is to reduce the unemployment rate in this
segment. One of the ways to increase the level of employment of young professionals is to
identify the factors that can have a direct impact on it, and this is achieved through the
formation and subsequent analysis of the process of regulating the employment of
graduates of higher education institutions.
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
As a result of the research, it was determined that the employment of graduates of
higher education institutions depends on the demand and supply in the labor market, the
correct conduct of career guidance, the quality of training of future young professionals
in higher education institutions, and the effectiveness of employment assistance services.
When studying graduate employment problems, it is necessary to assess the
factors affecting the current situation. According to foreign experiences, the employment
of young graduates depends on economic, social, institutional, financial and several other
factors. We can see research work on these types of factors in enough published scientific
articles. All approaches were conditionally divided into two groups. The first group of
views is based on general ideas, mainly due to the presence of socio-economic conditions
in the country for young people, that is, the situation in the labor market, the creation of
new jobs for young people, the development of the infrastructure of the labor market, the
availability of financial resources and other similar factors. The second group of factors
has information about the quality of education, the correct orientation of young people to
the profession, and the vacancies of young people.
In our research, we focus on the following relationships:
correct orientation of students to the choice of profession and competitiveness of
graduates in the labor market according to the acquired profession;
development of services provided for employment of graduates of higher
educational institutions. Improving public and private employment services will have an
effective impact on graduate employability.
In order to verify our previously advanced hypothesis, our research used a
systematic approach to data analysis, quantitative and statistical comparison, sociological
survey, and abstract-logical cognitive methods.
Statistical data were obtained from international and national official electronic
statistical sites, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic
of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of
In Uzbekistan, the government is paying a great attention to the development of
the education system, including higher education. In particular, the number of higher
education institutions in 2021
2022 is 154 and has increased by 2.4 times compared to
the 2011/2012 academic year. The number of students studying in them is increasing
year by year, for example, in the 2011
2012 academic year, there were 86 students per
10,000 inhabitants, and in the last academic year, their number was 229 students. Is this
too much or too little for a republic with a population of 35 million? How to solve the
problem of the increasing number of students graduating from educational institutions
and getting a job in the future? According to the data of the Interstate Statistical
Committee of the CIS countries, the number of students per 10,000 inhabitants in 2020 in
Kazakhstan is 305, in Russia 277, in Belarus 282, in Armenia 269, in neighboring
Tajikistan 261 [11].
Judging from the given information, there is a sufficient need for higher education
in Uzbekistan (Table 1).
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
Table 1
Data about graduates of higher educational institutions of the
Republic of Uzbekistan
Academic years
2017 2017
2018 2018
2019 2019
2020 2020
Of them:
Undergraduate level
Employment rate, %
Master's degree
Employment rate, %
the indicator of employment of graduates refers to the monitoring year
Source: compiled by the author based on the information of the Ministry of higher
education, science and innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
We will conduct an econometric analysis based on the data collected on the
number of graduates of higher education institutions and their level of employment in
2021, firstly, we calculate the variation width, average, mean linear difference,
variance, mean squared difference values of the statistical set collected using the
following formulas:
For undergraduate graduates, R=40728;
For graduates of master’s degree, R=6632;
So, over the last 5 years, the number of undergraduate graduates and graduates of
master’s degree has increased to 40,728 and 6,632, respectively.
The average number of graduates on the bachelor's level is 68,387, and the
indicators for the years differ from the average value by 9,929.8 units. Graduates of the
master's degree make up an average of 5895, which differs from it by an average of
1403 units.
During the considered period, the number of bachelor's and master's graduates in
the republic increased by 73.3 percent. Among them, 70.8% of bachelor's graduates, the
number of master's graduates has doubled.
If we observe their employment status, we can see the opposite trend, that is, the
employment rate of graduates has decreased. This applies equally to undergraduate and
master’s graduates.
Based on the data in the above table, we will create a regression equation to
perform an econometric analysis, according to which we will get the change of the
Y-resulting factor and X-influencing factor under the influence of the time factor. In this
case, we assume that the relationship between y and x is straight line (y=a0+bx).
