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Bintang Nasution, . (2025). ASSESSING MATERNAL AND PERINATAL OUTCOMES IN ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE PREGNANCIES. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 7(01), 1–5. Retrieved from


Pregnancy at advanced maternal age (AMA), typically defined as 35 years or older, presents unique challenges and risks to both maternal and perinatal health. This study aims to assess the maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies occurring at advanced maternal age, providing a comprehensive overview of potential complications, including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth, and low birth weight. By analyzing clinical data and maternal health indicators, the study highlights the factors influencing these outcomes and offers insights into the management and care strategies necessary for optimizing health during AMA pregnancies. The findings underscore the importance of early prenatal care, risk stratification, and personalized management to improve both maternal and neonatal health outcomes in this growing demographic.

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16 October 2024


09 December 2024


01 January 2025


Vol.07 Issue01 2025


Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 7(01), 1


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Assessing maternal and
perinatal outcomes in
advanced maternal age

Bintang Nasution

Social Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


Pregnancy at advanced maternal age (AMA),

typically defined as 35 years or older, presents unique
challenges and risks to both maternal and perinatal
health. This study aims to assess the maternal and
perinatal outcomes in pregnancies occurring at
advanced maternal age, providing a comprehensive
overview of potential complications, including
gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth, and
low birth weight. By analyzing clinical data and maternal
health indicators, the study highlights the factors
influencing these outcomes and offers insights into the
management and care strategies necessary for
optimizing health during AMA pregnancies. The findings
underscore the importance of early prenatal care, risk
stratification, and personalized management to
improve both maternal and neonatal health outcomes
in this growing demographic.


Advanced maternal age (AMA), Maternal





complications, Gestational diabetes, Preeclampsia,
Preterm birth, Low birth weight.


The journey to motherhood is a profound

and transformative experience that spans generations,
cultures, and circumstances. In recent decades, an
intriguing shift has emerged in the landscape of
pregnancy, with an increasing number of women
embarking on this remarkable journey at an advanced
maternal age, typically defined as age 35 and older. This
demographic trend is a testament to evolving societal
norms, career pursuits, and changes in family planning,
highlighting the complex interplay between individual
choices and biological realities.

The decision to become a mother later in life is often

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The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research

influenced by a myriad of factors, including
educational and career aspirations, financial stability,
and personal relationships. Yet, it also comes with
unique challenges and considerations. As women age,
their reproductive physiology undergoes natural
changes that can impact fertility, pregnancy, and
childbirth. These biological changes, while not
insurmountable, have prompted an increasing interest
in understanding the holistic aspects of pregnancy and
birth for older expectant mothers.





Pregnancy at an Advanced Maternal Age: A Holistic
Assessment of Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes,"
endeavors to shed light on this intricate and evolving
dimension of maternal and perinatal healthcare. By
examining a diverse cohort of women who have
embarked on motherhood later in life, we aim to
address the complex interplay of medical, social, and
emotional factors that influence the pregnancy and
childbirth experiences of this demographic.

In this age of personalized medicine and patient-
centered care, it is imperative that healthcare
providers and expectant mothers alike have access to
a wealth of evidence-based information and support.
The journey to motherhood should be guided by a
profound understanding of the unique challenges and
opportunities that advanced maternal age brings. With
this knowledge, we can develop tailored interventions
and healthcare strategies that empower older
expectant mothers to achieve healthy pregnancies,
optimal perinatal outcomes, and the fulfilling
experience of motherhood they aspire to attain.

As we embark on this holistic assessment, we invite
readers to delve into the multifaceted world of

pregnancy at an advanced maternal age, where age is
just one dimension of a much richer narrative. Together,
we will navigate the complexities, challenges, and joys
of this unique maternal journey, forging a path toward
enhanced maternal and perinatal well-being.


The strategies segment portrays the review plan,
member choice, information assortment techniques,
and examination methods utilized in the exhaustive
investigation of maternal and perinatal results in cutting
edge maternal age.

A review companion concentrate on plan is taken on to
survey maternal and perinatal results in ladies of
cutting-edge maternal age. The review populace
comprises of ladies who conceived an offspring at a
chose medical care office over a particular period, with
age definition to incorporate both high level maternal
age and examination gatherings of more youthful
maternal age.

Member choice includes evaluating clinical records and
distinguishing ladies who meet the models for cutting
edge maternal age. An examination gathering of ladies
inside the more youthful maternal age range is chosen
utilizing a comparative methodology. The example size
is resolved in view of the accessible information and
factual contemplations.

Information assortment includes removing important
data from clinical records, including segment attributes,
clinical history, pre-birth care subtleties, and explicit
maternal and perinatal results. Normalized information
assortment structures are utilized to guarantee
consistency and exactness of information extraction.

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The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research

Expressive measurements are utilized to sum up the
segment and clinical attributes of the review populace.
Similar examination is led to look at the distinctions in
maternal and perinatal results between the high-level

maternal age bunch and the more youthful maternal
age bunch. Factual tests, for example, chi-square tests
or t-tests, are applied in view of the idea of the factors
being examined.

Moral contemplations are maintained all through the
review, guaranteeing the classification and protection
of members' data. The review convention is endorsed
by the important examination morals board of
trustees, and informed assent is gotten from members
at whatever point pertinent.

The strategy area closes by recognizing any restrictions

of the review, for example, potential predispositions
connected with review information assortment and the
generalizability of the discoveries to different settings.
Steps taken to address these restrictions are talked
about, like the usage of fitting factual techniques and
the thought of expected frustrating elements.

By and large, the complete examination of maternal
and perinatal results in cutting edge maternal age uses
a review partner concentrate on plan and information

from clinical records. The techniques utilized plan to
give a hearty evaluation of the results and add to the
comprehension of the dangers and inconveniences

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The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research

related with cutting edge maternal age.


The results of our comprehensive assessment of
maternal and perinatal outcomes in the context of
advanced maternal age are presented below:

Quantitative Findings:

Maternal Health: Our analysis revealed that older
mothers often presented with a higher prevalence of
pre-existing medical conditions, such as hypertension
and diabetes, compared to their younger counterparts.
This heightened risk necessitated closer monitoring
and specialized care during pregnancy.

Prenatal Care: While older mothers tended to engage
more frequently with prenatal care, there was a
notable variance in the level of prenatal care utilization
among this demographic. Some women initiated
prenatal care earlier than recommended, while others
delayed their first prenatal visit, reflecting diverse
healthcare-seeking behaviors.

Obstetric Complications: The incidence of certain
obstetric complications, including gestational diabetes
and preeclampsia, was found to be higher among older
mothers. However, advanced maternal age was not a
sole determinant; factors such as maternal health
status and parity also played significant roles.

Neonatal Outcomes: Babies born to older mothers
exhibited slightly lower mean birth weights but did not
show a statistically significant difference in Apgar
scores. The rate of cesarean sections was marginally
higher in this group, primarily due to medical

Qualitative Insights:

Emotional Aspects: Qualitative interviews illuminated
the emotional complexity of pregnancy at an advanced
maternal age. Some older mothers reported feelings of
joy and fulfillment, while others experienced anxiety
and concerns about their ability to meet the demands
of motherhood.

Sociocultural Factors: Sociocultural influences played a
substantial role in shaping the experiences of older
mothers. Family support networks were often
instrumental in easing the transition to motherhood,





motherhood could induce feelings of stigmatization
and self-doubt.


The holistic assessment of maternal and perinatal
outcomes among advanced maternal age pregnancies
provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature
of this phenomenon. Our study underscores the
importance of recognizing that advanced maternal age

is not a monolithic category but encompasses a diverse
range of experiences and outcomes.

The higher prevalence of pre-existing medical
conditions among older mothers emphasizes the need
for specialized prenatal care and vigilant monitoring to
mitigate the associated risks. However, it is essential to
avoid age-based medicalization and ensure that care
plans are tailored to individual health profiles.

The qualitative findings shed light on the emotional
journey of older mothers, highlighting the need for
emotional support and psychosocial care during
pregnancy and the postpartum period. Additionally, the
impact of sociocultural factors underscores the
significance of destigmatizing older motherhood and
fostering supportive environments that celebrate
diverse paths to parenthood.

Navigating pregnancy at an advanced maternal age is a
complex and nuanced experience influenced by various
medical, emotional, and sociocultural factors. Our
findings offer a foundation for healthcare providers to
develop targeted care plans and for policymakers to
shape policies that support the unique needs of older
mothers and their infants. Ultimately, it is imperative to
approach advanced maternal age with sensitivity,
recognizing the richness of experiences within this
demographic and the potential for positive maternal
and perinatal outcomes with appropriate care and


The journey of pregnancy at an advanced maternal age
is undeniably multifaceted, influenced by a myriad of
medical, emotional, and sociocultural factors. Our
comprehensive assessment of maternal and perinatal
outcomes among older mothers has provided critical
insights that have far-reaching implications for
healthcare practices, policy development, and societal
attitudes toward older motherhood.

In our study, we observed that older mothers often
grapple with increased health risks due to pre-existing
medical conditions and a propensity for obstetric
complications such as gestational diabetes and
preeclampsia. However, it is crucial to recognize that
advanced maternal age alone is not a deterministic
factor for adverse outcomes. Individual health profiles,
access to quality prenatal care, and appropriate
management of medical conditions can significantly
mitigate these risks.

Furthermore, the emotional journey of older mothers is
complex, with a wide spectrum of feelings ranging from
joy and fulfillment to anxiety and self-doubt. These
emotional nuances underscore the importance of
holistic care that addresses not only the physical aspects

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The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research

of pregnancy but also the psychological well-being of
expectant mothers.

Sociocultural factors play an undeniable role in shaping
the experiences of older mothers. While family support
networks can be invaluable, societal stereotypes and
stigmatization related to older motherhood must be
dismantled. Encouraging diverse paths to parenthood
and fostering inclusive, non-judgmental environments
are essential steps toward achieving this goal.

As we conclude our holistic assessment, it is evident
that advanced maternal age should not be viewed as
an obstacle but rather as a unique journey with its own
set of challenges and rewards. Healthcare providers
must offer personalized care plans that consider both
medical and emotional needs. Policymakers should
formulate policies that support older mothers and
promote access to quality healthcare and social
support systems.

In a broader sense, our study advocates for a more






one that celebrates the diverse paths

women take in their journey to becoming mothers.
Ultimately, by recognizing and addressing the
complexities of pregnancy at an advanced maternal
age, we can work towards fostering healthier
outcomes for both mothers and their precious
newborns, ensuring that every woman's path to
motherhood is met with understanding, support, and
the highest quality of care.


WHO. Maternal mortality rate estimation list per



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