Security parameters in protection of intellectual and automated systems

Сайидкулов, А. ., & Сабирова, С. (2022). Security parameters in protection of intellectual and automated systems. Современные инновационные исследования актуальные проблемы и развитие тенденции: решения и перспективы, 1(1), 38–40. извлечено от


This study provides theoretical information about the security of information systems. It provides a systematic analysis of the types of attacks on the network and organizations that provide information about their prevention, threats, and types of information security, the concept of threats to protected information, and its structure.

Похожие статьи

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прикладного программного обеспечения, или виртуального онлайн симулятора должен
быть обоснован образовательными задачами. Использование исключительно такой
методики на уроках технологии не сделает из обучающихся специалистов в области
электроники (а перед школой такая задача и не ставится), но изучить основы этого
направления для поступления в вуз на соответствующие направления подготовки вполне
позволит. Поэтому при наличии в общеобразовательной организации материально-
технической базы, квалифицированных специалистов – учителей технологии, имеющих
хорошую подготовку в области электроники, и педагогов дополнительного образования
внедрение виртуализации сборки электрических цепей в процессе освоения школьниками
предметной области «Технология», а также в рамках дополнительного образования
является вполне оправданным.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Универсальный







2. Прикладное программное обеспечение ля моделирования и программирования схем для
аналоговой, цифровой и силовой электроники в областях образования и исследований




3. Симулятор электронных схем «Circuit Sims». – URL:


4. Симулятор электронных схем «DcAcLab». – URL:


5. Симулятор









Sayidqulov Asliddin Husniddin o'g'li

Sabirova Sabrina Sabirovna

(Samarkand state university)


This study provides theoretical information about the security of information

systems. It provides a systematic analysis of the types of attacks on the network and
organizations that provide information about their prevention, threats, and types of information
security, the concept of threats to protected information, and its structure.


Information systems, information security, security, threats.

Currently, the development and improvement of information system security tools is

relevant. All over the world, a number of works are being carried out to protect information
systems. Based on this, we will list a number of public organizations that provide information
about the types of network attacks and their elimination.

1. American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) – an American organization for

industrial security: offers the necessary security training and conducts the Certified Protection
Professional certification. Information about its members and field departments website -

2. Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT / CC)- Computer

Emergency Response Team Coordination Center: was founded by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense to study computer and network
attacks, find ways to protect systems, and disseminate key information about attacks, and is
currently located at the Carnegie Mellon University Software Development Institute. Website:

3. Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) - Forum of Incident

Response and Security Teams: an international organization for security, whose members are
more than 100 educational institutions, administrations and commercial organizations. FIRST

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was created to help prevent incidents and respond quickly to them in local defense and
international security. Website –

4. InfraGard: A private industrial consortium and a U.S. Federal Agency, led by the CIA,

that exchanges information to protect the infrastructure of critical U.S. information systems.
Source for more information about InfraGard:

5. Information Security Forum (ISF) – Information Security Forum: Created by Coopers

and Lybrand as the European Security Forum, the organization expanded through its
international activities and became the ISF in 1992. The ISF focuses its activities on "practical
research" through publication and placement at regional summits. You can learn more about this
organization you can find out on the website.

6. The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) is an information systems

security association: It is also an international organization dedicated to training and research in
the field of computer security. ISSA helps sponsor many certification programs, such as the
Certified Information Systems Security Specialist (CISSP), the Certified Systems Security
Practitioner (SSCP), and the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). For information
about the organization of the ISS, please visit this website:

7. National Security Institute (NSI) – National Security Institute: provides information on

all types of security breach threats. The computer security part of this organization includes
hazard announcements, research papers, information for supervisors, and information about
regulatory documents and government security standards. Web address –

8. SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS) Institute – Institute of System

Administrator, Audit, Network, and Security: offers information, training, research, and other
resources for security professionals. Based on the SANS Institute Global Information Assurance
Certification (GIAC) program, this organization offers a full training program in the United
States and internationally. It provides online safety training along with paternity programs.
SANS Internet Storm Center Institute (Internet Storm Center –, who founded.
The Institute's website –

The threat of information security and its types.

Objectives and conceptual framework for

information security.

In general, the purpose of information protection can be expressed as follows:
- prevention of leakage, theft, distortion, falsification of information;
- prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society, and the state;
- prevention of illegal actions, such as deleting, modifying, damaging, copying, blocking


- prevention of other forms of illegal influence on information resources and information

systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of personal property;

- protection of the constitutional rights of citizens by maintaining the confidentiality and

confidentiality of personal data contained in the information system;

- preservation of state secrets, ensuring the confidentiality of documented information in

accordance with the law;

- ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the design, development

and application of information systems, technologies and means of their support.

The effectiveness of information protection is determined by its timeliness, activity,

continuity and complexity. Comprehensive implementation of protective measures ensures the
elimination of potentially dangerous channels of information leakage. It is known that only one
open channel of information leakage dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the entire security

The concept of threats to protected information and its structure.

According to the general orientation, threats to information security are divided into:
- Threats to the development of the country's information, telecommunications and

communications industry, to meet the needs of the domestic market, to bring its products to the

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world market, and to ensure the collection, storage and effective use of local information

- Threats to the normal functioning of information and telecommunications systems

implemented and created on the territory of the republic, the security of information resources.
Therefore, the protection of information systems should be carried out taking into account the
above information.


The study analyzed the security parameters in the protection of information

systems. At the same time, organizations that provide information about the types and methods
of repelling network attacks, threats to information security and their types, the concept and
structure of threats to protected information were systematized.


1. Тутубалин П. И., Кирпичников А. П. Оценка криптографической стойкости

алгоритмов асимметричного шифрования. Вестник технологического университета. Т.20,
№10, c. 94-99, 2017.


To‗ychiyeva Nodira

Norbekov Xursandmurod

―Iqtisodiyot‖ kafedrasi assistenti

UZMU Jizzax filiali, Jizzax sh.


Bugungi globallashuv jarayonida ta‘limning jadal elektronlashib

borayotganiga barchamiz birdek guvoh bo‗lmoqdamiz. Elektron ta‘lim tizimi o‗quvchilarga
barcha o‗quv materiallaridan to‗plangan bilimlarni turli test to‗plamlaridan foydalangan holda
o‗z-o‗zini tekshirish va shu material ustida qayta ishlash imkoniyatini bermoqda. Ta‘limda ham
bir muncha murakkabliklar paydo bo‗layotgan bir paytda elektron ta‘lim vositalari o‗quvchining
o‗zlashtirish xususiyatini anchagina yengillashtirmoqda desak yanglishmagan bo‗lamiz. Ushbu
maqolada elektron ta‘limdan foydalanishning hamda uning muhimligi haqida so‗z boradi.

Kalit so‗zlar:

Moodle, e-learning, oliy ta‘lim, ta‘lim modeli.

Elektron ta‘lim - bu platformalar yoki raqamli muhitlar orqali bilimlarga kirishni targ‗ib

qiluvchi ta‘lim modeli hisoblanadi.


Elektron ta‘lim resurslari yordamida darslarni tashkil etish jarayoni, bunda talabalarning

olayotgan bilimlarini na faqat eshitish, balki ko‗rish sezgilari orqali ham qabul qilishlari va
tushunchalarning g‗oya va mazmunini chuqur anglab yetishlariga samarali yordam beradi.


Raqamli axborot va internet resurslaridan foydalanishning huquqiy asoslarini bilish

zamonaviy o‘qituvchi uchun juda muhim, chunki u ham elektron resurslarning iste‘molchisi,
ham ularni ishlab chiquvchisi sifatida ishlay oladi. Masofaviy ta‘lim texnologiyalari doirasida
elektron materiallardan foydalangan holda o‗qituvchi talabalarni mahalliy va global
tarmoqlardan foydalangan holda ma‘lumot almashishga jalb qiladi. O‗qituvchi Internetdan
qanday qilib qonuniy ravishda foydalanishi mumkinligini bilishi muhimdir. U o‗z talabalari bilan
tarmoq aloqasini tushunarli qonuniy asosda qurishi, ularning e‘tiborini muammoli masalalarga
qaratishi va malakali axborot xatti-harakatlarining namunalarini ko‗rsatishi kerak.


Elektron ta‘lim platformalarining ham yutuqlari va kamchiliklari mavjud bo‗lib, bunga

bafurja to‗xtalib o‗tsak.

Ushbu turdagi platformalarning ba'zi bir



Avvalambor moslashuvchan va arzon o‗qitish.

Internet bilan texnologik uskunalar kuchining birlashtirilganligi.

Geografik va vaqtinchalik masofalarni bekor qilish.

Minimal bilim bilan platformadan foydalanishga imkon beradi.

Taklif qilingan vaqtda o'rganish va tezligidagi erkinlik.

Elektron ta‘lim platformalarining


Yuzma-yuz kursdan ko‗ra talabning va bosimning yuqoriligi.

Библиографические ссылки

Тутубалин П. И., Кирпичников А. П. Оценка криптографической стойкости алгоритмов асимметричного шифрования. Вестник технологического университета. Т.20, №10,0.94-99,2017.

inLibrary — это научная электронная библиотека inConference - научно-практические конференции inScience - Журнал Общество и инновации UACD - Антикоррупционный дайджест Узбекистана UZDA - Ассоциации стоматологов Узбекистана АСТ - Архитектура, строительство, транспорт Open Journal System - Престиж вашего журнала в международных базах данных inDesigner - Разработка сайта - создание сайтов под ключ в веб студии Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil - ilmiy elektron jurnali yuridik va jismoniy shaxslarning in-Academy - Innovative Academy RSC MENC LEGIS - Адвокатское бюро SPORT-SCIENCE - Актуальные проблемы спортивной науки GLOTEC - Внедрение цифровых технологий в организации MuviPoisk - Смотрите фильмы онлайн, большая коллекция, новинки кинопроката Megatorg - Доска объявлений сайт бесплатных частных объявлений Skinormil - Космецевтика активного действия Pils - Мультибрендовый онлайн шоп METAMED - Фармацевтическая компания с полным спектром услуг Dexaflu - от симптомов гриппа и простуды SMARTY - Увеличение продаж вашей компании ELECARS - Электромобили в Ташкенте, Узбекистане CHINA MOTORS - Купи автомобиль своей мечты! PROKAT24 - Прокат и аренда строительных инструментов