The straight-line regression equation takes the following form:
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
y = 6374x + 46079; y = 847,71x + 2928,3
According to this equation, as a result of the change of the influencing factor-time
factor by one unit, the number of graduates of the bachelor's degree increases by 6374
units and the number of graduates of the master's degree increases by 848 units.
Discussion of research outcomes
Today, one of the most complex problems in the field is the problem of planning
the scope and profiles of professional education based on the requirements of the labor
market and social order. In addition to fundamental knowledge, it is becoming necessary
for students to acquire soft skills such as critical thinking, communication and
communication, self-presentation, teamwork, and flexibility necessary for their
professional activities. In this regard, a new stage of reforming the education system has
begun in Uzbekistan, and great importance is attached to the quality of training of highly
qualified specialists.
According to some economists, the influence of various factors on the employment
of students of higher education institutions has become a law today [10], and during our
research, as a result of studying the influence of various factors on the choice of work of
students in their specialty, it was found that there are some differences (Table 2). The
monitoring of the employment of graduates of the Tashkent State University of
Economics in the 2020-2021 academic year was conducted to achieve the most reliable
results, the activities of the university structures that help to support graduates and
ensure student employment were analyzed, and a sociological survey was conducted
among 145 graduates who chose a job in their specialty.
The general share of the factors in the formation of the motivation to employ each
of the participants of the educational process in their specialty and the share of the
influence of the factors determined as a result of the sociological survey are
comparatively presented in Table 2.
In foreign educational institutions, students' employment at the higher education
stage (85%) is achieved through scientific seminars, meetings with leading experts and
employers, internships, external evaluation and self-evaluation. Based on the results of
the survey, it was found that there is a significant difference in the influence of factors.
y = 6374x + 46079
R² = 0,636
y = 847,71x + 2928,3
R² = 0,507
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
Table 2
The influence rate of various factors on the choice of work of graduates in their
Basic steps
The general state of
the level of
influence of factors*
The level of influence of
the factors identified as
a result of the survey
Pre-tertiary stage
(parents, friends, school, high school, college)
5 %
24 %
Higher education stage
(deanship, departments, tutors)
52 %
16 %
Higher education stage
(qualification practices)
20 %
25 %
Higher education stage
(marketing department, meeting with employers)
10 %
7 %
Employers, the situation in the labor market
13 %
28 %
Based on the results of a sociological survey conducted by the author
In particular, the influence of the stage of higher education on the job choices of
Uzbek students made 58 percent. It was found that parents, acquaintances, and friends
have more influence on students' choice of profession, and they choose their future
profession as a result of studying the situation in the labor market after obtaining higher
education and self-evaluation after meetings with employers.
While studying at a higher educational institution, students get to know the
various directions of their faculty's activities and participate in various activities. By
communicating with professors, students get an idea of the possibilities of the Higher
Education Institution and their future specialization.
In the higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in contrast to
foreign higher education institutions, the activity of employment centers has not been
sufficiently established until recently, and marketing departments in higher education
institutions do not work with potential employers, which has caused problems in the
employment of graduates in their professions. During the employment process, students
are asked to search for a job, write a resume, lack of work experience, dissatisfaction with
the offered salary, etc. To eliminate these obstacles and improve the process of
employing students, it would be appropriate to establish a "Career Center" in higher
education institutions. However, such centers have not been established in all higher
education institutions of the republic. In such a case, the "Marketing" department of the
Higher Education Institution must undertake the tasks of ensuring the employment of
students. Until now, in practice, it has been observed that tasks related to the
employment of students in marketing departments are carried out only on "paper".
At the same time, it has become a tradition to hold "Career days" for the students
of the graduate course in the HEIs of the Republic every year, to which potential
employers are invited. Guests invited to the event will inform and advise graduates about
vacancies in the field of study, the field of the study, and demand for specialists in a
certain field in the labor market, and invite those who have expressed a desire to work in
the field to an initial interview. Nevertheless, this type of event was held 1 or 2 times
during the academic year, which limited the opportunities for students to get a job at the
stage of higher education.
