The benefits of utilizing races in introducing vocabulary resource (at higher educational institutions) | Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков

The benefits of utilizing races in introducing vocabulary resource (at higher educational institutions)

Нематов, Б., & Абдухакимова, К. (2022). The benefits of utilizing races in introducing vocabulary resource (at higher educational institutions). Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 312–313. извлечено от
Б Нематов, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

Научный руководитель

К Абдухакимова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков




This paper work is written to demonstrate several advantages of introducing new words with the help of games in teaching process at higher educational institutions. Mostly games are given below with an acute examples and explanations as well. They help us to understand clearly how can we use them in real lessons without any hesitations. Moreover, using games improves
teachers’ self- confidence and inspire not only educators but also learners to study in effective way

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Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar


Мухаммаджонов, Ф. М. O’rta maktab o’quvchilarining ingliz tili o’rganishda duch keladigan

qiyinchiliklari /

Ф. М. Мухаммаджонов, Д. Р. Юсупова. Молодой ученый. 2016. № 3.1 (107.1). С. 48-50. URL: (дата обращения: 01.05.2022).


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Barkamol avlod orzusi. Т.: «Sharq», 1998, 144-b.


O’quvchi ma’naviyatini shakllantirish (Sinfdan va maktabdan tashqari tarbiyaviy ishlar konsepsiyasi). Т.

«Sharq», 2000.327-b.



Scientific supervisor: B.M.Nematov

Student: K.A.Abdukhakimova


This paper work is written to demonstrate several advantages of introducing new words

with the help of games in teaching process at higher educational institutions.
Mostly games are given below with an acute examples and explanations as well. They help us to understand
clearly how can we use them in real lessons without any hesitations. Moreover, using games improves
teachers’ self- confidence and inspire not only educators but also learners to study in effective way.

Key words:

Benefits, races, resources, new inspire, higher educational institutions (H.E.I)

In contemporary life, lessons without any games and high technologies seems too boring to conduct

lesson for teachers. That is why, in order to have aninteresting lesson, actually, to teach new vocabulary, we
should use different ways of introducing new words with the help of games. Some races and in general
games are the crucial notion for fluent teachers. Some games with explanations in order to pass lessons in
efficient way are given below.


This type of games is one of the popular game. This way of teaching new vocabulary help learners to

remember words easily. After explaining new topic, teachers can use word games in order to check whether
students understand last topic or not. Word game is conducted with the help of some letters.
Letters are printed beforehand and kept in 2 the same envelops. It depends on the quantity of students also. If
there are many students you can divide them into 3 groups. Questions, to be more precise, quiz can be
created differently according to the level of learners. If the level of learner is intermediate, teachers can give
simple questions and learners will find it quickly and try to gather letters. However, if the level of learner is
upper intermediate, teachers give a bit complex tasks and learner will find ready answer from envelop.
Teacher can put background music in order to raise mood of learners.


Acquisition of new words with its synonyms is a great way of learning by heart new vocabulary.

This way helps learners to remember better and change passive vocabulary into active one. Here is given
some tips how this game can be itilized with students.
.break all class into 2 mini groups
.giving each group half of vocabulary new words
.permit students use dictionary from all sources and try to find synonyms from their background knowledge.
.give turn to each group to read the list of synonyms what they find
.check whether groups can find what the word is based on its synonyms


One of the best way of involving whole class is using Pictionary. Flashcards for introducing new

vocabulary can help learner remind words. This way of teaching new words, create friendly atmosphere
between students and inspire them to learn new words in a fast way. Not only words but also some complex
phrases can be taught effectively. It isa not secret that some phrase verbs are complex for learners to
remember, but, if we teach them via flashcards they can learn them easily. Without a shadow of doubt, there

background image


are so many visual learners, that is why learning new words with the help of Pictionary is one of the most
essential part of making passive vocabulary into active one.


This game is mostly observed in teaching new words to young learners. However, we can use it with

the students as well in institutions. Teachers can make students to create their own bingo cards through
writing vocabulary in isolated spaces.
.Firstly, create cards and read all definitions

. students should be able to understand what words did you choose.

.tell learners to say “ BINGO” when they find 5 words in a line.

. provide a prize for winners that will raise students’ mood. [1]


After finishing input part of the lesson , you can use it so as to check students knowledge whether

they get new topic or not. Actually, this game is suitable at the end of the lesson which motivates students to
learn better. Just music an important part of this game
. put some music which should be energetic song
.give a ball to learners and start the game
.when some students can not catch it he or she should reply to questions
.questions should be taken from new words that are taught in the beginning part of the lesson.


For practicing synonyms and descriptions, taboo games are suitable. Have students to sit with looking
opposite to each other and divide them into 2. Team member will choose themselves one student who sit in
front of them in “hot seat”. Standing in behind the student who sit in “hot seat”, you raise a paper with word
on it, but, student in “hot seat” will not be able to see it. Then the game starts. Teams have some minutes to
explain the word on paper and student on “hot seat” should find it. You can give them 2 or 3 minutes to
explain the word.
Notion! There are some groups that consist of many students, for example, more than 12 students. In that
case, the class will be a bit noisy. In that situation you should have a game with one team.[2]


One of the common classroom vocabulary games is word search. This classroom activity is used

with handouts. There are several samples of word search that teachers can use according to their students’
language level. [3]
Taking all into account, there a great number of games that can be utilized in teaching new vocabulary for
student which make teaching process more enjoyable and interesting for not only teachers but also for
language learners.




Ilmiy rahbar: Mamayoqubova Shahlo Obloqulovna

Norbekova Maftuna SamDCHTI, 2 bosqich talabasi


Maqolada maktabgacha yosh davridagi bolalarning sensor taraqqiyoti va xususiyatlari

uni yoshga bog`liq xolatlari va aqliy taraqqiyotni sensor taraqqiyotga bog`liq ekanligi sensor taraqqiyotni
amalga oshirish yo`l-yo`riqlari ko`rsatib o`tilgan bo`lib sensor taraqqiyotni rivojlantiruvchi mashqlar va
o`yinlar haqida malumotlar berilgan.Bundan tashqari sensor taraqqiyot bo`yicha olib borilgan ilmiy ishlar va
olimlarning fikrlari bayon etilgan.

Kalit so`zlar:

Yosh, davr, sensor, taraqqiyot, xususiyat, aql, ilmiy ishlar,mashq,o`yin, xolat.

Maktabgacha yosh davri bolaning jismoniy fiziologik va psixologik taraqqiyotida muhim davr

ekanligi tufayli bu davrdagi bolaning psixik taraqqiyotini o‘rganish borasida bir qancha ilmiy tadqiqotlar olib
borilgan. Maktabgacha yosh davridagi bolaning sensor taraqqiyoti borasiga rus olimi L.A.Venger tatqiqotlar
olib borgan. U bolaning aqliy taraqqiyoti bilan sensor madaniyatning bog`liqligini psixologik jihatdan yoritib
bergan. Chunki u olamni bilishning idrok etish bilan bog`lanishini ko`rsatib o`tadi. Shu bilan birga u har bir
yosh davrida bolaning sensor taraqqiyoti xususiyatlarini yoritib berishga xarakat qilgan. Sensor taraqqiyotni

Библиографические ссылки

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