Beknazarova, S., Xamroyev, D., & Absamitov, B. (2022). MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DESIGN OF ROADS AND RAILWAYS. Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-информационных технологий на транспорте, 1(1), 74–77.
Saida Beknazarova, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi

doctor of technical Sciences, professor,

Doston Xamroyev, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi


Bexruz Absamitov, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi




The article discusses the issues of design, construction and operation of highways, which include a huge number of tasks related to both planning, project coordination with existing infrastructure, and solving local technical problems. Each project involves a large number of participants whose interests should be taken into account. Information modeling, special software help to solve these and other tasks.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-

информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021


Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)





Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent University of Information

Technologies named by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



student of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named

by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


student of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named

by Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



The article discusses the issues of design, construction and operation

of highways, which include a huge number of tasks related to both planning, project
coordination with existing infrastructure, and solving local technical problems. Each
project involves a large number of participants whose interests should be taken into
account. Information modeling, special software help to solve these and other tasks.


modern information technologies, information design of roads and


Recently, there has been a significant increase in the requirements on the part

of the customer for the quality of transport facilities projects in the context of the need
to shorten the design time. In this regard, an urgent task is the introduction of new
technologies at all stages of project development from engineering surveys to
computational justification and design.

Modern design technologies assume, firstly, the use of professional software to

solve the tasks, secondly, the availability of special means of organizing joint work
on the project, which allows to increase the reliability of data and minimize the time
for approving changes, and thirdly, the possibility of designing a transport structure
as a single object, including interconnected elements. In this case, making changes
to one element automatically leads to changes in others related to it, which, in turn,
significantly reduces the design time. Let

’s consider the main characteristics of

software tools on the basis of which a modern technology for designing infrastructure
facilities can be built, as well as examples of tasks solved with their help.

GeODin Program. This program is designed to process engineering and

geological survey data. Engineering and geological surveys are a necessary stage
of the pre-project study of the territory provided for construction. The results obtained
at this stage largely determine the technology of design and construction, as well as
provide the necessary data on the characteristics of soils that are used in the
calculation justification [1].

To solve the problems of processing field and laboratory research data in the

technological chain under consideration, it is proposed to use the GeODin program
developed by the German company FUGRO. This program allows you to perform not

background image

“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-

информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021


Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)


only data processing to obtain the necessary graphs and tables, but also to create a
Database of Geological Data of the territory, which can be replenished, adjusted and
used in the design of other objects.

Plaxis software package. This complex is designed to carry out the design

justification of the project, taking into account the joint work of structural elements in
a complex geotechnical system

“structure-base”, taking into account the technology

of construction of the object and its further operation. For linear structures, first of all,
calculations are performed to substantiate projects of road embankments for various
purposes. When performing these calculations, the design engineer faces a large
number of complex geotechnical tasks. These tasks are related to the need to take
into account a number of important provisions and factors in the project, which

– the geological structure of an inhomogeneous soil base, the properties of soils

and the mechanical processes occurring in them;

– special construction conditions related to the proximity of existing structures,

the availability of utilities;

– technologies for the construction of the roadbed and technologies for the

artificial improvement of the foundation soils;

– application of combined building structures of ground and underground

structures and their interaction with the ground;

– static and dynamic loading conditions during construction and operation of the


The correct choice of the solution of the tasks facing designers determines the

high rates of efficiency and reliability of the constructed and operated transport
construction facilities.

One of the modern software tools for geotechnical calculations is the Plaxis

software package, which is a package of applied computing programs for finite
element analysis of the stress-strain state of complex geotechnical systems [2].

The AutoCAD Civil 3D program
The program offers the technology of designing the future. The use of this

program allows you to solve the problems of processing geodetic survey data
(creating a top plane and a digital terrain model) and designing transport facilities in
a single information environment. This practically eliminates the need to convert data
from one program to another, which, as a rule, is associated with the loss of time,
and sometimes the data itself. But most importantly, AutoCAD Civil 3D implements
the approach of designing a road as a single three-dimensional object. The
necessary working documentation

– drawings of the plan, profile, sections,

statements and tables are created on the basis of this model.

All Civil 3D objects have logical connections to each other. The structure of

these connections can be traced in the following diagram:

Due to this relationship, the 3D model of the projected object is dynamic, i.e.

when the source data changes, it is completely updated. For example, after making
changes to the earth

’s surface data, the longitudinal profile is updated, the corridor is

rebuilt, the cross-sections are changed, volumes are recalculated and new
parameters are entered into tables and drawings. Thus, all work is carried out only
on the basis of up-to-date data.

background image

“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-

информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021


Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)


Dynamic three-dimensional model simultaneously with the powerful functionality

of the program can significantly reduce the time of considering several options,
developing projects of any complexity, making changes.

With the help of the AutoCAD Civil 3D program, you can develop projects for

both the construction of new and reconstruction of existing roads and railways,
transport interchanges and many other infrastructure facilities.

As an example, we can consider several typical projects performed in the

AutoCAD Civil 3D program.

The first project is a two-level transport interchange of the

“clover leaf” type. As

part of this project, a three-dimensional model of the entire object was created. The
initial data were surface points, routes of intersecting main roads with longitudinal
profiles and typical cross-sections.

