The study aimed to determine the relationship between structural empowerment in its dimensions (material support, development opportunities, delegation of authority, authority) and adaptive performance in its dimensions (creative problem solving, dealing with uncertain situations, learning new skills and techniques, dealing with work pressures). Through the presence of cultural intelligence as an interactive variable with its dimensions (cognitive intelligence, metacognitive intelligence, motivational intelligence, behavioral intelligence) for workers in Karbala Governorate /local administration, to reach the goal of the study and test its hypotheses, a questionnaire form was prepared and adapted to suit the variables of the study and the place of application. The research sample consisted of (84) employees, depending on their work. The study data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS.25. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test the validity and reliability. The PEARSON correlation coefficient was used to test the hypotheses, and structural equation modeling was used to test the interactive variable. The study proved a morally solid correlation between the study variables and the interactive variable and that working individuals have a high level of cultural intelligence that enables them to adapt to their jobs.
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