In the world, scientific research is being conducted to improve the quality level of digital television images, methods for modeling filtration processes and highly efficient control systems in a number of priority areas, including: on the formation of mathematical models of filtration processes, improving the methods of wavelet, Fourier, Haar, Walsh-Hadamard, Karhunen-Loev in increasing the clarity and brightness of images based on linear and nonlinear differential equations; creation of methods for eliminating additive, pulsed and adaptive-Gaussian types of noise in images using additive and adaptive filtering; methods of algorithms and software for introducing intra-frame and inter-frame image transformations; methods of adaptive brightness system control using the Chebyshev matrix series; methods of gradient, static and Laplace methods for image segmentation and dividing it into contours; formation of criteria and conditions for evaluating image quality. Conducting scientific research in the above research areas confirms the relevance of the topic of this article.