Zakirova Sayora
Alimova Associate
Professor, Ph.D.
Email address:
Tursunova Munisa Xo'jayor Qizi
Master's student of UMED Email
The article highlights the features and prerequisites for the
development of the digital economy. The factors of its importance for economic
growth are determined. The creation of a single digital platform will allow the
society to be involved in the governance of the state. A special feature is the
realization of the freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor,
as well as the implementation by the state of a unified policy in the sectors of
the economy.
Key words:
digital economy, information technologies, new economic
technologies, risks of digital economy.
The digital segment of the economy has become relevant due to the
qualitative changes in the economy and society. New technologies and
platforms allow the management of enterprises and individuals to reduce
transaction costs of interaction on an increasing scale and to make closer
contact with business entities and government agencies. As a result, an
economy based on network services is being formed, that is, digital or
electronic. The very concept of "digitalization" indicates a new stage of
improving the management of production of goods and services and production
itself based on the "end-to-end" application of modern information technologies,
ranging from the Internet of Things to egovernment technologies^].
Digitalization efforts lead to the creation of a new society where human
capital is actively developing, the efficiency and speed of business work are
increasing due to automation and other new technologies, and the dialogue of
citizens with the state becomes transparent. The process of digitalization today
affects almost all countries of the world. At the same time, each country
determines its own priorities for digital development. More than 15 countries of
the world are currently implementing national digitalization programs. The
leading countries in digitalizing national economies are China, Singapore, New
Zealand, South Korea and Denmark. China, in its Internet Plus program,
integrates digital industries with traditional sectors of the economy, Canada
creates an ICT hub in Toronto, Singapore forms a "smart economy", the driver
of which is information and communication technologies, South Korea, in the
Creative Economy program, focuses on the development of human capital,
entrepreneurship and the dissemination of information and communication
technology achievements, and Denmark focuses on digitalization of the public
The issue of developing the digital sector of the national economy in
Uzbekistan is being raised to the state level, and large-scale measures are
being implemented in this direction. In particular, electronic document
management systems are being introduced, electronic payments are being
developed and the regulatory framework created in the field of electronic
commerce is being improved. At the same time, the digital economy, operating
on information technology platforms, is rapidly developing. This requires the
need to create new models of such platforms.
The basic reason for the expansion of the digital segment of the
economy is the growth of the transaction sector [2], which in developed
countries accounts for over 70% of national GDP. This sector includes: public
administration, consulting and information services, finance, wholesale and
retail trade, as well as the provision of various public, personal and social
services. The greater the degree of diversification and dynamics of the
economy, the greater the volume of unique data circulating inside and outside
the country and, accordingly, the more information traffic generated within
national economies. By 2025, the world's digital economy will reach $23 trillion.
Its share in world GDP will increase from the current 17.1% to 24.3%. There
will be 100 billion in the world. connections to stimulate digital transformation in
utilities, industrial and agriculture, transport, finance, etc. The number of
enterprises using cloud technologies will be 85%, artificial intelligence - 86%,
digital big data - 80%.
According to the definition of the World Bank, the digital economy is a
system of economic, social and cultural relations based on the use of digital
information and communication technologies [3]. Some scientists distinguish
three basic components of the digital economy: infrastructure, including
hardware, software, telecommunications, etc. [4]; electronic business
operations covering the business process implemented through computer
networks within the framework of virtual interactions between virtual market
entities; e-commerce, which involves the supply of goods via the Internet and
is currently the largest segment of the digital economy [5].
The main features of the digital economy are determined by the
economic activity focuses on the platforms of the "digital" economy;
personalized service models;
direct interaction between producers and consumers;
spreading the sharing economy;
the significant role of the contribution of individual participants.
In the digital economy, new opportunities for entrepreneurship and self-
employment are rapidly expanding. In many cases, investments in the
development of information technologies have allowed to receive dividends in
the form of economic growth, creation of new jobs, the emergence of new types
of services [6] for the population and business, reduction of public
administration costs in the framework of e-government projects.
However, in a number of countries, the cumulative effect of their use
turned out to be weaker than expected and is distributed unevenly. In order to
get the maximum digital dividends, it is necessary to better understand the
nature of the interaction of technologies with other factors important for
development, which are called "analog additions" in the World Bank Group
These include the following components:
-a regulatory and legal framework that creates a dynamic business
environment and allows businesses and households to fully use digital
technologies for competition and innovation, reducing various costs, and
improving the comfort of the living environment;
-skills that allow businesses and government employees to take
advantage of opportunities from;
-institutions (government agencies and private companies) that help use
information technology.
However, it is problematic to assess the economic effect of the digital
economy due to the difficulties associated with calculating the connections that
become possible for economic objects through electronic services and access
to metadata. As a result, it is not easy to justify the expediency of investing in
various informatization projects, especially at the state level. Obviously, it is not
always possible to calculate the cost of a created gigabyte of data in a particular
field of activity. Estimates can be very different.
The global transition to digitalization will inevitably lead to the
unrecognizability of many sectors of the economy. Currently, this process is
expanding in Uzbekistan, which will undoubtedly entail a change in the
technological structure and production chains. In the near future, our lives will
change beyond recognition, and the task of everyone involved in this process
is not to miss this technological turn, it is important to build their own priority
niches for digital innovations, where with the least cost it is possible not only to
achieve independence in the domestic market, but also to become recognized
in the world community. Only in this way will the state be able to strengthen its
position in the global market of data processing and storage services.
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