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
If we are talking about career centers, foreign experiences of studying the activities
of such centers have been sufficiently formed. To date, in the existing foreign educational
institutions in Uzbekistan, such centers have already taken place in the organizational
structure of HEIs. Career centers are a relatively new concept for public educational
institutions of the republic, among others, the opening of the Career Center at the
Tashkent State University of Economics can be associated with the transition of the
university to the credit-module system.
The career center organizes short-term training courses for students based on
cooperation with local and international employing companies, regularly involves
industry experts in the training process, creates a database of companies' requirements
for new employees, and directly organizes training and work experience for students.
However, no higher education institution in the republic can guarantee 100%
employment of its graduates. This issue is especially complicated in HEIs, which graduate
many thousands of students per year, and it is impossible to provide all graduates with a
job in their specialty.
Of course, when planning the training of highly educated personnel, it is necessary
to study the labor market and determine the need for personnel being trained in an
educational institution. The labor market is changing, and the demand for personnel in
one or another field is significantly influenced by the social, economic, and political
situation in the country. For example, during the pandemic, the state's need for medical
personnel increased, and the issue of the need for higher education for school teachers in
the republic is being raised. Naturally, the need for personnel in the medical and
pedagogic fields is increasing several times, and the state assists in the employment of
graduates in this field.
By itself, "What about graduates of other fields?"
the question arises. Finding a
job is also the task of the graduates themselves. They should see their future and choose a
specialty that will be in demand. There is an internationally recognized indicator of
"student employment within the first six months after graduation", which is mainly done
by the students themselves.
According to the opinion of students who participated in a sociological survey
conducted at the Tashkent State University of Economics, there are several problems in
the employment of graduates, and the following are among the most frequently repeated
problems in the survey:
insufficient information about vacancies;
insufficient awareness of graduates about job vacancies and appropriate
methods of finding work;
unattractiveness of the offered jobs (low wages, unsatisfactory working
conditions, etc.);
insufficient work experience of young professionals.
The problem of access to information and its openness in the employment of
requirements has not been sufficiently resolved. Vacancies offered should be open to all,
which will gradually and significantly reduce bureaucracy in recruitment. At the same
time, there is a need to hold meetings with potential employers in several directions
aimed at finding a job for graduates at the level of HEIs.
The structure of the graduate employment regulation process structurally assumes
the existence of its main blocks
the state, university, students and graduates, business
communities (enterprises, public organizations, and associations), public and private
employment assistance services, and labor market monitoring.
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
It should be noted that each bloc is a group united by its own interests and socio-
economic status. In the process of regulating the employment of graduates, using a set of
basic tools, the university is the basis for the implementation of graduate employment
promotion programs.
Among the important and necessary blocks of the employment regulation process,
it is worth noting the Centers for Assistance to Population Employment, private
employment agencies, and employment sites. Graduates looking for work often use such
methods. Employment assistance centers have a large database of job vacancies with
aggregated resumes of applicants from various organizations and enterprises. The main
goal of the centers is to reduce unemployment. In addition to the above, these centers are
engaged in the study of the demand and supply of labor in the labor market, in the future
this information can be provided to state and non-state structures upon request. Taking
into account the high level of youth unemployment in the republic, in our opinion, it
would be appropriate to connect the activities of such centers with the career centers of
higher education institutions. Figure 1 shows the scheme of employment assistance
centers of the state with young professionals.
Accounts of unemployed citizens are kept and unemployment allowances are paid
within the framework of the activities of regional employment assistance centers. Among
the main tasks of the center is to provide free assistance in the selection of vacant jobs,
assistance in finding a job, training for a new profession or training, if necessary,
participation in paid community work, temporary employment, payment of benefits and
legal assistance in all matters of labor law. It is worth noting the possibility of providing
preferential loans to those who want to be employed and the unemployed.
Figure 1. Scheme of activities of Centers for Employment Assistance for the
Employment of Students and Graduates of Higher Education Institutions
assistance centers
Monitoring of student
Bank of vacancies
Bank of candidates
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
Accounts of unemployed citizens are kept and unemployment allowances are paid
within the framework of the activities of regional employment assistance centers. Among
the main tasks of the center is to provide free assistance in the selection of vacant jobs,
assistance in finding a job, training for a new profession or training if necessary,
participation in paid community work, temporary employment, payment of benefits, and
legal assistance in all matters of labor law. It is worth noting the possibility of providing
preferential loans to those who want to be employed and the unemployed.
