Механизм взаимодействия приоритетов продовольственного обеспечения и стратегии развития агропромышленного комплекса

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Эгамбердиев, Х. (2024). Механизм взаимодействия приоритетов продовольственного обеспечения и стратегии развития агропромышленного комплекса. Международный научный журнал «ALFRAGANUS», 1(3), 35–39. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/alfraganus/article/view/29820


В статье рассматривается механизм взаимодействия приоритетов продовольственного обеспечения и стратегий развития агропромышленного комплекса. Понятие “импортное продовольствие”, а также положительные и отрицательные последствия этой политики влияют на национальную экономику в целом. При этом рассматривается взаимосвязь между проведением политики импортозамещения в сельском хозяйстве и продовольственной безопасностью регионов. Автор рассматривает сущность понятия “продовольственное обеспечение”, а также вопросы и критерии, связанные с обеспечением продовольственной безопасности на уровне региона. При определении основных целей политики импортозамещения для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности автор анализирует направления совершенствования доктрины продовольственной безопасности, используемой в рамках политики импортозамещения для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны

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Khumoyun Kh. Egamberdiev ¹


The article considers the mechanism of interaction of priorities of food provision and strategies for the

development of the agro-industrial complex. The notion of “imported food” as well as the positive and negative

consequences of this policy impact the national economy, as a whole. Herewith, it considers the interrelation

between pursuing the policy of import substitution in agriculture and the food safety of regions. The author considers

the essence of the notion of “food provision”, as well as questions and criteria related to ensuring food safety on

the level of the region. When defining the basic goals of the import substitution policy to ensure food safety, the

author analyzes the areas of improving the doctrine of food safety used within the import substitution policy to

ensure the food safety of the country.

¹ PhD “Иқтисод ва молия” кафедраси, ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY, Тошкент, Ўзбекистон, Почта: humoyun7807@mail.ru@mail.ru;

ORCID: 0000-0003-1228-3434

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Rural areas and the agricultural sector are currently

experiencing a radically new social and economic

situation that barely fits the existing national agricultural

policy as a long-term instrument for stimulating the agri-

food market and the government’s support of the agrarian

sector and, primarily, agriculture that underlies it. In the

age of globalization of national agri-food markets, food

supply security based on import substitution can be

ensured in a macroeconomic environment that favors

the development of a competitive agricultural industry.

In the course of human history, the provision of

food to the population has been one of the most crucial

government tasks. The country’s food security is an

integral part of its national security. Improving the

provision of high-quality food to the population is an

essential socio-economic task, the solution of which is

of great importance for Uzbekistan.


In compliance with this thesis, from theoretical and

methodological positions, it is necessary to make some

clarifications to several concepts that are of fundamental

importance in the development of an effective agri-food

policy in the formation of a sustainable food security

system at different territorial levels.

From the methodological aspect, the mechanism of

interaction of priorities of food provision and strategies

for the development of the agro-industrial complex

and enhancing of competitiveness of (regional)

agro-industrial complex make a socially organized

and institutionally arranged process of cooperation

co-ordination of decision making at a macro level, on

one hand, and at mezzo and micro-levels on the other

hand, in order to provide a competitive level of quality

and process of final products of processing and trade

in the agro-industrial complex through the development


В статье рассматривается механизм взаимодействия приоритетов продовольственного обеспе-

чения и стратегий развития агропромышленного комплекса. Понятие “импортное продовольствие”,

а также положительные и отрицательные последствия этой политики влияют на национальную

экономику в целом. При этом рассматривается взаимосвязь между проведением политики импорто-

замещения в сельском хозяйстве и продовольственной безопасностью регионов. Автор рассматри-

вает сущность понятия “продовольственное обеспечение”, а также вопросы и критерии, связанные с

обеспечением продовольственной безопасности на уровне региона. При определении основных целей

политики импортозамещения для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности автор анализирует

направления совершенствования доктрины продовольственной безопасности, используемой в рамках

политики импортозамещения для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны.