Taking into account the geometry of the cross sections, circular exits were

originally designed, and then right

– hand ones. The removal of the transverse slope

at the exits from 20% to 40% was provided by means of an additional longitudinal
profile along the outer edge of the exit.

Models of all exits and main roads were created as separate corridors, which

made it possible to determine the amount of excavation and materials separately for
each exit and for each road.

The second project is the reconstruction of a city street. Within the framework

of this project, the tasks of reconstructing the carriageway of the avenue with adjacent
sidewalks and preserving red lines were solved [3].

The dynamic model created in the AutoCAD Civil 3D program made it possible

to quickly determine the optimal level of the axis of the roadway, taking into account
the position of the drainage wells and the marks of the red lines.

The third project is the reconstruction of the intersection. To ensure drainage,

longitudinal profiles were designed along the trays, and the complicated geometry
was described with the help of additional routes. Linking the corridor model to
additional routes and profiles made it possible to take into account all the nuances of
the urban intersection.

Working in the AutoCAD Civil 3D program is based on working with objects and

their types, so by setting a new type, you can easily change the appearance of
objects on the screen or in the drawing. This approach makes it possible to adjust to
industry standards for the design of drawings.

To date, the task of computer-aided design is solved to one degree or another

by most design organizations, while the issue of teamwork and project management
often remains unresolved. To solve this problem, Autodesk offers the Vault
application, which is included in the delivery of AutoCAD Civil 3D. The Autodesk Vault
program allows you to organize projects that are available to users with certain rights.
The advantage of this system is the ability to add to projects and further work with
absolutely any files. Any change is recorded in the project log, which allows you to
track who and when edited the data and, if necessary, restore any version of the file.

A distinctive feature of the Autodesk Vault program is its integration into Civil

3D. This allows you to access the project directly from the AutoCAD Civil 3D program,
as well as create links to individual drawing objects: surfaces, routes, profiles, etc [4].

background image

“Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-

информационных технологий на транспорте” АВРИИТТ-2021


Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 24-25 ноября 2021 года)


Modern operating conditions of infrastructure facilities impose ever-increasing

requirements for design work of both new construction and repair and reconstruction.
It is possible to meet such requirements only if new design technologies are
introduced and modern software is used.


1. Fedotov G.A. Automated design of highways / G.A. Fedotov.

– M.: Transport,


– P. 317.

2. Fedotov G.A., Pospelov P.I. Surveys and design of highways. In 2 books.

Book 1: Textbook.

– M.: Higher School, 2009 – P. 646.

3. Zhukhovitsky G. Problems of introducing end-to-end digital technologies into

practice / G. Zhukhovitsky, A. Pigin // Roads of Russia of the XXI century.

– 2002 –

No. 1

– P. 68–70.

4. Suzko I.V. CREDO system MASTER PLAN 1

– advanced features designing

objects of the general plan / I.V. Suzko, T.V. Tarasevich // Automated research and
design technologies.

– 2005 – No. 4 – PP. 8–14





Муҳаммад ал-Хоразмий номли Тошкент ахборот технологиялари





Бир неча 10 йиллар давомида тимсолларни таниб олиш соҳаси







йўналишлардан бири бўлиб қолмоқда. Охирги йилларда тимсолларни таниб






фойдаланиб, ҳал қилинаётган амалий масалаларнинг сони ҳам узлуксиз ортиб
бормоқда. Шунга қарамай, ҳозирги кунда белгилар фазоси ўлчамининг
катталигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда таниб олиш алгоритмларини синтез қилиш
муаммолари етарли даражада ўрганилмаган [1-3].

Мазкур мақоланинг асосий мақсади белгилар фазосининг ўлчами катта

эканлигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда таниб олиш алгоритмлари моделларини
ишлаб чиқишдан иборат. Ушбу мақсадга эришиш учун қуйидагиларни амалга
ошириш керак: 1) таниб олиш алгоритмларининг ҳозирги ҳолатини таҳлил
қилиш ва тадқиқот масаласини аниқлаш; 2) белгилар фазосининг ўлчами катта
бўлганлигини ҳисобга олган ҳолда тимсолларни таниб олиш алгоритмлари
моделларини ишлаб чиқиш; 3) модель масалаларни ечишда ишлаб чиқилган
таниб олиш алгоритмларини синовдан ўтказиш.

Библиографические ссылки

Fedotov G.A. Automated design of highways / G.A. Fedotov. - M.: Transport, 1986 - P. 317.

Fedotov G.A., Pospelov P.I. Surveys and design of highways. In 2 books. Book 1: Textbook. - M.: Higher School, 2009 - P. 646.

Zhukhovitsky G. Problems of introducing end-to-end digital technologies into practice / G. Zhukhovitsky, A. Pigin // Roads of Russia of the XXI century. - 2002 -No. 1 - P. 68-70.

Suzko I.V. CREDO system MASTER PLAN 1 - advanced features designing objects of the general plan / I.V. Suzko, T.V. Tarasevich // Automated research and design technologies. - 2005 - No. 4 - PP. 8-14.

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