Since the end of the 1990s, a new institution
private employment agencies
(staffing agencies)
began to form in Uzbekistan, but their activities were only regulated
by the Law "On Private Employment Agencies" of the Republic of Uzbekistan
(URQ-501 dated 10.16.2018) only by 2018. It became legal only when it was accepted.
Today, private employment agencies play a big role in finding a place in the labor
market and providing the population with decent jobs. In our current legislation, the
obligations of private employment agencies to job seekers are not fully established or
strict procedures are not established, which has caused a number of problematic
situations in practice. At the same time, the fact that the current law does not set a clear
limit on the amount of fees paid by private employment agencies for information and
consulting services provided to citizens in the field of employment caused them to set
different amounts for the provision of services of this type. Also, factors such as the lack
of a transparent mechanism for registering service contracts by private employment
agencies and monitoring their implementation hurt obtaining and analyzing accurate and
truthful information about their activities. Nevertheless, with the adoption of the new
law, about 30 private employment agencies were established, as of March 2022, a total of
114 such agencies were licensed in the republic [12], and by this time the new law "On
Private Employment Agencies" was approved (URQ dated 13.08.2020
No. 632).
When talking about private employment agencies, it should be noted that these
agencies mainly conduct activities related to the employment of Uzbek citizens abroad,
and their role in the employment of students and graduates of higher education
institutions of our republic in their specialties is not very significant. At the same time,
there are some private HR consulting firms, which, along with consulting services, are
also engaged in the employment of qualified personnel in the domestic labor market.
However, since their activities are multifaceted and come from students of employers,
they are not very noticeable in the employment of young graduates.
We should also highlight online sites, which are one of the ways students can get a
job in the job search process. Employment sites allow job seekers not only to register and
view job vacancies, but they regularly conduct online surveys and post research results.
Among the advantages of this method, the following can be distinguished: efficiency,
convenience, saving time and money, confidentiality, free access to the database of
vacancies, and the possibility of candidates sending resumes to many vacancies.
Disadvantages include the high demands of students and graduates, and the publication
of a limited number of vacancies in the field of activity. According to statistics, 5-10
percent of job seekers get a job through job sites.
Each of the sites focuses on recruiting job seekers with varying degrees of
effectiveness. The specifics of their activities differ slightly, mainly in terms of the various
means of support, as well as the level and quality of the vacancies offered.
Society and innovations
5 № 1 (2024)
/ ISSN 2181-1415
Analyzing the work schemes of employment assistance centers, private
employment agencies, and employment sites, we can say that all of them act as
intermediaries between the employee and the employer, excluding their direct
communication, and take full responsibility for finding the necessary specialist or
vacancy. This greatly limits the job applicant's ability to find a suitable job, and the
employer's ability to find highly qualified personnel. In such a situation, it is more
effective for these organizations to conduct mediation activities only at the initial stage
and give more choices to their clients.
The results of the analysis of the factors affecting the employment of graduates of
higher education institutions in the republic and the available opportunities show the
need to modernize the system of ensuring the employment of graduates, because the
level of influence of the existing system is not sufficient and it should be strengthened, in
introducing into the educational process career orientation and motivational
aspects, feedback mechanisms, and mechanisms for encouraging active participants in
the process of career advancement of the future specialist;
improvement by allocating areas of responsibility to each of the participants of
the graduate employment support system;
organization of meetings by inviting people with high success in this field to the
educational process so that they can imagine their profession in a positive light in the
carrying out the selection of talented students with the HR representatives of
large employing companies and providing information about the results on sites of HEI
and social networks.
Thus, a clear mechanism of interaction between the student, the employer, and
various structures of higher education institutions will be developed with the
improvement of the system of assistance to the employment of graduate students. This,
in turn, allows solving the issue of employment of graduates in their specialty more
effectively, as well as the successful advancement of graduates on the career ladder.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Development
Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" PF No. 60. 28.01.2022.
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CIS Interstate Statistics Committee
of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan