Reforms Of Public Administration In The Field Of Customs In The Process Of Integration Into The World Community And Prospects For Their Improvement | The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology

Reforms Of Public Administration In The Field Of Customs In The Process Of Integration Into The World Community And Prospects For Their Improvement

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Rakhmatov, E. . (2021). Reforms Of Public Administration In The Field Of Customs In The Process Of Integration Into The World Community And Prospects For Their Improvement. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(12), 89–92.
Elyor Rakhmatov, The Tashkent State University Of Law

Independent Researcher 



The article highlights the features of reforming customs administration, further improving the activities of customs authorities and increasing their efficiency. The author also put forward scientific and practical ideas for improving scientific and theoretical legislation, such as simplifying the regulation of foreign economic activity by tariff and non-tariff methods, organizing postgraduate education at the Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee.


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