Maqolada oziq-ovqat bilan ta’minlashning ustuvor yo’nalishlari va agrosanoat majmuasini rivojlantirish

strategiyalarining o’zaro ta’siri mexanizmi ko’rib chiqildi. “Import qilingan oziq-ovqat” tushunchasi, shuningdek,

ushbu siyosatning ijobiy va salbiy oqibatlari umuman milliy iqtisodiyotga ta’sirini o’rganib chiqildi. Qishloq xo’jaligida

import o’rnini bosish siyosati va hududlarning oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi o’rtasidagi o’zaro bog’liqlikni o’rganildi. Muallif

“oziq-ovqat bilan ta’minlash” tushunchasining mohiyatini, shuningdek, mintaqa darajasida oziq-ovqat xavfsizligini

ta’minlash bilan bog’liq savollar va mezonlar yoritildi. Oziq-ovqat xavfsizligini ta’minlash uchun import o’rnini bosish

siyosatining asosiy maqsadlarini belgilashda muallif mamlakatning oziq-ovqat xavfsizligini ta’minlash uchun import

o’rnini bosish siyosatida ishlatiladigan oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi doktrinasini takomillashtirish yo’nalishlarini tahlil qilindi.


Food provision, region, imported food, subcomplex, food safety, food provision

appropriate management mechanism WTO, Agro-Industrial Complex, food security, agricultural sector.

Ключевые слова:

Продовольственное обеспечение, регион, импортные продукты пита-

ния, подкомплекс, продовольственная безопасность, соответствующий механизм управле-

ния продовольственным обеспечением, Агропромышленный комплекс, продовольственная

безопасность, сельскохозяйственный сектор.

Kalit so’zlar:

Oziq-ovqat bilan ta’minlash, mintaqa, import qilingan oziq-ovqat, subkompleks,

oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi, oziq-ovqat ta’minoti tegishli boshqaruv mexanizmi, agrosanoat majmuasi,

oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi, qishloq xo’jaligi sektori.

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and implementation of business and technological

innovations and new forms of social and economic

organization and division of labor.


Food security is a complex concept containing

at least two significations. The first is related to the

purely economic process of food provision. The

second is caused by the importance of food security

to maintain national security in its internal and external


In scientific publications, this concept of «food

security» is interpreted in several ways. Thus, the food

security of Uzbekistan and its regions is understood as

«such a guaranteed level of quantitative and qualitative

provision of food available to all, in which the maximum

possible average life expectancy of people in modern

conditions is achieved» [1].

Many authors consider the concept of food security

as well as the ability of the state to guarantee the

satisfaction of the needs of the population of the country

for food at a level that ensures its normal functioning. At

the same time, an important condition for the country’s

food security is the satisfaction of the main part of the

food needs at the expense of domestic production.

This vital function is carried out by the agro-industrial

complex (AIC).

The food security of the regions is based «on a

rational division of labor in the field of agricultural

production, a rational combination in the consumption

of local and imported products, the absence of any

barriers to interregional food trade» [2].

The reliability of the state’s food security is

determined by several indicators, the most essential

of which is the following:

the level of agricultural production of the

country; the degree of self-sufficiency in food; the

availability of rolling stocks; the level of consumption

of critical products and the degree of availability of

food for the poorest part of the population and the

size of this group;

in general, the food security of our country

consists of the level of food self-sufficiency of each

of its regions, if we approach this problem not only

from the standpoint of stable self-sufficiency in

agricultural products, raw materials, and food but

also from the employment of the rural population.

After all, it is possible to solve the problem of agri-

food products through its import, especially since

initially, until the complete cessation of domestic

agricultural production, prices for it will be lower

than prices for food produced in the country. Such

a situation is quite possible in the case, for example,

of a country’s accession to the WTO.

Naturally, such a variant of the country’s food

provision is not admissible, since it does not meet

the interests of its security — not only food, but also

economic. However, this raises several questions that

require explanation:

1. If the country’s food security system consists

of the volume of production of agricultural products,

raw materials, and food in the regions as subjects

of the republic and collectively constituting a single

whole - the country, then is there a problem with

food security of a single region (or several regions),

or should we talk only about their self-sufficiency?

2. At what proportion of regions in the country

are unable to self-sustain themselves with the major

types of agri-food products produced in them, we

can discuss the following problems:

the critical level of food security of the state as

a whole or only its regions;

food security at the regional level;

food security and food independence of the


3. Who exactly at the state level is responsible

for observing the acceptable level of food security

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of an individual in each region?

4. At what proportion of regions that are unable

to ensure food independence, that is, incapable of

bringing food self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs to a

normative level, can we assert the critical importance

of food dependence of the country as a whole?

5. In determining the level of food independence

of a country, should we proceed from the optimal

value of food dependence, taking into account the

expansion of world economic relations, in the whole

country, or from the maximum level of self-sufficiency

of most of its regions?

6. Is it possible to consider the country’s food

security achieved if it is provided only for a short

period, for example, for one year, or is it necessary

to take into account several years?

In connection with the above-mentioned, the

following definition could be given: «The food supply

of the region is a process of sustainable satisfaction of

the population in food products within the framework

of scientifically-based medical standards, taking into

account its gender and age groups and effective

demand on the basis of more efficient use of the

resources of the food subcomplex and the use of a

competitive food wholesale and retail system that meets

its interests, capable of optimizing the distribution of

regional and imported food in large cities, industrial

centers, and individual territorial formations, as well

as ensuring its implementation at affordable prices for

the majority of the population with an optimal share of

imports.» The concept of «imported food» includes food

products imported to the region not only from far and

near abroad but also from other regions of the country

within the framework of existing trade relations.

At the same time, the regulatory role of the state here

should be manifested, in our opinion, in the organization

of a more purposeful distribution of imported food flows

to domestic regions, using legislative and legal levers

and a motivational mechanism corresponding to the

interests of the region. For instance, in the northern

territories, where the level of food self-sufficiency is

low and agricultural production is high-cost, food is

imported from far and near abroad. It should be noted

that the employment of the rural population in such

regions is carried out on the basis of the development

of diversified agricultural entrepreneurship, as well as

through the production of agricultural products in private

subsidiary farms. The missing agro-food products in

other, non-northern territorial formations are imported

from other regions of Uzbekistan. The question remains

open, how much agricultural products to produce

in the regions and how much to import is a serious

socio-economic problem. It affects the interests of

the state, entrepreneurship, and the population of the

regions associated with increasing rural employment

based on the development of agricultural production,

preserving the rural lifestyle and the multifunctional

role of agriculture and strengthening the country’s food


In the available literary sources, several variants of

the approach to determining the level of food security

related to food security and food independence are

proposed. Thus, in one source, an attempt is made to

solve the problem based on mathematical modeling,

based on the production of the main types of agricultural

products necessary to meet the average per capita

needs at the level of the consumer basket, taking into

account such factors as the level of state financial

support for agriculture, the volume of imported food, the

size of household incomes, the level of environmental

pollution of agricultural products [3].


In another, the state of food security is assessed

by such indicators as the sufficiency of minimum

costs, pensions, and benefits for access of socially

vulnerable groups to food at the level of established

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norms, the minimum required volume of production of

agri-food products, the size of transitional and strategic

food stocks for two levels (sufficient and minimum

necessary), as well as the real volume and quality

of nutrition in the context of these levels. Thirdly, a

«multifactorial influence on the economic availability of

food (according to 25 indicators) is given based on a

comparison of per capita income of the population and

retail prices» [4]. At the same time, the level of economic

availability of food can be determined by taking into

account the volume and structure of food purchases by

different categories of the population, with the addition of

such indicators as the volume of imported and exported

food, the size of state food funds and reserves, as well

as the volume of food for national needs.

An attempt at an integrated approach to assessing

the possibilities of food self-sufficiency in the region

was first made by V. Maslakov. However, even in

this methodological approach, there is no connection

between the assessment and the development

opportunities of the regional agro-industrial complex,

especially its agricultural sector, which is the basis for

creating a sustainable regional food supply system [5].

At the same time, it is taken into account that the priority

development of the agricultural sector directly consists

of a set of strategies and tasks for each agricultural

enterprise in the region. In this regard, the following

definition could be proposed: «The priority development

of an organization —agro-enterprise) is, firstly, the

choice and justification of its mission, the main and

related goals of socio-economic development; secondly,

it is the development of a mechanism (algorithm) for

solving problems that ensures the choice of the optimal

option for achieving the main and related tasks with

minimal resource consumption and overcoming various

kinds of risks; thirdly, it is a mechanism for achieving

competitive advantages in the market, provided that the

rational interaction of the enterprise with the surrounding

market and environmental environments is ensured»[6].


An essential stage is the selection of tasks, the

solution of which in a logical sequence will ensure the

processes of optimizing the choice of a rational option

for achieving the main and related goals. Moreover, the

optimality of the resulting development option, obtained

with minimal expenditure of resources, should be

adjusted to minimize the cumulative risk. As for specific

advantages, the mechanism for achieving them is very

complex, since it is necessary to take into account not

only the relevant antitrust legislation, which is related

to the market environment but also the violation of

requirements that can be prosecuted by the law.

Therefore, the enterprise’s desire to achieve

competitive advantages in the market should take

place on the condition of ensuring the harmonization of

relations with the business environment, the population

of the territories, and the state. This conclusion is typical

for the agro-industrial complex as a whole. However,

the implementation of the selected priorities will require

an appropriate management mechanism.

1. Vartanova M. L. Food security of the country and the ways out of the global

food crisis: monograph /Vartanova M. L. — Moscow: Biblio-Globus, 2016.

2. Kostyaev A. I., Timofeev, M. W. National and regional food security //SB.

scientific works of the International jubilee conference. — Moscow : RASKHN,

UNITECH, 2000. S. 500.

3. Ezersky, E. N., Pavlova, S. N., Drokin, V. V., Postweb, A. L. Formation of

a regional system of food security. - Yekaterinburg : UrGSHA, 2004.

4. Altukhov, A. I. Methodology for determining the level of food security of the country //

Agroindustrial complex : economics, management. 2006. No. 8. p. 2.

5. Zmami M, Ben-Salha O. What factors contribute to the volatility of food prices? New global

evidence. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2023;69(5):171-184. doi: 10.17221/99/2023-AGRICECON.

6. Benton, T. & Bailey, R. (2019) The paradox of productivity: agricultural productivity promotes

food system inefficiency. Global Sustainability, 2, E6.


Библиографические ссылки

Vartanova M. L. Food security of the country and the ways out of the global food crisis: monograph /Vartanova M. L. — Moscow: Biblio-Globus, 2016.

Kostyaev A. I., Timofeev, M. W. National and regional food security //SB. scientific works of the International jubilee conference. — Moscow : RASKHN, UNITECH, 2000. S. 500.

Ezersky, E. N., Pavlova, S. N., Drokin, V. V., Postweb, A. L. Formation of a regional system of food security. - Yekaterinburg : UrGSHA, 2004.

Altukhov, A. I. Methodology for determining the level of food security of the country // Agroindustrial complex : economics, management. 2006. No. 8. p. 2.

Zmami M, Ben-Salha O. What factors contribute to the volatility of food prices? New global evidence. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2023;69(5):171-184. doi: 10.17221/99/2023-AGRICECON.

Benton, T. & Bailey, R. (2019) The paradox of productivity: agricultural productivity promotes food system inefficiency. Global Sustainability, 2, E6

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